Lucky Night

Pao was a twelve year old Bengali girl who was waiting in the casualty area of the hospital for her mum who had been brought to the hospital by ambulance after falling down the stairs at home. It was late and Pao was getting bored she had been waiting for over a hour, after a few more minutes a nurse went to Pao and told her that her mum had broken her ankle and was going to be kept in hospital for a couple of days, the nurse then told Pao that because there was nobody at home to look after her they had called social services who were going to come and collect her and look after her, just as the nurse finished telling Pao this an alarm sounded and the nurse quickly left and rushed to the cubicles. Pao had heard about childrens homes and decided that she was not going to go and stay in one so quickly left the hospital thinking that she would go to uncles house. Pao went to the small train station that had no staff on duty and waited on the deserted platform for a train keeping a look out for the police, as she waited Pao heard voices and looked through the railings, she saw Steve and Martin Pao knew that they were both sixteen years old good friends and were also racists and violent, the boys stopped and undid their joggers, when they lowered the front of their joggers Pao’s eyes went wide when their dicks came into view, Pao saw that Steve’s dick was about six inches and Martins seven inches, it was the first time Pao had seen white dicks and watched as the boys had a wee, Pao heard the train stop at the platform and quickly went and boarded the train finding it was empty, after a minute Steve and Martin got on the train, Pao quickly got under the seat hoping the boys would not see her, Pao could hear the boys talking and shortly after the train left the station Pao hear one of the boys say ” look cunt magazines ” from her hiding place Pao saw Steve pick up a magazine that was laying on a seat Martin then did the same, Pao saw the boys looking through the magazines and heard them making comments, then Steve said ” I have got a fucking hard on ” Martin said ” me to my cock is solid ” Steve stood up as he did he said ” I need a fucking wank ” and stood with his back to Martin and lowered the front of his joggers ” Pao smiled when she saw Steve’s eight inch erection spring out and watched in awe as he started to jerk it, Poa had never seen a boy jerk before but knew about it and after a few minutes Pao saw four squirts of cum shoot from Steve’s dick, after wiping his dick and putting it away Steve sat down, Pao watched as Marin got up and when he was stood with his back to Steve he lowered his joggers, Pao saw Martin’s nine inch solid dick as it sprung out and watched as Marin jerked it and when he squirted cum in long spurts Pao thought nice. Ten minutes late the train stopped at a station where Martin and Steve got off, Pao crawled out from under the seat and as the train was pulling out of the station Pao shouted out the window thanks for the show, Martin said ” the bitch has saw our cocks and watched us wank off ” and stuck two fingers up at Pao who sat down thinking I have seen two white thugs wank off what a luck night.