Mercury – 065 (Bodyguards)

“Yes, but keep smelling her foul pussy. Fuck, it is like a drug. Her big ass hairy beaver drives Me insane,” says the Queen.

Episode 65 – BODYGUARDS

The Queen and Akane Hakushin change places as they bathe, and Akane begins washing the Queen. Akane asks:

“Are You going to get to the point?”

“What are the chances you would take over the Yakuza if Ryu was out of the picture,” asks the Queen?

“Is difficult to say. I would acquire his business stocks and investment properties, but not so legitimate ventures would depend on me gaining the loyalty of the senior leader brothers. They would have to accept me as an Oyabun parent. If they think I kill Ryu, then no way,” answers Akane.

The Queen spreads Her legs and looks at Her own pussy and says:

“You missed a spot [and Akane washes the Queen’s pussy]. Mm, that feels good. Rinse Me and let’s get in that big tub with the steam rising off it.”

They enter the bath and sit across from each other, and the Queen lifts Akane’s foot and rubs and kisses her toes. The Queen asks:

“What if Ryu died fucking some of his girls, you know, like a heart attack? He likes to fuck girls in tandem, and there are usually 7 guards outside his door. Would that be a natural enough death for you?”

“Why You want me to take over,” asks Akane?

The Queen moves in between Akane’s thighs, and starts to rub her giant GG tits, and kiss and suck on her nipples, flicking her nipple piercings with Her tongue. The Queen answers:

“Because Ryu is a dumbass. He thought I could not tell that he told the Kempei Tai to expose My mercurial thefts to a Chinese Federation spy.”

“I tell him that will not work. He was convinced You would ask him to look into it and find out who did it. I told him You would track it back to him, but he was determined,” says Akane.

The Queen kisses Akane, and She takes Akane’s hand and places it on Her pussy. The tub is deep with seats along the inside. The Queen is basically standing, and She begins to rub Akane’s pussy too, under the water as Akane sits. The Queen asks:

“What is the mercurial deal you have with the JKF?”

“Ryu promise them, mm, mm, 50,000 tons. Ah, and he has only delivered, mm, 15,000 tons. I tell him, uh, uh, not to make that deal too,” answers Akane, moaning and sighing from the Queen’s fingering of her pussy.

The Queen kisses Akane some more, and She rubs her breasts. Akane is fingering the Queen’s pussy more aggressively now too. The Queen says:

“Damn that feels good, mm. If you had, ah, the balance of 35,000 tons. Fuck, stick it in Me once and rub out hard, yes, yes. If you had the balance, how far would that go to helping you take over the Yakuza?”

“You ah, ah, are about to push, mm, mm, me over the edge. Ah, ah, I never negotiate such a world changing deal, oh fuck, ahhhh, while I get finger fucked. Yes, it would go long way, probably recover Yakuza honor lost, oh shit, fuck, by Ryu not being able to keep promise. Now shut up, and rub faster, mm, mm, yes, yes, ah, AHHHHHH!”

The water splashes as Akane orgasms. The Queen pushes in and kisses her as she shakes. The Queen turns and sits in between Akane’s legs and lays back against her huge melons. Akane goes back to fingering the Queen, and she uses the other hand to rub Her breasts. The Queen says:

“I will give you the 35,000 tons of mercurial after Ryu is gone. Mm, faster Akane. After that, don’t make another deal to supply mercurial, mm, mm, mm, because it is only found on Mercury, ah, ah, ahh, and they are not going to sell it to us.”

“I can do that, and if I balance the debt, the Yakuza will accept me, because they have no way of fulfilling the promise,” says Akane.

The Queen orgasms, and She lays Her head back and kisses Akane. They get out of the tub and dry off, and they go to the bed. Akane lays on her back and the Queen moves between her legs and eats her trim hairy pussy. She had fingered across her deep clitoral hood piercing, but licking it was like playing with a toy. The Queen lifts Akane’s hips up onto Her breast and spreads her wide, and She eats pussy and ass until Akane orgasms again.

The Queen lowers Akane and moves up and kisses her, and She fondles her huge breasts. Akane rolls the Queen over and kisses on Her 34DD’s, and she remarks how supple they are. Akane makes her way downtown, and she remarks again concerning how nice the Queen’s pussy is. Akane orally stimulates the Queen to orgasm, and she moves up and they kiss and lay beside each other. The Queen asks:

“Did all that tattooing hurt?”

“The pain is part of the pleasure, just like the piercings. My pussy was running water out when woman pierce me. It hurt so good. If You can deliver, this best business deal I ever make. Yakuza were going to have to start cutting off fingers for failing to honor agreement. I will be savior to Yakuza. You make me happy woman,” says Akane and she rolls over and kisses the Queen.

“Are you aware of My agreement with Ryu and the Yakuza regarding the JKF,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, it will be honored, even after Ryu is gone. It is binding on all Yakuza. Ryu had to make it formally to get the parties to agree to enforce it,” answers Akane.

“After Ryu is gone. Find were the JKF wants the balance of mercurial. There can be no one in the warehouse. There is a luxurious living quarters in the Teppanyaki Restaurant in My castle that I gave to Ryu. It has a nice conference room. Reo and Yuri were living there, but they live on the Dragon Racket now. I like fucking them, but it is up to you what you want to do with those girls. Let Me know when the warehouse is ready, and I will move the mercurial,” informs the Queen.

“Maybe I come visit You, and we can shave those girls’ pussies together, because unlike Ryu, I like the business to be neat,” says Akane.

“I have a girl that can make you piss yourself dry having orgasms, and I have great pussy groomers as well. Let Me go and return your servant. Will she tell anyone?”

“No, she is loyal to me. Thank You for making me this offer. Will you be taking care of Ryu soon? Tomorrow night is one of his visits to two girls he likes to fuck,” says Akane.

“Yes. I will make sure he dies indulging his flesh,” says the Queen, and She attires and teleports returning Akane’s servant to her in the process.

The next morning the Queen has Mira tracking Ryu. Mira asks:

“How are You going to kill him and make it look natural?”

“My little teenies have been researching My esper powers. Well, esper powers in general, to help Me, and to help Bayesian teach her class. Lindsay has been helping them by studying some material Mr. Torres has too. It’s like, if I can understand how a psychic ability works, I can visualize and use it.

I am going to give Hakushin Ryu a massive thoracic aortic aneurysm. The ability I will be using is cardiokinesis. I seem to be able to use abilities that override will or souls, and I cannot transcend people into these abilities. If they have them, I can transcend them into higher levels. That is why Paula can use higher telepathic mind abilities, where Zoey cannot,” answers the Queen.

“Damn baby! You are like a god,” remarks Mira.

“You think I’m something, wait until Princess Persephone gets a little older. She is already talking to Me in My mind. Do you want to watch Ryu? I am going remote view and I can use techno-telepathy and bridge you in like Paula did,” asks the Queen?

“Yes baby. Ryu is on the move,” informs Mira.

Hakushin Ryu and his bodyguards arrive at an apartment Ryu maintains for personal activities. Ryu eventually enters a bedroom, and two young lovely Japanese women are waiting. They begin with each other as Ryu watches. One girl is receiving oral pleasure from the other girl who is on her hands and knees. Ryu begins fucking her from behind, and after he gets in a good rhythm, the Queen uses cardiokinesis and begins giving him a thoracic aortic aneurysm.

The Queen expands the blood vessel slowly, and She uses force on his heart and causes him pain. As he grabs at his chest screeching in agony, the girls began screaming. The bodyguards enter and start calling emergency services. When there were sufficient witnesses, the Queen ruptures Ryu’s aorta. He dies before the ambulance arrives.

There was great concern for foul play, and the coroner confirmed a natural cause of death that night because of pressure from the Yakuza. The next morning a meeting of the Yakuza senior advisors was held, and Akane Hakushin asserted her desire to take over. Some of the senior advisors disagreed, and then Akane told them that not only will she acquire all of Ryu’s legal assets, but that she could clear the Yakuza of the impossible debt concerning mercurial to the JKF.

Akane was granted temporary leadership with permanent leadership conditional on clearing the Yakuza’s debt. Akane takes a transport to the Teppanyaki Restaurant, and she is waiting in the private conference room. Mira notifies the Queen:

“Baby, your Japanese Boss baby is here in the Teppanyaki Restaurant’s conference room.”

“Did the Doctor finish them,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, they are standing by outside the Doctor’s office,” answers Mira.

“Oh good! It is going to be so much more fun dealing with Akane,” says the Queen, and She teleports into the conference room.

“Akane, My dragon empress, I am not sitting across this long table and meeting with you in this conference room. Did you look in the master living quarters,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen. It is very nice.”

“I had Mira remodel the bathroom, Japanese style. I enjoyed washing you so much, I want to do it again sometime. Let’s go in the living room and meet,” says the Queen.

They move to the living room in the master living quarters. They sit next to each other on the couch, and they kiss and rub each other. The Queen asks:

“Is the warehouse ready?”

“Yes, here is the address. I am told no one is inside,” answers Akane.

The Queen remote views the warehouse, and She apports 35,000 tons of mercurial inside. Akane contacts her people, and they enter and verify shipment. Akane contacts the JKF and tells them the balance of mercurial is in the warehouse, and the Yakuza’s debt is paid in full. The Queen says:

“I have some surprises for you.”

The Queen remote teleports two special Viper androids into the room. They look like Japanese women, very pretty. Akane asks:

“What do I need with two tall women?”

“You two, reform to nude,” orders the Queen.

The two androids are 5’ 10” tall, and their measurements are 36D-24-36. Both have long dark brown hair, and trim triangular black hairy pussies that are shaved below. Everything is practically perfect. Both androids have full body tattoos in the Yakuza theme, except around erogenous zones. The Queen says:

“These two girls are not human, they are androids, and very lethal. They could take out your compound in Saga. The tattoos are not only there for Yakuza acceptance, but they are also a weapons system of zagaglia. In combat mode, tiny shredder bots deploy and raze everything in their path.

The two of them combine to form a fighter craft we call Scorpions. They can take you anywhere, and cloak to do it so no one can see you. They will be your new personal bodyguards. The cute one on the left is Bibi-1, and the sultry looking one is Bara-2. That is their full designation, and the number is a rank, so Bibi outranks Bara.

They are also really good at grooming, so you won’t need to wax that pussy of yours anymore or hire hair stylist. You can fuck them, and they are the best sex toys you have ever seen. Both can also form cocks of any size if you want, and it is better than the real thing. They can suck clit, lick “G” spot, and tongue fuck your ass at the same time.

They can also form a fuck room and give your entire body a fucking. It is pleasurable to eat their pussies, and it seems real, but after a while you will begin to notice the synthetic smells and taste. We have perfected that in a later model, but she is rather unique. However, nothing can replace the real thing when it comes to pussy, but for a man fucking them, they could never tell the difference,” explains the Queen.

“Why would You give me something like this,” asks Akane?

“I like you, and I want you to be safe. These bitches cannot be beaten by any Yakuza, even if 200 of them attack you at once. But that is not enough. So, I have another surprise,” says the Queen and She remote teleports Beulah Fulanisetts into the room.

“This is Beulah Fulanisetts, and I know she is not much to look at…” says the Queen.

“You’re right, she looks like a henchman. My gosh, she would scare some of my male security,” remarks Akane.

“That aside, she is one of My AhṚddhi, or magic girls as most of your people call them. She has some personally acquired abilities that allowed Me to transcend her into master levels. If you think one of your Saiko Komon are lying about something or planning to assassinate you, Beulah will tell you. No one will have secrets from you, and she can stop a bullet instinctively, and she can teleport transport you anywhere instantly.

Reo and Yuri were using her, but they only need her for two days every other week. I can let them use one of My house AhṚddhi for that. I would rather you be safe full time. Beulah also has the foulest smelling pussy I have ever eaten, but it is delicious. It will drive you insane trying to figure out why you like eating it. Beulah is also one of the few humans that can eat pussy almost as good as the androids.

Beulah will be in charge of your security, and she will oversee Bibi and Bara. Beulah will also teach you about the androids so you are aware of all they can do. Beulah does not talk much, she just kind of lurks and waits to drain your pussy dry. Look at her, she knows she is a nasty skank, but she has a talent for pussy eating. Isn’t that right Beulah,” ask the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, I love eating Your pussy,” says Beulah.

“Fuck, she is so good at it that I want to feel it right now. Remove your attire Akane,” says the Queen.

The Queen and tattooed Yakuza Oyabun Akane sit naked on the couch as the Queen rubs Akane’s GG tits. Beulah is dressed but standing between the two tattooed covered androids that are naked. The Queen says:

“Remove your attire, Beulah.”

Beulah’s mantas attire removes revealing her 44-33-42 almost manly figure and 38C torpedo tits. Akane remarks:

“That is big hairy pussy. You know Queen, she’s not attractive at all. I don’t think I could pay gigolo to fuck her.”

Beulah can hear them talking. The Queen says:

“Yes, Beulah is a nasty bitch. Get down on your hands and knees nasty bitch, and crawl over here.”

Beulah crawls toward the couch, and the Queen stops her with Her foot. The Queen pushes Her toes in Beulah’s mouth, and Beulah sucks them with great pleasure. Beulah reaches up and grabs the Queen’s calf, and the Queen says:

“Put your hand back on the floor filthy bitch,” and Beulah does so.

The Queen removes Her toes from Beulah’s mouth, and She slides to the edge of the couch and spreads Her legs. The Queen says:

“Smell My pussy nasty girl.”

Beulah moves in between the Queen’s thighs and smells the Queen’s pussy. Beulah pushes her nose into the Queen’s pussy and the Queen says:

“I didn’t say touch it, putrid pussy girl. I can smell your rotten cunt from here. Kiss My thighs.”

Beulah is extremely excited. She begins to kiss the Queen’s thighs as Akane leans over and rubs the Queen’s pussy, and She is wet. The Queen says:

“Lick My sweet smelling pussy juice off Akane’s finger nasty girl and tell Me what it smells like.”

Beulah licks Akane’s wet finger, sucking the Queen cunt cream and wanting more. Beulah says:

“It is the most wonderful smell in the universe My Queen. I love You so much, I wish it was the only smell I could smell.”

“Too bad you repulsive rank cunt. Move over to Akane and eat her pussy, and you better make her scream or your dream of eating My fine pussy will never come true,” says the Queen.

Beulah moves in between Akane’s thighs and begins to eat her pussy. Beulah uses her talent and stimulates Akane’s clit with her lip and runs her long tongue just inside Akane’s pussy. Five minutes later, Akane orgasms moaning and sighing. Beulah presses in more on Akane’s pussy, and she drives her long fat fingers into Akane’s cunt and viciously finger fucks her pussy. Akane orgasms again screaming, and she squirts. Akane settles down and says:

“Damn, I did not know I could do that.”

The Queen takes Akane by the hand and they stand. The Queen says to Beulah:

“Lay your disgusting ass down on the couch.”

Beulah lies on her back and the Queen 69’s on top. The Queen pulls Akane in between Beulah’s thighs. The Queen rubs Her wet pussy on Beulah’s face, and Beulah starts eating it. The Queen says:

“Stop hog nasty, I did not say you could eat My pussy.”

Beulah stops. The Queen leans down and pulls Akane down to Beulah’s pussy and asks:

“Well, what do you think?”

“I think she need a bath. You’re right, her pussy does stink,” answers Akane.

“Yes, but keep smelling her foul pussy. Fuck, it is like a drug. Her big ass hairy beaver drives Me insane,” says the Queen.

The Queen dives in and eats Beulah’s stinky pussy. She convinces Akane to try it and after a few minutes, she likes it too. The Queen pushes Her pussy down on Beulah mouth and tells her to eat. Beulah goes crazy grabbing around the Queen and devouring Her pussy. Beulah has been fucking Reo and Yuri, and Zoey before she left the Dragon Racket. Even Akane a bit ago, is not as desirable as the Queen’s pussy to Beulah.

Beulah loves the Queen above all others. The Queen orgasms, and then Her and Akane bring Beulah to orgasm. The Queen turns and lays on Beulah and kisses her. Beulah runs her hands over the Queen’s body as far as she can reach, in excitement and true love. The Queen whispers to Beulah:

“You better take care of Akane if you want to fuck Me again.”

“Yes, My Queen, I love and serve every desire of Yours I can,” says Beulah.

The Queen gets up and attires and says:

“Beulah will take good care of you Akane. I am leaving now, but I want you to at least stay until Beulah shows you what Bibi and Bara can do when it comes to fucking.”

“Thank You for all that You have done My Queen. I know we are going to get along well,” says Akane, and the Queen teleports away.


Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Akane Hakushin (INTRO) 41 yrs. old, 39-25-35, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 39GG Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Trim Triangular Waxed Below, (BODY) Average Pale Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Akane Sakuraba, (COMMENTS) Akane has an artful Yakuza style tattooing covering most of her body starting at approximately 3” away from the base of her neck and running down to halfway on her forearms, and down to her ankles. There is no tattooing on her huge GG tits, and a strip running below her breasts that tapers from about 5” at the top, and widening down her stomach and pussy, and both inner thighs have no tattooing. There is no paint in the erotic zones. She has a deep clitoral hood piercing, and barbell nipple piercings.

Mikihara Reo (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, 32-24-35, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32D Natural – Pinkish/Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Yua Mikami, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive, Fluent in English

Nakame Yuri (INTRO) 27 yrs. old, 32-23-34, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian/Bicurious, (PORN PERSONA) Tsubasa Amami, (COMMENTS) Really Cute, Barely Speaks English

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Paula Holly Nocy (AKA) Butterfly, (INTRO) 35 yrs. old, 36-26-37, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36D Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Landing Strip, (BODY) Light Complexion Hourglass Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Natasha Nice, (COMMENTS) Shapely Pretty Brunette with Sexy Legs, Feet, and Toes, Nice Figure, Well Defined Creases between Thighs and Pussy, Small Colorful Butterfly Tattoo Next to Pussy Above the Crease of Left Thigh

Zoey Giavalletto (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-25-38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 34D Natural – Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Distinctive Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Body Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Gia Derza, (COMMENTS) Zoey is a gorgeous brunette with long hair, hot hips, and thighs and nice big ass, She can do a split like you wave your hand, Her tits are supple and round at the base, but do not stick out a lot, but enough to know she has nice tits, Her ass and thighs shake when she moves and they are so supple and soft to touch, Her asshole looks so pretty, you wish you had a cock to fuck it, and she loves anal, Guys say fucking her ass is like fucking a hot pussy

Beulah Fulanisetts (INTRO) 29 yrs. old, 44-33-42, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Black Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 38C Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Triangular Black Hair and Big, Occasionally Groomed, and Shaved Below, (BODY) Lesbian-Lumbersexual, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lea DeLaria, Not a Porn Star, But as Close to Describing Beulah As We Can Get, and Beulah is Not fat Like Lea DeLaria, (COMMENTS) Harsh to Call Beulah Manly and Ugly but She is a Real Marla Hooch, Biggest Hairiest Beaver in the Universe, She has Black Pores on Her Lower Legs where Hair Grows even though She Shaves, She has Black Sparse Hair on Her Forearms More than Most Men, She Grows Hair Like Bamboo, No Curvy Features, Big Girl but Not Fat, Muscular Like a Man, Has a Broad Ass but Her Hips Barely Stick Out, Nothing is Sexy Down to Her Masculine Feet and Toes, She has Big Hands and Long Thick Fingers, She is Not Butt Ugly but Her Face is Squarer than Feminine, No Dainty Features, Her 38C Tits Look Like Torpedoes Mounted on a Firm Chest, Her Pussy Stinks like Rancid Cunt and Dirty Guy Socks, Her Putrid Pussy Aroma is Actually an Acquired Taste that Gets You High – You Want to Eat Her Pussy, Beulah has an Awesome Pussy Eating Technique, She Rubs Her Lip Against a Clit and Runs Her Long Tongue just inside Your Pussy Canal causing Intense Orgasms and Squirting

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅