Mercury – 029 (Bartering with the Inyoka)

As a joke, I stuck a shampoo bottle in my ass to show my girlfriend how much I liked having my ass fucked.


…The Queen soul possessing Aries I’tuhot (in her sexy maid outfit showing plenty of thigh and cleavage), walks into the Teppanyaki Restaurant with Mira following (dressed in black covertly). Aries struts to a secluded table in the back where Yamada Tarou is sitting alone. He has seven bodyguards that are dispersed about.

“Mr. Yamada, I am Aries I’tuhot. How may I be of assistance to you today?”

“What is this? I am here to see TT, not some maid,” exclaims Mr. Yamada!

Aries fluffs Her hair and looks contemptuously off to the side, and She says:

“I am the Queen’s Chambermaid. Consider where you are Mr. Yamada? Who do you think TT works for? I will forgive your rudeness, and more…Lady Mira, what is behind the wall Mr. Yamada is sitting against?”

“Nothing of concern, service ducts that can easily be rerouted,” answers Mira.

“Lady Mira, make Me a door behind Mr. Yamada into a private vestibule lounge. Make Me another door out of the back of the vestibule into a large soundproof meeting room with a table to accommodate 20 people, western style with chairs. In the back of the meeting room place a door into another vestibule lounge with another door into a master quarters with living room, kitchen, and large bedroom, and a large bathtub and separate large shower in the bathroom.

I want two more doors in the sides of the meeting room to vestibule lounges with doors leading out of them. One door into servant living quarters to handle 15, and the other door into a lobby for a private transport shuttle tube to the nearest landing platform,” orders the Queen/Aries, and Mira constructs the rooms.

As the first door formed behind Mr. Yamada, he stood moving back as his guards shielded him. When everything was complete Aries said:

“Let’s inspect the rooms Mr. Yamada.”

The rooms were awesome, especially the master living quarters, fit for a king. Mr. Yamada says:

“How can You construct this out of nothing, and what is the meaning of this?”

“Our technology allows us to do this, and I made it for you Mr. Yamada. You were so nice to Me when I showed up, that I felt bad that you had to sit at a table waiting. Now, if it pleases you, let’s return to the meeting room…”

[They return to the new meeting room]:

“…Lady Mira, I won’t be needing your wonderful services anymore right now [and Mira leaves]. Mr. Yamada, could you ask your guards to leave, I have made four lounges outside the doors for them to wait in,” asks Aries?

Mr. Yamada makes his guards leave and he sits at the head of the table with the master bedroom vestibule door behind him. Aries sits at the other end of the table with the entrance from the restaurant vestibule door behind her. Aries says:

“Now Mr. Hakushin Ryu [leader of the biggest Yakuza family in the world, Yamada Tarou is his alias], what do you need today?”

“I see, You are aware of who I am.”

“Very aware Ryu,” replies Aries.

“TT violated our agreement, She told Nosebleed of the Kempei Tai spy,” accuses Ryu.

“No, She didn’t. Nosebleed found him on his own. Why do you care anyway, it is not like he was one of your brothers,” asks Aries?

“We had spy in Kempei Tai network that was intercepting the information out of Russia. You are showing much favoritism to Nosebleed. You have given one of his captains a space craft that can avoid detection, and they are involved in bootlegging to a Mercury planet. Nosebleed is getting rich off this white dwarf star matter [WDSM], and it is becoming very valuable,” criticizes Ryu.

[Nosebleed is Boris Petroski, the leader of the largest Russian mafia organization in the world].

“What are you wanting Ryu? I gave you all the plans to build ships and achieve the same thing. I have also given you this nice facility, in the Queen’s castle, and that is something Nosebleed does not have. What more could you want,” asks Aries?

“We are building ships now, but we do not have the capability to cloak them,” answers Ryu.

“Neither does Nosebleed. The ship you are referring to belongs to Me, and the captain running it is using it for a specific purpose I designated in order to disrupt Mercury,” informs Aries.

“You are allowing Nosebleed the profit of the WDSM,” says Ryu.

“True, but soon there will be too much WDSM for the ships that need it. So, I don’t see where this is a problem,” says Aries.

“Our Japanese scientist are already discovering other uses for it, to include weapons. Nosebleed is avoiding the costs of mining and processing by getting refined ore. The Yakuza wants in on the bootlegging to obtain the WDSM as Nosebleed, and we need the stealth technology You have for our ships,” requests Ryu.

“I tell you what Ryu, I will give you the cloaking plans, as long as you reassure Me that the Japan-Korea Federacy will now be loyal to the Queen – forever. That agreement will be enforced by the Yakuza – forever. No more assassination attempts on the Crown or unfounded political opposition. Is this an acceptable agreement,” asks Aries?

“Yes,” replies Ryu.

Aries tells Ryu to push one of the intercom buttons and call his guards in from the entrance vestibule to the restaurant. Aries tells the guard to go get Reo and Yuri and have them bring sake. Reo and Yuri come in and Reo pours sake into one cup and hands it to Ryu and he drinks half of it. Reo takes, turns, and hands the cup to Aries and She drinks the rest. It is a done deal, and Aries apports a data module with the cloaking plans and gives it to Ryu. Aries says:

“I know how much you like watching and fucking Reo and Yuri, but today you get to watch mostly. I came here mainly to fuck them. I made the master living quarters for them, since you will hardly be here,” and they enter the master living area.

Aries knows of Reo’s toy bag, and She apports it, and most all the belongings of Reo and Yuri into the master living quarters (what Aries/the Queen could remote view). Reo and Yuri were housed in a standard domicile in a living area in another cube grid. It is magic to Ryu, Reo, and Yuri and they are spellbound.

Aries moves to the bedroom and removes Her mantas maid outfit and lays on the bed on Her back. Reo and Yuri undress and the Queen is getting excited looking at these Japanese beauties. The Queen has never fucked a Japanese girl, and now She has two. She ogles Reo’s 32D’s and Yuri’s 32C’s and both girls have very hairy pussies. Yuri says something in Japanese. Aries knows what she said, and the Queen would too if She focused to use Her powers, but to do so would take away from Her excitement right now, and She asks:

“What did Yuri say?”

“She say You have amazing hairy pussy, that it is the most beautiful hairy pussy she has ever seen,” answers Reo.

Yuri moves in between Aries’s thighs and begins to eat Her hairy pussy. Ryu undresses and fucks Yuri from behind with his 6” cock. Reo straddles Aries’s head facing Yuri, as Yuri continues to eat Aries’s pussy. Aries starts to eat Reo’s pussy and says:

“God damn you have a hairy pussy. You could at least cut the part around your pussy lips.”

“The Oyabun [Parent, Boss, Hakushin Ryu] loves our hairy pussies, and forbids us to trim them. Keep working Your way in beautiful pussy girl, my pussy will spread and be pleasing to You,” says Reo.

Aries does keep moving through the jungle of Reo’s hairy pussy, and She finds an oriental delight, and Reo presses her exposed wet pussy down in Aries’s mouth and moves it back and forth as it spreads open. Yuri is masterfully eating Aries, and Aries orgasms, much later than Ryu’s ejaculation into Yuri’s pussy. Yuri kisses on Aries’s thighs and legs, feet, and toes worshiping Aries with her mouth. Reo orgasms, and Yuri says something in Japanese again. The Queen inquires and Reo says:

“Yuri wants to fuck Your pussy with her hand. She wants to know if this is okay,” and the Queen says yes.

Yuri opens the toy bag and puts a latex glove on her right hand and gets out some lube. Reo tells Aries that it is important not to jerk around, as Yuri begins to ease her hand into Aries’s pussy. Reo is kissing Aries, as Aries holds to the back of Reo squeezing her from the pressure of Her pussy being fisted. Aries squeals as the biggest part of Yuri’s hand penetrates Her pussy. Aries has Her legs up and spread wide, and the pressure starts to feel good, as Her entire pussy is occupied with Yuri’s hand and wrist. Yuri moves slowly and uses her knuckle to stimulate Aries’s “G” spot. Aries/the Queen is verbal:

“Oh god, mmm, mm, that feels so good, ahh, ahh, you are going to make Me get off.”

Yuri moves her knuckle faster and the Queen moans and sighs rubbing the back of Reo, and She orgasms. It felt so good that She squirted, and Yuri buried her face in it and licked and drank Aries’s ejaculation. Yuri spoke in Japanese again, and Reo said:

“Yuri say your ejaculation is sweet beautiful pussy girl.”

Yuri slowly removes her hand from Aries’s pussy, then licks and sucks Aries’s pussy some more. Reo presses down on Aries and kisses Her, and Reo says:

“Don’t think You can seduce my girlfriend beautiful pussy girl. We like You, but we love each other.”

Aries grabs around Reo and rolls her over and kisses her, and Aries says:

“Maybe I like you better you sassy bitch, and Yuri will be the one getting jealous.”

Aries gets up and activates Her mantas maid outfit and dresses. She tells Ryu

I like these two girls. I will help start your bootlegging to Nabu as part of the Queen’s covert operations, and I will provide a ship that is under the Queen’s authority, and crewed as She decides. You cannot do this on your own. The Ṛddhi powers of the Mercurians will destroy you. This has nothing to do with our other agreement, but this will allow you to acquire refined WDSM quickly to use in the ships you are building,” says Aries?

“Thank You, Aries,” says Ryu

Aries returns to the Queen’s chambers and the Queen transfers back to Her body. Dr. Bethany Hylton is asleep next to the Queen. The Queen rolls to Her side and embraces Bethany and she wakes up and they kiss. Mira cleans Aries and they get in the bed too. About four hours later, Mira wakes the Queen and says:

“The SSF have stopped a ship about 0.05 AU from here. It is a Mercurian cargo ship. I have Nighthawks and a Carrier in route, and they will be there in a few minutes. The UGK has Exoraptors in bound too. The captain of the cargo ship wants to talk to the lady with the big tits and ass. The SSF have no idea what the hell he is talking about.”

[The Exoraptor II is a two man fighter craft used by the Royal Astro Force of the United Global Kingdom government].

The Queen soul possesses Teagan Tessarossa and teleports with Mira to Mira’s Blue Carrier. Mira notifies the SSF and UGK that the RGF (Royal Guard Force) will handle the matter. Teagan and Mira take a transport shuttle and board the Mercury Cargo ship. The Captain introduces himself:

“Hello, welcome to the Inyoka, my name is Augustus Valentine, you can call me Gus. You must be TT, I have heard so much about You from someone I have been buying whisky and other goods from on Nabu. I would be very interested in making a deal to smuggle Your goods.”

Augustus Valentine is 27, and a black man with a medium dark complexion. He is 5’ 11” tall and fit. The Queen in Teagan’s body says:

“I see, and doesn’t the Mercury Council of Elders track your craft. Can they not tell you have stopped here?”

“Oh, no Ma’am, we are all laypeople. We could get arrested if they caught us, but we have been doing this for a long time and know all the tricks. We shuttle cargo between Mercury, Nabu, and Mopac-5 quite frequently. We were smuggling moonshine, but Your whiskey and other goods are far better,” answers Gus.

“What can you offer Me in trade,” asks TT?

“I can also supply a few cubes of WDSM each trip, and I can also supply raw mercurial, it is very rare. It is only mined on Mercury. I noticed your Carrier has mercurial alloy on the hull, how did you get that,” asks Gus?

“We stole it five years ago from a space container over Nabu, but we are out. We have been using a synthetic alloy, but it is not quite the same. Will this stuff not be missed, how will you do this,” asks TT?

“Your goods are becoming popular on Nabu. A case of Your whiskey can turn a lay dock worker’s head to load extra on my ship. The nuts and bolts of Nabu and Mercury are run by lay people. The Observants are in the fleet services or temples. They police us, but they do not roll up their sleeves and do the work. You need to expand Your operation, I can help with that,” informs Gus.

“We are currently using someone in the Caloris province on Nabu, but I am looking for someone in Phaëthontias, on the other side of the planet for distribution. Can you help with that,” asks TT?

“If You trade with me for goods, I can get them distributed there,” answers Gus.

“That is not what I am looking for. All I want is one more person on the other side of Nabu for a different arrangement I have with another partner. I will also supply you for the WDSM and mercurial, but separate. That means that Caloris and Phaëthontias get their goods directly from My partners, and you get yours from Me. That gives you the rest of Nabu, Mopac-4 & 5, and Mercury exclusively. I will find someone in Phaëthontias anyway. I am asking you as a courtesy,” states the Queen.

“Okay, okay, I will make this deal. I was just being greedy. Your teenager on the ground in Caloris cannot compete with me, and neither will someone in Phaëthontias. There is a moonshiner in Phaëthontias named James Nixon, most call him Jimmy, Big Jim, or Crowbar. He has an underground club that he rotates between about 10 buildings to avoid the Observants. We trade for his rotgut, but less now since we have been trading for Your alcohol. We also like that herb You smoke too. I can tell Jimmy, but how can he contact You,” asks Gus?

“All we need is a name. I will find Jimmy. Is he a thief too, is that why they call him Crowbar,” asks TT?

“Ha-ha-ha-ha, no Ma’am. I will let You find that out on Your own. Can I receive a shipment now? I can trade, I have three WDSM cubes and 2,500 tons of mercurial. That is enough for a Cruiser hull depending on the alloy content? I can deliver that much each week,” says Gus?

“Give me a minute to check Gus,” remarks the Queen.

The Queen and Mira are calculating. There is no value system for mercurial, but the value of the synthetic nanoparticle compounds used in the alloy they have been using in lieu of mercurial is estimated at over 4.00 credits per pound. The Queen could agree to fill the Inyoka six times on booze and still profit, and Gus is asking for a third of a load for the mercurial and the WDSM. Gus interrupts the Queen and Mira’s conference and adds:

“I have a bonus this trip, two Ṛddhi I smuggled out of Mercury. One of them raped the other one, but after it started, she liked it too much for them to call it rape. One of them is a teleporter, and they were able to escape recently, and they stowed away on another vessel. I ended up with them for this very purpose, to bring them to You and sweeten my deal.”

Gus brings them out and one is a 17-year-old girl, very pretty, and she has a rocking hot body. Her name is Zoey Giavalletto, and she has long brown hair and is 5’ 6” tall with measurements of 34D-25-38 with hips, ass, and thighs that are ample. She is the teleporter.

The other girl is 29, 5’ 10” tall, short black hair with measurements of 44-33-42, and 38C breasts. Her name is Beulah Fulanisetts, and it seems harsh to call her manly and ugly, but she is a real Marla Hooch. Teagan telepathically says to the Queen:

“~Eek, she would have to rape someone for sex, be careful My Queen, don’t let her hurt my body~!”

The Queen finds out that the Black Marketeer is loaded with nowhere to go until they are sure they can return safely to Nabu. The Queen apports the Inyoka’s WDSM to the Black Marketeer, and the mercurial to a castle loading bay. Ivett Rota sends the Queen the Marketeer’s load list, and She reviews and remote views it, then apports the goods from the Black Marketeer into the Inyoka, and the balance from some stored in the castle loading bays. The Queen takes the two girls, and Mira gives Gus the Le’sânac frequency and codes to contact Her.

The Queen works out a side deal with Ivett to load a cargo bay in the castle with goods as well each week for WDSM cubes. The Queen begins to stock up on mercurial ore. Teagan and Mira teleport with the two Ṛddhi girls back to one of the outer rooms in the Queen’s chambers. The Queen returns Her consciousness to Her body, and Teagan returns to her room and climbs back in bed with Paula.

The Queen is wearing a satin nightgown and robe that are short. She walks from the bedroom into the outer chamber and sits in an armchair and wants to cross Her legs, but it is uncomfortable because of Her pregnancy, so she rests them on a footstool. The Queen begins looking at a hologram from Her wristband and reading. Bada comes in from her room, naked, and she kneels on the floor and begins rubbing the Queen’s feet and kissing them.

Aries gets out of bed in the Queen’s bedroom, and she walks in naked and bends over flashing her hot ass and pussy to the guests, and she kisses the Queen, then walks over to a refreshment cart shaking her big tits and hot ass, and she eats. Mira is dressed in black tactical clothing and standing next to the Queen’s chair.

Zoey and Beulah were standing in front of the Queen half terrified as slaves that had just been bartered off by a space pirate, and they are wondering what the hell kind of place this is. They were seeing things too amazing to believe from the Queen’s exhibitionists’ staff. The Queen looks up from Her reading and says:

“I am Queen Dianne; I welcome you to My domain if you can faithfully serve Me and love Me more than you love yourself. You are to refer to Me as My Queen. If this is a problem tell Me now,” offers the Queen?

Beulah falls to the floor and basically pushes Bada out of the way, and she begins kissing the Queen’s feet and toes. The Queen spreads Her legs flashing her trim hairy pussy to look down, and She grimaces and telepathically says to Aries:

“~Yuck, I don’t want this hog nasty bitch touching Me~!”

Aries has a mouth full of pastry, and she is kind of laughing, and she says out loud speaking with her mouth full:

“Ha-ha-ha, one day, You will love her as much as the other girl.”

“Fuck you devil, I know better than to ask you for a straight answer [says the Queen looking at Aries, then the Queen looks down at Beulah]. I guess your answers is yes, you can serve Me,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, I love You, I love You more than myself, and I will faithfully serve You, and worship You,” answers Beulah sucking the Queen’s toes.

The Queen looks at Zoey and asks:

“What about you Zoey?”

“Yes, My Queen, I will faithfully serve You and love You more than myself,” answers Zoey.

“This girl raped you? Tell us about that,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen. I was in a training room shower talking to a girlfriend as we washed. We were secret lovers. Beulah is in my triumvirate, and she was washing next to us and eavesdropping, but we always ignore her. It was just the three of us in the shower. I was talking about a guy I fucked in secret recently that had a huge cock, and how much I liked anal sex. As a joke, I stuck a shampoo bottle in my ass to show my girlfriend how much I liked having my ass fucked.

Beulah went lust mad, and she pushed me down and started kissing on my body. I was shouting for her to stop. She worked her way down to my pussy, and she started using her mouth on my pussy. At first, I was shouting for her to stop, but it started feeling really good. Beulah has a long tongue, and she can rub your clitoris with her lip and lick inside your pussy at the same time. I started getting into it, but my shouting had caused a female Prelate to enter the shower.

The Prelate watched as I got off. I stood up and told her that Beulah raped me, but she told the Patriarchs I did not seem to mind what Beulah was doing to me, in fact, I was excited. They decided I was using rape as an excuse to cover what I did willingly. They arrested us, and for a couple of weeks I could not use my teleportation ability.

I had stopped even trying to use my powers, then I heard a guard complaining about losing an Occlude. I did not know what that was, but Beulah read his mind, and she realized her powers were working again. We figured out our powers were not working because of a black girl named Elma who had been blocking them. I teleport transport linked us out of the prison, and we stowed away on a merchant vessel but got caught. We begged that captain not to give us back to the Elders, so he gave us to Augustus,” explains Zoey.

“Both of you stand up and remove your clothes,” orders the Queen.

Aries comes over still naked and commands the Queen’s chair to reconfigure into a loveseat, and Aries cuddles up next to the Queen. The Queen looks at Zoey and she is sexy hot with her 38” hips and big ass and well-groomed triangular hairy pussy that is shaved below. Aries tells Zoey to stand beside the Queen and bend over, and they look at her ass as Zoey spreads her cheeks. Aries reaches across the Queen and sticks her fingers in Zoey’s ass and says:

“Her asshole feels so good, Queen, it is so soft and pliable…Creature, fuck this girl’s asshole for the Queen,” says Aries to Mira?

Mira changes into her perfect female form and both Beulah and Zoey think a goddess has descended. Mira forms a 12” cock, and in her hermaphroditic form, she fucks Zoey’s asshole. Zoey takes all 12” moaning in sweet pleasure like she has never moaned or sighed. Mira also penetrates Zoey’s pussy with another cock, and she screams in delight as she orgasms. Zoey turns afterwards and kisses Mira, and says:

“How did you do that, the vibration and stimulation? I have never felt anything like that, can I serve you too, and love you more than I love myself?”

Mira laughs and walks away, as if she just finished letting a little kid on a merry-go-round for the first time, and the kid thinks the attendant is a god. The Queen and Aries turn their attention to the naked Beulah. The Queen is speechless on where to begin…


Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

Bada Samsim (INTRO) 25 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Asian-Korean Human, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Black Long, (CUP) 34C Natural – Pink Red Brown Mix Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Trimmed, (BODY) Tan Complexion Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Nari Park, (COMMENTS) Hips Appear Big for Her Size, Almost Black Pussy Lips, Bada is a Cute Girl but Kinky

Beulah Fulanisetts (INTRO) 29 yrs. old, 44-33-42, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Black Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 38C Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Triangular Black Hair and Big, Occasionally Groomed, and Shaved Below, (BODY) Lesbian-Lumbersexual, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lea DeLaria, Not a Porn Star, But as Close to Describing Beulah As We Can Get, and Beulah is Not fat Like Lea DeLaria, (COMMENTS) Harsh to Call Beulah Manly and Ugly but She is a Real Marla Hooch, Biggest Hairiest Beaver in the Universe, She has Black Pores on Her Lower Legs where Hair Grows even though She Shaves, She has Black Sparse Hair on Her Forearms More than Most Men, She Grows Hair Like Bamboo, No Curvy Features, Big Girl but Not Fat, Muscular Like a Man, Has a Broad Ass but Her Hips Barely Stick Out, Nothing is Sexy Down to Her Masculine Feet and Toes, She has Big Hands and Long Thick Fingers, She is Not Butt Ugly but Her Face is Squarer than Feminine, No Dainty Features, Her 38C Tits Look Like Torpedoes Mounted on a Firm Chest, Her Pussy Stinks like Rancid Cunt and Dirty Guy Socks, Her Putrid Pussy Aroma is Actually an Acquired Taste that Gets You High – You Want to Eat Her Pussy, Beulah has an Awesome Pussy Eating Technique, She Rubs Her Lip Against a Clit and Runs Her Long Tongue just inside Your Pussy Canal causing Intense Orgasms and Squirting

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Mikihara Reo (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32D Natural – Pinkish/Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Yua Mikami, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive, Fluent in English

Nakame Yuri (INTRO) 27 yrs. old, 32-23-34, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Tsubasa Amami, (COMMENTS) Really Cute, Barely Speaks English

Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Teagan Tessarossa (AKA) Prelate Teagan Tessarossa, TT (INTRO) 38 yrs. old, 44-27-43, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 48I Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Dark Tan Complexion Hourglass Big Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Eva Notty, (COMMENTS) Hot and Attractive with the Widest Curves, Monstrous Mammories, Looks Hot as Hell Lying Face Down on Her Knees with Her Big Thighs and Ass Spread and Smooth Pussy Showing, A Jumbo Pussy Meal for a Lesbian, When She Folds Her Calves Against Her Big Thighs and Points Her Sexy Toes and Spreads Her Legs on Her Back You Could Orgasm

Zoey Giavalletto (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-25-38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Distinctive Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Body Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Gia Derza, (COMMENTS) Zoey is a gorgeous brunette with long hair, hot hips, and thighs and nice big ass, She can do a split like you wave your hand, Her tits are supple and round at the base, but do not stick out a lot, but enough to know she has nice tits, Her ass and thighs shake when she moves and they are so supple and soft to touch, Her asshole looks so pretty, you wish you had a cock to fuck it, and she loves anal, Guys say fucking her ass is like fucking a hot pussy

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