Mercury – 135 (Edge of Darkness)

Elee watches, not understanding any of this. It must be the “play” part. Sex between male and female Cavowa’s is wham, bam, with no thank you ma’am.

Episode 135 – EDGE OF DARKNESS

Operation Kingdom Come – Appalachian Trail, is the mission name for the conquest of the Federated State of Tennessee, and it is progressing. The Order of the Ruthless Goddess (ORG) is still trying to uncover the details of the assassination plot on President Chance Perry of the FST. Meanwhile, Queen Dianne has another problem on Ionia.

Queen Dianne ordered Her forces to stay relatively close to Camp Dianne, Amazonia, and Georgia (the city of the Gargareans) with the exception of mining site’s defense. Camp Dianne is on a continent across the Ocean of Gatidon 3,000 miles from the continent where Amazonia and Georgia are. Lovis, the aether entity god of Ionia, has ignored the Queen’s android and human forces. The respawn giants, or other Ionians, have not attacked any of the Ionians that have submitted to Queen Dianne’s rule since the Hecatoncheires giant Gyes attacked Amazonia.

War, or more specific, attacks by Ionians on other Ionians is one of the power balancing mechanisms for population control on Ionia which Lovis uses. Lovis does this by compelling one force to attack another force. Lovis (like Lucifer), is a Throne level aether entity. Impulse has given the Queen insight into how Ionia works, and there are many different species of beings on Ionia. Ionia is almost twice the size of Jupiter.

Ionia has 13 trojan moons and particle ring debris fields orbiting low on its southern hemisphere which causes much of the south pole continent to remain in darkness. On the edge of the darkness lives a humanoid people called the Cavowa. They are much like human Indians in appearance, but they are very religious, and worship Lovis as Sura. They have no special abilities or strengths outside of being long lived with life expectancies averaging near 1,000 years. They serve as sheep for a number of other entities’ ceremonials – or appetites.

At the southern tip of the Anaphivenia continent (the continent of the Myrmidons), is The Dark Straight between Kimmeria (the south pole dark continent of the Cavowa) and Anaphivenia. At its closest, The Dark Straight is 66 miles wide. Camp Dianne is approximately 4,500 miles from The Dark Straight north. A delegation of Cavowa crossed The Dark Straight, and made it to Camp Dianne, but with heavy loses along the way from other predatory and territorial creatures.

After AhṚddhi telepaths translated the Cavowa’s desire to see the Queen, the remaining 25 delegates were granted entry into Camp Dianne and have spent the night in lodgings provided by administrative androids. Mira is arguing with Queen Dianne at the castle because She wants to go and see what is happening on Ionia. OKC- Appalachian Trail is in a critical state of fluidity, and Mira wants the Queen nearby. The Queen says:

“Baby, I can teleport back almost instantly. If the FST tries to kill President Perry, there will be some time before all-out war commences while you isolate their government. Six-Three can standby in the Concord, and I can teleport right into the cockpit.”

“My Queen, I would like to go with You,” says Six-Three.

“God damn it baby! If she goes too, then that will slow You down even more coming back if I need You,” says Mira.

“Why do you want to go Six-Three,” asks the Queen?

“I have studied the transcriptions of Your descriptions of the beings on Ionia. The Cavowa are very monogamous and wed for life and are dedicated to religion and the family. They are very primitive and have not been spoiled by the deterioration of morality over time like humans.

Humans began at the top of the morality’s peak, and they have continually tumbled downward into immorality. The Cavowa have maintained their ceremonials, and I want to see how You destroy it with Your carnal influence,” says Six-Three.

“Hell, no bitch! Now you stay here and standby to launch the Concord,” says the Queen.

“Please, My Queen? I can fly the Concord remotely over the Le’sânac net. I can launch it now and low orbit in stealth mode over Tennessee,” pleads Six-Three.

“You are like a fucking kid. Launch the Concord and have it monitoring and standing by. Mira baby, we are going to Ionia. Have your doppelganger meet us in the Throne Room,” says the Queen.

The Queen attires in Her black battle split silhouette gown and crowed with a tiara, and She and S-3 teleport to the Throne Room in Sise-C Complex on Ionia. The Queen sits on the throne placed atop step dials and Mira’s doppelganger and S-3 stand at the bottom of the dials to the left. An android announces the audience as being informed by AhṚddhi telepaths:

“My Queen, Getac, Garu of the Cavowa, and envoys.”

The 25 Cavowa enter and all bow, then stand in silence. The android declares:

“You are in the presence of Goddess Queen Dianne Sith Dame-Sombwe Stuart, High Baʿalath of Atargatis, Paladin of Dryad, Galantress of the Pantheon, Protector and Huntress Regnant of Diana, The Lady of Valkyrie, Libera of Cerulea, Sovereign Ruler of the Universe! State your business with Your Majesty!”

The android might as well have hummed, because the Cavowa’s language is not in the mantas translator module. The Queen says telepathically in the Cavowa’s understanding:

“~I am Goddess Queen Dianne, what is your business~?”

Getac starts:

“Dout Majesty, yth sweekmon dout letoclo mrith wer sjach bahrim di Kimmeria…”

The Queen has to use Her telepathic translation ability, but Getac continues to state:

“Your Majesty, we seek Your help with the shadow djinns of Kimmeria. In the past, the dragon Delphyne would attack and feed on them, but she has failed to show. We sought the insight of Calyphelia the Lamia, and she indicates that Delphyne has left her abode and now serves You, Your Majesty.

When the djinns’ populations grow, we cannot meet their sacrifice requirements. Our populations then decline while theirs become too large. We have fasted and prayed to Sura, and sought the insight of Calyphelia, and we desperately seek Your divine assistance Goddess Queen Dianne.”

Queen Dianne asks Impulse telepathically:

“~Why did you not tell Me this could happen~?”

“~Goddess Queen, I know of the ceremonials I created for Lovis, and how Lovis’s conventions work, not when the conventions should work. Lovis manages that. I do not know why Lovis is ignoring what You are doing on Ionia, but my guess is Lovis is curious about You. You are ruling in his domain, and the other Throne level entities no doubt have spoken of You. Maybe Lovis is giving You his blessing to rule here.

If it is not a blessing, then I will say this Goddess Queen, beware of the furies. Lovis may be letting You take rule to destroy You. The Myrmidons, Amazons, Gargareans, and Valkyries are so faithful to You because of the furies. If You ever break an oath to them or they break their oath to you, the furies will kill them, or You~,” says Impulse.

Queen Dianne rises from the throne and steps down the dials and says privately to Mira and S-3:

“Shit! I don’t want to get involved with the supernatural conventions of Ionia too fast because it could prove to be deadly. Especially when it comes to the lesser races of breeders, and their ceremonials and the vengeance against violating them, but it looks like I did.”

“Maybe You should just get Delphyne and set her to her task. She has obviously been at home on the GQD-1 ignoring her job here,” says Mira.

The Queen remote teleports Delphyne into the Throne Room and she is in dragonkin humanoid form, and attired. The Cavowa are not altogether unfamiliar with supernatural abilities, having encountered many of them from the shadow djinns. The Queen says:

“Delphyne, if you knew you were supposed to keep the djinns’ populations in check, why have you been ignoring this duty. Are you not fearful of the furies?”

“I swore allegiance to You Goddess Queen, and Lovis released me from his service. This is not my task any longer,” says Delphyne.

“Well, the Cavowa are suffering more loses than their population can recover from. So, you are going to have to attend to reducing the djinns’ populations,” orders the Queen.

“I will do as You request My Goddess Queen, but Lovis always directed me to the djinns to kill and the places to find them. Do You have this information? If not, I will just be randomly killing, and could wipe out other djinns indiscriminately,” says Delphyne.

“SHIT! FUCK! Now I have to deploy My troops to Kimmeria,” exclaims the Queen!

“~Goddess Queen, what is worse is that by subjugating Delphyne, You assumed her duties to Lovis. Her oath to Lovis, became Your oath to Lovis. In Your tongue, it is some fine print, but the furies will not ignore it~,” says Impulse telepathically.

“GOD DAMN IT! This planet is quicksand to rule with its supernatural conventions,” says the Queen out loud.

Mira’s doppelganger and S-3 noticed the Queen is distracted, and S-3 knew She was communicating telepathically, she just did not know who with. S-3 asks:

“Who are You talking to My Queen?”

The Queen ignores the question and turns to the Cavowa and says telepathically in their understanding:

“~Are The Cavowa prepared to submit to My rule~?”

They all bend their knees and bow, and the Garu Getac declares in everyone’s understanding because of the dwarf bracelet, the Cavowa’s submission to Queen Dianne:

“On behalf of Blama Gramkac, chief of the Cavowa, we swear fealty and service to Tridevi Dianne of the Cavowa, so help us Sura.”

“Damn, they were prepared to submit,” says Mira.

“Yes, their minds are open books, no guile, and innocent. This Calyphelia the Lamia prophetess told them if I offered to rule them that they should take it quickly,” says the Queen.

[Getac is a Garu, which is an Elder council to the Blama, who is their chief. A Nostrium is a healer, spiritual healer, or ceremonial leaders, and a Siblama is a clan or tribe leader. The Cavowa are a patriarchal society, and females are strictly submissive. The delegation appeared to be all male, but they were concealing a female in the middle, but the Queen knew she was among them, and knew the reason she was among them.

They all rise and the Nostrium Ondour brings forth a beautiful girl who has the appearance of a human Indian woman in her late 20’s. Getac says]:

“My Tridevi, this is third daughter to Blama Gramkac, which he offers as virgin sacrifice for Your acceptance of our request for help,” and Getac removes her robe, and she is naked.

She is 5’ 7” tall and her measurements are 34C-24-34. She has long black hair weaved in an immaculate coiffure. She has a bronze caramel complexion, and she is beautiful with full lips and plenty of exotic allure. She has a full thick black hairy pussy and lovely brown nipples and areola. To the Queen, she is a dish never sampled in rareness and exceptionality.

The Cavowa do not practice any form of homosexuality, so the Queen knows the gift from the Cavowa’s perspective was meant to be a sacrifice, and they were used to sacrificing virgins to the shadow djinns to appease them. However, She wants to hear their explanation, and the Queen asks:

“Does she have a name?”

“My Tridevi, she is a sacrifice, nothing more. Her name is Elee, My Tridevi, but what is that to a Goddess such as thou. You may spill her blood in pleasure as You see fit to bless Your kingdom,” says Getac.

“Why would you bring Me a female virgin sacrifice? You sacrifice both male and female,” says the Queen.

“My Tridevi, Calyphelia said You would prefer a female virgin sacrifice. Is she unacceptable,” asks Getac?

Mira and S-3 laugh. Mira’s doppelganger says:

“I think we need to meet Calyphelia since she knows so much about You.”

“She is acceptable,” says the Queen.

The Cavowa robe and veil Elee and lead her up to the Queen and She directs her to Her side. The Queen says:

“I think I just got married, because their word for sacrifice and marriage is oddly the same, svalupa.”

The Cavowa are given new quarters on the HMI Argonaut, and Mira’s doppelganger enters the Mission Control Center in the C2. Field Marshall Mira and Stellar Force Chief of Staff Candy plan deploying troops. Operation Edge of Darkness begins with the orders to defend the Cavowa and gather intelligence for now. The Queen also ordered no biologic forces were to deploy, and the Vipers had to stay armor clad with helmets on. They were not to interact with the Cavowa in any kind of sexual manner. The floating fortress HMI Argonaut sets sail south to Kimmeria.

The Queen and S-3 return to the Queen’s chambers in Sombwe Castle with Elee. Mira joins them and the Queen removes Elee’s veil and asks Elee:

“Well, My gift wrapped sacrifice, can you talk?”

With her head down, Elee says:

“Yes, My Tridevi. I am Yours to do with as you please. It would be my greatest honor to give You, my life.”

“Damn baby! You get all the fucking best gifts. She is very beautiful,” says Mira.

The Queen apports a Valkyrie bowie knife and rubs it near Elee’s neck and asks:

“Are you ready to die virgin?”

“Yes, My Tridevi. You will give me a greater death than I could have ever imagined. I am so happy to have been chosen as Your sacrifice. I love You My Tridevi,” says Elee.

The Queen uses the back of the knife and removes Elee’s robe. She uses the flat of the blade to lift Elee’s head, and She steps away and sits on the bed. She sets the blade down and says:

“You are not suited as a sacrifice for Me. Your blood is inferior to the blood sacrifices I require. I require the life of beings with souls, and you do not have a soul. Spilling your blood as a sacrifice to Me would be a repugnance.

Mira, shave her legs and pits, but leave that full thick black hairy pussy. You can trim the wild hairs and shape the edges, but I want that hairy pussy to stay hairy for petting. Undo her weaves and cut her hair. That shit is too long. Make it just above her nipple line. Shape those brows, and then give her your body spa treatment. I want that caramel bronze skin of hers to glow.”

Mira attends to Elee, and then cleans the Queen and Six-Three. They lay in the bed and Mira returns to the castle C2. Elee just stands there, having lowered her head again in shame for not being an acceptable sacrifice. The Queen rubs on Six-Three’s bare thigh and says:

“Now I have two virgins in My room. One that loves Me so much they want to die for Me, and one that wants Me to love them so much I would die for them.”

“I don’t want You to die for me My Queen. I also overheard You and Aries with my cybernetic implants. I do not want You to think I was just saying, As You wish to seduce You. I mean, I was in a way romantically in my mind, but now I feel stupid and embarrassed. I really did like that novel, and the movie, and I know You do not really care for such things. If You want me to leave so You can play with Your new virgin, then I will,” says S-3.

The Queen rolls on top of S-3 and moves her hair around sweetly and says:

“Sex is an addiction for Me, and I understand your youthful romantic love, but I cannot commit to an exclusive relationship. I have tried, recently with Rebecca, which is why she left. I love you, but I am unfaithful in a one on one relationship. You will not find your happily ever after with Me, but I do want to love you in My way, just not, as you wish.”

Elee understands the words of the conversation just not topics. The phrase, “play with Your new virgin,” was of interest. Elee’s curiosity was sparked to find out what kind of play the Queen has with virgins, or if she understood the word correctly. Elee looks on at the two naked beauties in bed, and the Queen rubbing on S-3. The Queen looks back and stares again at Elee standing there naked.

The Cavowa are very modest and monogamous. If S-3 wanted an exclusive relationship, she could probably get it from Elee. Never would a Cavowa woman just stand naked like this in front of anyone if they were not being sacrificed to a djinn; and then only for approval before the Cavowa covered them again. Hell, they get into bed with each other wearing gowns that have to be lifted for sex. All married Cavowa women and widows wear veils in public, and the concept of lesbianism is unheard of to the Cavowa.

The Queen wants to give Elee a visual tutorial, and She kisses S-3, and kisses on her soft B titties. She straddles S-3’s thigh and scissors pussies with her. Elee watches, not understanding any of this. It must be the “play” part. Sex between male and female Cavowa’s is wham, bam, with no thank you ma’am. Women are lowly housewives and farm servants, and they are there to serve the desires of the men, and to make babies.

The Queen and S-3 rub pussies until they orgasm moaning and sighing in pleasure. The Queen kisses down S-3’s soft white body, past her cute belly pooch, nosing through her brushfire bush, and mouth locks onto her wet pussy and licks, sucks, and shakes Her head on S-3’s clit. In Elee’s mind the Queen can hear, ‘Svabol wer uoinota’ (What the hell)!

Oral sex is also unknown to the Cavowa. Sex is not a pleasure; it is a duty to propagate. Yes, the men and woman love the ins and outs of straight sex when it is new, but after a few years of marriage, the occasions drop drastically. S-3 orgasms again, moaning and shaking and grabbing the Queen’s head and her own breasts in excitement.

When the pleasure fades, the Queen rolls to Her back and looks at Her virgin sacrifice. Elee is standing with her palms over her pussy, and was looking, but now looks down again. The Queen asks:

“Well virgin, are you going to stand there all night looking confused?”

“My Tridevi, I will do whatever You want me to do. I am sorry my life is of no use to You as a sacrifice. I can cook and clean and help You with things if You like. If I am too repulsive, You can trade me to the djinns as a sacrifice to appease them, or sell me for monies,” says Elee.

“Your new title is, ‘Her Royal Majesty’s Akitisu’ [‘Akitisu’ is Cavowa for maid]. From now on, you will not refer to Me as My Tridevi, you will refer to Me as, Mistress. I am your Master now, and you will serve Me. Quit standing there and get into the bed and rub My feet,” orders the Queen.


Chance Perry (AKA) President Chance Perry (INTRO) 50 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Trim Salt and Pepper Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Thick 6.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Very Fit and Muscular but not Bulky, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dirk Caber, (COMMENTS) President Chance Perry probably weighs about 200lbs but is fit. He is handsome and has brown real short hair, and he is kind of a hairy guy with a trimmed salt and pepper beard.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Gyes (TYPE) Hecatoncheires, Gyes is one of three monstrous giants on Ionia (the smallest of the Hecatoncheires), of enormous size and strength, with fifty heads and one hundred arms. The features are humanoid, and Gyes is decent looking, not ugly, and the skin tone is a dark tan. When Gyes talks, different heads phase and rotate with each syllable and a different voice with each syllable too. The heads are mix gender with varying hair colors and lengths, as well as the voices. Gyes is a tetraploid, and can shift between heights of 24’ to about 6’ tall. Not only when Gyes talks do the heads change genders, its torso and genitals shift as well from male to female. At 6’ tall its cock is around 9” long, and at 24’ feet tall its cock is 36” long.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Series Six-Three Prime (AKA) Adelaide Remr, ‘Codename’ Switchblade, Jaime Sommers, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-28-34, Caucasian Human Cyborg, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brunette/Red Long, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Narrow Triangular Hairy Brushfire Brown/Red Bush Shaved Below, (BODY) Sweet Curvy Soft She has a Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Arietta Adams, (COMMENTS) Series Six-Three Prime, Adelaide Remr is the daughter of the Royal Stellar Force Commander Denyse Remr. She is cute and sexy, and she has the soft body and hot ass of a milf, but she is a teen.

Delphyne (TYPE) Female Dragon. Delphyne is a huge fire breathing dragon, dark with scales and two horns and a deep dark bluing as you get to her back, and upper parts of her long neck. Her open wings are a translucent blue in color. Her belly is a light blueish gray mixture, and when she inhales to breath fire her belly turns reddish. (HUMANOID FORM) In her dragonkin humanoid form she is beautiful too, with her two nub horns and auburn hair short to the middle of her neck. The back to the top of her butt, back of her arms, outside of her legs to her ankles, bottom of her neck to the top of her breasts, two stripes on each cheek, and fins from the back of her head covering her human like ears and protruding forward are smooth scales that finish randomly in points. Her scales are primarily a deep dark blue. Delphyne also has a dragon tail the same color as the scales in humanoid form. The areas in the delicate inner areas like breasts, stomach, inner thighs and legs, fingers, palms, feet, and shoulders are a very light blueish gray soft flesh. She has auburn nipples and areola the same color as her hair, and this is the color of the inside of her smooth pussy, mouth, lips, and tongue. She has green eyes, and she is lovely with double D breasts.

Elee (TYPE) Cavowa, (AKA) Elee Nhee Svalupa, Royal Akitisu, Nhee Svalupa = Sweet Sacrifice, (INTRO) Appears 20 yrs. old but Cavowas are Long Lived Reaching ages of 1,000 years, 34-24-34, Indian Human Appearance, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Long Black Hair usually Weaved in an Immaculate Coiffure, (CUP) 34C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Black Hairy Pussy, (BODY) Slim Fit Bronze Caramel Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Nadia Nyce, (COMMENTS) Elee is beautiful with full lips and plenty of exotic allure. To the Queen, she is a dish never sampled in rareness and exceptionality.

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅