Mercury – 153 (Affairs of State)

“Damn! There is nothing like the smell of pussy. I never thought I would ever get a chance to smell one, let alone eat another pussy again…

Episode 153 – AFFAIRS OF STATE

At the Royal Palace of Brussels, Goddess Queen Dianne introduces Queen-Empress Loredana to her prince charming, Prince Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle, The Right Honorable First Duke of Nabu. Queen Loredana is aware that Prince Deann is a Reveeku (incubus), but she is still very impressed with his handsome humanoid form.

Queen Loredana is curious why Pam (aka Patrícia Annamária Miksa the female werewolf in her humanoid form and dressed in black sim-leather and a trench coat) is staring at Prince Deann with lust in her eyes. They have not officially met, but Queen Dianne has stopped trying to politely introduce Pam to people, since she has such an untoward demeanor. Queen Loredana asks:

“Did you two fuck Prince Deann?”

“Maybe we sampled him a little. Our verdict is F-I-N-E. He will most definitely please pussy,” says Dianne.

“Whatever. My period is almost finished, so can we proceed with our child,” asks Queen Loredana?

“No Lori. Next cycle. Listen to My Queen words, you need to date Prince Dean and make a public showing. You also have to be married before you get pregnant. So, romp around for a couple of weeks, get hitched a few weeks later, and I will inseminate you next time,” says Queen Dianne.

Queen Loredana updates Queen Dianne on the Gaea Empire. Pam makes her way to the garage while they talk, and she finds the Queens’ QZ-Speeders inside. She sits on Queen Dianne’s black with gold trim speeder but without the code she cannot start it. Queen Dianne could see what she was doing, and after the update She finds her. Pam asks:

“When is mine going to be ready?”

“It’s ready now. It is at Sombwe Castle, but we have another task first with Prince Deann.”

“FUCK! I am tired of this political rhyvo shit,” says Pam.

Rhyvos are a type of livestock the Cavowa raise. It is similar to a cow but smaller, but not as good as pig meat to Pam. Rhyvos shit a lot, so sneaking through a pasture can be a challenge for a dire wolf trying to avoid stepping in their shit. They teleport to Sombwe Castle and meet with Prime Minister Kassia Ruslon in the Queen’s Drawing Room. The Queen tells Kassia:

“This is Prince Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle, First Duke of Nabu [they meet and greet]. I want you to resign as Prime Minister of the UGK to accept the Prime Minster position of Nabu. The Nabu Empire will fall under Prince Deann’s Regnant reign, and you will be his Prime Minister, but more of his political mentor. The government model for Nabu will follow Queen-Empress Loredana’s model for the Gaea Empire. You will be running Nabu, and teaching Prince Deann at the same time.”

Kassia is caught off guard by the request, but more so because Prince Deann is using the Reveeku’s sexual inducement, lust empowerment, and shapeshifting beauty to elicit sexual energy from her. It is working on Pam too. The Queen became the Reveeki Sith Goddess when Goddess Baobhan Sith transferred her lifeforce into Queen Dianne, so their powers do not affect Her.

“My Queen, it has primarily been me holding off Your opponents in Parliament. Do You not fear they will dissolve Your government if I leave,” asks Kassia?

“The United Global Kingdom is collapsing Kassia. Queen Loredana just invaded France, the Federation of Poland-Hungary solicited us to take them over, and I just found out that the Atlantic Gulf Federation in America did the same thing. We will divide the Federation of Poland-Hungary along old lines to make eight Provinces, so that is 10 more Provinces now in the Gaea Empire.

I was also informed that the Greece Federation contacted us to negotiate their entry into the Gaea Empire, and we will divide them along old lines too making five more Provinces. France and its overseas territories will be 13 more Provinces. Proliferation of the Gaea Empire is occurring without war. For the UGK to dissolve My government now is a moot point. Even if they remove Me as Queen, the other Royalty will decline to rule because they see the writing on the wall. As I acquire infrastructure and isolate the UGK economically, they will wither away or surrender to Me,” says Queen Dianne.

Kassia agrees and returns to London and holds a press conference saying she is going to tender her resignation to the Queen. The procedure for resignations is initiated. The Queen and Pam go to the lab and view Pam’s QZ-Speeder. She loves it, and it is black with red trim. The Queen takes it to the Royal Palace of Brussels and shows Pam how to fly it. The next day Kassia returns to Sombwe Castle to formally submit her resignation. Kassia says:

“The Caretaker PM is now in charge and the majority leader with approved confidence is Member of Parliament Robert Williamson. He is not coming here today My Queen. I thought You should know that I believe Parliament is going to remove You as Queen.

They are currently talking with the Lords, and they may have them convinced that there is no need to dissolve the government to remove You since I resigned. It is hair splitting, but they are meeting with Princess Josephine Margot Caroline, the Duchess of Cambridge. I think they are going to pronounce You absent, in a sense, that You abandoned the throne, since You do not actually reside on British soil. They are saying Prime Minister appointments should take place at Buckingham Palace not Sombwe Castle in space.

If they have not scheduled a meeting so You can appoint a Prime Minster and ask them to form a government, then I would assume they are going to make Princess Josephine Queen. I am out of the loop, but I have discovered that much.

My Queen, thank You for the androids that moved us out of Number 10 in a few hours. I have had a hard time explaining to Jackson [Kassia’s husband] the technology he is encountering. Our new mansion next to Caloris Palace on Nabu is amazing, Jackson loved the kitchen. I am finalizing particulars of my resignation and then departing for Nabu,” informs Kassia.

“Thank you Kassia. I will investigate this matter. You are going to love being free from all that bureaucratic bullshit,” says the Queen with some more small talk before Kassia leaves.

Queen Dianne remote views to see Parliament is still meeting, and She uses mirror divination to watch closer and listen in. They are indeed going to make Princess Josephine Queen with a scheme declaring Queen Dianne absent and derelict. Queen Dianne watches for a few hours with Pam reading and studying on her holographic processor, because this is major boring rhyvo shit to Pam, and Princess Josephine needs a restroom break. Queen Dianne smacks Pam’s shoulder and says:

“Come on puppy, this part will not be boring.”

They teleport into the Jorogumo Miotiamóon’s house, and they watch from the back two-way mirror windows. Bayesian joins them as Princess Josephine walks around confused in the barn area and calling out for help. The Queen teleports a burly black inmate into the barn from the Vatican’s Purgatory’s Panopticon, and he is naked and hung (about 9 inches of cock).

The Queen had a wide bench placed in the barn, and the inmate chases down a screaming Princess Josephine dragging her toward the bench. She fights back, and the black inmate punches her face and knocks her tiara off. The Queen says:

“Oh good! It landed in the hay. That tiara is probably worth three million credits. Miotiamóon’s shiny lust is going to love that thing, and Princess Josephine’s other jewelry too.”

Miotiamóon in half-woman half-spider form has already exited the loft tunnel and is crawling along the ceiling and rafters watching Princess Josephine get raped. The inmate slams her on the bench and rips Princess Josephine’s clothes apart, and he tears her panties off as she continues to kick and scream. He punches her some more, and she is dazed. He bends down as she lays half limp on the bench and he says:

“Damn! There is nothing like the smell of pussy. I never thought I would ever get a chance to smell one, let alone eat another pussy again. You are one fine bitch.”

The black inmate dives into Princess Josephine’s trim hairy pussy with his mouth, and she is fine. A dark brunette in her mid-30’s, busty with a milf body. The Queen would have liked to have sexed her up personally. The inmate enjoys licking Princess Josephine’s pussy for about five minutes while she lays there dazed from the beating, but he wants some stink on his hard dick.

Princess Josephine is getting rowdy again, and the inmate slaps her around and she is crying and screaming.

“Shut up bitch! You are killing the mood with your bawling. Maybe you will like it if you get into it,” says the inmate.

He drives his hard 9” big black cock into Princess Josephine’s tight white trim pussy and lays his sweaty stinky body down on her. He sucks her ample soft tits as she screams and grunts from the thrusts. The screams are annoying him, and he punches the bitch again until she shuts up. Her nose is bleeding, she is bruised, and one eye is swelling. The inmate sits up and pounds that pussy and cums squeezing Princess Josephine’s hips as he spasms in delight.

His ass gets lifted into the air by Miotiamóon’s web, and she stings him with her tail injecting him with venom. She wraps him up in webbing and hangs his cocoon from the ceiling. Princess Josephine is rubbing her face and trying to figure out what is going on as she heard the inmate scream and then disappear. She sees the spider whore Miotiamóon repelling on a web, and a new terror and scream effort begins.

Princess Josephine stumbles to her feet and runs, but Miotiamóon pounces on her back. Miotiamóon’s tail stinger penetrates Princess Josephine from behind, right in her cunt. Miotiamóon collects her jewelry and the expensive tiara, and she cocoons Princess Josephine. Miotiamóon places both cocoons next to each other on the ceiling, and she hugs them listening to their anguish and sounds of despair with delight. The Queen says:

“It is done now. She will be out there for two days sucking blood and listening to them die, then she will inject them with her digestive enzyme and suck out their soupy insides. Fuck, look at all the other little spiders in there now. I am sure she will share her people soup with them too. Ooh! Spiders!”

Pam pushes the Queen up against the wall and kisses Her, and rubs Her pussy and says:

“Now I am hungry. Since we are back in the shadow lands, I am going for a run, and some pork,” and Pam shifts to dire wolf form and uses the Queen’s intangibility and runs through the house wall and leaves.

The Queen removes Her attire and sits sideways on a couch, and Bayesian does the same and rubs the Queen’s feet. The Queen enchants a mirror and views Parliament, and there is a mad search going on for Princess Josephine. While it is a big concern to them, it is not a concern for the Crown’s government. As the elected officials conclude, they cannot keep postponing the appointment of a new Prime Minister without an explanation to the public.

The dumbasses offer the same deal they were giving Princess Josephine to the next Royal in the line of succession, but they declined, and the next Royal declined too. The Queen has one official duty above all others, appointing the Prime Minister. No new business can occur until that is done, so they cannot even debate what to do in session without both houses agreeing that the business warrants the status of controversial issue. The House of Lords is not going to agree, and most of the new MP’s in the Lower House are new as a result of the Werewolf Murders.

The Lower House objectors convinces Parliament that the appointment should take place on British soil, at Buckingham Palace. If the Sovereign is the Sovereign of the UGK, they should be in Britain to see to its business. The Queen is notified, and She sees a diabolical plot in the higher leadership of the Lower House and the defense forces. She agrees to appoint the next PM at Buckingham Palace.

A regiment of Vipers secure Buckingham Palace, and the Queen arrives in a Zodiac shuttle. After the Queen arrived, She ordered the Vipers into the Ball Room with Her. The UGK defense forces bomb Buckingham Palace with giant departicalization bombs, but the Queen and Vipers teleported back to Sombwe Castle.

The Queen with Mira pinging IIId codes, spent the next two hours remote teleporting all Lower House members and the Cabinet either to the prison facility in the Avalon Monster Hunting Preserve, or if they were women of childbearing age, to the prison in Camp Overlook on Arcanus for the satyrs to breed and produce more fauns. Mira wanted to invade now, but Queen Dianne said no. She wanted them to surrender to Her, not be conquered. The UGK government is in turmoil.

Prime Minister Kassia Ruslon and Prince Deann hit the ground running on Nabu because of the tenacity of Kassia. They broadcast announcements of their government, toured Caloris and Phaëthontias (Nabu’s biggest cities) with Viper and AhṚddhi security, and they talked with community leaders. Kassia is very good with people, and she began her list for governor appointees. The androids did a good job of securing public services, and they were ministering to the needs of the people.

Restarting spacecraft manufacturing was not going to be easy. Factory workers managed to save some tooling, but the former government of Mercury took a lot of tooling, and all the ore in storage on Nabu, and the ore from the space ore storage containers in orbit. It was a full day, and at the end Kassia asks Prince Deann:

“So, Lord Deann, you will be living in the palace alone, only the android servants will be there?”

“Yes, Madam Prime Minister, but the android staff will see to most of my needs I am sure,” says Prince Deann.

“You can call me Kassia. We are going to be working close. I know Jackson has dinner prepared. He loves to cook. Why don’t you come over to our house and eat with us?”

“That sounds delightful. I suppose you can just call me Deann as well.”

“You are not really Royalty, are you? Are you one of Dianne’s alien species impersonating a human,” asks Kassia?

“What makes you say that Kassia?”

“You are a Lord. The least anyone lower than your station can call you is Sir, and that is only after properly beginning the conversation with Lord. Do not ever forget that again, Lord Deann. You never stoop below your station, and the Queen will publicly address you with your title, but She may call you Deann in private, but never the other way around. Now that I am in this world of Queen Dianne’s fully, you are going to let me in on the details.”

“Okay Kassia, I am a Reveeku, and I have been training briefly for this role, but I can see there are some nuances that allude me,” says Prince Deann.

Prince Deann has to explain what a Reveeku, and Reveeki in general are to Kassia. Kassia understood the comparison of succubus and incubus better. Her milf clit was itching after hearing that information.

“We will get you squared away Lord Deann. You just stand tall and walk slow. You are the king here,” says Kassia.

They arrive via Zodiac to Kassia’s mansion. Entering they can smell the food. Kassia says:

“See Lord Deann. Jackson is very predictable and better than android servants. In more ways than one.”

They eat and Kassia says:

“Stay for some drinks. Jackson, take Lord Deann to the living room and fix us some drinks while I freshen up.”

“Yes, Mum,” says Jackson.

Kassia is a hot brunette milf breaking 40 with awesome double D’s and very attractive, with a smoking milf body. She is one of Queen Dianne’s top ten milf fucks. Her husband Jackson is a balding middle aged man a few years older, and he is a house dad. Their two kids are in college now, but Jackson has maintained the house their whole marriage with few outside part time jobs. Kassia had a brief business career out of college and then entered politics. She has a gift for gab and remembering people’s names, as in, it is who you know.

Kassia enters the living room in lingerie that is practically see through. She walks over to the couch and bends over and gives her husband Jackson a peck on the lips, while flashing her ass to Prince Deann. She sits on the couch and places her feet in Jackson’s lap, and the armchair Prince Dean is sitting in has a good view of Kassia. Kassia says:

“You know Lord Deann, if you want to you can just spend the night here. We are very accommodating. Being around real people has to be better than sleeping alone with androids in that big palace.”

“I will consider it Kassia,” says Prince Deann.

“You sure are looking at my legs and feet Lord. Would you like to rub them,” asks Kassia?

Reveeki live off sexual energy, they absorb etheric sex aura from other lifeforms, and lust is the most powerful form. Kassia is emitting plenty of sexual energy, and proximity increases absorption. Prince Deann answers Kassia:

“I would love to rub your legs and feet.”

“Jackson, slide down and let Prince Deann sit there,” says Kassia.

“Yes, Mum,” says Jackson and he slides down.

Prince Deann sits and Kassia places her feet in his lap, and he rubs her legs and feet. She fans her feet around and says:

“Lord, that feels like a big cock. Really big! Why don’t you remove your attire, and I will rub it with my toes?”

Prince Deann removes his mantas attire with a voice command. He is a hunk, thinks Kassia, and that is a thick 11” cock. Kassia says:

“Oh my, Jackson! His cock is almost twice the size of your little dick.”

“Yes Mum, it should feel really good in your wet pussy. Much better than my meager member,” says Kassia’s husband.

“Jackson, come over here and undress me,” orders Kassia.

Jackson moves and undresses Kassia, and she is naked rubbing Prince Dean’s big cock with her feet, and his cock is hard. Kassia says:

“Take your clothes off too Jackson.”

Jackson undresses and his less than 6” pecker is hard, but laughable compared to Prince Deann’s meat. Kassia says:

“The only fun I get from that little wiener is sucking it. Is it alright if Jackson feels your big cock Prince Deann? I want him to experience what a big cock feels like in his hand, since his is so little…”


Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren (AKA) Princess Loredana, Queen Loredana, Queen-Empress Regnant Loredana, Duchess of Brabant, (INTRO) 30 yrs. old, 33-24-34, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 10 in, (HAIR) Dark Brunette 6” Below Her Shoulders, (CUP) 33D Natural, Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Pinstripe Black Landing Strip, (BODY) Slim Fit Perfect, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Sarah Stephens, (COMMENTS) Loredana Mélina Van Der Meiren is the younger sister to Princess Madisson. Loredana is fucking hot, sexy, gorgeous, damn perfect. The way her breasts look on her chest is flawless. From the front, side, or back she is impeccable, and she has a hot ass. Top to bottom she has everything, and she has got legs, and knows how to use them.

Prince Deann Nicholas Adan Riddle (AKA) Thalolorin, (TYPE) Reveeku or Incubus, (INTRO) 30’s Biologic Immortal, White Humanoid, 6 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Brown Short, (PUBIC) Pristinely Groomed Shaved Balls, Taint, and Ass, (PENIS) Thick 11 in. Uncircumcised, (BODY) Fit Hunk with a Hot Body, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Thalolorin, The Right Honorable First Duke of Nabu, is hunky handsome prince.

Pam (TYPE) Werewolf, a Purebred Alpha Bitch, (AKA) Patrícia Annamária Miksa, Pam is more of an Acronym, She is Royalty Among the Werewolves, Also the Names: Palatine and Crimson Sentinel, (INTRO) Age Appearance 30s, Biologic Immortal, Caucasian Humanoid Form Appearance 36-26-36, 5 ft 4 in, (HAIR) Long Black/Brown, (CUP) 36D Firm Pale Pink Large Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Tight Trim Triangular Black Hair Shaved Below, (BODY) Stout Fullness Fit Curvy not Slim, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Liza Del Sierra, (COMMENTS) Pam is a seductive beauty, a real deceitful looking bad ass that will crush your world with dark sexiness. She has a big hot ass and luscious ample thighs. The bitch was made to destroy lives (physically and emotionally); but don’t fall in love, because if you do you find out she don’t love you.

Kassia Ruslon (AKA) MP/PM Kassia Ruslon, (INTRO) 39 yrs. old, 34-27-35, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Brunette Medium Length, (CUP) 34DD Natural Soft Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Canyon, (COMMENTS) Very Attractive Hot Milf, Soft White Skin, Busty Breasts, Ample Thighs, Nice Calves, and Sexy Feet and Toes

Miotiamóon (TYPE) Kenzihamir, Jorogumo or ‘Whore Spider,’ (INTRO) Jorogumo are Long Lived, Thousands of Years but not Immortal, Miotiamóon has the Appearance of a Japanese Human Female in her early-30s, but She is 2,733 yrs. old, 36-22-35, 5 ft 3 in. Measurements in Humanoid Form, (HAIR) Brunette Short Layered Down Neck in the Back, (CUP) 36GG Natural – Dark Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Fit Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mio Kimijima, (COMMENTS) Miotiamóon is sexy cute, and her brunette hair is short layered down the neck in the back, and just below her cheeks in front framing her cute face. The most definitive features are her cute looks, and those big ass titties. (GENERAL) Tsuchigumo are a spider beast that is about the size of a grizzly bear but has a humanoid face. The Ionians call them Trianhamir, and they consist of both sexes. Every now and then, and Kenzihamir is produced from a Trianhamir, and Mr. Torres calls them, Jorogumo. They are female, and they have more of an upper body that is humanoid but long spider legs and spider asses, and they are slimmer like comparing a black widow to a tarantula, the tarantula being the Trianhamir. Both species are fast and can jump long distances. They both inject digestive enzymes into victims that liquifies the victim’s insides and they feed on the fluid. They both spin webs, and cocoon prey that they inject with a neurotoxin venom that can take days to kill it, helping preserve it for later dinning. They have superhuman strength, exceptional visual abilities, and they are sentient and cunning, but the Jorogumo possess a more cunning intelligence and are skillful deceivers. The Jorogumo can control the Trianhamir and other lesser spiders, and she can breathe fire. She can also shapeshift into a humanoid female appearing as a sexy beautiful woman. She uses this ability to entice humanoid males, and makes love to them, then kills them. The Jorogumo also have a weakness for shiny metal objects which they collect out of compulsion. Ingesting blood extends their life, and much like the Kalku witches, the Jorogumo can live for thousands of years. The older ones develop more skills and magical powers, supposedly; including the myth that the Jorogumo can spin webs of pure gold if she desires too.

Bayesian Taylor (INTRO) 28 yrs. old, 34-25-36, Black Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Black Medium Length Permed Loose, (CUP) 34D Natural Dark Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Medium Complexion Hourglass Slim Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Jenna J Foxx, (COMMENTS) Breasts are so Supple and Soft you can Squeeze a Boob Together and give Her a Tit Blowjob, Hair on Her Pussy is Very Soft Too, Tastes Sweet, Gets Abundantly Wet, Fucking Sexy Hot from Head to the Tip of Her Lovely Toes

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

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