Mercury – 152 (Dog of War)

“Fuck! You broke My Myrmidons’ cocks. I have seen those guys do cock pull ups. I doubt any of them will fuck you again…

Episode 152 – DOG OF WAR

The Queen and the female werewolf Pam (in human form) enter a conference room. The Queen sits and activates a monitor, and Pam sits next to Her and activates her holographic display on her collar and starts reading through files and data. She is a quick learner. The Queen says:

“Just be quiet while I talk to this guy.”

“Yes, Silitrí,” says Pam.

Silitrí is a Cavowa word for warden, slaver, jailer, and so on. English has many more words to describe something that has only one word in the Cavowa language. So, the context is important. In this case, Pam is most likely referring to the Queen as the person who put the collar on her and enslaved her.

An android acquires a Le’sânac vid/comm connection to Mercury, and the Queen is put through to Chief Elder Oscar Stanislaw.

“Chief Elder, you have lost control of Nabu, and the Catholics have 12 churches down there that are in fear right now because of the civil unrest and riots. I am prepared to restore peace and security. Is your fleet going to move, or are they there as a blockade,” asks Queen Dianne?

“Queen Dianne, the last reports I saw indicate Your churches were safe. I think this is just a pretense to invade Nabu. Your churches, and the espionage from them, are what started this, along with all the other subversive tactics You have performed to undermine our society. We are doing what we can to quell the unrest. Your interference will only compound the problem, which is probably what You want,” says Chief Elder Stanislaw.

Chief Elder Stanislaw is alone in his office for this call, but he can see part of Pam off to the side messing with a holographic display. Pam turns in the swivel chair, and she props her boots up on the table off screen, but it turns her more into the view of Chief Elder Stanislaw as she reclines and reads. Queen Dianne pushes the back of Pam’s chair, but She is also focused on what She is talking about with the Chief Elder. The Queen says:

“Security at the Catholic churches are requesting permission to use deadly force. I do not want to use deadly force, but the security down there is not prepared to arrest people, just defend themselves. You have withdrawn all your Observants, leaving Nabu in chaos. Choose to fight Me or restore peace by fighting your people. You are literally between a rock and a hard place. Are you going to deploy forces to quell the civil unrest,” asks the Queen?

The Queen knows the decision is not easy. The Observant forces are voluntary (they can quit) but mostly they are reluctant to attack their own kin. The Mercury Council of Elders wants the Ṛddhi (Observants) to use their abilities to subdue the civilians, but a lot of the Ṛddhi do not want to harm their people. For Mercury, Observants handle everything from soldiering, policing, courts, to civic administration. The Queen does not have this problem with the androids. They do what they are told.

“We are formulating a strategy now. Our goal is not to harm people. You just want to roll in and kill Your way to more territory for Your Empire…” says Chief Elder Stanislaw when Pam interrupts:

“Mother fucker! Why are we listening to this old man? Plísoiv [Mistress], You can destroy this fucker’s fleet sitting at this table…” Pam is interrupted by the Chief Elder who asks:

“Who is this rude woman Queen Dianne?”

“She is My Palatine…” says Queen Dianne and Pam interrupts again and exclaims:

“FUCK! Now You are going to pander to his question!”

Pam stands and pushes the Queen’s chair out of the way and moves in front of the monitor. Her eyes turn red, and she slaps her hands down on the conference table. She uses the Queen’s telekinesis, navigation sense, and technokinesis linked to the abax tracking system in the C2, and she violently shakes every vessel in the eight Mercury fleets around Nabu, and the structure where Chief Elder Stanislaw is too in Mercury. She shakes it so violently that he falls on the floor and fixtures topple, and structures start to buckle. It was the same in the fleet vessels.

Pam stops, and Observants rush in and lift Chief Elder Stanislaw back up and Pam says:

“You have two fucking hours to subdue the unrest or remove your god damn fleet from Nabu. If you fail at accomplishing one or the other, I am going to destroy every fucking vessel you have around Nabu and kill your ass too. You are definitely going to die first! So, the problem of Nabu will no longer be an issue for you, personally.”

Pam strikes out and destroys the monitor which ends the call. The Queen was trying to be diplomatic, working through the politics of the matter. Pam turns to the Queen who has a shocked look on Her face, and she says:

“Let’s go to the galley. I am hungry and I get cranky when I am hungry.”

“Do you mean crankier? I have yet to see a pleasant mood, unless it was the thrill of sex. You cannot just bully your way in the world of affairs of state,” says the Queen.

“You are a fucking Goddess with all this power. You keep it pent up and try to act with cordiality. I am just channeling You and thinking I have the power now to kill those damn necra sluts. You have the power to conquer the universe, and You are sitting in here wasting time bantering with an old dying man trying to negotiate Your way into that planet. Take the mother fucking planet. You don’t even need Your fleet to do it. Now let’s eat, and then we will see about that pleasant mood sex thing,” says Pam dragging the Queen off by the hand.

In the galley, androids serve the Queen where everyone else waits in the line. There is a special table for the Queen and high ranking officers, and Commodore Teagan Tessarossa is there eating. Pam is not a conversationalist, and Teagan’s last encounter has her weary to even try. Pam looks around at what people are eating and asks the Queen:

“Do you have something that is not cooked, like that pig I had before?”

“If they have raw pork, it will not be as good as the pig you killed because it will not have blood gravy baby, no raw meat we have here will have blood in it… Gabriella, find a couple of choice beef fillets and bring them raw,” says the Queen to an android after ordering Her food too.

Teagan is a little disturbed by the bloody animal eating talk, but everyone knows now that Pam is a werewolf. The Queen and Teagan make small talk and eat, and Pam devours the raw fillets. An android brings a flower vase over and sits it on the table.

Pam uses the Queen’s psionic negation to prevent psychic abilities from being used. She goes berserk and moves so fast hardly anyone sees her. She slams the android against a wall, and someone in the back of the dining hall gets up to leave in a hurry (probably because they could not teleport away after Pam blocked powers).

Pam moves equally fast through the galley and grabs the guy before he leaves, and it is Lieutenant Commander Dunham Gettyhands again. Pam’s eyes are red, her beast aura is drowning the people in the galley in fear, and she says:

“Are you trying to be fucking funny piss pants?”

“IT WAS JUST A JOKE, I AM SORRY,” shouts Dunham!

Pam apports all his clothes and grabs his impressive limp cock and she says:

“I really wanted some bloody meat to eat. I guess I could eat this thing,” and she steps to the side and points Dunham’s cock away from her because he starts to piss again.

There are about 80 people eating in the galley, and all are terrified, but some giggle when Dunham pisses himself. The Queen shouts:


Pam moves behind Dunham and pulls his cock from behind and up his ass crack shoving him to the floor, and his nose into his own piss on the floor, and she says:

“You are lucky cock sucker. The Queen wants you to live, but the next time you fuck with me, She will not be able to save you,” and she lets him go and steps on his back pushing his body down into his own piss.

Pam says loudly for everyone in the galley, as Dunham gets up and runs off naked:


Pam approaches the Queen’s table and says:

“Make that android take that vase away.”

The Queen has it removed and asks:

“What was wrong with that vase?”

“That was wolfsbane. The smell is repulsive and impairs our senses,” says Pam.

The Queen laughs and says:

“I guess the joke was on Dunham. You need to lighten up Pam. This could have been avoided if you hadn’t flown off the handle the first time Dunham tried to talk to you.”

Pam looks at Teagan and asks:

“Your name is Teagan, right?”


“Have you fucked Dunham,” asks Pam?

“Normally this is something we don’t share with others, but I have read the files on werewolves, and I am not about to lie to you. Yes, I have fucked Dunham,” says Teagan.

“It is because he has a big cock, right,” asks Pam?

“Primarily, Yes, but he is also cute,” says Teagan.

“Dunham gets a lot of pussy with that cock doesn’t he,” asks Pam?

“Yes, most girls on the GQD-1 that are sexually active, and all the bisexual guys, have fucked Dunham,” says Teagan.

“That is why that mother fucker thought he could hit on me the first time. I could smell dick sucker on him, but the worst smell was he is a pussy. It is fitting those other dicks are fucking his pussy ass. I scared the literal piss out of him twice. When the shit hits the fan, you don’t want him watching your back. Let’s go find that pleasant sex thing Ítóvrí [Lover],” says Pam to the Queen as she grabs Her hand, and they leave.

They are walking down a corridor and the C2 calls for the Queen over the comms. She answers at an intercom.

“My Queen, the Mercury fleet is folding space and leaving Nabu,” informs Commodore Renée Richards.

“Go ahead and move in and start deploying troop landers. The androids know how to secure and assume control of the infrastructure and they will restore public order. Admiral Gentry will be the chief administrator until I can appoint a government,” orders the Queen.

“See, another pussy that pissed his pants when his life was on the line. I have killed enough Cavowa men to know that 99% of them will beg for their life in the end. Your wimpy Chief Elder feared for his own life. He might have sacrificed millions in a war, but when his ass was on the line, he chose to save it,” says Pam.

“I think I know where we can find that pleasant mood for you puppy,” says the Queen.

Pam shoves the Queen against the wall and grabs Her pussy through Her attire, and kisses Her and says very sweetly:

“I told You to quit calling me that, Vorel [pretty, beautiful, lovely, etc.].”

The Queen sucks the red lipstick off Pam’s bottom lip and says:

“No,” and She teleports them to Camp Dianne on Ionia.

They are walking down a hall in Sise-C Complex and two hot hunk Myrmidons approach. Queen Dianne says:

“You two boys are coming with us, and in us.”

They both smile and say the same thing:

“Yes, Goddess Queen!”

They enter the Queen’s quarters, and the Queen gets naked, and removes Pam’s wears too. The Queen embraces and kisses Pam and squeezes her hot big ass and says:

“Look at the haunches on this puppy. I know you boys are addicted to big asses and thighs. You better get those clothes off.”

Mm, the Queen scored a thick 9” and a thick 10” cock, and they are at full attention. Queen Dianne pushes Pam onto the bed, and kisses down her ample thighs, and her body is so full and powerful. She is a stout girl, and it is a real pleasure ride and slide your tongue down her thighs thinks the Queen.

One of the Myrmidons slides under the Queen and licks into Her trim hairy pussy as Queen Dianne tongue tickles Pam’s trim pussy. The Myrmidon with the 10” cock kneels beside Pam’s head, and Myrmidons enjoy watching females try and pull their cocks down to suck them, but their cocks are so strong they barely move 2-3 inches away from the abdomens.

Pam grabs it and pulls down, and the Myrmidon loses his balance and falls over as she gobbles his strong cock into her mouth. This was the first sign that something was different about Pam. Sucking, licking, orgasming, and cumming take place, and then the Queen lays the thick 10” cock Myrmidon down and Pam cowgirls his cock.

Pam holds the Myrmidon down and sits upright fucking his cock. The Queen asks:

“How in the hell are you doing that?”

The Myrmidon is squealing like a bitch in pain. Pam is forcing his hard strong cock horizontal to his body. It hurts the Myrmidon because she is holding him down to accomplish this. Pam answers the Queen:

“Doing what? I will say this. This guy has the hardest strongest smooth cock I ever fucked. This is better than fucking a Jiilhoinpic Korwkaldaka [a werewolf in bipedal beast form],” says Pam.

The Myrmidons have met their match. Pam pulls the Queen on top of the Myrmidon fucking her, and she kisses the Queen and rubs Her pussy. The Myrmidon is trying to sit up pressing against the back of the Queen. The Queen is sandwiched in between the upright Pam, and the Myrmidon like a vice. The Myrmidon is trying to sit up to counter the pressure Pam is placing on his cock.

The Queen is hot excited by Pam’s fingering, but the body pressure sandwiching Her is elevating the thrill. Pam looks at the other Myrmidon with the 9” cock and says:

“What are you waiting for? Stick that cock in my ass.”

He lubes but can’t push down on his cock far enough to comfortably meet the angle requirement of Pam’s upright body. Pam turns, and the Myrmidon on the bottom yelps, and Pam grabs the cock of the one in the back and pushes it down as he yelps, and she presses against the Queen to lean forward and guides it into her ass. The Myrmidon on the bottom caught a brief break from the pressure.

Pam sits upright again, and the Myrmidon fucking her ass, falls on his ass with his cock buried in Pam’s ass. Pam has them both trapped, as she provides all motion, but the 10” cock Myrmidon on the bottom was having it the worst. Pam fucks both cocks, and uses both hands on the Queen, and is kissing Her. Queen Dianne orgasms, and She leans down, and sucks Pam’s D’s as Myrmidons scream.

The Myrmidon cannot cum from the pain of the pressure from Pam. The Myrmidon with the 10” cock has reached muscle failure, and he begs Pam to get off him. He grabs his cock and rolls over trying to relax his sore muscle. Pam wants a cock ejaculation, and the Myrmidon with the 9” cock lifts her and fucks her in a face off. Pam pushes back on him, and he feels the same discomfort his buddy felt, but he manages to pull Pam back close to his body until he cums.

Pam’s body, her big ass, hips, and thighs are a delight for the Myrmidon to hold, but her power is as strong as his cock. The Myrmidons do not want a round two, which is unusual, because they can fuck all night, day, week, shit they cum and get erect again immediately. Mr. 10” Myrmidon leaves hobbling like his groin muscle is pulled. Queen Dianne rolls on top of Pam and says:

“Fuck! You broke My Myrmidons’ cocks. I have seen those guys do cock pull ups. I doubt any of them will fuck you again if those two share their experience with you to the others.”

“They did have the hardest cocks I have ever fucked. I didn’t mean to do it. It just felt good. They are also the bravest men I have ever sensed, nothing like those piss pants from earlier,” says Pam.

“You definitely need a more pliable cock, but the Myrmidon cock is the best if you let them fuck you, their way. You are just too much of an alpha bitch. I bet none of them will let you cowgirl them again. Let’s go, I need to make a prince,” says the Queen and they teleport to Her bedchambers in the Palace on Reverue.

The Queen introduces Pam to the naked Reveeku Thalolorin (a Reveeku is an incubus) but he is in human form. Thalolorin is 6’ 3” tall and athletically fit. He is so handsome and hunky Pam cannot resist kissing him and rubbing his naked body. His thick 11” uncircumcised cock gets hard. He has short brown hair that is styled so nice, and he is trimmed to perfection. Pam kneels and sucks his hard cock.

Queen Dianne lays on the bed naked, and Pam sheds her leather, and moves in between Her legs and goes downtown. Thalolorin fucks Pam, doggystyle. Pam urges Queen Dianne over the orgasm edge, and she moves up and kisses Her as Thalolorin continues big dicking in Pam’s pussy. The Queen bends her knees and rubs the sides of Pam, and She rubs on Thalolorin with Her toes. It is a very romantic encounter, and Thalolorin cums grabbing Pam’s hips framing that big ass of hers. Pam says:

“That did feel different than those muscle cocks. More fulfilling.”

“Well, you cannot have this handsome prince. He is now, Prince Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle, The Right Honorable First Duke of Nabu. He will be the Monarch of the planet you just conquered, puppy. He will also be marrying Queen-Empress Loredana,” says the Queen.

“You mean that other bitch that was chasing me on the speeder? I just fucked her fiancé,” asks Pam?

“Yes, but she won’t care. It is a political show marriage. Get dressed, they have not met, and we can tease her about having sampled the goods first, but not overtly. I want her to see it in our eyes,” says the Queen.

The Queen configures Deann’s mantas module attire and outfits him in a suit fit for Royalty. They teleport to the Royal Palace of Brussels.


Queen Dianne “(AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Pam (TYPE) Werewolf, a Purebred Alpha Bitch, (AKA) Patrícia Annamária Miksa, Pam is more of an Acronym, She is Royalty Among the Werewolves, Also the Names: Palatine and Crimson Sentinel, (INTRO) Age Appearance 30s, Biologic Immortal, Caucasian Humanoid Form Appearance 36-26-36, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Long Black/Brown, (CUP) 36D Firm Pale Pink Large Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Tight Trim Triangular Black Hair Shaved Below, (BODY) Stout Fullness Fit Curvy not Slim, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Liza Del Sierra, (COMMENTS) Pam is a seductive beauty, a real deceitful looking bad ass that will crush your world with dark sexiness. She has a big hot ass and luscious ample thighs. The bitch was made to destroy lives (physically and emotionally); but don’t fall in love, because if you do you find out she don’t love you.

Teagan Tessarossa (AKA) Prelate Teagan Tessarossa, TT (INTRO) 38 yrs. old, 44-27-43, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 48I Natural – Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Dark Tan Complexion Hourglass Big Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Eva Notty, (COMMENTS) Hot and Attractive with the Widest Curves, Monstrous Mammories, Looks Hot as Hell Lying Face Down on Her Knees with Her Big Thighs and Ass Spread and Smooth Pussy Showing, A Jumbo Pussy Meal for a Lesbian, When She Folds Her Calves Against Her Big Thighs and Points Her Sexy Toes and Spreads Her Legs on Her Back You Could Orgasm

Dunham Gettyhands (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 6 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Blonde Short Length, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Thick 10.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Slim Build, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Danny D, (COMMENTS) Cute, and Dunham loves boys and girls, and both love sucking his immaculate cock

Renée Richards (AKA) Captain/Commodore Renée Richards (INTRO) 46 yrs. old, 34-24-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 5 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long Straight, (CUP) 34B Flesh Pink Large Nipples and Small Areola, (PUBIC) Triangular Black Hair Trimmed Shaved Below, (BODY) Slim Fit Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) India Summer, (COMMENTS) Renée is pretty milf. She is in great shape and slim, and she has a tan complexion, and sexy legs, feet, and toes.

Elisa Gentry (AKA) Admiral Elisa Gentry, Elder Elisa Gentry, (INTRO) 70 yrs. old, 34–28–38, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Gray Short, (CUP) 34C Saggy Natural – Pale Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Aging, (ORIENTATION) Lesbian, (PORN PERSONA) Juliet Anderson, (COMMENTS) Elisa Gentry’s dried up pussy is shaved, probably because it would grow gray hair too. Her tits sag but they are not big, so her breasts look pretty good, other than she generally has old skin with a timeworn creased looked. Skin at her joints has noticeably wrinkled, and around her waist and under her arms. She appears to have done a lot with an aging face to keep an attractive look.

Prince Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle (AKA) Thalolorin, (TYPE) Reveeku or Incubus, (INTRO) 30’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 6 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Brown Short, (PUBIC) Pristinely Groomed Shaved Balls, Taint, and Ass, (PENIS) Thick 11 in. Uncircumcised, (BODY) Fit Hunk with a Hot Body, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Thalolorin, The Right Honorable First Duke of Nabu, is hunky handsome prince.

Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren (AKA) Princess Loredana, Queen Loredana, Queen-Empress Regnant Loredana, Duchess of Brabant, (INTRO) 30 yrs. old, 33-24-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Dark Brunette 6” Below Her Shoulders, (CUP) 33D Natural, Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Pinstripe Black Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Sarah Stephens, (COMMENTS) Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren is the younger sister to Princess Madisson. Loredana is fucking hot, sexy, gorgeous, damn perfect. The way her breasts look on her chest is flawless. From the front, side, or back she is impeccable, and she has a hot ass. Top to bottom she has everything, and she has got legs, and knows how to use them.

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