Mercury – 072 (Sombwe Sole Proprietorship)

The Cerulean returns to lifting and lowering the Queen on her hard 12” cock, and after about five minutes, she cums.


The 2nd Corps is in orbit of Reverue in a defensive posture. The Queen and the 4th Corps are investigating the abandoned gremlin world which is currently less than 2 AU from Reverue. Several android teams from the Rainbow Carriers are completing surveys, tests for poisons, and making sure it is habitable for humans.

The Queen is laying naked in the bed in the master quarters on the Eidolon. Zazuleah (in human form) has learned about toenail polish, and she is currently enhancing the sexiness of her toes sitting at the Queen’s feet. The Queen is rubbing Zazuleah’s back and ass with Her toes, and She has several monitors formed on the ceiling, and She is talking to TG3, Dr. Nayfel, Mira on the bridge, checking on the babies, and reading reports. The Queen asks Mira:

“That is a big ass planet baby? If it is habitable, how much bigger than Earth is it?”

“Baby, it is about 10 times bigger than Earth,” answers Mira

“So, that is bigger than Uranus,” quips the Queen?

“Actually, it is about five times bigger than Uranus, baby,” says Mira laughing.

“What did the gremlins call this planet?”

“My Queen, gremlins talk gibberish, and they sometimes don’t even know what they are saying. They called this planet Blerg,” answers Zazuleah.

“That is gibberish. Why do the Ceruleans like gremlin meat,” asks the Queen?

“I wouldn’t say they like or hate it My Queen. They just find it the easiest to farm. All they have to do is submerge a gremlin in water and four to six more are made and mature in a day. They must feed them, but they can produce them quick making large food stocks unnecessary. What about this color My Queen,” explains Zazuleah, and then she shows her toes to the Queen and asks about her new toenail color?

“Red is your color platinum sex demon. Mira, give me a preliminary assessment of Blerg,” requests the Queen.

“Very Earth like baby, maybe a little warmer, but lush, plenty of fresh water, oceans, large land masses. The oceans and lakes have fish life, but there are no land creatures of any kind other than some insects and a thriving worm specimen that the androids are examining now. They are not poisonous and appear to feed on dead vegetation. They in turn churn it into the ground aerating the soil, and their defecation also helps feed the thriving plant life,” reports Mira.

“Doctor, My fleet is stretched thin, when is My next installment due,” asks the Queen?

“My Queen, not for another month maybe a little more, and we are running low on mercurial again since you gave some away twice. I can finish the next fleet of ships and I can start more, but I will not be able to completely hull them,” reports Dr. Nayfel.

“Fucking Mercury again, why can’t we find mercurial somewhere else,” remarks the Queen.

“Mommy, I can get mercurial,” says Princess Persephone, Queen Dianne’s daughter.

“Oh Princess, I forgot the nursery monitor was still on. How do you know about mercurial honey,” asks the Queen?

“I know, and I can get it. I can apport it from their warehouse, or right out of the ground,” says Princess Persephone.

“Amazing My Queen. What if she can, we should consider letting her try. If she apported raw ore from the ground, she would have to backfill to prevent a collapse. It will also take us longer to process the raw ore. I will go ahead and prepare a bay for process or storage either way,” says Dr. Nayfel.

“I can do that mommy,” says Princess Persephone.

“We will see Princess, when I get back,” says the Queen.

“What if we gave the NP/D-burst torpedo design to the UGK RAF? Their 1st Corps is modernized to fold space, and the NP/D-burst torpedo is a long distance weapon that is effective against the Ceruleans. We could upfit the 1st RAF Corps, and then they could finish upfitting their 2nd Corps. I could have Kassia deploy them here, as long as we keep the Reveeki secret,” says the Queen.

“I don’t know My Queen. Once You start letting the bureaucracy in, they will want to take over. Government is like a cancer. You are becoming a universe unto Yourself, and more powerful than their government. I would rather increase our production and truly make You the Queen of the Universe,” says Dr. Nayfel.

“I agree baby. Think of all the problems we have had with the governments of Earth. You rule them symbolically, but You are ruling other worlds in reality. If You let Earth governments in, they will bog You down in their shit. If You keep going on Your own, soon they will beg You to be the supreme ruler of Earth, instead of their make believe democracies,” says Mira.

“My Queen, teenies vote no on Earth governments’ involvement too. They will kill the biological immortals to rob them, and they will lie with a smile and say it is for the best by vilifying the alien species,” says TG3.

“Okay, I was just looking for more ships. Bad idea. We can still colonize Blerg privately if it turns out to be habitable. I could have Kassia deploy the 1st Corps of the RAF to the Mopac system, and they could run interference for the Petunia’s, because that is all the 3rd Corps is doing,” says the Queen.

“That’s a good idea. The new Mercury leadership is not looking to fight anymore. You could convince Kassia to tell the Secretary of State for Defense that they would be supporting the SIS intelligence efforts by protecting the Petunia’s, and Ariana can back that up,” says Dr. Nayfel.

“Make it happen T baby,” orders the Queen.

“Yes, My Queen,” answers TG3.

“Baby, Blerg is totally habitable, and with the Reveeki close by, it could be a dreamland when people sleep here,” says Mira.

“Are there some nice beaches in a tropical area,” asks the Queen?

“Plenty baby,” answers Mira.

“Pick the best, and then have deep space freighters start transferring enough of your matrix to build a resort town. Let’s not just colonize this planet, let’s make it a resort destination in the stars with guaranteed wet dreams. Is Wet Dreamland a good name, it has a double entendre meaning since it will be a beach resort,” asks the Queen?

“For the resort baby, I like it, but Blerg has got to go for the planet name,” says Mira.

“Is it nice enough to call Avalon. If we use something people already know and perceive as paradise, they will be more eager to colonize, and vacation here,” asks the Queen?

“Yes baby, it is nice enough to call Avalon,” says Mira.

“Thank you dumbass Ceruleans. If they were not so bent on eating flesh, and when they can’t eat, then destroying worlds, we would not have received such a nice planet. Are there more worlds T, in this part of the galaxy,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, but very few that would benefit You. There is a monster world, with giant monsters and there is a giant world of humanoids. What can you do with those? We are looking at a couple and comparing our notes with Mr. Torres’s folklore research, but some of them are proud, and it would be better for them to seek You out than for You to seek them out.

There is one race that both Mr. Torres and we teenies have the same name for, and that is Elves. You cannot get them to submit to Your rule. They will have to be desperate enough to need it. Before You go off investigating other worlds, You need to prove that the ones You have subjugated are better off and safe from the Ceruleans. None of them are technological, which is why the Ceruleans have been so effective,” informs TG3.

“Okay T baby, we have a foothold in two star systems. I will develop these worlds and get them breeding and producing again, and fend off the Ceruleans, but we need to generate income, so we may have to bring mining crews to start testing some of these rocks,” and the Queen ends Her conference calls.

The Queen is tired, and She falls asleep. The Queen woke and knew the Ceruleans were using magic to secretly watch the Queen, and She was in the bed alone. They used a summoning ritual, and they transported the Queen to one of their Cruisers. The Queen is in a room alone, and a Cerulean enters (all Ceruleans are female hermaphrodites and can only reproduce with their Thylacine male counterpart every 10 years).

The Cerulean is about 8’ tall with dark blue smooth skin. Her eyes do not glow, but they reflect with a dull yellow haze. She has no hair on her head. Instead, she has five fluted swept arches that envelop it, and they finish in a point in the back. She has a thick 12” big blue cock with a trimmed violet hair colored blue pussy underneath. Her breasts are probably a GG cup with almost lavender colored nipples and areola. She is kind of hot looking to the Queen, just tall as hell, and the Queen’s curiosity is stopping Her from trying anything defensive or leaving by teleportation.

The Cerulean does not speak, she just walks over to the naked Queen and grabs Her hair and shoves Her face into her pubic area. Her pussy smells different to the Queen but inviting. The Queen opens Her mouth and starts eating the Cerulean’s blue pussy that is also lavender inside. The Cerulean begins to moan with a harmony echo. It sounds amazing to the Queen. The Queen reaches up and strokes her 12” hard cock. It was like having a hand hold to eat pussy with. The Queen reaches around to feel the Cerulean’s ass, and her skin feels amazingly soft.

The Cerulean reaches down and holds the Queen’s head and she orgasms shaking, and she shoots a very sweet white liquid into the Queen’s mouth. It wasn’t much, but it was creamy tasting, and the Queen liked it. The Cerulean picks the Queen up by the waist in the air and holds Her over her mouth (which also had a lavender color to the interior and tongue), and she has a long fucking tongue that penetrate the Queen cunt. The Cerulean lowers the Queen onto her mouth, and her lip moves on the Queen’s clit, as her tongue stimulate the Queen’s “G” spot.

The Queen orgasms and squirts on the Cerulean, and the Cerulean lets out a songful gleeful cry and seems very excited. The Cerulean lowers the Queen onto her huge cock, and she moves the Queen up and down on it. The Queen is grunting, moaning, and sighing, and She puts Her hands around the Cerulean’s neck resting Her head against her as She moves up and down. The Cerulean stops, and the Queen raises Her head to look at her, and she kisses the Queen with awesome suction and deep swirling tongue action. The Queen moans in pleasure from the kiss.

The Queen uses one hand to hold one of those GG tits up and licks lavender nipple, and it seeps a similar creamy white fluid that taste sweet. The Queen sucks nipple and drinks, and the Cerulean moans in pleasure. The Cerulean returns to lifting and lowering the Queen on her hard 12” cock, and after about five minutes, she cums. The Cerulean lowers the Queen completely, and her cock throbs and pulses like no cock the Queen has ever felt, and it is not stopping. It throbs faster and pulses and the Queen orgasms again, and the damn thing does not stop.

The Queen emotionally tumbles in cascading orgasms with both Her arms around the Cerulean’s neck and Her head in the Cerulean’s breasts, and She squirts again. The Cerulean’s cock finally stops throbbing and pulsing, and the Queen lifts Her head, and they kiss. The Queen is shaking in excitement and thinking, that was one erotic fuck I will never forget. The Cerulean feels amazing to touch, and she taste good all over.

“Baby…Baby wake up,” says Mira.

The Queen sits up abruptly in the bed, and She had squirt for real, and the bed was soaked. That was real, it had to be real, thinks the Queen. She looks around like She was just ripped from reality to another place, and She sees Zazuleah sitting on the couch with one knee up and rubbing her ear lobe and the side of her face smiling deviously.

“Did you do that to Me Zazuleah,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Goddess Queen, but it was real. I fucked a Cerulean that strayed too close to our planet scouting us before they attacked the first time. Everything You just experienced is based on fact,” answers Zazuleah.

“What’s wrong baby. What did she do to You,” asks Mira?

“Nothing baby, it was dream. If the Reveeki can cause dreams like that, Wet Dreamland will get a lot of repeat business. Why did you wake Me, and while you tell Me clean Me?”

“Look at this,” says Mira as the Queen stands and the bed cleans itself.

Mira hands the Queen a huge diamond crystal. The Queen asks:

“Is this a diamond?”

“A diamond crystal, but it is over 5,000 carats. That is bigger than any diamond crystal ever found on Earth. The androids were surveying a volcanic region, and they are picking these up off the fucking ground. Baby, You just hit the mother load of diamond mines. Mining community with a vacation resort. Damn this planet just paid for the whole trip forever,” says Mira.

The Queen lays back down and looks at Zazuleah who is in human form. The Queen motions with Her finger, and Zazuleah crawls sexy onto the bed, and in between the Queen’s legs up to Her lips and they play kiss biting lips and sucking tongues. The Queen says:

“You better fuck Me nicer than that dream.”

“What do You mean My Goddess Queen? I just fucked You in that dream. The tastes, feels, smells were just like a Cerulean, but the demeanor was me, Baby,” says Zazuleah.

Zazuleah fucks the shit out of the Queen again anyway, and when she is finished, she rubs the Queen’s mouth with her sexy toes with red toenail polish on them. The Queen sucks them. Carree comes in and the Queen and Zazuleah double team eat and suck her pussy. The Queen wanted to show Zazuleah Carree’s talent. Zazuleah was learning about eating pussy, and the Queen sucked hard on Carree’s clit while moving her lips up and down. It makes a lot of sucking slurping sounds, and the Queen tries to keep suction on Carree’s clit, but the payoff cums.

Carree oozes her white ejaculant that is pure, and while it is not as sweet as the Cerulean’s sweet milkshake, it is good. Zazuleah tastes and likes it, and she asks:

“Can all women do this?”

“Not all sex demon. Carree is the only girl I have ever seen do this. The lesson is that we are all different, and different techniques produce different results. You learned I could squirt, and you made Me do it twice in the dream, and apparently for real because of the dream. I have many sex friends, and you are going to get quite an education My little succubus,” says the Queen.

The Queen returned to the castle, and after some staff meetings, the Queen started Her own business. She called it Sombwe Sole Proprietorship. TG3 “hired” a private mining company to begin mining the diamonds on Avalon, and the goods were traded on Earth for gold. Sombwe Castle was folded into the Queen’s business, which also included its assets, i.e., Her castle fleet.

The Saturn size planet of Avalon (property of Her Majesty) turned out to be a gold mine (literally). Surveys turned up additional ores and mineral like gold, silver, copper, iron, manganese, aluminum, sapphire, agate, nonmetallic elements, energy resources, and more were discovered. It was a new world with everything you needed, and the Queen’s staff hired Earth services and used the castle’s cargo and transportation fleet to ferry them.

While in theory, the Queen already owns Earth, it is bogged down in the mire of government, banking, courts, in a nutshell, bureaucracy. The Queen’s new business presented a paradox for Earth governments. How do you tell the Lady that owns everything She can’t own everything, after you told Her She does own everything? SSP was buying up Earth by insisting on payment in gold, and then screwed with the Foreign exchange market by creating Her own bank and issuing Her own coin credit for the IIId system (Sombwe Coin).

This created another impossibility for the bureaucracy. The castle and Avalon were out of reach of the legal recourse of Earth governments. They could not freeze, seize, or manipulate the assets without damaging their own; and the gold was not stored on Earth once the Queen received it. The figurehead of power for Earth was becoming the legitimate power of the universe. The Queen’s staff (primarily the teenies) turned the Queen into a true Sovereign. The chains of bureaucracy collapsed in their weight upon the bureaucracy itself.

“My Queen, Supreme Ruler, I have a surprise for You,” says Dr. Nayfel as the Queen visits the lab.

“I like surprises Doctor, is it above or below the waist,” asks the Queen?

“It’s above the waist My Queen. Professor Molecular and Micro have managed to create a smaller PAC engine. The size allows us to create smaller missiles, small enough that Scorpions can carry six. This will alleviate the defensive duties of Your fleet, because now the Scorpions can fire from range. Additionally, the Scorpions will be able to inflict catastrophic damage on large vessels. Before they had trouble penetrating the phased plasma shields of the Mercurians because larger vessels have bigger generators. The missiles can be neutrino encased.

We are constructing orbiters that can cloak using the synthetic alloy instead of mercurial. They are simple and quick and can house a wing of fighters [60 Scorpions, which is a 120 Vipers]. The orbiter will have an android tactical monitoring and command post on board. The new missile will fire, then neutrino encase, and with departicalization bomb munition for the final bang. We are calling it the LRPPM, Long Range PAC Propelled Missile.

Since Professor Molecular created a smaller PAC engine, we converted the NP/D-burst torpedoes over to the smaller engine. Instead of reducing the torpedo size, and creating a headache of fleet upfits, we used the extra space in the torpedo for more departicalization bomb munition, so they are 10 times more powerful,” informs Dr. Nayfel.

“Great job! When will the orbiters be finished,” asks the Queen?

“In two days six will be ready, and the androids can complete three a week. We should at least place four per planet for starters but ideally I would like to have 24 per planet,” answers Dr. Nayfel.

“Okay Doctor, You are really protecting My new business. Let’s send the first four Scorpion wing orbiters to Aṭirobelia, then Reverue, and last Avalon. You can add to those three as you see fit to get to your 24 orbiter requirements for each planet,” orders the Queen.

The Queen, Mira, Aries, and Zazuleah hanging around the Queen’s naked waist enter the Queen’s office the next morning to check in with TG3. It has been a few weeks since the Reveeki started using the teleportation chamber from Reverue to the secured castle grid location.

TG3 has a video from a news feed that is a sort of a bizarre or humorous kicker story piece. It is the first story from the female feature reporter, and her name is Jane Sky. The broadcast entity is Castle Vector News (CVN), and it is owned by a conglomerate called the McGlocklin Group. This is important because CVN is based and broadcasts from Sombwe Castle.

“Our next story features a rash of unexplained visits to doctors, and psychiatrist from people experiencing incontinences in their sleep. While wetting the bed can cause you to fear something is physically wrong with you, these discharges are of a different nature. People are claiming they are having wet dreams. While these types of dreams are not uncommon, the sheer number of people being infected has the medical community puzzled… .

“So, doctor, has the government put something in the water. Because there are conspiracy theorists out there saying that very thing,” asks Jane Sky?

“A week ago, I would have said this is ridiculous. However, I had an episode myself, and yes, it was a vivid wet dream. I would like to be clinical for the medical community and tell you not to worry, that this is normal. But having it happen to me personally makes me agree with the conspiracy nuts…There is something in the water, and the moisture in my bed proved it,” answers the doctor.

“What can you tell people out there who are having a hard time coping with this, well, is it a problem, and what can they do,” asks Jane?

“Physically there is no problem. Nothing is happening to them that is not natural. Psychologically, people will have to cope. The dream I had was rather enjoyable, so I consoled myself with the fact that, it was worth it… [the feed switches back to Jane in the studio].

“Ha-ha-ha, we will keep an eye on this story, and when the water tests come back, we will let you know,” says Jane and TG3 stops the video.

Everyone in the Queen’s office is laughing. The Queen asks:

“Should I be worried about this T?”

“He-he, I don’t know My Queen. I just found the story and thought I should let You know. The Reveeki have never encountered a species like humans, and the sensualness of Your species is driving them crazy with desire,” says TG3.

“Are the Reveeki aether skipping to Mercury and doing this as well,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen, maybe You should shapeshift to Reveeka. Then You would know what they have been up to. The Goddess Queen can sense all the Reveeki,” says Zazuleah.

“Let’s add another teleportation chamber, and then see if A2 or James Nixon can house it securely. The Reveeki can use it and remain invisible, and Nabu can have some wet dreams too. Make sure the one on Nabu has a security code feature to activate,” says the Queen.


Queen Dianne (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Zazuleah (AKA) Sharon Peters, (TYPE) Reveeka or Succubus, (INTRO) Mid-20’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 32-23-34, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Platinum Blonde Straight Layered Shoulder Length, (CUP) 32B Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit, Small Dainty Features, Red Horns, Tail, and Wings, Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Zazie Skymm, (COMMENTS) Zazuleah is a fucking baby doll. All the Reveeki prefer to be nude. They can form armor clothing if needed. They have bat wings on their backs, a long tail with a rounded arrow point with no edges, and two vector “S” shaped horns coming out of the sides of their head that extend 6-8” curving in over the top of their heads. The wings, tail, and horns vary in color among the Reveeki, but usually match their hair. They have ears that are not much bigger than human, and they are sexy but sweep back into a point, and kind of look like bat ears. They live off sexual and lifeforce energy they drain from other species. Their age appearance varies even though they are biologic immortals. It is more like they reach a prime seductive state for their individual being, so it is a perfect state. No two are alike, and some could even be called milfs in their 40’s-60’s, down to tweens that look 10-12 (and younger). All manner of ages and body types to fit every seduction or fantasy need.

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

TG3 (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Shoulder Length, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) TG3 is so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs, ample luscious thighs, and she is so seductive too. TG3 likes to use the catchphrases, Anyway, Whatever, and bazillion gazillion.

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

Ceruleans (General) All Ceruleans are female hermaphrodites and can only reproduce with their Thylacine male counterpart every 10 years. They average 8 feet in height with dark blue smooth skin. Their eyes do not glow, but they reflect with a dull yellow haze. They have no hair on her head. They have five fluted swept arches that envelop the top of their head, and it finishes in a point in the back. Ceruleans are beautiful. Ceruleans’ cocks are thick and average between 11 to 14 inches long, and they are big blue cocks with a trimmed violet colored hairy blue pussy underneath. For their size, their breasts average between A and I cup, on a scale comparison, with almost lavender colored nipples and areola. Their pussy smells different than human but very inviting. They moan and sigh in pleasure with a harmony echo. It sounds amazingly melodic. Their skin feels remarkably soft, and they ooze ejaculant that is a very sweet white liquid when they pussy orgasm or they ejaculate with their cocks. It is only about a 1/4 of an ounce, but it is creamy tasting like a rich vanilla milkshake. The Ceruleans’ mouth and tongue have a lavender color to the interior (like their pussy), and they have a long fucking tongue approximately 10” in length with suckers on them. They will move their lip on a female’s clit, as their tongue stimulates the “G” spot. They let out a songful gleeful harmonic cry and get very excited from causing and consuming ejaculant. They kiss with awesome suction and deep swirling tongue action, causing the partner to moan in pleasure from the kiss. Oral stimulation on the Ceruleans’ tits cause them to seep a similar creamy white fluid that taste sweet. Stimulating the Ceruleans’ breasts and drinking the fluid causes the Ceruleans to moan in pleasure. When a Ceruleans’ cock ejaculates, it throbs and pulses like no human cock, and it does not stop. It throbs faster and pulses and will cause more orgasms, sending a human female into an emotional tumble with cascading orgasms, and squirting. Fucking a Cerulean will make a human female shake in excitement, and it is one erotic fuck they will never forget.

Carree Curtis (AKA) Sise-C, (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 32-24-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 32C Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Rocking Tight Body Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Carter Cruise, (COMMENTS) She is a hottie with a fucking rocking tight body, and her legs, feet, and toes are to die for. If you suck agitate her clit when she orgasms she oozes pure sweet ejaculant, not a squirter

Aries I’tuhot (AKA Authorities), (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 36-24-36, Devil in Caucasian Human Flesh, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Hairy Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Hourglass Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Lena Paul, (COMMENTS) A True Babe, Aries’ Thighs Curve into Her Sexy Hips Nicely and They are Ample and Soft, Plush Calves, Lovely Legs, Feet and Toes, Busty Breasts, Beautiful Nipples and Areola, Built to Fuck, Nice Creases, Defining Attraction is Her Hairy Pussy (a Work of Art) She Trims but Does Not Shave It, She has that Gap between Her Ample Thighs which Makes Her Pussy Totally Visible and Gives Her a Perky Ass

James “Jimmy” Nixon (AKA) Big Jim, Crowbar, (INTRO) 29 yrs. old, Black Human, 6 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Black Short Cropped, (PUBIC) Black Trimmed, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 12 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Athletic Tall Medium Dark Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Decent Looking

A2 (AKA) Gustavo Therine Waif, (INTRO) 19 yrs. old, Black Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Cropped, (PUBIC) Shaved, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 8.25 in Length Uncircumcised, (BODY) Athletic Muscular Not Bulky, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Real Cute Teen with a Thick Big Black Cock

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