Mercury – 150 (Some Bitch)

“Shift to human form or I am going to stick this nozzle inside that dog cunt and pump you full of water.”

Episode 150 – SOME BITCH

A frightened naked Bayesian Taylor is in the secured barn feeding area for livestock on the back of Miotiamóon’s house, but it is also the feeding area for the Jorogumo whore spider, Miotiamóon. Bayesian is looking for a way out and there is a black male inmate that the Queen acquired from the Vatican’s Purgatory’s Panopticon, and he is naked too and looking around. The inmate tries to open the backdoor to the house, but no way is he opening that door. From his perspective he sees only the door and not the two-way wall widows.

He rushes, grabs, and starts trying to rape Bayesian, and the Queen uses telekinesis to push him against a wall, and he is stunned. The Queen says telepathically:

“~Bayesian, go to the door and enter and shut it back. Watch from the windows~.”

Oh, thank god, thinks Bayesian. She feared the worst, and although she was not entirely sure she was safe, she felt better about not getting raped by the burly inmate. Miotiamóon shifts into her half-humanoid half-spider form, and she enters the loft tunnel. She moves to the concealed opening, and she watches the male inmate get back up and look around for Bayesian as he shouts for her. Miotiamóon exits the tunnel and crawls along the ceiling unnoticed by the inmate. She attaches a web, and she lowers herself and shapeshifts back to humanoid form, standing behind the inmate. He turns and sees her naked, and startled he says:

“Who the fuck are you, and how did you get in here?”

Miotiamóon walks up and kisses him, and she rubs his 8” cock until it is erect. It is the biggest cock she has ever seen that wasn’t on an animal (not that she has fucked any of the animals she has trapped and killed). The inmate is overwhelmed by the cuteness of the Japanese appearing Miotiamóon, and her huge damn boobs. He grabs them and vapor locks trying to suck and kiss them.

There is no time for romance from the deprived inmate, and he moves Miotiamóon to the dirt and ground pounds her pussy with his 8” cock. It feels so good to Miotiamóon, and she may have found a new thrill from big cock. The inmate cums hard, deep, and flexes grabbing around Miotiamóon as if he has missed this for a lifetime.

Miotiamóon bites him and injects her venom, and he becomes paralyzed. She drinks some of his blood and realizes, the Queen was right, this is the best blood she has ever tasted. The blood’s effect is immediately noticed in her being, and she knows it is much better for extending life than Cavowa blood.

Miotiamóon cocoons the inmate, and she pulls him up into the rafters and suspend him from a web. She holds to the cocoon listening to him moan and feeling his fear and suffering. It is like an orgasm for her senses to do this. The Queen teleports downstairs and says to Bayesian:

“I have a task for you Bayesian, and if you ever let Me down again, it will be your ass out there getting eaten.”

“Yes, My Queen. I will never betray You again,” says Bayesian.

The Queen opens the backdoor and says:

“Come here Miotiamóon!”

“But Ithquentiv, I want to listen and feel. I like this sound of his fear and suffering. I have never felt such despair.”

“It will take him days to die like that. You can go right back. I just want to introduce you to Bayesian so I can leave.”

Miotiamóon lowers and shifts to humanoid form and the Queen introduces them and tells Miotiamóon that Bayesian is going to teach her how to read and how to use technology, and to not kill Bayesian. Miotiamóon agrees and rushes back to her prey. The Queen tells Bayesian:

“This will be your bedroom, and the house has everything, and the androids will keep it stocked. Here is a mantas module so you can dress. I also want you to teach Miotiamóon how to eat pussy, so you may be sleeping with her some nights too. She can make gold, so see that she sends it through the gate to the place on the note. I don’t want you leaving here until the task is complete. Do you understand?”

“Yes, My Queen. I will not leave until You say so,” answers Bayesian.

Bayesian might be tempted to use the teleportation gateway chamber to go somewhere, but it is a fact that Bayesian will stay inside because of what is outside. The Queen goes out the front door to walk to the castle just to take in Necropolis. It is always night in Necropolis, but with the city now, there is plenty of light. That does not stop the howls, screams, and shrieks of the night from the undead or other creatures, which is sure to keep Bayesian housebound. Even with city lights, Necropolis is a scary fucking place.

On the edge of the pasture fence for Miotiamóon’s farmhouse, the Queen sees a large jet-black wolf eating on a pig it has killed. It is a dire wolf, but not as large as the others the Queen has been using. The Queen traps it with Her psychic force field and the wolf begins ramming the sides and growling. The Queen walks up and looks at it and says:

“Oh! A bitch wolf, that is why you are a little smaller. I have yet to see a bitch werewolf. I was told they stay deep in the forests and breed. Have I taken to many of the alpha males away bitch,” asks the Queen?

The dire wolf is crouched staring and growling like she wants to rip the Queen’s throat out if not for the trap. The Queen removes the force field and holds the wolf using telekinesis. The Queen slaps her muzzle hard and says:

“Shift to humanoid bitch, or I will start kicking your god damn nose. If that doesn’t work, it gets deadly after that.”

The Queen knows the dire wolf understands because the mantas module translator is repeating Her words. The damn bitch wolf will not shapeshift to humanoid. The Queen continues Her walk to the castle, dragging the female dire wolf along the way.

The Queen enters the castle back gate, and She is dragging the dire wolf across the nanite pavement. She passes the large garage outbuilding, and the doors are open, and the higher necra Vamp Tramps Tatiana Radacanu and Sorinah Constantinescu are polishing their QZ-Speeders. Tatiana sees the Queen walking past dragging the wolf and asks:

“What You got there, Mistress?”

“Some bitch that killed one of My pigs. She refuses to shapeshift to human, so I have not decided what I am going to do. How did you get your speeders here,” asks the Queen?

“You have not seen Professor Molecular’s new teleportation gateway chamber? Look back here, it is huge. There is one now at Bran Castle, Sombwe Castle, and the Palace in Brussels. For now, they are calling them castle gates. He made them to transport companies of Vipers, but it works on equipment too.”

Tatiana and Sorinah walk up and look close at the female dire wolf, and Sorinah says:

“That’s Pam. I know by her eyes, I have seen her before, but she is fucking fast. You must have totally surprised her Mistress, or she really likes pig meat. That is probably what it was. They have never had that kind of meat.

She is meaner than hell. She is a purebred alpha bitch. No higher nosferatu has ever drank her blood, so no one has a telepathic link or hypnotic control over her. She has killed a lot of lesser nosferatu,” and Sorinah kicks Pam and she growls, and Sorinah says:

“I am going to drink your blood now bitch, and then you will be my pet.”

“Is Pam her whole name, the damn male werewolves had first and last names,” asks the Queen?

“Pam is more of an acronym. She is what You would call Royalty among the werewolves. Most likely You have taken some of the purebred alphas she fucks for Your operations on Earth, and no one is bringing her food for fucks. Her entire name is Patrícia Annamária Miksa,” says Tatiana.

“So, this bitch is off the higher nosferatu blood grid, and she is a purebred, and considered Royalty. Sounds like a good pet for a Goddess Queen like Me, if I can break her. If not, then I guess I will give the bitch to you,” says the Queen.

The translator is working, and the Queen bends down and says to Pam:

“I am Goddess Queen Dianne, and I rule this world and nine more bitch. I am one of the most powerful beings in the universe. If you become too much of a challenge, then I am going to let the Vamp Tramps drag you behind their mopeds at mach-3. That is so fucking fast your fur is going to fly off.”

Pam grits her teeth and growls, and the Queen starts walking again dragging Pam to the edge of the garage. The Queen pulls a water hose off the reel and starts squirting Pam with cold water. The Queen says:

“You stink bitch. Viper, bring that car soap, bucket, and wand over here.”

The Queen pours soap in the bucket and fills it with water, and She sticks the carwash wand brush in the bucket. The Queen tells the Viper:

“Take that wand and wash this bitch while I rinse her.”

Tatiana and Sorinah are watching and laughing as Pam growls and sneers. The Queen will squirt Pam in the mouth as she growls, and she has to snort to get the water out. The android scrubs the back, sides, and head, and the Queen rinses and flips Pam onto her back using telekinesis. The Viper washes her stomach, underside, legs, and feet, and the Queen says:

“Wash that dog pussy good! Just use your finger and morph it inside and use the nanites. I bet it smells rank anyway.”

Tatiana and Sorinah are propping each other up from laughing so hard. The android finishes, and the Queen rinses the female dire wolf. Pam is still on her back being held by the Queen’s force, and the Queen jet stream sprays her dog pussy and says:

“Shift to human form or I am going to stick this nozzle inside that dog cunt and pump you full of water.”

Pam still refuses to shift form. The Queen is impressed. The Queen sprays Pam’s face trying to drown her, and for all the snorting, Pam still will not shift form. The Queen lays the hose down, and kneels, and runs Her finger inside Pam’s wolf pussy. She thrust in and out and says:

“Does that feel good bitch?”

“Pam still growls.”

The Queen spreads Pam’s legs using telekinesis, then spreads her dog pussy with her fingers. She combs the hair out of the way with Her hand until the pink is hair free. She bends down and licks it. Tatiana and Sorinah are like, oh shit, She is eating wolf pussy. Not even the Vamp Tramps thought of that. Sorinah asks:

“What does it taste like Mistress?”

“Not as good as yours for sure, and gamey, and the wet dog smell is still on her. Her vulva is not puffy, so the bitch is not in heat,” and the Queen laughs and so do the Vamps.

Pam continues to resist, and after 10 minutes of dog pussy licking, the Queen stands and says:

“Well, that is no longer fun if you are not going to play too, but it was different. I guess it is off to the zombie pit for some therapy.”

The Queen teleports Pam into a small qhusmeulium cage in the bottom of a pit of zombies. If Pam stands in the very center, the zombies cannot reach through the bars and scratch her. It is not just frightening; it is a nerve racking experience to stay out of their reach. The Queen and the Vamp Tramps walk to the edge of the pit and look down and the Queen says:

“If you shift form to humanoid, I will bring you out, if not, pleasant dreams.”

The Queen posts Vipers to watch for her to transform and to notify Her immediately. She goes into the castle, showers, fucks Elee, and they go to bed. Eight hours later She wakes, eats, attires, and walks back out to the zombie pit, and Pam is still in dire wolf form and standing in the middle of the cage. Most of the zombies have stopped trying to reach her, but a few have not stopped, the Queen says:

“Nature cannot be stopped; I see you had to shit and piss. Did you prepare one of the vacant farmhouses,” asks the Queen looking at a Viper.

“Yes, My Queen. The barn is sealed and there is livestock and water inside,” answers the Viper.

The Queen remote teleports Pam into the barn of one of the farmhouses like the one made for Miotiamóon. The Queen teleports to the C2 in the Palace in Brussels. Queen Loredana grabs and kisses Queen Dianne and says:

“We are ready to take the Federation of France. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg capitulated, and the Scandinavia Federation voluntarily joined. Now You have the Royal Province of Luxembourg, Royal Province of Denmark, Royal Province of Norway, Royal Province of Sweden, and the Province of Finland.

The Texas Union has been doing a good job at containing the zombies, but when they eliminate them, we teleport more in, and the werewolves have continued to kill bureaucrats too, and in London. Texas and the UGK are fighting a war their populaces are indifferent to since no civilians have been killed.

Mira had to deploy troops to the Catholic churches on Nabu. The civil unrest is turning violent. The Mercury Council of Elders and their Ṛddhi are overwhelmed. If You want Nabu, it is looking ripe for conquest. It has a hell of a spacecraft manufacturing infrastructure. The Ṛddhi temples have been vacated and the Observants evacuated to safe areas, or off world,” concludes Queen Loredana.

“Let Mercury simmer. If we attack them, we will occupy most of the Royal Stellar Force fleet. I know you have not been involved in the alien beings I have conquered, but with humans it is a much harder task. Mercurians are not as bad as those on Earth, but look at how many dis-unions of people we are dealing with here.

I want Earth closer to the point of proliferation. The Scandinavian Federation proves this is close to becoming a reality. Soon the poorer federations are going to be begging to join us without any conflict, and the only thing standing in the way of the others is the politicians. The people are getting sick of the politicians, especially now that there is a viable alternative,” says Queen Dianne.

“Okay, I am going to continue planning to take France, Germany, and Austria. I start my period soon, are You going to grant my wish,” asks Queen Loredana?

“Shit! I will do it, but for appearance sake, we need a fall guy, and I mean a guy to be the public father. You are going to have to get married or the people you are ruling are going to lose respect for you, and you will damage the Monarchy. Additionally, your heir will be seen as illegitimate,” says Queen Dianne.

“What about Avalon’s Ciabarim continent? You made Deeannah van Belenghien Ryder Baroness of the Town of Ryder and gave her a livestock ranch on the Ciabarim continent. Make a Duke, and you can give him something like, Summergreen Sugar Cane Farm,” says Queen Loredana.

“You have already thought about this too. Okay, we will make a Duke, and select a Reveeku to play the part. I will have Minikin back date documents to establish his identity. Do you have a name for your Duke daddy,” asks the Queen?

“Yes, Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle,” says Queen Loredana.

“Shit! I know that did not come off the top of your head. Mira, is there a hidden meaning,” asks Queen Dianne, and one of Mira’s doppelgangers forms.

“Uh? I don’t think I want in the middle of this discussion baby,” says Mira.

“I want this name! It is the truth and I want it in plain sight,” says Queen Loredana.

“What does it mean,” asks Queen Dianne?

“It is an anagram, and it means, ‘Dianne and Loredana’s child.’ The first three initials and last name would read, ‘DNA Riddle.’ I wanted You to acknowledge Your ability publicly, so at least let me have this,” pleads Queen Loredana.

“Tell Minikin for Me Mira, so the spelling is correct. I am going to the lab,” says Queen Dianne.

“Me Too Darling! Our QZ-Speeders are done,” says Queen Loredana.

They inspect the speeders and Queens Dianne likes Her speeder because it is black with gold trim and looks wicked as hell. She laughs at Queen Loredana’s pink with white trim speeder and calls her the cotton candy Queen. While they are checking out the speeders, Dr. Bethany Hylton comes in and says:

“Doctor Nayfel tells me you are going to try and conceive another formula child. I need to perform an examination and start a file for you Queen Loredana.”

Queen Dianne can sense Bethany’s thoughts, and She knows some of this is bullshit. Queen Dianne blocks Bethany’s mind from being read by Queen Loredana to let Bethany play her game. Bethany takes them to an examination room and tells Queen Loredana:

“If you would, remove your clothes.”

Queen Loredana does so but finds it strange that she cannot read her mind, but this is the first time she has met Bethany, and knows she conceived a formula child too. Bethany walks around a begins a basic physical and says:

“Very fucking nice Dianne. Your new girlfriend is beautiful. I am jealous.”

“She has to be with as much trouble as she is,” says Queen Dianne.

The preliminaries are complete, and Dr. Bethany tells Queen Loredana:

“If you would lie on the table and put your legs in the stirrups, please.”

“Is this necessary,” asks Queen Loredana”

“Well, that is the organ that is going to be used to deliver your baby, so I need to examine it to make sure you are healthy,” says Bethany.

Queen Loredana complies, and Dr. Bethany sits on a stool and pokes around and looks at Queen Loredana’s pussy and says:

“Damn Dianne, this is a sexy pussy. Her whole body is so awesome.”

Bethany leans in and starts eating Queen Loredana’s pussy, and Queen Dianne starts kissing Queen Loredana, and kissing her breasts. Queen Dianne removes Her attire and climbs onto the examination bed too, and 69’s on top, and Her and Bethany fight over Queen Loredana’s hot pussy pie.

Queen Loredana gulps up Queen Dianne’s pussy, and in no time at all, the Queens are cumming. They move and put Bethany in the stirrups, and Queen Loredana 69’s on top as Queen Dianne sits on the stool, and they make Bethany sing too. They dress and Bethany says:

“You have a clean bill of health Queen Loredana, and I am sure that fine pussy can handle Queen Dianne’s little wiener.”

Queen Loredana and Dr. Bethany laugh as Queen Dianne’s face turns red with anger.


Bayesian Taylor (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 34-25-36, Black Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Permed Loose, (CUP) 34D Natural Dark Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Medium Complexion Hourglass Slim Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jenna J Foxx, (COMMENTS) Breasts are so Supple and Soft you can Squeeze a Boob Together and give Her a Tit Blowjob, Hair on Her Pussy is Very Soft Too, Tastes Sweet, Gets Abundantly Wet, Fucking Sexy Hot from Head to the Tip of Her Lovely Toes

Miotiamóon (TYPE) Kenzihamir, Jorogumo or ‘Whore Spider,’ (INTRO) Jorogumo are Long Lived, Thousands of Years but not Immortal, Miotiamóon has the Appearance of a Japanese Human Female in her early-30s, but She is 2,733 yrs. old, 36-22-35, 5 ft 3 in. Measurements in Humanoid Form, (HAIR) Brunette Short Layered Down Neck in the Back, (CUP) 36GG Natural – Dark Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Fit Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mio Kimijima, (COMMENTS) Miotiamóon is sexy cute, and her brunette hair is short layered down the neck in the back, and just below her cheeks in front framing her cute face. The most definitive features are her cute looks, and those big ass titties. (GENERAL) Tsuchigumo are a spider beast that is about the size of a grizzly bear but has a humanoid face. The Ionians call them Trianhamir, and they consist of both sexes. Every now and then, and Kenzihamir is produced from a Trianhamir, and Mr. Torres calls them, Jorogumo. They are female, and they have more of an upper body that is humanoid but long spider legs and spider asses, and they are slimmer like comparing a black widow to a tarantula, the tarantula being the Trianhamir. Both species are fast and can jump long distances. They both inject digestive enzymes into victims that liquifies the victim’s insides and they feed on the fluid. They both spin webs, and cocoon prey that they inject with a neurotoxin venom that can take days to kill it, helping preserve it for later dinning. They have superhuman strength, exceptional visual abilities, and they are sentient and cunning, but the Jorogumo possess a more cunning intelligence and are skillful deceivers. The Jorogumo can control the Trianhamir and other lesser spiders, and she can breathe fire. She can also shapeshift into a humanoid female appearing as a sexy beautiful woman. She uses this ability to entice humanoid males, and makes love to them, then kills them. The Jorogumo also have a weakness for shiny metal objects which they collect out of compulsion. Ingesting blood extends their life, and much like the Kalku witches, the Jorogumo can live for thousands of years. The older ones develop more skills and magical powers, supposedly; including the myth that the Jorogumo can spin webs of pure gold if she desires too.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Tatiana Radacanu (TYPE) Higher Nine Necra of the Nosferatu, Royal Vampire, (AKA) Tat, Vamp Tramp, ‘Codename’ Knickknack (INTRO) Perfect Age Appearance 30s, Highest of the Biologic Immortal, 32-25-32, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Magenta Short Halfway on Neck, (CUP) 32G Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Fit – Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Anna Bell Peaks, (COMMENTS) Tatiana is hot and has a variety of tattoos on her back, thighs, arms, above her breasts, stomach, and ankle.

Sorinah Constantinescu (TYPE) Higher Nine Necra of the Nosferatu, Royal Vampire, (AKA) SoCo, Vamp Tramp, ‘Codename’ Paddywhack, (INTRO) Perfect Age Appearance 30s, Highest of the Biologic Immortal, 34-25-36, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Purple/Pink, Long Buzzed on One Side, (CUP) 34E Natural – Pale Pink Small Nipples and Areola, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Busty Hourglass Fit – Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Sydnee Vicious, (COMMENTS) Sorinah probably has natural blonde/brown hair, but like Tatiana’s magenta hair, Sorinah’s is dyed purple/pink, and it is long and buzzed on one side. It is easier to say her hot ass, sensual parts of her thighs, tits, business part of her smooth pussy, feet, and a few other areas do not have tattoos. She is sexy hot, just gothic as hell.

Elee (TYPE) Cavowa, (AKA) Elee Nhee Svalupa, Royal Akitisu, Nhee Svalupa = Sweet Sacrifice, (INTRO) Appears 20 yrs. old but Cavowa are Long Lived Reaching ages of 1,000 years, 34-24-34, Indian Human Appearance, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Long Black Hair usually Weaved in an Immaculate Coiffure, (CUP) 34C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Black Hairy Pussy, (BODY) Slim Fit Bronze Caramel Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Nadia Nyce, (COMMENTS) Elee is beautiful with full lips and plenty of exotic allure. To the Queen, she is a dish never sampled in rareness and exceptionality.

Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren (AKA) Princess Loredana, Queen Loredana, Queen-Empress Regnant Loredana, Duchess of Brabant, (INTRO) 30 yrs. old, 33-24-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Dark Brunette 6” Below Her Shoulders, (CUP) 33D Natural, Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Pinstripe Black Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Sarah Stephens, (COMMENTS) Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren is the younger sister to Princess Madisson. Loredana is fucking hot, sexy, gorgeous, damn perfect. The way her breasts look on her chest is flawless. From the front, side, or back she is impeccable, and she has a hot ass. Top to bottom she has everything, and she has got legs, and knows how to use them.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

Dr. Bethany Hylton (AKA) (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-26-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 8 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Tan Complexion Fit Soft Milf, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Cherie DeVille, (COMMENTS) Very Hot Attractive Milf, Very Nice Body and Curves Just Right, Soft Round Ass, Nice Thighs, Legs, Sexy Feet and Toes

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

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