Mercury – 107 (Delphyne)

“Mm, pussy? You mean what You are licking? No, fire will not come out, but something is happening,” says Delphyne.

Episode 107 – DELPHYNE

Queen Marciana and Duchess Cathérine van Schagen use a teleportation chamber to find Queen Dianne, who is in the Amazon Palace on Ionia. Queen Dianne is in Her huge bath and spa. Two female androids ask them to remove their attire before entering, and entering, they see many Amazons naked, and they are bathing, and using the spas. They find Queen Dianne getting a massage by Gyes. Gyes is currently at around 9’ tall, and this allows Gyes to bend over Queen Dianne and rub Her whole body with many of its 100 hands.

“What is that thing GQD?”

Queen Dianne looks up at Queen Marciana and says:

“Oh, hey Yummy, and Lady Cathérine. This Gyes, don’t be afraid. Gyes serves Me now, and Gyes is good at massaging.”

“We heard You started to conquer this new world. Why did You not invite me GQD? Are You trying to keep all these women bodybuilders to Yourself,” asks Queen Marciana?

“No Yummy, but I am learning about this world, and it is in a constant state of war. I didn’t want to endanger you,” says Queen Dianne.

Queen Marciana sees Tami laying on a massage table and a beefy Amazon massaging her. Then Queen Marciana sees another hot girl massaging an Amazon, and she is obviously not from around here. Queen Marciana says:

“Oh, and it is safe for Slut, and who is the other girl?”

“Slut is expendable…” says the Queen and Tami says:

“Do You mean that My Queen?”

“Like I said, Slut is expendable. Calm down Slut, I am just fucking with you. The other girl is Nissa Chansiri. TG3 found her in Thailand and hired her for Me. She is a professional massage therapist. She has been training Gyes and some of the Amazons in the art of massage. She is fucking good and gorgeous. Look at her beautiful black hairy pussy.

Hairy pussy is the craze for Amazons right now. They do not grow hair on their cunts, and they love making love to Earth girls with normal bodies. Petting pussy hair for them gets them wet, and Nissa loves it here, right Nissa,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen. I love massaging the muscles on these girls. I never dreamed I could be in a place like this or rub such marvelously fit female bodies. I love You so much, and I can never thank You enough,” says Nissa.

“Just watching your lovely naked body is thanks enough Nissa. Save Me some time later tonight to rub you too,” says Queen Dianne.

“My Queen! Whatever You desire,” says Nissa.

Nissa Chansiri is Thai, and 41 years old, 5’ 4” tall, and her measurements are 37D-23-32. She has long straight brown/black hair and she is very pretty. She has flesh pink pretty nipples and areola, and hot supple tits. She has a light complexion, and a nice body with slim legs and sexy. She has a full black hairy pussy that is trimmed, but full and shaped perfectly. She is total package hot.

“If you two want to bathe first, I am sure there are some Amazons in there who would love to wash your hairy pussies and soft bodies,” says Queen Dianne.

“Damn Marciana! I think I suddenly have a muscle fetish. Let’s go to the bath,” says Lady Cathérine.

Queen Dianne was right. There was no shortage of beefy babes wanting to wash Queen Marciana and Lady Cathérine when they entered the bath. Milf meat was becoming a delicacy to the Amazons. Their soft bodies and hairy pussies almost caused a fight to breakout as the Amazons shoved to get a touch.

“Cathérine, ah, ah, ah, I am a muscle loving lesbian now, mmmm,” exclaims Queen Marciana as the Amazons hold her up and eat her pussy, ass, and suck her supple 34D’s.

“That fucking Dianne has it made. Mm, shit, ahhhh, how does She get so lucky,” says Lady Cathérine as other Amazons pleasure her too.

Gyes is massaging Queen Dianne, and it is like Her whole body is covered with hands. Nissa has taught Gyes a lot, and she is good, but Gyes is better because Gyes can rub almost every spot simultaneously. The Queen says:

“I could charge 100 times the price to let you massage women Gyes with your 100 hands. Isn’t this better than fighting?”

“Yes, Goddess Queen. I feel foolish for having spent ages fighting with my hands when I could have felt such pleasures as this instead,” says Gyes.

Gyes starts fingering Queen Dianne, and with Her whole body to Her toes being rubbed at the same time, She orgasms. At Gyes’s current height, its cock is around 13” long, and Queen Dianne grabs it, and it is hard. She makes Gyes reduce its size, until its cock is around 10”, and She guides it into Her pussy as Gyes holds Her and spreads Her legs with many hands. Gyes’s hands hold and rub the Queen entirely as Gyes fucks Her. It is quite the sensation as Gyes reaches an ejaculation.


Something is hitting the palace and shaking it. Mira and Uenippe come in, and Uenippe says:

“Huntress Regnant, a griffin is attacking the palace!”

Queen Marciana and Lady Cathérine rush in squealing and holding towels around them, as Amazons leave to battle the griffin. Queen Dianne says:

“Mira, go and see if it can be reasoned with. Aaden, go with her. If it cannot be reasoned with, then Aaden, teleport its ass to the other side of Ionia. Let it spend the next year trying to find its way back from the other side of this big ass planet.”

“Yes baby,” says Mira and they leave.

The griffin does not respond to Mira’s pleas to stop and reason, so Aaden teleports the griffin away. Gyes washes Queen Dianne, and She puts a long cotton robe on and reclines on a couch in a relaxing room and snacks and drinks wine. When everyone settles down, Queen Marciana and Lady Cathérine join Her, and watch Aaden rub Her feet and kiss on them.

“What are You going to do with that boy GQD? Dee says he is driving the girls at school mad with desire to date him,” says Queen Marciana.

“Shit Yummy. When I am done with him, you and Cathérine will be going mad to date him too. Remove your attire and stand next to Me Aaden,” orders Queen Dianne.

Queen Dianne rubs Aaden’s cock and it gets hard, and it is getting thicker, and it is up to 8.5” in length. Queen Dianne says:

“Look at that girls! And, it is still growing, and mmm, you should feel this ball sack. The best part is he is still a virgin, so eat your heart out. He is going to be a delicious cherry when he is ripe. My mouth is watering, and I have to bite My lip to keep from spoiling the process. Aaden is teaching Me patience. Maybe I will sell tickets to watch him lose his virginity.”

“Oh, My Queen, he is so cute. I would buy a ticket to watch,” says Lady Cathérine.

“That is enough Baby Boy, put your attire back on and rub My feet some more. I don’t want you to get off from My stroking on your pretty cock.”

“So, he has never even cum GQD,” asks Queen Marciana?

“He has cum a few times sleeping with Me. He has wet dreams about Me, don’t you Baby Boy.”

Aaden glares at Queen Dianne, upset that She is making fun of him. He does love the Queen above all things, and Queen Dianne knows it.

“So, when are You having this pop the cherry party,” asks Queen Marciana?

“No hurry. I have taken steps to ensure his cock develops to more than 10” in length, but that could take a couple more years while he grows. My Baby Boy is 5’ 10” now and still growing. I am going to make a beautiful man out of him. The most faithful housewives will stuff their panties in his pocket randomly just to get his attention. Watch and see. The fun I am going to have with him makes My nipples get hard just thinking about it,” says Queen Dianne.

“Does that mean after You baptize him in Your pussy, You will allow us a taste,” asks Lady Cathérine?

Queen Dianne rubs Her toes across Aaden’s lips, and he sucks them. Her robe splits and he stares at Her naked body. The Queen says:

“My Baby Boy will fuck a lot of pussy, and they will cum hard from the pleasures he will give them. They will lust for him like no other. His touch will be divine, and they will feel like they are in ecstasy, but that will only be because he will be thinking of Me when he fucks them.”

Aaden rubs the back of Queen Dianne’s knee as he kisses and sucks Her toes. He has learned that She loves having the back of Her knees rubbed. He stares at her light brown hairy pussy and 34DD supple breasts, and he rubs Her legs with desire. The Queen watches him intently, and then She gets up and says:

“I was going dragon hunting; I am a Huntress now. Do you two want to tag along?”

“Yes GQD, please let us go. Being around You is like being in heaven,” says Queen Marciana.

“I better get you two some bodyguards. How about the Zephyr Twins Aaden? Will they do,” asks Queen Dianne, and Aaden shakes his head slightly yes.

They attire and Queen Dianne teleports them to a mountain ledge at the mouth of a cave. Trinity and Destiny join them and are staring lustfully at Aaden, and Aaden is looking love struck at Queen Dianne. Queen Dianne says to the Zephyr Twins:

“You two guard Yummy and Lady Cathérine, and make sure you stay away from the mouth of the cave. We are going in to meet this dragon. I am told it can talk. Come on Baby Boy, if I leave you out here Trinity is going to soak her panties staring at you.”

“My Queen, You know we cannot soak our panties with the mantas attire,” says Trinity.

“It was a figure of speech precious, but I see you are admitting to getting wet,” says the Queen.

They enter the cave and walk for about five minutes, and the Queen says:

“Wait here with Aaden, baby. I want to do this alone.”

“Be careful baby,” says Mira.

Queen Dianne enters a cavern, and the dragon is standing as if it was waiting on Her to enter. The dragon says in a female voice:

“I could smell all six of you from outside when you arrived. Who are you?”

“Actually, there are seven of us. I guess you cannot smell Mira. I am Goddess Queen Dianne, and are you Delphyne?”

“I am, and Your blood and the blood of Your friends smells delicious. I thank You for the meal Goddess Queen.”

“Don’t count your chickens before they hatch Delphyne. I actually came here to conquer you, not sacrifice Myself to your appetite. I do have a gift.”

The Queen remote teleports six lambs into the cavern, and She says:

“Try these. Our myths say dragons love lamb.”

Delphyne is a huge dragon, dark with scales and two horns and a deep dark bluing as you get to her back, and upper parts of her long neck. She opens her wings, and they are a translucent blue in color. Her belly is a light blueish gray mixture, and she inhales, and her belly turns reddish, and she breathes out fire and kills the lambs. The Queen uses Her psychic force-field to block the flames. Delphyne begins to eat the lambs, and after she says.

“You were right Goddess Queen; this meat is very good. What do You want?”

“I want you to serve Me.”

“Why would I do that? I could just kill You and see how You taste Goddess Queen.”

“I wish you would just agree. I find you quite lovely, and I would hate to prove how much stronger I am than you. I will feed you all the lamb you want, and goats, cows, pigs, and many more. I have all kinds of meats.”

“I will try and kill You now, Goddess Queen. If You can withstand my attack, then I will serve You.”

Delphyne breathes in much deeper than she did for the lambs, and she breathes out an intense precise steady flame at the Queen. The Queen blocks it, but it lasts for about five minutes, melting rock all around the Queen, and Delphyne stops. The Queen uses telekinesis and shatters the cooling molten rock that engulfed Her shielding. Delphyne says:

“I will serve You Goddess Queen.”

“Oh joy! Will you take Me for a flight on your back? I want to fly round and show you off.”

“If that is what You wish Goddess Queen,” says Delphyne.

“~Aaden, take Mira and exit the cave. Stay clear of the mouth, and then return to the palace~,” says the Queen telepathically.

“~Yes Regină, are You going to be alright~,” asks Aaden?

“~Aww! You are worried about losing Me. I will be fine~,” says the Queen.

Queen Dianne teleports to Delphyne’s back, and Delphyne makes her way to the cave exit. Delphyne plunges off the ledge in a dive and spreads her wings and soars back up into the sky with Queen Dianne riding her back. They disappear into the horizon.

“Dianne the Great is what they will eventually write about Her. Can you believe She is riding a fucking dragon,” remarks Queen Marciana?

“It is amazing. Maybe we will get mentioned in the volumes they will write about Her too,” says Lady Cathérine.

“Come on, Aaden is taking us back to the palace,” says Mira.

“Aaden talked to you Lady Mira,” asks Trinity?

“He used techno-telepathy and told me what was going on,” says Mira.

Trinity approaches the side of Aaden and says:

“You can talk to me with telepathy too Aaden. I will talk to you any time you want.”

Aaden grabs around Mira and teleports all of them back to the palace. Two hours later Queen Dianne lands on the back of Delphyne in a courtyard at the palace. There are several Amazons in the courtyard, and seeing the Queen, they kneel and whisper to each other of the marvelous act of Queen Dianne taming a dragon.

Queen Dianne is lying on Delphyne’s neck rubbing her, and She says:

“My source says you can shapeshift to a smaller size. Is that true?”

“Yes, Goddess Queen, but You should dismount first,” says Delphyne.

The Queen teleports to the ground, and Delphyne shapeshifts to a height of the Queen. She is humanoid, and a beautiful girl at that. Her two horns are barely nubs in her auburn hair which is short to about the middle of her neck. She has human hands and feet that are pretty. Her back to the top of her butt, the back of her arms, the outside of her legs to her ankle, the bottom of her neck to the top of her breasts, two stripes on each cheek, and fins from the back of her head covering her human like ears and protruding forward are smooth scales that finish randomly in points. The scales are primarily a deep dark blue.

Delphyne also has a dragon tail the same color as the scales. The areas in the delicate inner areas like breasts, stomach, inner thighs and legs, fingers, palms, feet, and shoulders are a very light blueish gray. She has auburn nipples and areola the same color as her hair, and this is the color of the inside of her smooth pussy, mouth, lips, and tongue. She has green eyes, and she is lovely. The Queen walks up to Delphyne and kisses her, and She rubs her double D breasts.

Queen Dianne takes Delphyne by the hand and leads her off to the bath. The Queen takes Her time washing Her new pet. The rest join Her just to watch this amazing new creature.

“She is so beautiful. What is her name GQD,” asks Queen Marciana?

“Delphyne, and she is beautiful. I am going to spoil her with meats to eat. Mira, go ahead and have the androids begin preparing a meat feast. Do you want it raw or cooked Delphyne?”

“Medium rare is my favorite Goddess Queen,” says Delphyne.

Delphyne is sitting on the edge of a bathing pool, and Queen Dianne goes down on her light blueish gray smooth skin pussy, and She finds the auburn center of delight. Delphyne begins to moan and sigh, and she says:

“I have never felt such a pleasure as this. What is happening? I feel like I am going to explode down there.”

“Well, if fire is going to shoot out of your pussy tell Me,” says Queen Dianne.

“Mm, pussy? You mean what You are licking? No, fire will not come out, but something is happening,” says Delphyne.

Queen Marciana and Lady Cathérine slide up to each side of Delphyne, and they kiss on her and rub and suck on her ample breasts. Destiny and Trinity did not want to be left out, and Destiny eats Queen Dianne’s pussy from behind, and Trinity goes down on Queen Marciana. Mira takes care of Lady Cathérine.

“Damn her scales are so smooth, and the way they cover her makes her so erotic,” says Queen Marciana.

“AHHH! UHHH! AHHHHH,” screams Delphyne, and she orgasms!

“Oh, Goddess Queen! I have never felt anything like that. I am so sorry for wanting to kill You. I will serve You forever,” says Delphyne.

Queen Dianne pushes Delphyne back and lays on her and kisses her while Destiny continues to eat Her pussy. Queen Dianne orgasms, and squeezes Delphyne and moans in her ear. Everyone gets their thrill, and the Queen returns to the lounging room on the couch, with Delphyne lying in Her lap as She strokes her hair and body.

When the feast is prepared, the Queen apports a mantas bracelet for Delphyne and they attire and go and eat, with several of the Amazons joining them. Uenippe says:

“Huntress Regnant, I was worried that You would unbalance the powers of this world. You are amazing, You may actually bring peace to this world, and this world has never known peace. How do You do it Huntress Regnant?”

“Love Uenippe! There is something to love in all creatures when you discover they too have the capacity to love. The sad truth is that some creatures are bent on fighting. So, don’t revel in My accomplishments to soon. I know there are some in this world that will not share in peace,” says the Queen.


Queen Marciana (AKA) Queen Marciana Alexia Victoria Alexandra, Yummy, (INTRO) 47 yrs. old, 34-27-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34D Natural, Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Carolyn Reese, (COMMENTS) Queen Marciana is blonde beautiful milf and is delicious looking, and she has great legs, sexy feet, and toes, and a nice ass.

Cathérine van Schagen (AKA) Duchess Cathérine van Schagen, (INTRO) 41 yrs. old, 34-23-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34C Natural, Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Slim Fit Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Bobbi Eden, (COMMENTS) Cathérine is a Dutch blue eyed blonde beautiful milf and is delicious looking, and she has great legs.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Gyes (TYPE) Hecatoncheires, Gyes is one of three monstrous giants on Ionia (the smallest of the Hecatoncheires), of enormous size and strength, with fifty heads and one hundred arms. The features are humanoid, and Gyes is decent looking, not ugly, and the skin tone is a dark tan. When Gyes talks, different heads phase and rotate with each syllable and a different voice with each syllable too. The heads are mix gender with varying hair colors and lengths, as well as the voices. Gyes is a tetraploid, and can shift between heights of 24’ to about 6’ tall. Not only when Gyes talks do the heads change genders, its torso and genitals shift as well from male to female. At 6’ tall its cock is around 9” long, and at 24’ feet tall its cock is 36” long.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

Tami Landward (AKA) Slut, (INTRO) 22 yrs. old, 36-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Blonde Red Long, (CUP) 36DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Rocking Tight Body Soft White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Young Maitland Ward, (COMMENTS) Tami is fucking gorgeous. Curvy and sexy, Tami is a hot Slut that loves to fuck. Tami can hold her own with her beauty.

Nissa Chansiri (INTRO) 41 yrs. old, 37-23-32, Asian-Thai Human, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Black/Brown Long, (CUP) 37D Natural – Flesh Pink Pretty Nipples and Areola and Hot Tits, (PUBIC) Full Black Hairy Pussy Trimmed and Shaped Perfectly, (BODY) Light Complexion Slim Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Natt Chanapa, (COMMENTS) Nissa is a professional massage therapist from Thailand and she is very pretty with a nice body and slim legs and sexy. She is total package hot.

Uenippe (TYPE) Amazon, (INTRO) Appearance Mid-30s yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, 36-25-38, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 1 in, (HAIR) Dark Brunette Long, (CUP) 36D Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Their Pussies, Pits, and Legs Naturally Have No Hair, (BODY) Body Builder Fit, Her Muscles have Muscles, Tan Complexion (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Brandi Mae, (COMMENTS) Uenippe is very attractive in the face but beefy in the body. (IN GENERAL) The Amazons are biological immortal, but their aging is similar to the Reveeki except the Amazons mature into adulthood. When an Amazon reaches peeked pumped-ness, they stop aging. All of them look like female bodybuilders.

Destiny Aurorahaza Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Oldest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-33, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 28B Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Destiny is Trinity’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Destiny has nicer hip definition than Trinity, but both are sexy cute.

Trinity Nebulamisty Breeze (AKA) Zephyr Twins, Youngest, (INTRO) 16 yrs. old, 28-22-32, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Blonde Short to Middle of Neck, (CUP) 28A Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Pale White Complexion Slim, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dolly Little, (COMMENTS) Trinity is Destiny’s identical twin sister, and both are Tildy’s younger sisters. All the Breeze sisters are adorably cute. All are skinny and have fair skin. Trinity’s inner pussy lips extend to the outside of her outer pussy lips. They are not big pussy lips, and are elongated, and they are actually very sexy. Despite her slim body type, she has a sexy ass and cute hips, just small breasts.

Delphyne (TYPE) Female Dragon. Delphyne is a huge fire breathing dragon, dark with scales and two horns and a deep dark bluing as you get to her back, and upper parts of her long neck. Her open wings are a translucent blue in color. Her belly is a light blueish gray mixture, and when she inhales to breath fire her belly turns reddish. (HUMANOID FORM) In her dragonkin humanoid form she is beautiful too, with her two nub horns and auburn hair short to the middle of her neck. The back to the top of her butt, back of her arms, outside of her legs to her ankles, bottom of her neck to the top of her breasts, two stripes on each cheek, and fins from the back of her head covering her human like ears and protruding forward are smooth scales that finish randomly in points. Her scales are primarily a deep dark blue. Delphyne also has a dragon tail the same color as the scales in humanoid form. The areas in the delicate inner areas like breasts, stomach, inner thighs and legs, fingers, palms, feet, and shoulders are a very light blueish gray soft flesh. She has auburn nipples and areola the same color as her hair, and this is the color of the inside of her smooth pussy, mouth, lips, and tongue. She has green eyes, and she is lovely with double D breasts.

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