Little Larry pt1

That’s when I noticed it. I mean honestly, there was no way I could have missed it. It was only six inches away from my face.

I stopped to check in on Larry on my way to bed. Larry was our 12 year old adopted son. Today was his 12th birthday, so my husband and I took him and two of his best friends to Disneyland for the day, and stayed until they closed at 11PM. Now he was totally wiped out and sleeping like a rock.

I shut off his bedroom light and closed the door and went to mine and Don’s room. I entered the bedroom to find my husband lying there naked, with the sheet pushed down to his knees, his hands behind his head and his penis is hard as a rock and throbbing with his heartbeat.

“Let me guess, you’re thinking about the first time you caught me?” I asked him coyly.

“You know me too well.” He replied as he took his penis in his hand and began to slowly stroke it. He was referring to the time he caught me molesting Larry.

Let me start at the beginning. Larry was my husband’s best friend’s son. My husband Don and Larry’s father Ivory, we’re friends since junior high school, and joined the Army together. They both served in Afghanistan together. With only one week left in their tour, Ivory was killed by an IED.

When Don finished his tour and came home, he made sure Larry and Lashana, his mother and Ivory’s wife, had everything they needed. Unfortunately, Lashana couldn’t handle being a single mother. She started drinking and doing drugs. After a while it wasn’t uncommon for her to be passed out at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. One day, on her way to get more, whatever, she got into an accident and died instantly, leaving Larry an orphan. Neither Ivory nor Lashana had any other family, so Larry ended up as a ward of the state.

He was only 10 years old at the time. Don told me he wanted to adopt Larry. He didn’t want him ending up with some random family somewhere. I agreed. After all, we were Uncle Don and Auntie Linda, and a little Larry was practically family anyway. Larry was a wonderful little boy, and we had known him since he was born . I knew he would fit into our family.

There was one little thing that would prove to be new terrain for us. Larry was black, and we were white.

We were worried the courts wouldn’t approve our adoption, thinking Larry would be better off with another black family. But because we knew little Larry for such a long time, the judge took that into consideration and approved the adoption.

We left the courthouse with Larry. We stopped at McDonald’s on the way home, and got him a Happy Meal and me and Don got the quarter pounder meal.

When we got home, I told Larry he needed a bath. I asked him if he was old enough to bathe himself, or did he need help. He said his mom always helped him, so I asked him if he wanted me to help him.

“Yes please.” He replied and such a sweet innocent voice. I had to admit, the young boy had good manners.

“Okay then, let’s go get your bath.” I took his hand and led him into the bathroom and started to draw his bath. Don decided he was going to watch the news, and went back out to the living room, while Larry and I proceeded with his bath. I was kneeling next to the tub checking the temperature of the water as it filled.

“Do you need help getting undressed?” I asked Larry.

“No, I can do that myself.” He said as he began to take his shirt off. It didn’t take him long to disrobe, and he wasn’t shy at all. He pushed his pants and underpants down at the same time, then put his hand on my shoulder to steady himself while he stepped out of them.

That’s when I noticed it. I mean honestly, there was no way I could have missed it. It was only six inches away from my face.

I have to say, I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, an expert on penises. I’ve only seen four in my entire life. But the second my eyes landed on little Larry’s penis, I knew I was looking at something special.

I’ve seen my husband’s penis in a flaccid state, more times than I can count. Flaccid, Don’s penis is about 2″. When he’s fully erect, it’s almost 5″.

Little Larry’s flaccid penis, was at least 2″. His small ball sack, was barely noticeable, but his penis, was most certainly noticeable.

I should mention, at age 12, his erect penis is 7 1/2″ and is as thick as a hot dog. He’s much larger than my husband now.

Back to my story, I was on my knees, as the tub filled and couldn’t stop staring at little Larry’s penis. Soon the tub had enough water for him to get in. Larry got in and sat down and immediately began playing with the bathtub toys we had gotten for him.

I soaped up a face clothe and began on his back. I continued to soap him down as I moved around to his front. Soon Larry began to try and stand up in the tub.

“Be careful honey, don’t stand up. You might slip and fall down.” I told him.

“But I have to stand up so you can finish washing me.” Larry told me.

“Oh, ok.” I replied as I began to run the washcloth over his buttocks and down his legs. I soaped it up again, then began moving it up the inside of his legs, until I got to his small scrotum. I began to rub it over his penis and testicles when he stopped me by grabbing a hold of my hand.

“Not like that, that’s not how Mommy does it.” He told me.

“How does Mommy do it?” I asked him.

He took the face clothe out of my hand, and set it aside. Then he picked up the bar of soap and handed it to me. “Get your hands all soapy with this.” he instructed me.

I took the bar of soap in my hand, and rubbed it between both my hands until I had an ample amount of soap on them. Then I set the bar down and asked, “now what?”

“Now you have to make my weenie big so you can wash it.” He told me, matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean, make it big?” I asked him.

He giggled, and said, “mommy says you have to wash it when its a pole, not a worm”, then he giggled again. He stood facing me, with his hands on his hips.

I knelt there, transfixed by his penis. Even though the little boy’s boyhood appeared to be the same size as my husband, as far as length, there was a thinness to his penis which, despite the obvious length, left no doubt as to the fact that it was a small boy’s penis, and not a mature man’s.

As if on autopilot, my hand began moving towards his genitals. I took his penis into my hand, and began to pull on it, very gently. Immediately, it began to stiffen. Within seconds, I had a full 5″ erection in in my hand.

Now, I had my husbands hard penis in my hand on many occasions, so I knew without a doubt that little Larry’s penis was the same length as my husband’s.

Seeing such a long penis attached to such a small body was very arousing. I could feel myself getting wet, even though I hadn’t touched myself.

I began to slowly stroke the thin, dark chocolate penis in my hand. Larry had a huge smile on his face and was holding himself steady by putting his hands on my shoulders as I molested him.

I don’t think I was consciously aware of the fact that I was molesting a ten-year-old boy. My hand acted like stroking a 10 year old boy’s penis was a normal occurrence. That is until I heard, “oh my God”.

I snapped out of my trance, and turned my head to see my husband Don standing in the doorway, eyes bugged out of his head, mouth wide open, and the most interesting thing was, he was gripping his cock through his pants.

Oddly, I never stopped stroking little Larry, even though my husband caught me red-handed, and was watching me molest the young boy. After a few minutes, Larry said “it’s almost clean Mommy, wash faster now, it’s almost clean.” Then he began to shudder, which I took to mean he was having an orgasm. I stroked him a little bit faster and he began to thrust his hips back and forth violently. It was getting harder and harder to hold his penis, but I managed.

Once little Larry calmed down, he seemed to realize he had called me Mommy.

“I’m sorry I called you mommy Auntie Linda.” he said to me in a quivering voice.

“Oh honey, I love that you called me Mommy. You can call me Mommy from now in, if you want to that is.” I told him as I continued to slowly stroke is still hard penis.

“Oh god, oh fuck, oh.” I heard Don say in the doorway. I turned to see him hunched over, gripping his crotch.

“Did you just cum in your pants hon?” I asked him knowingly, a huge grin on my face.

“I’m not sure what turned me on more, the fact that you were molesting a ten-year-old boy, or the size of that ten-year-old boys cock.” He said to me.

“Did Ivory have a big cock?” I asked my husband.

“Yeah, he did actually. The first time we showered together in junior high school, everybody noticed he was bigger than the rest of the class. I asked him once how big it was hard, and he told me to find out for myself. So I played with it until he got hard, then measured it. He was 10″, and too thick for me to close my hand around.” He told me.

“And what happened after you got him hard?” I asked.

“Well, obviously it would have been rude to just leave him hard, so I gave him a hand job.” He confessed to me.

I tried to picture in my mind, my husband stroking a big black, 10 inch cock, while at the same time, stroking his little 5-incher.

If I’m being honest, it was making me wetter than I’ve ever been in my life. In my mind, I was picturing my husband, sucking on that big black 10 inch cock. That image evolved into my husband bent over, taking that big black 10 inch cock in his ass, while he masturbated his little weenie.

“Is that all you did, was give him a hand job?” I ask my husband, big smile on my face.

“The first time, yes.” He told me, smiling back. This was a conversation we were going to have later.

The whole time we were talking, I still had little Larry’s penis in my hand, and he was still hard as stone. I resumed my stroking, as my husband stood there watching me masturbate the little boy.

“Take it out, stroke with us.” I encouraged my husband. His hand went to his zipper, and pulled it down. Then he reached inside his pants and pulled his hard cock out.

I reached over and took his cock in my hand. Now I had an erection in each hand, and the only difference was, one was noticeably thinner than the other, otherwise they were the same size.

Little Larry took notice of the fact that Uncle Don’s penis was poking out of his pants and his new mommy was washing it while she washed his.

As he was watching, his new mommy leaned forward and took his uncle Don’s penis into her mouth.

“Are you giving uncle a deep cleaning?” Little Larry asked. I stopped sucking Don’s cock, and turn to Larry.

“What do you mean honey? I asked little Larry.

“Weenies need a deep cleaning after the hand wash. Mommy said the only way to do a deep cleaning, is to use her mouth.” He explained matter-of-factly.

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