Lumber Jackoff

I woke up, and saw that it was pretty nice out, for once…

Lately, it’s been raining all the time, and it was still pretty much a swamp. Flooded all around except for the little hill.

So, I put on my duck boots, and went out to the stump. It used to be a big old tree, until it got struck by lightning, and had to be cut down, but that’s what kept the hill from washing out.

The roots, also made it easy to climb up, but dad had put a little shack up, to cover the logs. It had been over a year, so they had time to dry out, and I had nothing better to do.

So, I started taking out the less knotty ones, from the limbs, and set them up. Picked up the splitting maul, and held it over my head. Aiming carefully, I just dropped it, since it was heavy.

A lot like a sledge hammer, except for the wedge blade on the front. So, you don’t have to swing it, just pick it up, drop my hand to the bottom, and aim it so it hits right where I want it.

THUNK! Then, I can pick up the deadfall hammer, and beat it in, until it starts to crack. That’s like a cartoon mallet, but instead of being big, and red. It’s medium size, and it’s got a weight or something in the black rubber head.

BONK! So, it hits harder then it looks, but also, you can beat on the back of the maul all day without chips, or sparks splitting off, and getting in your eyes. “Huh!” I was expecting it to be chillier, so when I was done putting it down on the ground. Where I could step on it, and pry the maul out, I unbuttoned my top.

“Huh!” Long sleeved, and wool flannel, I figured it was only going to get hotter. Wool just gets warmer when it’s wetter, so before I got any sweatier, I just pulled it off. Panting for breath, I picked up the log again, and set it back on the stump. Turned around so that the half-split pointed away, and picked the maul back up.

Stepping back, to aim carefully, I dropped my top hand down to my bottom one, and let it drop, right where I wanted it, and picked up the Bonk Hammer again.


“Huh?” I looked down, across the fence.

“How come you split wood like that?”

“Oh,” Squinted, and guessed. “Korey?” One of the boys that lived in the house behind us, they all had the same haircuts, but he was the oldest. Which also means the tallest, so he could look right over the fence without climbing up. “Is that your Halloween mask?”

“Yeah, half of it.” The bottom half, somebody painted a skull grin on it, and a jaw across the bottom, but the rest was black. “I was the dead fisherman last night.”

“Oh, with the yellow raincoat, and the birdcage?” The skull mask underneath the hood made it nice and creepy when he looked up.

“Well, it’s a lobster pot, but yeah.”

“Cool costume, I didn’t recognize you through the window.” Waiting for them to back up, so mom could come out, and leave treats for them on the table.

“Well, I didn’t see you trick or treating.”

“Well, we didn’t trick or treat, we just helped mom, and dad, and had a little party, as a family.”

“Oh, well. You look good.”

“Thanks,” I looked down, and realized I was standing there. In my sports bra, jeans, flannel shirt tied around my waist, and my duck boots, of course. “Uh, huhahah. I guess I’m a little lumberjack today.”

“Ha, yeah.” I don’t know, for a minute there I was a little self conscious, but then I realized that it was just Korey, he’d seen me even nakeder in my swimsuits on summer, and also, he’s kinda cute.

“So how come you split wood like that, with an ax and a hammer?”

“Oh,” I picked the mallet back up, “I guess because that’s how my dad does it. So, he taught me, but it’s not an ax, it’s a splitting maul.”

“Oh, what’s the difference?” I didn’t think about my boobs bouncing with every swing, until I knew that somebody was watching me, pound it deeper in the Maple.

“Huh!” It cracked, and the head dropped down halfway through the split. So it was easier to pry the 2 halfs apart.

“Well, it’s slower, I guess. On smaller logs, or pine, you can split it in 1 swing, but these are hardwood Maple. So, you have to take your time, or you get worn out too quick.”

“It looks like quite a workout, and you’re really getting some muscles in your arms.”

“Thanks.” I held up the hammer, and curled it, to check my bicep. “Huh! I don’t work out, really. I mean yeah, we’ve got a weight bench down in the basement, but it’s really more like fooling around with them.” I held up the maul like a weight bar, and curled it, to watch my muscles flex. “Huh!” Somehow, I managed to get biceps, and I didn’t even notice?

“The weights?”

“Yeah, nothing better to do, all cooped up at home, with the schools closed and stuff.” Even the church pastor is doing online services, so you don’t have to attend in person.

“Well, it’s really starting to show, and I bet your girlfriend really appreciates it, too.”

“Uh?” I shook my head, so my ponytail swung back, and forth over my shoulders. Like a pony tail, I guess. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, your boyfriend, then.”

“I know, I must come off as gay, or a lesbian, because I like flannel, and overalls, but I’m not. I like boys.” I nodded. “I don’t have a boyfriend, but when I do start dating, I’m going to go out with boys, not girls.”

It wasn’t just hard work, that made me hot, and sweaty. I can’t say that I always, or even ever had a crush on Korey, or anybody in particular for that matter, but I’m almost a teenager, and I guess I was waiting for somebody to come along, and talk to me. Then all this stuff started, and we had to spend all summer indoors. It’s been like half a year since I’d even seen anyone outside my family except on the computer, and thinking back.

Okay, well I had moved up from A cups to B cups, and he hadn’t seen me out back this summer in my swimsuits, because I hadn’t even gotten any. What would be the point? We can’t go out to the pool, or the swimming hole, and even the back yard was just, well. What’s the point, so we stayed inside in the Air Conditioner instead, and I got a sports bra to play with dad’s weights, and my brothers. Instead of in the back yard with water balloons, the garden hose, and super soakers to pull off.

“Huh, well I guess most guys don’t like a girl to be too strong, or rough like me.”

“Huh!” I just dropped the maul, and hammer. “So what are you trying to say, you like me?”

“Yeah, you like me too?”

“Yeah, so you can stop beating around the bush.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I never talked to a girl I liked before, and you’re not like the other girls, so I didn’t know what to say, and I’m sorry I didn’t say the right thing.”

“Well, it’s okay, I’m not insulted, and I’m really flattered, but I’d just rather cut to the chase if it’s all the same to you.”

“No nonsense, I like that too.”

“Huh! Well, I guess giving me a kiss over the fence is out of the question, but. I don’t suppose we’re in any hurry to cut wood for the winter, so.” I bit my lip, and looked back at the house. “Huh!” Nothing but reflections on the windows, because it’s broad daylight, and there’s no telling whether or not everyone else is sleeping in, or looking out the window to watch me, with my boyfriend, Korey. “Huh!” I got back behind the wood pile, and looked around, across the other fences, at the other houses, and I should have worried that somebody else would see me, but no.

That made me even more excited as I pulled my sports bra out on the bottom. The cool humid air went right up under my boobs, and I lifted them up to show him. “Let me see your boner, too.”

I had brothers, so I knew all about boners, but being the oldest, we’re really talking more like little twigs. “How old are you now, Korey?”

“Thirteen.” He looked up, “There.” Finished fishing it out of his fly, so it stuck out. “You like it?”

“Huh, come on, and unbutton your pants, at least.” Brown corduroys, but here he was, the first boy with a boner for me, and I wanted to remember every last detail, for the rest of my life. My first boyfriend, tucking his shirt under his chin, and his flat tummy wrinkling until he got his belt unbuckled. His button undone, so he could pull his underwear out.

His boner popped up, and he had a nice neat triangle of pubes, too. “Hhuh, yeah. Show me your balls, too.” He pulled them out, and tucked the elastic band under them to hold it.

“Can I see your puss, too?”

“Oh yeah.” I let go my top, and started working on my own buttons. “Maybe, I have to warn you, I haven’t bothered shaving in quite a while.” Again, what’s the point? Nobody’s going to see them curling out the crotch of my bathing suits if I don’t even have any that fit me any more.

“That’s okay, I guessed when I saw your hairy armpits, but I bet they’re nice and sweaty now from chopping wood?”

“Huh, yeah.” Why did I have to pick the buttonfly jeans this morning, anyway? Well, because they’re my toughest jeans, genuine Levis, so they’re better for working in the yard, climbing trees, and stuff. Besides, had I know that I was going to have to do a strip-tease, I probably would have worn something sexier than my lumberjack getup. “Huh, now beat it. Beat it off for me, I want to see it. Cum for me, cum all over the place, don’t hold back. Huh?”

My bush was more than just a little sweaty, and deeper down, that wasn’t just sweat starting to seep down.

“You wear panties?”

“Yeah, I’m a girl. What did you expect, boxers?”

“Yeah, kinda but they’re pretty. I like them, so you don’t have to pull them down for me. You’re right, I can’t see anything but your pubes, but that’s okay, just keep your panties on, and keep touching yourself for me. God, I wish I could touch you, and hold you in my arms, and kiss you huh! HUH!”

“Oh!” He’s a romantic, and soon enough, he started pumping out big white drops, to glisten in the sun, and disappear behind the top of the fence. I wish I had a closer view, or even better, that was me down there, with the hot white drops falling on my red hot body, dripping down my tummy, starting to tighten up, and twitch, and ripple, and “Oh, oh god. Ho god, it feels amazing huh! Huh! I can’t breathe, huh!”


“Ah fuck.” I got down, when my legs were threatening to give out anyway.

“Pull your pants up, you sick fucking pervert. What’s wrong with you?”

“Sorry mom.”

“Hhuhuhuh!” I just curled up, against the rough bark of the logs, and hugged my chest. My legs, and shut my eyes. So embarrassed, but too late to stop the overwhelming pleasure washing all over my body like nothing I have ever felt before.

I just heard the back door close, and caught my breath. Blinked as soon as my eyes weren’t squeezed too tight to open them.

“Jill?” His mom stood there, patiently. Looking over the fence.

“Uh,” I pulled my pants up, and my sports bra back down to cover myself. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Jackson.”

“It’s okay, it’s just a bit of a shock. Waking up first thing in the morning, and catching my son masturbating in broad daylight with the neighborhood dyke.”

“Uh, I’m not gay! Why is everybody saying that this morning?”

“Oh,” she locked disappointed. “I’m sorry, I just assumed.”

“Why, because I like to wear practical clothes with pockets, that don’t wear out in 1 season just to look pretty? Well, what does pretty get you, besides a man? Well, let me tell you something, lady. I don’t have to be pretty, bleached blond, and stupid to get a boyfriend.”

“All right, okay, I’m sorry!” She backed off, turned around, and muttered. ‘what a shame?’ I’m not sure, she might have mumbled it’s a shame, or just a shame, but I’m pretty sure I got that last part right. It’s a shame I’m straight, and what kind of thing is that for a grown woman to say to a 12 year old girl?

Under her breath, and then I felt a little exposed now. Not in a good way, I mean exposing myself to the 5 yards, and houses that could see me from there was one thing, but you know?

I was imagining Guys looking out the windows, and seeing me. Not my dad, he wouldn’t never, and honestly my brothers are too young to even worry about them perving on me, but I never thought for one minute that a woman would say something so sick, disgusting, and creepy to me, just because I put on a flannel shirt?

It just doesn’t make sense, none of this makes sense, but I guess I should have. I knew, there was such a thing as lesbians, and bisexual girls too, but I never really thought about it. I sure as heck never thought about a grown woman, looking, and talking so dirty to me like that, let alone Mrs. Jackson, but I should’ve.

After all, if a girl can split wood just for fun, and play lumberjack with the boys, then why shouldn’t a grown woman perv out her son’s 12 year old girlfriend like a dirty old man, too? I mean, other than it’s sick, perverted, and wrong of course, but if men can be sick perverts, then a woman can, too.

I’d just like to think we’re better than that, but I guess that’s just childish innocence talking. “Huh!”

Well, I’m going to be a teenager soon, with a boyfriend, so I guess I better start getting over that childish innocence, quick. “HROUGH!” Well, I was good and mad now, so I just went back, and took it out on the wood…

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