Mercury – 136 (Virgin Gifts)

“Damn you’re wet, and fragrant. This is grade A virgin pussy. Damn, I wish we could reproduce this smell in the androids. The is raw pussy at its best

Episode 136 – VIRGIN GIFTS

Elee, the Cavowa’s virgin sacrifice gift to Queen Dianne, timidly crawls into the Queen’s bed up to Her feet and begins rubbing them. She just watched Queen Dianne eat S-3’s pussy which caused S-3 to moan and shake with excitement. This is all new to Elee. Girls with girls, oral sex, and whatever made S-3 and the Queen moan and shake with excitement.

Elee knows of sex between men and women even though she is a virgin. Married female Cavowa have told her it can hurt, but after a while it starts to feel pretty good. No one ever said anything about oral sex, same sex relationships, or the shaking and convulsing that looked satisfying. To the Queen, Elee is so pretty, and dark and alluring with her caramel bronze skin, blackest black hair, especially thick around the playground.

The Queen pushes back on Elee with Her foot so that Elee rests on her ass. The Queen begins to rub Her toes in Elee’s juicy jungle. Elee’s pussy is so wet her pussy hairs are dripping. The Queen’s toes are soaked. The Queen lifts them to Elee’s mouth and says:

“Lick it off Akitisu.”

Elee grabs the Queen’s foot and licks her own pussy juice off the Queen toes with enthusiasm. the Queen draws Her foot down Elee’s tight body to her brown nipple C cups, and She rubs Her toes back and forth, and Elee’s nipples are hard. The Queen asks:

“Does this feel good My sacrifice?”

“Yes, Mistress. Ah, ah, the Garas [elder female Cavowa] never, mm, mm, mentioned anything like this,” answers Elee, and she grabs the Queen foot and kisses and sucks Her toes.

Elee is shaking and trembling so much the bed is moving. She is on the verge of a spontaneous orgasm, and her pussy has already saturated the bed beneath her lap. The Queen reaches out with Her hand and says:

“Come here.”

Elee takes the Queen’s hand, and the Queen pulls Elee up to where she is sitting on the Queen’s supple double D’s. S-3 is watching, and she has even started rubbing her own pussy. Elee is running like a faucet, and she soaks the Queen’s breasts. The Queen says:

“Damn you’re wet, and fragrant. This is grade A virgin pussy. Damn, I wish we could reproduce this smell in the androids. The is raw pussy at its best.”

The Queen pulls Elee up to Her lips, and her pussy is engorged, and hairy, and the Queen tongues through the bush as Elee soaks the Queen’s lips, chin, and nose. Pussy juice starts to run off the Queen’s face. The Queen barely licks Elee’s clit, and she spasms and convulses, falling forward as the Queen grabs Elee’s ass.

“AHHHHHHHHHH! AHH! MMMMMM! MMMMMMMMMM! UHHH! UHHH, UHH, UH! AH, UH, UH, UH…ah…ah…ahhhhhhh…” moans and pants Elee as she has her first orgasm.

Elee quickly slides down and kisses the Queen like she is in love. The Queen’s face is covered in cunt juice, but Elee just kisses through. Hands are active on both, and there is a hot erotic passion brewing. Elee slides down the Queen’s wet breasts, and licks and sucks Her tits. Elee is in a mad lust, and she continues down the Queen’s body, and starts licking the Queen’s pussy with everything she got.

It is a tongue, lip, rub, suck, new passion like the Queen has never felt. This bitch was so affectionate it hurt. The Queen orgasms more from the excitement than the skill, and Elee keeps kissing down the Queen’s body to Her feet, and she spins around and sucks Her toes with such passion it must be love. Elee was worshiping the Queen’s body with every part of her own body.

The Queen rubs Elee’s hot ass, and fingers her wet pussy, and Elee orgasms again and it was like an old washing machine out of balance on spin the shaking was so intense. Elee’s lovely singing voice of moans and sighs are so unique, the teenies were gathered and watching from the doorway, and S-3 was on her second orgasm masturbating.

They 69d each other into a few more orgasms and the Queen had to stop Elee. Elee would not let go of the Queen, and they got up and went to the shower. S-3 joined them and Elee washed the Queen. S-3 couldn’t get near the Queen, so she washed herself, and Elee. When they finished, the Queen was tired. They returned to the bed, and Elee held to the Queen and rubbed Her until the Queen fell asleep with Elee in the middle.

The Queen wakes and enters Her office for breakfast and TG3’s brief. She returns to Her bed chambers and tells Elee to wake up, and S-3 to quit holding to Elee and get up. Androids attend to them and after they have breakfast too, and are ready, the Queen tells S-3:

“Find Mira in the C2 and plug into whatever is going on with the FST. I want to return to Ionia because Earth politics is a death sentence bickering boring hater versus hater waste of time crime. Sorry Elee, My kind has been subdivided by race, gender, affluency, appeal, orientation, and suffers an infestation of the biggest parasite in the universe that caused it, politicians. I am in the process of exterminating the parasites and their attendant bureaucracies to restore unity.

S-3, I want to know how much of President Perry’s assassination plot is known and when it will most likely occur. If it is not today or tomorrow, I am returning to Ionia.”

“Yes, My Queen,” answers S-3, and she leaves.

“Don’t put that robe back on Elee. Come here,” says the Queen who is naked, and She embraces the naked Elee, and they teleport away.

They arrive in Mr. Torres’s den of horrors and Aiwass (Arthur Hudson Westcott) the sorcerer occultist is also there. Arthur stares at the beautiful exotic naked Elee, and Mr. Torres says:

“My Lovely Queen, You delight me with Your presence as always, and who is this charming beauty? She is not human. Most likely the Cavowa we have been studying from Your reports yesterday. So, I assume she is one of Your new playthings and not an offering.”

“Yes creepy, she was a gift, and her name is Elee,” answers the Queen and Elee will not let the Queen go from her embrace.

Elee is familiar enough with the smell of blood and the items on the shelf to know this place is a sacrifice chamber. After her sexual experiences last night with the Queen, Elee suddenly has a fear of being sacrificed. Her bravery in the face of death before is no more. She has found a new desire, and love, and she wants to live and experience it longer.

“Mistress, are You going to still sacrifice me,” asks Elee scared and shaking?

“No lovely, quit fearing. I know you no longer want to die for Me, but you want to love Me. I am here to find out what my twisted friends have been doing to help My forces trying to protect your people,” says the Queen.

“From Your notes My Queen, we feel fire will kill most of these creatures of the night on the dark continent of Kimmeria. Doctor Nayfel has shipped more flame throwers to supplement the ones Your forces on Ionia already have. The Doctor has also manufactured the tried and true napalm style bombs with modern chemicals which can be dropped from the Devil Rays or Zodiacs for close air support. The only problem may be the extent of the abilities of certain creatures…” explains Arthur and Mr. Torres adds:

“What Arthur means My Queen is this is contingent on our ability to cross reference Your creature descriptions with folklore, and if the folklore holds true. An example would be the Lamia You described. Her description matches our folklore for a creature of the same name, so silver to the heart or fire should kill her if that is needed.

However, the furies are most likely Erinyes, and may possess the ability to cross the dimensions between the materium and non-materium aether. They may have no weakness but their own fury. The Necro Nosferatu are most likely the top order of beings on the dark continent, outside of the furies which are not isolated to a continent. The necros match descriptions of vampires, but You knew this.

The problem is there are many myths surrounding vampires, and it may not be possible to kill some of them conventionally. You will have to use the standard mythical contrivances and see if they are effective or not. I will not list all the creatures from Your notes, but I would like to have a Trauco and Fiura if possible. The Banshees may be vulnerable to gold, and the Kalku are probably vulnerable to what mortals are vulnerable to, so try talking to them.

The werewolves, dullahan, and demogorgon may be a challenge, and the baba yaga, black annis, bukavac, ghouls, golems, gwyllgi, trolls, and if you find zombies, the bogey man, the grim reaper or other undead things not mentioned, I would burn them if they threaten You. If that does not work, then we can try something else. Perhaps capture and study would help. I know You were curious about the jorogumo, but they prefer men,” says Mr. Torres.

“We will see what they prefer, and you would like for Me to capture all of them for you to study, you freak. I don’t want to burn the place down, and I don’t want to place biologic forces, like My AhṚddhi, on the content of Kimmeria, so what else do you have,” asks the Queen?

“My Queen, the androids have already started constructing bases on Kimmeria in the light zone where the Cavowa live on the edge of the dark zones surrounding the interior of the continent. They are installing catoptrics directing sunlight for perimeter defenses. Orbiting satellite will direct sunlight to the catoptrics.

We now have a stockpile of gold, silver, and iron ammunition for the NP weapon’s suite of rifles and handguns made by the android manufacturing facilities. We also had priests bless the ammunition. Cross referencing the description and names You provided for Ionia creatures on the Dark Continent with folklore, we have the AG47 silver round, the AU79 gold round, and the FE26 iron round. Happy hunting,” says Arthur.

“Okay, do you have My other request ready,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen. Where do You want the summoning talisman brand,” asks Arthur?

The Queen turns Elee around and says:

“Her left back shoulder.”

“Mistress! What are You going to do to me,” asks Elee?

“You cannot leave this place Elee. Your spirit is trapped, and you have no soul doorway in this world to combat the powers of this temple. My friend Aiwass is a master occultist, and he is going to place a summoning talisman of virgin blood from this world on you, and when the ceremony is complete, you can come and go in this place with Me,” says the Queen.

Aiwass places a patch on Elee’s left shoulder. Mr. Torres leads them through the labyrinth to the center room of the Grimorium Verum Labyrinth where a 12 year old girl is restrained and naked in the center. Mr. Torres says:

“It is harder to find virgins in this world My Queen, but she passed all the tests and I certify her true,” and Mr. Torres holds out the Cursed Muramasas Kodachi.

“Take it Elee, and sacrifice this virgin, and drink her blood. Her blood is the only blood that I accept as a sacrifice. She is here in your stead, and for your freedom in My temple of power,” says the Queen.

“Mistress, it is forbidden for females to perform sacrifices,” says Elee as the girl starts crying and begging for her life.

“You will no longer be My Akitisu if you do not sacrifice this girl and drink her blood. You will not be able to leave this place. I know Aiwass won’t mind. He has been staring at you with lust since we got here. His last girlfriend, Sia Duncan, fell in love with the Cerulean leader Maightiòna. They now play strip poker where Sia always wins before the game begins. Aiwass has been fucking many other girls since, but he would love a virgin like you, especially one so obedient to males,” says the Queen.

Aiwass shrugs, and Elee takes the Kodachi and walks over and cuts the virgin girl’s neck and drinks as the girl gurgles and dies. The Cavowa are used to butchering animals and viewing sacrifices of their kind to Sura (Lovis), and other shadow djinns.

Elee’s shoulder with the talisman patch burns intensely as Elee screams from the pain grabbing her shoulder. When it is done the Queen uses regeneration to heal the burn, and She kisses the Sigil of Lucifer branding tattoo, as they stand on the Sigil of Lucifer in the room. Aiwass says:

“It is the devil Astarte My Queen.”

“Oh my, how fortunate My Queen. Astarte is one of Your favorites. I was expecting at the least an imp, but a devil is wonderful,” says Mr. Torres.

“Damn, look at her! It is in her eyes; she is a thousand times more seductive. Will the summoning brand allow her to be possessed even when we leave,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, My Queen. The summoning talisman is the charm that provides abode in lieu of a soul. Elee will most likely manifest some kind of powers. More that it is a high level devil that made its abode in the charm,” says Aiwass.

The Queen kisses Elee and says:

“Let’s go servant girl. That was a proper virgin sacrifice to Me, and now you have entered a whole new world,” and they teleport back to the Queen’s chambers in the castle.

The Queen places a mantas module bracelet on Elee and configures her outfit. The top is of a leather look with long sleeves and full closed collar of intricate V point ridges, and it ends in a V point at her crotch and ass. The long skirt beneath extends to her ankles has the appearance of solid lace, and she has calf high boots with 3” heels. An android gives Elee another intricate weaving coiffure hairstyle, and Elee looks good in all black.

“Now you are a desire on any world My Akitisu, but don’t let it go to your head,” says the Queen as S-3 enters:

“What did I miss! She looks amazing My Queen,” exclaims S-3!

“Yes, she does, and you better not copy this outfit, or I will burn it off your body. My Akitisu is special now… I do not want to be here S-3. What did Mira say,” asks the Queen?

“She said You could go to Ionia and when she knew for sure the assassination was going forward, she would contact You,” says S-3, and the Queen waste no more time and teleports them to the HMI Argonaut.

In the Action Information Centre of the C2, Mira’s doppelganger briefs the Queen:

“Damn baby, Elee looks like an erotic beauty. Your possession charm created an entirely different level of magnificence, not that she wasn’t a splendor already. Wow, anyway, we have been killing several shadow djinns along the perimeter of the dark zone around Cavowa populations.

Most djinns have now retreated into the interior. The fucking zombies make for great target practice, and they were causing most of the Cavowa’s casualties, which increased the zombies population. They are not entirely stupid, which is why they retreated.

These are mostly low level predators both animal, sentient, and semi-sentient beings. One sniper team dropped a werewolf two miles into the dark zone using a night scope and an AG47 silver round to the heart. It was an awesome shot and scared the rest of the pack back into the interior. Watch this video:”

Mira plays a video of the sniper shot on the werewolf and says:

“That is some awesome shit. Do You know the hits we could get off that video on Wi-World?”

“Maybe we can archive it for the Randy X-Files,” says the Queen and Mira continues:

We have also killed 20 vampires, or nosferatu, with silver sniper shots to the heart. The vampires were causing the Cavowa problems feeding on their people more than intended, I guess. The Cavowa appear to be stock for many of the shadow djinns, and the djinns will starve without them. If You are right, it is a population balancing act.

I believe, and Mr. Torres agrees, that the vampires are influencing most of the other creatures. They are the top of the rule on this continent, but unless we go in there, I do not know who their ruler is,” explains Mira.

“I am not invading the interior. There is too much dark shit in there, and some of it cannot be killed without an artful effort on My part. The necros have mind control abilities that prevent Me from reading their minds. So, for now, keep the perimeter clean and let’s see what comes out for a chat. What about this Calyphelia,” asks the Queen?

“She lives near one of the Cavowa villages. If You want to meet her, You will have to journey a mile into the darkness,” says Mira.

“I want to meet her,” says the Queen.

The Queen and Mira journey to Calyphelia’s cave escorted by a regiment of Vipers. The cave has a door, and the Queen knocks. A hob brownie answers and says:

“Only You may enter Goddess Queen Dianne, and You must be naked.”

“Here we go again baby! You are going alone into the unknown and me worried to death that You are going to be hurt or killed,” says Mira.

“I am going,” says the Queen as She removes Her attire and enters.

The cave is lit with candles as She walks a long path and enters a cavern. The Queen senses Calyphelia, but before She sees her, Calyphelia wraps the Queen up and speaks. The mantas module translates it because it is the same language as the Cavowa, which is now in the translator system:

“You are so warm, and Your blood smells so good.”

The Lamia follow lore and are sapient upper half-women and lower half-serpent creatures. Calyphelia is beautiful with small pointy ears, long black hair, and double dangs to compliment her fangs and they are supple as they press on the Queen’s breasts.

Calyphelia kisses the Queen, and she bites the base of Her neck and drinks Her blood. Calyphelia says:

“I want more of Your species. Bring me males to mate with, and then devour. I want to see what daughters they will produce.”

“And what do I get,” asks the Queen?

The tip of Calyphelia’s tale is so sensitive, and it finds its way to the Queen’s cunt, and rubs. It penetrates, and the Queen moans and sighs in pleasure. Calyphelia’s long fork tongue licks and tickles the Queen’s nipples, and Calyphelia asks:

“Did You like my virgin gift? You have modified her; I see she is no longer spirit of her own. You are a busy Goddess Queen. Bring me Your human males and I will submit to You Goddess Queen. You will have rule of the Lamia for I am their queen.”

The translator quits for the last sentence, and Calyphelia speaks in the Queen’s understanding. The Queen knows that this means Calyphelia submitted to Her rule. The Queen replies:

“Mm, mm, ah, ah, is that all,” asks the Queen sighing and moaning from the fucking of Calyphelia’s tail and being constricted in her embrace.

“The necras are coming to test You My Goddess Queen. The first three of nine higher necras of the original high necro Dragomir Negoitescu approach. He rules this continent, and he wants to rule You, but he is a fool for not knowing the extent of Your powers…”


Elee (TYPE) Cavowa, (AKA) Elee Nhee Svalupa, Royal Akitisu, Nhee Svalupa = Sweet Sacrifice, (INTRO) Appears 20 yrs. old but Cavowa are Long Lived Reaching ages of 1,000 years, 34-24-34, Indian Human Appearance, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Long Black Hair usually Weaved in an Immaculate Coiffure, (CUP) 34C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Black Hairy Pussy, (BODY) Slim Fit Bronze Caramel Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Nadia Nyce, (COMMENTS) Elee is beautiful with full lips and plenty of exotic allure. To the Queen, she is a dish never sampled in rareness and exceptionality.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Series Six-Three Prime (AKA) Adelaide Remr, ‘Codename’ Switchblade, Jaime Sommers, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-28-34, Caucasian Human Cyborg, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brunette/Red Long, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Narrow Triangular Hairy Brushfire Brown/Red Bush Shaved Below, (BODY) Sweet Curvy Soft She has a Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Arietta Adams, (COMMENTS) Series Six-Three Prime, Adelaide Remr is the daughter of the Royal Stellar Force Commander Denyse Remr. She is cute and sexy, and she has the soft body and hot ass of a milf, but she is a teen.

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

TG3 (Jingleheimer) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Shoulder Length, (CUP) DD Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) TG3 is so cute with her exaggerated hourglass figure and double D boobs, ample luscious thighs, and she is so seductive too. TG3 likes to use the catchphrases, Anyway, Whatever, and bazillion gazillion.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Chance Perry (AKA) President Chance Perry (INTRO) 50 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Trim Salt and Pepper Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Thick 6.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Very Fit and Muscular but not Bulky, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dirk Caber, (COMMENTS) President Chance Perry probably weighs about 200lbs but is fit. He is handsome and has brown real short hair, and he is kind of a hairy guy with a trimmed salt and pepper beard.

Abrant Torres (AKA) Thaumaturgist Abrant Torres, (INTRO) Middle Aged, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Pansexual, (COMMENTS) Mr. Torres looks like a creepy Warlock in his den wearing a black robe and walking around barefoot. He is not ugly, just creepy. He is an occultist who works for the Vatican. The Queen actually likes Mr. Torres, and She has taken him into Her confidence as an adviser. He would be at home in a dungeon filled with frogs and newts, as he boiled something in a cast iron pot.

Aiwass (Arthur Hudson Westcott) (AKA) Aiwass the Sex Magical, (INTRO) 20 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Thick Black Short with a Black Beard Well Groomed, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Thick 9 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Good Muscular Build Fit, (ORIENTATION) Straight, (COMMENTS) Good-Looking and he looks magical, almost kingly. He is dresses in a nice suits and he is very handsome.

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Sia Duncan (INTRO) 30 yrs. old, 34-24-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural, Pink Nipples and Large Areola, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Hot Fit Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Valentina Nappi, (COMMENTS) Sia is D…Dang, and all natural. Her double D’s tear drop like choice melons that are oh so ripe. Her body is amazing, and she has a hot ass.

Ceruleans (General) All Ceruleans are female hermaphrodites and can only reproduce with their Thylacine male counterpart every 10 years. They average 8 feet in height with dark blue smooth skin. Their eyes do not glow, but they reflect with a dull yellow haze. They have no hair on her head. They have five fluted swept arches that envelop the top of their head, and it finishes in a point in the back. Ceruleans are beautiful. Ceruleans’ cocks are thick and average between 11 to 14 inches long, and they are big blue cocks with a trimmed violet colored hairy blue pussy underneath. For their size, their breasts average between A and I cup, on a scale comparison, with almost lavender colored nipples and areola. Their pussy smells different than human but very inviting. They moan and sigh in pleasure with a harmony echo. It sounds amazingly melodic. Their skin feels remarkably soft, and they ooze ejaculant that is a very sweet white liquid when they pussy orgasm or they ejaculate with their cocks. It is only about a 1/4 of an ounce, but it is creamy tasting like a rich vanilla milkshake. The Ceruleans’ mouth and tongue have a lavender color to the interior (like their pussy), and they have a long fucking tongue approximately 10” in length with suckers on them. They will move their lip on a female’s clit, as their tongue stimulates the “G” spot. They let out a songful gleeful harmonic cry and get very excited from causing and consuming ejaculant. They kiss with awesome suction and deep swirling tongue action, causing the partner to moan in pleasure from the kiss. Oral stimulation on the Ceruleans’ tits cause them to seep a similar creamy white fluid that taste sweet. Stimulating the Ceruleans’ breasts and drinking the fluid causes the Ceruleans to moan in pleasure. When a Ceruleans’ cock ejaculates, it throbs and pulses like no human cock, and it does not stop. It throbs faster and pulses and will cause more orgasms, sending a human female into an emotional tumble with cascading orgasms, and squirting. Fucking a Cerulean will make a human female shake in excitement, and it is one erotic fuck they will never forget.

Maightiòna (TYPE) See Ceruleans (General), (INTRO) Biologic Immortal, All Ceruleans are female hermaphrodites, (CUP) F, (PENIS) Above Avg. Thickness 13 in Length, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) All Ceruleans are beautiful.

Calyphelia (TYPE) Lamia which follow lore and are sapient upper half-women and lower half-serpent creatures. Calyphelia is beautiful with small pointy ears, long black hair, and double dangs to compliment her fangs that are supple to the press on the Queen’s chest.

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