Lisa’s Party – Part 2

It was a few days after Lisa’s party. I was working at the garden centre. As I walked past a couple of work colleagues Tina and Frank I overheard them saying “That Lisa’s a man-eater” said Tina. “Not my type” said Frank. I stopped and said “Lisa is a lovely lady. Have you nothing better to do than talk crap”. I then walked away angrily. I didn’t realise that Lisa was in the next isle and had overheard.

Later that day I was sorting the flowers for delivery. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Lisa. She put her arms around me, gave me a long kiss and said “Thank you Honey”. “What for” I asked? “I heard what Fred and Tina were saying and I heard you defend me and say I was lovely” she replied. “You are lovely Lisa” I said. She hugged me even tighter. Her big boobs pushed against me.

She kissed me again. I felt my willy begin to stiffen. Lisa felt it against her and smiled “You really love my hugs then”. I nodded and smiled. She then rubbed her crotch against mine. It stiffened more. She kissed me again and said “I better let you finish sorting the flowers”. She walked away and with my erection I continued working.

The day before the next party she asked if I was coming. “I shall be there” I assured her. The following evening I parked up and rang the doorbell. Lisa answered wearing a red dress which showed her amazing cleavage. She hugged me and kissed me softly. When in the hall she said “Before we go in do you remember the lady who was watching us last week?” Asked Lisa. “The pretty lady who was touching herself?” I replied. “Yes that’s her” she said “Her names Beth. She’s been a friend of mine for years. She often comes to these parties and watches. Never joins in. I spoke to her a few days ago on the phone and she said that when you and I were making love on the sofa she said it was beautiful and gentle. I asked if she would maybe like to make love to you at the party and she said yes. Are you ok with that?” “Definitely Lisa” I replied. “That’s wonderful Honey. I shall introduce you to her” said Lisa.

Lisa led me first into the lounge. Her husband was in there. I said hello to him and some others. Then she took me into the dining room and kitchen. I said hello to some others there also and then I saw Beth standing by a sofa. Lisa introduced us. “I let you two talk then” said Lisa as she walked away. Beth was wearing a shimmering dark blue top and blue skirt. She had medium length brown hair and warm brown eyes. She smiled warmly to me. We talked for a while. She told me she was single as am I. She was fifty years old. Told me about her job etc. She spoke quietly and was nice to talk to.

Then the bell rang and Lisa announced it’s time to have fun. Everyone began to move around to pair off. Lisa and I were standing by the sofa. A couple on a big chair began undressing and caressing. In the kitchen I could see a man having sex with a lady who was bent over the table. He got aroused quickly I thought. I asked Lisa if she’d like to sit down. She agreed.

There was a couple on the floor who were masturbating each other. Lisa was watching them. I looked down at her boobs. They were nice and plump and I could see her nipples sticking out through her top. I asked her “Would you like to make love?”. She looked at me and said “That’d be lovely”.

I leant forward and kissed her softly on the lips. I kissed her again then kissed her cheeks and down to her neck. She moaned softly. I caressed her sides and her hips also. Beth then took off her top. She was wearing a white lace bra. “That’s a pretty bra” I said. She smiled. I took off my shirt and Beth began to kiss my chest. It felt lovely. My willy was hardening. I put my arms around her and undid her bra. She slid it off. Her plump boobs wobbled. I kissed them gently while pulling her nipples. She moaned quietly again.

She then lifted her bum so she could pull down her skirt. She took off her panties also. They were white lace also. She sat back in the chair her brown pussy hair looked so inviting. My willy was fully stiff now. I stood up and pulled down my trousers and boxers. My willy bounced as the boxers slid over them. I sat back down. Beth then took a condom off of the table and placed it on my willy.

She then leant over and began to suck it. Moving her mouth up and down. She gently squeezed my balls. I moaned softly. She did this for a few minutes. My willy was throbbing. I then told her to lay down on the sofa. I parted her legs and saw her sweet pink pussy amongst the brown hair. I put my head between her thighs and began kissing her hair then her pussy. She moaned more. Then I pulled her vagina lips open and seeing her clitoris I began to lick it. She moaned louder.

I began to lick faster, she moaned more and more. Then I felt her body tremble. She then shook all over as she came. She held my head as she did against her pussy. When she finished and wasn’t so breathless she smiled down at me. I then said “Would you like me to carry on?” “Yes please” said Beth. So I gently laid on top of her, kissed her on the lips and with one hand on my willy I guided it into her pussy. It was so wet and tight. I put it all in and Beth gasped.

I slowly moved in and out. I was laying on top of Beth so I could kiss her at the same time. I kept moving in and out. Gradually increasing speed. Beth was moaning loudly. My groin was tingling. “I shall come soon Beth” I said. “So shall I” replied Beth. I kept thrusting into her. Her hard nipples were pushing against my chest. I thrust faster. As I did Beth said “I’m coming” and her body shuddered and shook again. As her come sprayed my willy I came also. My balls unloaded as waves of pleasure went through my groin.

I held Beth tight as we were both shaking. We looked into each other’s eyes. After a few minutes we heard moaning. We turned to look and saw Lisa had pulled up a chair next to us to watch. She was masturbating. We smiled and sat up. Beth removed my condom and wiped my willy. I thanked her. Lisa kept masturbating while we watched. She was caressing her big boobs and fingering her shaven pussy. Her pussy was swollen and her lips were the type that stuck out. They were beautiful.

After a little while she moaned so loud everyone looked around as she come. She sat back exhausted. Her husband then walked up to her. “You enjoying yourself I see” he said. “I was watching these two make love and I had to masturbate as they made me so horny”. He laughed. Her husband walked away and Lisa, Beth and I sat there naked. We were watching the others make love and we talked a little.

I had my arm around Beth and occasionally caressed her sides. It was lovely sitting there naked. I didn’t care if the other men’s Willy’s were bigger. After an hour or so people were getting dressed to go home. Lisa was up and saying goodbye to them. Beth then said she’d better be going. I said “It was wonderful meeting you and making love to you”. She hugged me and said “It was and you were wonderful. So kind and caring”. “Shall you be at the next party?” She asked. “I hope so” I replied.

Just then Lisa walked up to me. “Can I have a word Honey?” She said. “Certainly” I replied. I stood up still naked. Beth was putting on her bra and panties. Lisa hugged and kissed her and said “Phone you next week”. I said “Goodbye” to Beth then Lisa held my hand and led me to the kitchen which was now empty of people. “You have a nice time Honey with Beth?” Asked Lisa. “She’s lovely” I said “and it was great”. Lisa smiled and said “What I wanted to talk to you about is this. My husband and I occasionally like to do threesomes. Would you like to join us?” “I would Lisa however I only like to make love to women not men” I replied. Lisa laughed loudly. “You wouldn’t be making love to my husband Honey. You’d both be making love to me and I shall be making love to you both. You two won’t be touching each other. I smiled and said “That’s ok then. I’d love too”. Lisa wrapped her arms around me and kissed me tenderly on the lips.

“You know I love you” she said. I hugged her tight and said “I love you too”. She kissed me again. Her husband walked in with some empty glasses. “Honey said he’d love to do a threesome” said Lisa. “That’s great news” said her husband. He slapped me gently on the shoulder and went to fetch more glasses. Lisa was still hugging me tight. Her wet pussy felt amazing against my willy which was beginning to stiffen again. Lisa felt it against her, smiled and said “I always make you stiff”. “You do” I said “It’s because your beautiful”. As I said that she rubbed her wet pussy against my willy and it stiffened even more. She laughed and said “I’d better let you go otherwise you won’t be able to get your trousers on”. She led me back to the dining room where my clothes were while holding my hand. I put my boxers on over my quite stiff willy. Then put my trousers on and my shirt. “You can see the bulge” said Lisa laughing “Its dark out so no one should notice”.

She led me out to the hall. Her husband was walking out of the lounge with glasses. “You going now young man?”. I nodded. He shook my hand and walked away. “I’ll talk to you on Monday about arranging an evening for the threesome Honey” said Lisa. “That’s great” I said. I leant forward and kissed her on the lips and said goodnight. When I sat in the car I was already looking forward to the threesome.