Mercury – 048 (Honeysuckle Nectar)

Candy’s neuronanites in her mouth can produce a synthetic opioid if she commands it, and the opioid is harmless, but it gives You that high feeling.


“Doctor, can you make more polymyarians like Candy,” asks Queen Dianne?

“My Queen, You need to understand Candy in the context of Mira. Candy is like Mira. Candy’s positronic core satellite drives can form another Candy using the neuronanite-fluidic polymers, just like Mira forms doppelgangers using her inherent node matrix and nanite-fluidic polymers. Mira is different in that her primary node can only be in one place at a time. Candy has no singular dominant satellite drive. All I have to do is add more drives for Candy to create doppelgangers, and I have already created, programed, networked, and stored 200 drives as of this morning.

I suppose I could create another separate version core, but that would mean creating and programming a whole new neuronanite-fluidic polymer matrix too. I want to build up a vast reservoir for Candy to use like Mira uses her matrix. I am still programming Candy’s neuronanite-fluidic polymers for other applications like utilizing the Scorpion reservoir for more than zagaglia weaponry. I am hoping to program it to actually create the Scorpion fighter craft but it is a unique interface. Before we start down a path of a different version, let’s see how far we can integrate this version into our current systems,” answers Dr. Nayfel.

“Okay, I understand now, and I actually like that better. I love Candy, and I think it is better to have just one of her, even if she comes replicated multiple times,” says the Queen.

“I do have a problem,” says Dr. Nayfel as he leads the Queen down a catwalk until they are overlooking another large construction bay.

“What are you building in here, it’s huge and it does not look like a Super Carrier, at all,” asks the Queen?

“No, this is another new class of vessel I am calling the Dreadnought class. It’s a battleship. Our Frigates are bigger than Mercury’s Corvettes, but our Destroyers are smaller than their Cruisers. Their Carriers are bigger than our Super Carriers, and nothing is bigger than our Mega Carrier. This Dreadnought will be a little smaller than our Super Carrier, but it will be like the Eidolon Patrol craft. Think of this ship as a whole bag of Candy,” explains Dr. Nayfel.

“Awesome! So, it will be run by Candy too,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, but our current supply of mercurial is not enough to finish it,” informs Dr. Nayfel.

“So, we need to steal some. I think I will just apport some directly from a Mercury warehouse,” says the Queen and She teleports to Her Drawing Room and meets with Mira.

“Update Me baby,” says the Queen.

“The 1st Corps has redeployed and are running cloaked at 0.20 AU from Mopac-4. The Petunia’s is inside the fleet’s cordon and cloaked as well. Admiral Gentry has begun probing the two cloaked Mercury congregation fleets using FSD-Net probes, and she is tagging them with neutrino projected nanodes…” reports Mira and the Queen says:

“Good, I hate teleporting blind into a hole in space hoping to end up in a hanger just to steal the new encryption codes for their transponders.”

“…It is proving to be easier than they anticipated. The Mercury fleets are concentrating on Mopac-4 and Mopace-5 to catch the Petunia’s, or at the least prevent her from picking up customers. Madam Ruby is saying that customers still have Ststrium, and their own credits which she takes as payment too…”

“I thought this would be the case. Ststrium can be smuggled in small quantities. The Observants will have a harder time securing it, especially from horny miners. We can refine the Ststrium, so inform Madam Rudy she can take raw ore in exchange,” orders the Queen.

“Reo contacted me concerning James Nixon after I warned them of the Elders crack down on thefts. The Yakuza are pre-panicking, and they are insisting the mercurial supply chain continue to support the Japan-Korea Federacy’s ship building. James only has one more payment of mercurial…”

“Well, tell Reo they have to work it out. I gave James to Ryu exclusively, and they are using My ship and two of My AhṚddhi. I could use My ship and AhṚddhi right now. The Yakuza and James are going to have to work out their problem,” states the Queen.

“Gus has Observant, ha, observers riding with him. He cannot stop in Earth space, and even if he could, his inventory is strictly counted now…”

“Well, I want mercurial. The Mercurian populace may want alcohol, drugs, and whatever fuck paraphernalia we have been sending them, but that is their problem. I will supply it, but they must find a way to buy it. That goes for the Russians and Yakuza too, they can supply it for free if they want, or not supply it at all unless they get paid. That is how business works. Now I want to remote view Mercury’s warehouses for mercurial,” says the Queen.

The Queen remote views the cities underground on Mercury, and She uses navigation sense to locate the warehouses near the docks. She looks into one warehouse and finds mercurial but something else too. The Queen says to Mira:

“I have found the mercurial, but there are several Observant guards, and they have some kind of devices in the warehouse…Let Me see if I can read this dock workers mind using telepathy…Okay, the devices are dimensional anchors that prevent apporting and teleporting, I am going to see if I can access them using technokinesis…Shit! They have tamper firewall alarms and I have to hack them one at a time. This is not going to work without alerting them, and I can’t teleport in unless all the devices are destroyed. We are going to have to hijack a shipment from a cargo ship.”

“~Candy baby, can you hear Me~,” asks the Queen using techno-telepathy?

“~Five by five, Sugar Thighs~,” answers Candy.

“~Launch and standby at a distance to engage the PAC engine for Mercury~,” orders the Queen.

“~It would be my pleasure Tushy Treasure~,” replies Candy.

“Damn she is a hoot,” says the Queen.

“Who baby,” asks Mira?

“Candy, I was telling her to launch.”

“Oh, Your new love bot. Are You going to let me go with You this time, or am I old news,” asks Mira?

The Queen grabs and kisses Mira and says:

“Of course, you are coming, and we are both going to eat some Candy, if we have time.”

The Queen and Mira teleport to the Eidolon, and Candy engages her PAC engine, and they are cloaked with the suppression dampers down. You can only run with the dampers down for 10 minutes before flushing them, but they are only five minutes away from Mercury where they meet up with Mira’s Blue Carrier and it is cloaked. They arrive near the security frontier minefield, and Candy is monitoring and scanning cargo ships navigating to jump points outside the minefield. While they wait, they move to the bedroom, and get naked.

The Queen lays on the bed and Candy starts eating Her pussy. Candy is on her hands and knees, and she looks back at Mira and says:

“Come on sister. Slide that big 10 inch in, that you use on My Sweetiekins.”

Mira starts fucking Candy doggystyle. Candy is moaning and the Queen is sighing and moaning from Candy eating Her pussy, and then the Queen jerks, like She is electrically shocked. The Queen sees faint electrical discharge from Mira, and the Queen is shocked again from Candy. the Queen slides away from Candy and exclaims:

“What the fuck is happening!”

“I don’t know baby. Candy is overcharging my nanodes, and it feels fucking amazing,” says Mira as she continues to pound Candy’s pussy with her cock, and it is vibrating in Candy’s pussy.

“Oh my god, I am going to cum, ah, ah, AH, AH, AHHHHHHHHH…” cries Candy and she orgasms and shakes, buzzes, and squeals sexy in an elevated pitch.

“Oh baby, what the fuck, Ah, AH, AHHHH, oh god AHHHHHH,” exclaims Mira who has visible electrical discharge like lighting coming off her body, and she totally liquefies, and her encased primary node falls on Candy’s ass, and it rolls down her back and onto the bed.

Candy picks it up and swallows it. The Queens screams:


“It’s okay Sweetie Cakes, I am still stimulating my sister,” answers Candy.

Mira’s encased primary node exits Candy’s pussy as it joins Mira’s body reconstituting from her liquid matrix lying all over the bed. Mira stands and cries:

“HOLY FUCKING SHIT BABY! That felt like the most amazing thing ever. How did you do that Candy?”

“Don’t ask me, that was the first time. Somehow, we shock charged each other into an orgasm,” answers Candy.

Mira kisses the Queen and says:

“I believe that was my first orgasm. There is no way I can be jealous of Candy anymore; I am fucking in love with her too baby.”

Candy says to Mira:

“Eat my snatch while I lick my Pumpkin’s patch,” and Candy pulls the Queen over her face as she lays on her back.

“Okay, okay, let me eat this gum twat of yours that My Queen is so infatuated with,” answers Mira.

Candy eats the Queen’s pussy, and She orgasms. Mira says:

“Damn, Candy, your pussy is so real.”

“Of course it’s real sister, I am all woman,” remarks Candy.

“No, you are the perfect woman Candy,” says Mira and she vibrates Candy’s clit and morphs her tongue inside and stimulates Candy’s “G” spot with vibration while the Queen sucks and kisses Candy’s 38DD supple breasts, and her lips.


Candy orgasms and shakes, and because Mira was stimulating her “G” spot, Candy squirts.

“What does it taste like,” asks the Queen?

“I don’t know, like honeysuckle nectar, but it has the consistency of vaginal lubricant, and it is not sticky at all,” answers Mira.

“Let me taste, let me taste [the Queen bends down and licks Candy’s pussy]. Mother fucker, that taste good as hell, she really does taste like candy. Rub it in My asshole and fuck Me while I lick her pussy,” and the Queen moves in between Candy’s legs, and licks her squirt like it was honey.

“How did you do that Candy,” asks Mira?

“I don’t know, that was the first time, but it felt fucking awesome as hell. Can you do it again? It makes my whole-body sizzle with current, and the neuronanites in that region concentrate on producing that liquid for some reason, and it feels amazing when they eject it,” says Candy.

Mira fucks the Queen’s asshole while She eats Candy. They brought each other to pleasure a number of times for the next hour, and Candy says:

“We’ve got to fly Cutie Pie; I just scanned a freighter with mercurial starting to navigate the minefield.”

Candy transfers from the bedroom to the bridge conn, and her positronic core and neuronanites drop on the bed and are absorbed back into the ship, and her matrix immediately forms around a different core on the bridge. Candy calculated the freighters exist point from the minefield, and the Eidolon and Mira’s Blue Carrier moved cloaked near that point. The Queen says:

“I am going to teleport aboard the freighter and apport the mercurial I see to the Blue Carrier. As soon as I teleport have the Blue Carrier uncloak so I can find My way to it. When the droids tell you I am aboard, fold for deep space so we can inspect the mercurial. I can already remote view some things attached to it, but it is not dimensional anchors.”

The Queen teleports onto the freighter and blocks Ṛddhi powers of the Observant guards, and She uses telekinesis to move and hold everyone out of the way. She apports the mercurial to the Blue Carrier, and then teleports Herself there as well, and both ships fold for deep space. The Queen remote teleports Mira to the Blue Carrier, and they are examining the devices attached to the mercurial ore containers. The Queen asks:

“What are they, it’s not a bomb is it?”

“Oh shit, can you apport them, they are Le’sânac beacons,” says Mira.

The Queen apports the devices into space, and the Eidolon and Mira’s Blue Carrier fold space again to another location. They were able to steal 30,000 tons of mercurial, and when they were satisfied there were no more booby-traps or tracking devices, they returned to the castle. The Queen sees Dr. Bethany Hylton in the lab, and She asks:

“Bethany, how does Candy do the things she can do, like orgasm?”

“I am a neurosurgeon, the neuronanites fire electrical and chemical impulses across the synapse of the neuronanites from the cyber-neurotransmitters, and this is felt throughout her entire body, like brain cells are her entire configuration. That is where we feel and register arousal. I tweaked it to especially be sensitive to sexual stimulation in erogenous zones, and then programmed the neuronanites to overcharge and reboot from extended stimulation. She is amazing, isn’t she,” says Bethany?

“Why are Candy’s kisses so good, I mean, it is almost like a high,” asks the Queen?

“You might not like knowing this part. Candy’s neuronanites in her mouth can produce a synthetic opioid if she commands it, and the opioid is harmless, but it gives You that high feeling. Sweeps You off Your feet momma,” answers Bethany.

“Did you fuck her,” asks the Queen?

“No, I wanted to, but You were Her first fuck. I wanted You to have the honor. You are Candy’s true love. It is not just how she was programmed; she is a learning and emotional AI, and she really loves You. She will fuck others, but she only loves You,” informs Bethany.

The next day the Queen, Mira, and Dr. Nayfel have gathered for Chief Elder Oscar Stanislaw’s morning brief on Mercury, to spy on him using mirror divination. Candy walks in and Mira jumps up, and Mira says:

“Candy! It’s good to see you, and you look so sexy today,” and Mira embraces and French kisses Candy, and the Queen and Dr. Nayfel can see static discharge from their lips.

“Damn, she really has hot lips, I have only seen Mira act like this with You My Queen,” remarks Dr. Nayfel.

“Yes [distractedly remarks the Queen]. It does seem like Mira is in love alright,” and the Queen watches with envy.

Mira pulls a chair out next to hers, and she holds Candy’s hand and Mira says:

“You can sit here Candy.”

Candy pulls the chair around to the other side of Mira’s chair so that it is in between and next to the Queen. Candy says:

“Thank you, sister. How about I sit here, next to My Soft Sweet Cashmere,” and Candy sits and grabs the Queen’s upper arm and lays her head on the Queen’s shoulder.

The Queen smiles at Mira who looks a little dejected. Chief Elder Stanislaw’s briefing starts:

“You lost 30,000 tons of mercurial, right outside the minefield, to pirates,” states Chief Elder Stanislaw.

“Sorry sir, we were not expecting cloaked ships to be waiting, and the person that teleported aboard the freighter was a very powerful Ṛddhi. We have reduced shipment weights to allow for dimensional anchor chambers to house the mercurial, and we are also providing fleet support outside the minefield with Ravens performing neutrino sweeps regularly to keep the area clear of cloaked vessels.

We have mandated that transport crews in the cargo compartments wear environmental suits, and to be tethered. There will be guards on airlocks switches to flush the compartments should intruders try and board. The freighters will fold space within our cordon, and they will arrive within a cordon on the other side where that area will be secured with neutrino sweeps. They will be escorted to the docks from there.

We are now also only using freighters that can cloak and have plasma shielding. We believe this will prevent scanning and remote viewing. Countering the powers of the more powerful Ṛddhi is not an easy task. We believe these pirates realized security had increased on the docks, and this mercurial theft was their attempt to score a big load,” explains Patriarch Sven Djoddson.

“Yes, they scored a big load. According to your audit estimates we were losing 5,500 tons a week. Now they have stolen almost six weeks’ worth at one time. I would say to keep improving security and counter measures. I believe they will keep doing this. What do you have next,” asks Chief Elder Stanislaw’s?

“Looks like it is going to be harder to steal mercurial next time. I guess we are going to have to monitor the whole mercurial chain of transport and storage, and start looking for weak spots to exploit,” says the Queen.


“~Why are you under attack~,” asks the Queen?

“~I can explain, but our 20 Vipers have converged into 10 Scorpions and are holding off some Ravens and a Corvette, if they fail, we are going to be boarded~,” informs Zoey.

“Fuck, Mira, pull up the transponder location for the Dragon Racket,” orders the Queen, and the Queen, Mira, and Candy teleport to the Eidolon in orbit, and speed out to a jump point and fold space.

When the Eidolon arrives, there are only six Scorpions left, but they took out the 12 Ravens from the Corvette, but the Corvette’s shields are too strong for the Scorpions, and the Corvette’s weapons are what has taken out four of the Scorpions. Candy comes in behind the Corvette, and she opens up with the rapid-fire neutrino/departicalization cannons, and for good measure, two neutrino encased NP/D-burst torpedoes. The Corvette is totally destroyed.


“Oh, My Queen Darling Dear, I thought that was why we were here,” says Candy.

Two more Corvettes arrive and are firing cloaked on the Dragon Racket, and the Queen says:

“Just disable them Candy,” orders the Queen.

Candy uses the rapid-fire neutrino cannons on their shields and the blackout pulse cannon targeting the flash points of the Corvette’s weapons fire. The two Corvettes decloak and drift having lost power.

The Queen teleports to the Dragon Racket and She is mad, but also desperate to get out of Nabu space. She finds out the wormhole generator is seriously damaged, and the Queen has the Eidolon start to tow the Dragon Racket into an asteroid belt. The Queen has Mira contact the HMS Troika and has just the Super Carrier folds space to meet them, leaving the Troika’s Destroyers and Frigates in the Mopac system. The Eidolon tows the Dragon Racket into the hanger on the Troika and they fold space for Earth. The Queen yells:


“Sorry My Queen, I tried to talk Reo out of it. She had me remote view that freighter to see what it was hauling, and I said some kind of metal stuff. Reo said maybe it was mercurial alloy already fabricated since it wasn’t in drums. She attacked and disabled it, but before we could board, a Corvette appeared,” explains Zoey as the Queen remote views the freighter they attacked.

“You dumbasses. I told you they cracked down on the mercurial thefts and increased security. No freighter traveling alone and uncloaked is going to be carrying fabricated mercurial alloy. That fucking freighter was carrying MTCSC nano-composite plating. You are fucking standing on that shit beneath the nanite layer right now. We make that shit too for standard use. God damn it, we just killed 200 Mercurians so you stupid fuckers could fail at stealing plywood,” scolds the Queen.

“It is our fault My Queen. When Mira told us, we had to work out our mercurial problems, the Oyabun wanted me to try and hijack some mercurial. This is the first time I even knew You were involved in all this directly having never met You. We have only dealt with Mira, TT, and Aries. I am so sorry, but Mira told us to solve our own problem,” says Mikihara Reo as she kowtows beside Nakame Yuri doing the same thing.

Reo is the Captain if the Dragon Racket as appointed by Teagan Tessarossa (who was soul possessed by the Queen at the time). Reo did this for the Yakuza boss Hakushin Ryu (the Oyabun). Aries told Ryu he could not do this on his own, and he has overplayed the cards the Queen gave him out of desperation to steal mercurial for the Japan-Korea Federacy.

“I did tell Mira to tell you to work out your problem Reo, but My context may have been misunderstood. I meant the problem between you and James Nixon, not your mercurial problem with the Japan-Korea Federacy. I have nothing to do with that,” clarifies the Queen.


Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Elisa Gentry (AKA) Admiral Elisa Gentry, Elder Elisa Gentry, (INTRO) 70 yrs. old, 34–28–38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Gray Short, (CUP) 34C Saggy Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Aging, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian, (PORN PERSONA) Juliet Anderson, (COMMENTS) Elisa Gentry’s dried up pussy is shaved, probably because it would grow gray hair too. Her tits sag but they are not big, so her breasts look pretty good, other than she generally has old skin with a timeworn creased looked. Skin at her joints has noticeably wrinkled, and around her waist and under her arms. She appears to have done a lot with an aging face to keep an attractive look.

Ruby LeBlanc (AKA) Madam Ruby LeBlanc, (INTRO) 45 yrs. old, 40-43-49, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 40H Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Plump Supple Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Amiee Roberts, (COMMENTS) Ruby is attractive, and although Ruby is fat, she is fun to fuck. There is something raunchy about fucking girls like Ruby that is a turn on. Her breasts sag to about 2 inches above her belly button, and the belly button closes itself when she stands from the fat. There is so much expansion in the skin covering her breasts, that you can see the blue/red veins in the bottom of her soft supple boobs (but it is not gross). Ruby has one big muffin top over the distinctive line around her waist. Ruby’s pussy and asshole is totally shaved, and her vulva is puffy fat (her husband, Dave, uses hair remover to shave her). Her ass, thighs, and calves are fat, and she has fat dimples on her ass and thighs. Ruby also has fat wings on her back. If Ruby is on her hands and knees, she looks like she has a horse pussy, and if you spread her fat ass cheeks, her asshole makes a brown heart shape. Ruby has cushion for the pushen.

Mikihara Reo (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32D Natural – Pinkish/Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Yua Mikami, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive, Fluent in English

Nakame Yuri (INTRO) 27 yrs. old, 32-23-34, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Tsubasa Amami, (COMMENTS) Really Cute, Barely Speaks English

James “Jimmy” Nixon (AKA) Big Jim, Crowbar, (INTRO) 29 yrs. old, Black Human, 6 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Black Short Cropped, (PUBIC) Black Trimmed, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 12 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Athletic Tall Medium Dark Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Decent Looking

Captain Augustus Valentine (AKA) Gus, (INTRO) 27 yrs. old, Black Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Black Short Cropped, (PUBIC) Black Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Athletic Muscular Not Bulky Medium Dark Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Decent Looking

Dr. Bethany Hylton (AKA) (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-26-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cherie DeVille, (COMMENTS) Very Hot Attractive Milf, Very Nice Body and Curves Just Right, Soft Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

Zoey Giavalletto (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-25-38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Distinctive Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Body Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Gia Derza, (COMMENTS) Zoey is a gorgeous brunette with long hair, hot hips, and thighs and nice big ass, She can do a split like you wave your hand, Her tits are supple and round at the base, but do not stick out a lot, but enough to know she has nice tits, Her ass and thighs shake when she moves and they are so supple and soft to touch, Her asshole looks so pretty, you wish you had a cock to fuck it, and she loves anal, Guys say fucking her ass is like fucking a hot pussy

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅