Lucky Escape

It was in the early hours of the morning and the small town on the coast was quiet, most of the residents of the town were in their beds fast asleep, others were sat watching telly as it was to cold to be out, but on the deserted beach there was a group of twenty racists laying in wait, they had been told there was a small boat of illegal immigrants coming in and the racists intendend to make sure that the immigrants knew that they were not welcome in England. Sixteen year old Steve was the ringleader of the racists he was a thug and well known to the police who were unaware of what was happening, Steve was sat snogging with his girlfriend Mandy waiting for one of the look outs to alert them to the boat approaching. Out at sea the small over crowded dinghy was battling against the current trying to get ashore, the immigrants on board were happy that they would be in England soon. One of the look outs suddenly spotted the small boat as it neared the beach and very quickly alerted the waiting racist who quickly charged at the boat as it ran aground, the shouting of the racists as they ran towards them alerted the immigrants who ran in all directions some managing to get away but others were not so lucky and suffered at the hands of the racists, Steve chased a woman who had a twelve year old girl with her, the pair split up and wile some one else chased the woman Steve went after the girl, as he chased her Steve tripped over a log by the time e got up he could not see the girl but walked around trying to find her and after ten minutes gave up thinking one got away, the twelve year old girl was hiding in bushes just a short distance from where Steve was stood and was ready to run again if she needed to, as the girl watched Steve being careful not to make any noise she saw starting to undo his jeans and when he opened them wide and let his seven inch dick come out the girl smiled and watched as Steve had a pee. After peeing Steve left his dick out still feeling horny from his earlier time with Mandy, the girl watched enjoying the sight of the big dick which started to grow, the girl watched in awe as Steve’s dick grew into a nine inch erection and when Steve started to jerk it the girl thought what a welcome, Steve stood jerking off totally unaware tat he was being watched by a young immigrant who was loving the sight of a boy jerking and Steve squirted his cum in four long spurts and two shorter ones the girl thought very good. Mandy was walking through the bushes near the back of the beach thinking why am I dating a racist thug and pretending to be racist when she saw the immigrant boy in the bushes, the boy saw Mandy and was about to run wen much to his surprise Mandy raised her jumper over her head letting her large naked boobs fall into sight, the fourteen year old boy looked in utter surprise at the girls boobs thinking I want them, when shouting was heard Mandy lowered her jumper and told the boy to run which he did. Much later in the afternoon the immigrant boy was sat with his sister in the town square when he saw Mandy and Steve, the boy nudged his sister and said to her ” that is the girl who showed me her tits” the girl looked and said ” that is the boy I saw wank off” the boy smiled thinking it could be very good living in England.