Mercury – 057 (Precious Dianne)

“I can’t do it Queen! I have never been with a girl before. What if I like it, how will I face my husband knowing he can never pleasure me this way?


The Queen usually has a briefing from Mira in Her chamber office when She wakes in the mornings. It is very casual from sleepwear, robes, to the Queen even being naked. There is always a breakfast cart there provided by the android servants, and it is not unusual for Aries to wander in and pig out at the cart listening to the briefing.

The Queen wakes and Mira walks to the office. The Queen checks on the Princess and then walks in naked to the cart, and She starts eating a pastry and drinking some juice as the androids serve Her. She looks back at Mira and asks:

“Well, what’s happening in My kingdom today baby?”

Mira looks at the Queen and holds her hands up and shrugs her shoulders and says:

“I know, but it is not my job to brief You anymore baby.”

“What the…Who told you it wasn’t your job to brief Me?”

“That little teeny on Your desk,” answers Mira.

“The Queen turns and looks at Her desk and TG3 bows and curtsies and says:

“Good morning My Queen. We teenies decided I would take over your briefings. I am now your Principal Secretary. Should I do this in the nude too My Queen?”

TG3 is wearing a knee length black skirt suit with a white blouse underneath. She doesn’t need them, but she has glasses on, and as she talked, she frequently touched the side of her glasses. Her sandy blonde hair is shoulder length, and it is down and parted and the ends are wavey framing her face. TG3 is wearing 4” heel black leather open toe sandals with ankle straps. TG3 looks so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs in her tight skirt suit.

On the top right corner of the Queen’s desk were two miniature partitions running perpendicular on the corner, and a small desk with computer consoles resembling the Queen’s desk. If the Queen sat at Her desk, She would be looking at the side of TG3’s little desk and the side of TG3 sitting at the desk. The little wall partition behind TG3’s desk has small pictures on it. The Queen answers TG3:

“Well, clothes are optional, but who told you that you could take over My briefing?”

“Anyway, My Queen, we analyzed the bazillion gazillion tasks You assign to Mira, and we discovered that some of them cause her to over task her primary node when she should be focused on other tasks. For instance, yesterday when Iota was in trouble, Mira was running so many operations through her primary satellite drive, that she was forced to report what You asked her in sequence. It upset You when she got to the point of Iota being attacked by Mr. Torres.

Since Mira was handling Your morning briefing, monitoring Your call with PM Kassia Ruslon, monitoring the fleet, the androids, communicating with Dr. Nayfel, and a bazillion gazillion other things, she did not have time to process the security tapes in a manner and speed You needed. We can monitor everything too, not with her speed, but we can shunt low priority processes by code constructs,” explains TG3.

“Mira, I loved watching Itty and Bitty flying around and playing with the Princess and Lilith, but can you explain this, so I do not get mad,” orders the Queen.

“Baby, these little mother fuckers have tapped into every system in the castle down to sewage, including me, and our fleets. If I know it, they know it. It is scary, but they have cracked my secured files too. Think about what I have done and what You have done, and now imagine they know it all. When they told me, they were taking over this briefing, I didn’t argue,” informs Mira.

“WHAT,” exclaims the Queen!

“Fear not My Queen. We love You very much, and we understand the requirements of Your rule and esper power needs. We teenies are good at keeping secrets. Anyway, Li’l will be my Assistant Secretary, and Mini and Minikin are Under Secretaries to her. That takes care of that. Next…” TG3 is interrupted by an angry Queen.


“Yes, My Queen, we know. We have seen the tapes, and we deleted them. We love You and You are our Queen, and we serve and defend You faithfully. We are not losing another Queen. Anyway, Dr. Nayfel is excited to discuss the new Zeroth Dimension Fractional Drive developed by Professor Molecular and Micro…” the Queen interrupts again as She sits.

Iota flies in naked and lays on the Queen’s bare breasts and curls up in Her cleavage and goes back to sleep. The Queen asks TG3:

“Go back. What did you mean by esper power need?”

“My Queen, Your abilities are what we call esper powers. It is similar to the Ceruleans’ mind shriek ability, but You have so many more abilities. Your abilities draw on dark spiritual energy, which is currently the most powerful energy in this world. It requires You to pact by providing the blood of souls from this world. Light spiritual energy is the strongest, but no one in this world currently has the discipline to master it. The deception of the dark spiritual entities has blinded the people of this world to light spiritual entities. Can I move back to the brief My Queen,” asks TG3?

“Yes T, I will meet with the Doctor later to see his latest and greatest, what’s next?”

Sweet Pea and Mignon fly into the office naked, and they land on the Queen’s lap crease and thigh. Sweet Pea lays on top of Mignon, and they are kissing. The Queen looks down at them past Her breasts where Iota is sleeping, and She watches them rub and kiss, and kiss on each other’s breasts.

“Anyway, My Queen, the Eidolon has had a weapons upfit, and has the new Zeroth Dimension Fractional Drive. We apologize, but we had to reduce the small landing bay and guest quarters for the upfit. The Eidolon is suitable for You and 2 to 4 guests if they must sleep in the smaller guest quarters, but the Eidolon is a kick ass killer, not a hotel.

The new Dreadnought battleship is ahead of schedule, thanks to us teenies My Queenie, and it has many new features. It will scare the hell out of anyone who battles with it. I feel sorry for them. We want You to commission the following teenies to command the new Dreadnought…” the Queen interrupts TG3.

“Wait, you are dictating that I give command of My new ship to teenies?”

“Oh yes My Queen, we know that they could take out Your fleet, the UGK, other federacies, and the Mercurians, even if they were to unite against the Dreadnought,” answers TG3.

The Queen looks down again and Sweet Pea and Mignon are locked up on their sides on the thigh crease of the Queen, and they are eating each other’s pussy. TG3 continues:

“My Queen, we recommend You commission Bantam as the Captain of the new Dreadnought. He is the best person to replace Captain Atomic. We also recommend the following commissions to serve under Captain Bantam: Commander Dwindle, Lieutenant Commander Fine, Lieutenant Minnow, Lieutenant Penny, Sub-Lieutenant Smalls, and Sub-Lieutenant Little.

We know the Dreadnought will need esper powers, so we also recommend transferring the Zephyr Twins, Dame Commander Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze and Dame Commander Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze to the Dreadnought. We recommend knighting and assigning Dame Commander Paula Nocy to the HMS Moira in their place…” the Queen interrupts TG3 and asks:

“Why should I transfer the twins?”

“Good question My Queen. We have studied the performance reports from the HMS Moira. Commodore Cathi Lock and Knight Commander Harold Shirandicol have trouble with the youthful playfulness of the twins, it is hurting the ship’s performance. Paula Nocy is mature, and Sweet Pea feels Paula and Cathi will get a dong, I mean, get along with Anthony’s Johnson well, he-he; Sweet Pea says he has 10 features they like.

The Zephyr Twins’ playfulness will fit right in with our character better. Lastly, we want to commission as Sub-Lieutenant, Lisa Elizabeth Charles. She is the same age as the Zephyr Twins and they get along well too,” explains TG3.

Sweet Pea and Mignon bring each other to orgasm in the Queen’s lap, and the Queen can hear them. She is trying to concentrate on TG3, but they are distracting Her. Sweet Pea and Mignon lean against the Queen’s inner thighs and push Her legs apart. The Queen tells TG3:

“Well, okay, I assume you have prepared everything through Admiral Mira.”

“Yes, My Queen, next…” says TG3 when the Queen ask Sweet Pea and Mignon:

“What are you two doing now?”

“Just relax My Queen, You will like this,” says Sweet Pea, and they start using their teeny hands and mouths on the Queen’s pussy clit.

“Anyway, My Queen, I talked to PM Kassia Ruslon via video, and the war game exercises have resumed between the RAF and our 2nd Corps in the Nabu system. The RAF has yet to win an engagement, but both sides are receiving a lot of training and experience.

I have set up an appointment with You to meet with Commodore Isaac Griffin who You will soon have to appoint to Rear admiral in the RAF. I have been working on Your school initiative, and we feel Commodore Griffin will be a good candidate for the 3rd Corps fleet when it is ready to launch,” informs TG3.

“How did you even get through to the PM, mm, and did she see you in the video, ah,” asks the Queen getting excited by Sweet Pea and Mignon?

“I used a security clearance, and yes she saw me My Queen. I was sitting at this desk, but don’t worry, she cannot tell my size, that is why I have this wall behind me with the pictures on it,” says TG3.

“Okay, uh, uh, wait, damn, who would have thought their little hands could rub so good, Mm, mm, mm. Shit! SHIT! Ah, ah, AHHHHH,” exclaims the Queen as Sweet Pea and Mignon bring Her to orgasm.

The teenies were shooting their power powder through their hands to excite the Queen. The Queen instinctively grabs Her breasts in excitement and wakes Iota, and she flies up and holds to the Queen’s nose and sits on Her lips as Her head lays back. The Queen opens Her mouth enough to run Her tongue into Iota’s little pussy. Iota scissors the Queen’s tongue and after a bit, she orgasms, and she slides her D tits down the Queen’s lip and tongue. Iota then kisses the Queen’s lips. Iota flies back to the Queen’s breasts, and the Queen turns and looks at Mira and says:

“Can you believe this shit. Two 4” fairies just brought Me to orgasm, and I licked a fairy twat. I have done some fucked up things, but this tops the chart.”

“I don’t know baby, I like watching their little figures playing on You, it is like they love You so much,” says Mira.

“We do love You, My Queen. I can deal with this other stuff, I just needed to make sure You were okay with the personnel changes in the fleet and to remind You of the meeting with Commodore Griffin. I do have a question as far as visitors go, there is a Samantha Phillips that keeps wanting to see You,” says TG3.

“As soon as Mira prepares Me, I am going to see the Doctor. You can tell her to check back, that I am busy, or let her fuck the ticks or something. DO NOT LET HER SEE YOU TEENIES,” orders the Queen.

The Queen, Mira, and Iota concealing herself in the Queen’s tiara teleport to Dr. Nayfel’s castle lab. The Doctor explains the upfit to the Eidolon:

“My Queen, Professor Molecular was insistent on installing a Sonic Shield Generator of his design on the Eidolon. He said if we should ever encounter the Ceruleans we would need it to defend against their sonic weaponry. The Professor increased the power on the phased plasma shields, and phase plasma cannon.

The Eidolon is already fast and formidable. The Dreadnought will be formidable but not fast at under near light speeds. The teenies studied what they called the esper powers of Your AhṚddhi, in particular, the unrestricted movement of the Zephyr Twins. Professor Molecular invented the Zeroth Dimension Fractional Drive. He created what basically amounts to a mechanized way to teleport within visual range.

Both the Eidolon and Dreadnought will be able to move around while battling in a fraction of a second to another location within view of the optical sensors. An enemy ship could be targeting the Dreadnought, and in a fraction of a second, the Dreadnought could move to another location to the enemy vessel and fire. It is all handled through the Z-Nav – zeroth dimension fractional drive Navigation System. It is a point click kill from any position confuse the hell out of Your enemy weapon. For the Dreadnought, it makes maneuvering with speed irrelevant,” explains Dr. Nayfel.

“Sounds amazing Doctor, I cannot wait to try it out. Maybe in a war game exercise,” says the Queen.

The Queen returns to Her office, and TG3 has changed outfits and she is working at her desk. The Queen is attired, and She sits down and is watching TG3, and She asks:

“Why have you changed clothes?”

“My Queen, I have been studying the bazillion gazillion wardrobes for secretaries, and I want to try a new one each time,” answers TG3 as she stands, and the Queen gets a better view.

TG3 is wearing a black miniskirt and tight red top with no bra, and her double D boob nipples are on bright. She is in high heels and wearing thigh high black stockings, and when she was sitting, the Queen could see the garter straps. TG3 is still wearing the glasses, but her hair is half down and half up in a tuck bun, and the side that is down is covering part of one lens of her glasses. It is sexy hot.

If you worked in an office with a hot secretary like TG3 walking around in this outfit, you would get nothing done but daydreaming as you stared at her. TG3 walks across the desktop over in front of the Queen carrying some papers, and she drops them (on purpose). TG3 squats to pick them up, and the Queen can see up her teeny skirt, and TG3 is not wearing panties. Her full triangular black hairy pussy is visible, and her ample bare thighs above her stockings are pressing against her ankles as she squats, and the Queen wishes She were smaller.

TG3 stands and adjusts her glasses and says:

“My Queen, since You need Zoey Giavalletto when You travel on the Eidolon, we had her move into the master quarters. Also, since Itty and Bitty like Candy so much, they moved into the Eidolon too. They developed a new smaller core for Candy which allows her to control her matrix in much smaller forms, like teeny, which Itty and Bitty like. Candy is the best woman, and man, Itty and Bitty have ever played with, if You know what I mean?”

“Yes, I know what you mean, and for the first time, I am jealous that I am not Candy, and able to shrink to your size,” says the Queen.

“You’re so silly My Queen, of course You can shrink to our size. Lisa can shrink to our size by shapeshifting…” explains TG3 and before she can finish the Queen shapeshifts to a teeny size.

The Queen grabs TG3 and kisses her and TG3 kisses back, but then she pushes against the Queen’s shoulders and turns her head and says:

“My Queen, we shouldn’t, what about Your other girlfriends, and You’re My Boss. This is not professional. What if the other staffs found out, it could ruin us?”

The Queen kisses TG3 again and pushes her back to her desk, and She lifts her and sets her on top of it. The Queen stands in between TG3’s thighs as she wraps her legs around the Queen’s waist. TG3 says:

“Oh Queen, what if my husband finds out? How will I explain such a lewd act to him?”

“What are you talking about,” asks the Queen?

TG3 slaps the Queen, and she says:

“Play right or I will stop!”

“We, can, keep it a secret, I love you,” puzzled says the Queen?

TG3 pushes the Queen back and hops down from her desk and walks a few steps toward her chair. She looks back invitingly, and she says:

“I can’t do it Queen! I have never been with a girl before. What if I like it, how will I face my husband knowing he can never pleasure me this way?”

The Queen walks over and turns TG3 around and kisses her and removes her glasses. The Queen says:

“Come on baby, quit teasing Me, you know you want it.”

TG3 runs her finger down the side of the Queen’s face and looks at her pitifully and says:

“What if I fail to satisfy You, and You fire me?”

“Shut up T, I am going to eat your wet pussy,” says the Queen.

The Queen pulls TG3’s skirt up over her exaggerated hips, and She lifts one of her legs and sets her foot in her chair. The Queen kneels and dives into TG3’s sweet hairy wet pussy and begins to devour it with Her mouth. TG3 gets verbal.

“Oh, My Queen, mm, mm, You have such a talent, ah, ah. My husband could never make me feel like this, mm, mm.”

TG3 rubs the Queen’s head pulling Her deeper into her pussy. Aries walks in and sits at the Queen’s desk and watches the miniature Queen eat the teeny TG3’s pussy. TG3 looks up and sees her, and she jerks her leg down and slaps the Queen and says:

“You forgot to lock the door My Queen, and now the Chambermaid has caught us.”

TG3 pulls her skirt down and puts her glasses back on, and she sits at her chair, and she goes back to work. The Queen walks over and sits on the edge of Her desk and adjust Her tiara and reverts back to Her full size. Aries is drinking some kind of shake through a straw, and she stops and asks:

“So, My Queen, You are fucking Your secretary?”

“Well, I was trying to when you interrupted.”

TG3 gets up and has a holographic display activated on her wrist module, and she walks across the Queen’s desk and stands in front of Aries and says:

“I am sorry Ms. Aries. I tried to stop My Queen, but She is so forceful. If you hadn’t come in, who knows what else She would have forced me to do.”

“Is she for real,” asks Aries?

“I think she is in character right now. It is entertaining,” answers the Queen.

“Anyway, My Queen, Mingy is about to give birth, and since Chica is now pregnant, they have both moved to the nursery with the Princess, Lilith, and Nansen,” informs TG3 as an earphone forms on TG3’s ear.

“What! Right now? Okay we are coming,” exclaims TG3 as she flies up and says:

“Come on My Queen, Mingy is giving birth!”

In the nursery all the teenies have gathered, and Li’l and Iota are helping Mingy. Nansen is watching enthusiastically, and Mira, Zoey, Bayesian, Lisa, and Lindsay come to see as well. Mingy delivers a baby girl, and she calls her Precious. There is not one person or teeny present that is not immediately gaga over Precious. The Queen asks:

“How do you determine if Precious is a John, Jacob, Jingleheimer, or Schmidt?”

TG3 says:

“We are in Your world now My Queen. She will be either a Dianne, Dame, Sombwe, or Stuart. She will be Precious Dianne.”

The Queen grabs Mira and weeps happily.


Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

TG3 (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Shoulder Length, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) TG3 is so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs, ample luscious thighs, and she is so seductive too. TG3 likes to use the catchphrases, Anyway, Whatever, and bazillion gazillion.

Iota (Schmidt) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) D Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Iota has Golden Blonde Long Hair in a High Ponytail, and She is Very Cute

Mignon (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, <4 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Mignon has brunette hair long to the middle of her back with ornamental weavings of hair ties with gems to keep it out of her face. Mignon is a short sweet curvy hottie with a black hairy pussy and double D breasts. Well, short compared to the rest of the teenies which all are about 4” or less.

Sweet Pea (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) C Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure but Slimmer, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) all of the teenies are adorably cute, and Sweet Pea is very outgoing and loves eating pussy. Her hair has an intricate weave of ties with gems that pull it to the rear, but it is down in the back.

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Oldest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-33, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 28B Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Destiny is Trinity’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Destiny has nicer hip definition than Trinity, but both are sexy cute.

Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Youngest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Blonde Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 28A Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Trinity is Destiny’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Trinity’s inner pussy lips extend to the outside of her outer pussy lips. They are not big pussy lips, and are elongated, and they are actually very sexy. Despite her slim body type, she has a sexy ass and cute hips, just small breasts.

Paula Holly Nocy (AKA) Butterfly, (INTRO) 35 yrs. old, 36-26-37, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36D Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Landing Strip, (BODY) Light Complexion Hourglass Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Natasha Nice, (COMMENTS) Shapely Pretty Brunette with Sexy Legs, Feet, and Toes, Nice Figure, Well Defined Creases between Thighs and Pussy, Small Colorful Butterfly Tattoo Next to Pussy Above the Crease of Left Thigh

Cathi Lock Deuché (AKA) Captain Cathi Lock Deuché (INTRO) 36 yrs. old, 36-26-38, White/Latina Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Platinum Blonde Short Over Ears “Tapered Flat” Half-way Down Neck in Back, (CUP) 36D Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Hourglass Soft/Fit Dark Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Ryan Keely, (COMMENTS) Cathi very attractive and has little nipples an areola, and her breasts are supple. She has sexy long legs and beautiful feet and toes.

Harold Shirandicol (INTRO) 70 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Gray Balding Gray Goatee, (PUBIC) Gray Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7” Length Uncircumcised, (BODY) Average for Age, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Has an old Sean Connery Look

Anthony Johnson (INTRO) 29 yrs. old, Black Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Cropped, (PUBIC) Hair None, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 10 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Avg. Build, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking, Medium Dark Complexion

Lisa Elizabeth Charles (AKA) Rat Girl, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 32B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Soft, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Danni Rivers, (COMMENTS) Small Breasts, Pale White Skin that Feels like Baby Skin, Hairless Pussy is Soft and Squishy, Great Kisser, Very Cute and Clever, Introverted and Passive Aggressive

Samantha Lynn Phillips (INTRO) 34 yrs. old, 34-25-35, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34C Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Athletic Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Anikka Albrite, (COMMENTS) Samantha is a beautiful blonde with an athletic build, and she looks like a professional female tennis player.

Zoey Giavalletto (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-25-38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Distinctive Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Body Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Gia Derza, (COMMENTS) Zoey is a gorgeous brunette with long hair, hot hips, and thighs and nice big ass, She can do a split like you wave your hand, Her tits are supple and round at the base, but do not stick out a lot, but enough to know she has nice tits, Her ass and thighs shake when she moves and they are so supple and soft to touch, Her asshole looks so pretty, you wish you had a cock to fuck it, and she loves anal, Guys say fucking her ass is like fucking a hot pussy

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

Nansen Ryun (INTRO) 22 yrs. old, 46-38-44, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Black Long, (CUP) 38E Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Plus size 190+lbs, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Adriana Avalon, (COMMENTS) Attractive, Big Shaped Mouth and Nice Lips, Has a Couple of Fat Rolls but They are Sexy, Huge Natural Tits that Sexy Sag, Walking Jello Farm, Has Fat Dimples on Her Ass and the Back of Her Thighs, Has Big Calves, Sexy Squishy Body Feels so Good

Lindsay Keele (AKA) Pearl Hart / Mrs. L.P. Keele, (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, 36-26-37, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Triangular, (BODY) Light Complexion Hourglass Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Natasha Nice, (COMMENTS) Shapely Pretty Brunette with Sexy Legs, Feet, and Toes, Nice Figure, Well Defined Creases between Thighs and Pussy

Bayesian Taylor (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 34-25-36, Black Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Permed Loose, (CUP) 34D Natural Dark Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Medium Complexion Hourglass Slim Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jenna J Foxx, (COMMENTS) Breasts are so Supple and Soft you can Squeeze a Boob Together and give Her a Tit Blowjob, Hair on Her Pussy is Very Soft Too, Tastes Sweet, Gets Abundantly Wet, Fucking Sexy Hot from Head to the Tip of Her Lovely Toes

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅