Loving groups

As the cooler November weather rolled into their mid-sized town, Lisa and Tom Swanson settled into an easy routine of nightly dinners, occasional nights out, and regular, great sex fueled by revisiting their mutual sexual extramarital adventures and sharing new fantasies. While Lisa felt bad that she had more to share than Tom’s brief encounter with a stripper, Tom assured her he felt comfortable and, while he would take advantage of any possible opportunity, he didn’t have any immediate designs. She had even suggested they join a swinger’s club and Tom thought that might be an intriguing proposition. One particularly chilly Saturday morning found Lisa taking out a pair of filets for dinner and checking her to-do list on the iPad while she sipped her morning coffee. Perusing her carefully manicured nails, she decided a manicure and a pedicure was in order for next week. Caught in her thought, she barely noticed Tom coming up from behind her and kissing her neck, pushing aside her auburn should length hair.

“Good morning, hon,” he murmured, hands sliding over her full, curvy hips. She smiled and pushed back against him.

“Hey, babe, sleep well?” She asked, as he reached for his cup and filled it.

“For sure, very well,” he replied, and they spent a few minutes discussing their plans for the day and the weekend. As Tom refilled his coffee, he turned and walked over the French porch doors, looking out the weather. After a moment of silence, he look back at her and she looked up from her planner.

“Yes,” she said with a smile, “something on your mind?” He took a sip.

“I was thinking,” he started, “the Giants are playing New England tomorrow, and I’d like to watch the game.” She shrugged.

“You usually watch football on Sunday, sounds like a plan,” Lisa replied, glancing back down at her planner.

“Yeah, I know,” he said, “I thought I would see if Matt wanted to come watch the game with me.” Lisa froze and looked up at him. He looked back outside.

“I see,” she said, memory flashing back to her sucking and fucking Matt in his bedroom. “You know we haven’t seen them since…”. Awkward silence. Then Tom smiled at her.

“Yeah, since you fucked him a couple of months ago,” he said calmly. “I really am okay with it, he doesn’t have to know I know. I mean, we are friends and we’d be seeing them again sometime. Unless you’d rather not.” She paused.

“I’m sorry, hon, I really wasn’t thinking when…” She started.

“When you fucked our neighbor and friend?” He interrupted with a smile. She looked a bit embarrassed.

“Oh, god, did I mess things up?” She asked, walking over to him. She opened the door, slid the screen across, and felt the cool breeze. Tom put is arm around her.

“Of course not!” He exclaimed, “I really am good with it and how we are exploring. We’re all big boys and girls. You and I are fine. I just don’t think we need to lose friends over mutual sexual exploration.”

Lisa hesitated, then reached into the pocket of her nightgown, coming up with a Marlboro gold pack and lighter. Sliding the all-white cylinder between her full lips, she lit it, and inhaled deeply. Tom kissed her head. She exhaled into the November air.

“I suppose if you are good, I am too,” she granted, her cigarette hand rubbing his chest as she leaned into him. Tom watched her put the cigarette to her lips and slowly draw on it. He felt a stirring in his groin — he did like when his normally conservative wife misbehaved. As she inhaled, he watched her lips purse around the filter, and thought about those lips being around his friend’s cock. His cock twitched harder and he hugged her.

Hours later, in the Carlyle house up the street, Matt clicked off his cell phone and shook his head, just as his wife Wendy came into the den.

“Hey, baby, work call?” She asked, plopping next to him on the couch. Matt glanced at her and smiled, noting her perfect tight jeans and blouse with her waist length blonde hair put up in a tight bun. He shook head.