Looking Down

Pao was a twelve year old Bengali girl who did not like living in East London, she thought that it was to rough and despite the area she lived in being mainly a Bengali community there was a lot of racism so Pao did not go out much she would rather sit in her bedroom and spend time on her lap top talking with friends and playing games, It was late one Saturday evening when Pao was in her room playing games on her lap top and decided to have a break from playing games and went to the kitchen to get a drink, Pao’s gran who she lived with was baking and asked Pao if she had found herself a husband yet, Pao replied by saying I have got forty so far and left with her drink, back in her room Pao switched her light off undrew the curtains and sat looking through the window down into the street, after half a hour Pao was about to leave the window and play more games but stopped when she saw sixteen year old Steve who a well known local racist thug go behind the large dust bins near to the house, Pao smiled when she saw Steve undoing his joggers and watched, Pao’s smile got even bigger when she Steve lower the front of his joggers six inch hairy dick appeared, this was the first white dick that Pao had seen and thought it cool, Pao watched and after he had finished peeing Pao thought the show was over but Steve stood there with his joggers still down and his dick on show and started to roll a cigarette which Pao knew would be a joint, after a couple of minutes Steve had rolled his cigarette and started to smoke it, Pao was looking at Steve’s dick thinking take your time, after a minute Pao saw Steve’s dick twitch and watched in amazement as it grew to a full eight inch erection and thought that is nice, and when Steve started to jerk his solid dick Pao thought this is super cool and sat watching the white thug racist boy as he jerked his dick, Pao saw him stop jerking a couple of times then after a short time start to jerk again, Pao was sat enjoying the free show and when Pao saw Steve’s knees buckle and five long spurts of cum shoot from his dick she thought yeah that is extra super cool, Pao opened her window a little bit and shouted out ” dirty white boy wanking”  Steve quickly put his dick away looked at the windows but could not see anybody and left, Pao decided to stay at the window in the hope of seeing more white boys with their dicks out and by the time Pao left the window she had seen another eight boys have a wee and five of them she knew but did not see any more jerk off, Pao went to bed thinking I might like living here after all, the next night Pao sat at her bedroom window with the lights off looking down into the street and was disappointed not to see any more white boys with their dicks out.