Mercury – 155 (Metal Fever)

The Queen rubs Valerie’s F cups, and fingers her pussy and smells and says: “Mm, smells like pussy to Me Doctor. You can attire Valerie.”

Episode 155 – METAL FEVER

A Japanese man and one of the Queen’s Viper Zodiac pilots (a Valerie-3), are in an interrogation room after coming to Sombwe Castle demanding to see Queen Dianne. Valerie-3 is in need of an alimental additive infusion, and She was presumed destroyed in a bombing. Valerie has not activated her self-destruct which is protocol when separated from the Royal Guard Forces. Valerie is no longer connected to the android network as a result of damage from the bombing, and Mira thinks she is a good candidate for an AI software update based on Candy’s learning and emotional AI.

It is believed the AI update will make the androids more emotional, like Candy, and help the fleet deal with metal fever for the humans that fall emotionally in love with the androids. The androids are just accommodating the sexual needs of the humans, but they are not equipped to handle their emotional needs for a relationship. The humans are falling physically in love with the androids, but they want to fall emotionally in love as well, but that has to be reciprocated. The androids can fuck in kind (even better), but they cannot reciprocate emotional love.

A few years ago, there were four options presented to the Queen to deal with the problem of metal fever. The first option was to assign more human females in the fleet, but they believed this would not work. For instance, the 2nd Corps has 32 human male officers counting AhṚddhi, and one female officer divided on three Carriers, and they were displaying the worst case of metal fever. There are two divisions of androids in the 2nd Corps Fleet, so, that is 40,000 androids total of mixed sexes. That is a big dating pool for 32 guys and one female.

Adding a handful of human females to each Carrier would probably not solve the problem. The human females would have to hit it off with the human males, and the human females are just as likely to catch metal fever as the human males. The androids can outperform the humans sexually, but over an extended sex relationship, you start to notice the synthetic fluids and smells, and missing emotions. But, asking a human to sacrifice emotional love for physical love just creates another problem, they want both, but they want the physical more.

Option two was to add Reveeki to the Carriers, but they believed this would not work either. The Reveeki can provide the physical, but they rarely, very rarely, fall in love. Also, the Reveeki are sustained by sexual energy. Ten human guys on a Carrier might sustain two or three Reveekas unless a Reveeka falls in love with one specifically.

The third option was updating the AI software for the androids with a new program based on Candy’s learning and emotional AI. Candy’s AI has a base script telling her that the Queen is her true love. This works well for Candy, because she is a single entity in multiple copies.

The androids have their own positronic data cores, but they are networked. If they programed one android with a base script telling it the Queen was its true love, it would infect the network, and soon all the androids would see the Queen as their true love.

They believed they could program the base script in the form of a directives list, making love secondary to other functions, like duty, defense, service, and so on. However, having a directive to love with no specific target could make them fall in love with each other. The last option was to do nothing, and the Queen and Dr. Nayfel supported this option. They do not want millions of autonomous Candys running around and falling in love.

For the Queen, Her androids are Her army, not love bots to serve Her human officers’ emotional needs. The Queen enters the interrogation room with Mira and two Vipers. The Japanese man stands and bows, and the Queen and Mira bow in kind. The Queen asks:

“Who are you sir, and why do you have one of My androids?”

“Your Majesty, I am Ōkīhito.”

“Am I supposed to know…” the Queen is interrupted by Mira who whispers in the Queen’s ear:

“FUCK! He is the god damn Emperor of Japan. I couldn’t get a IIId scan at all. I thought he was one of the Green Dragons and had a forged chip. Shit, he probably doesn’t have a chip. I should have tried facial recognition, but no one hardly uses that anymore with the chips.”

The Queen bows again and says:

“Your Majesty, I apologize. I have just been informed of your identity. Let’s sit and you can tell Me your concerns.”

They sit and Emperor Ōkīhito says:

“I have a personal desire to restore this android. She tries to make nutrients for her features, but she cannot construct the nanite systems needed. She has served me better than 1000 men.”

“She is My property. I am not thrilled to have her in the hands of the Japan-Korea Federacy. She should have activated her self-destruct. She is a bit of a puzzlement to us at the moment, and if we cannot understand a thing, maybe it is better to eliminate the thing,” says Queen Dianne.

“The Federacy is unaware of her existence. My Green Dragons watched the Filipino pirate ship destroy Your shuttle. They recovered her. I had one scientist look at her, and she told him if he cut into her, she will self-destruct. I had his throat cut to keep her secret,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

The Queen looks at her mantas holographic and comes up with a new name for the android. The Queen says:

“Lady Mira, take Natsuyo Valerie to the lab and have her damage repaired, but do not fix her wireless or wormhole nets. Leave her disconnected. Give her an alimental additive infusion and upload the learning and emotional AI,” orders the Queen and then techno-telepathically She says to Mira:

“~Embed a dwarf enchanted red crystal in her~.”

“What is this AI update,” asks Emperor Ōkīhito?

“We toyed with the idea of updating our androids with emotional AI but rejected the idea because they are networked. Valerie is now a standalone model, and she serves no function within My network. The AI software update will either make her hate you, or really love you. I want to experiment and see what it does to her,” explains the Queen.

“If this update causes problems, can You reset her,” asks Emperor Ōkīhito?

“Are you in love with My droid Emperor Ōkīhito? We call that metal fever,” says the Queen.

“Yes, but especially my wife.”

“This software update should give her the ability to feel emotions. If not, we will wipe her core,” says the Queen.

“I also tire of title with no power. I offer You the JKF, but I want assurance I gain rule, and I want the Philippines,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

“So, you did have another reason to see Me. I will allow you Regnant status as an Emperor. However, I cannot give you the Philippines. I will give you the continent of Suisei Planitia on Nabu. You will gain territory greater than the whole of Asia. It has a lot of natural resources and in the city of Angkor, manufacturing infrastructure, and a spacecraft building plant,” says Queen Dianne.

“I believe You use these androids to great effect to run Your government. My spies tell me they are the bulk of Your public service workers. I do not want Japanese public servants abducted, just removed from power,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

“Okay, we will arrest and detain them on your soil until you decide what to do with them. This works best if you publicly align with Me, so the people come on board and the moral of your defense forces is not high enough to fight back. If they fight back, My forces will destroy first, and ask questions later,” says Queen Dianne.

They discuss this in more detail, and Emperor Ōkīhito agrees and they set a time to meet and plan the initiation of the operation. The Queen takes Emperor Ōkīhito to Dr. Nayfel’s lab to check on Valerie. Dr. Nayfel is finishing up and says:

“We repaired her chassis damage in her back and removed the Le’sânac and wireless modems. She has had an alimental additive infusion, and I also updated her fluid production to contain some of the same type as Candy’s. She should smell more like a real girl. As a bonus, she has neuronanite-fluidic polymers in erogenous zones that operate via a protocol buffer switch interface with her nanite-fluidic polymers. I believe this will allow her to experience an orgasm now. I am activating her, hopefully she does not go mad from the software update.”

Valrie-3 is lying naked on a table, and she wakes and sits up grabbing her head. She steps down and stumbles into Mira’s arms. Valerie says:

“Hold me Lady Mira. I feel unusual. Oh gosh, where is Mistress Rina?”

Mistress Rina is Empress Takakuwa Rina of Japan and the consort of Emperor Ōkīhito, his wife. Dr. Nayfel says:

“I believe this is a good sign. Apparently, Empress Rina has had some effect on the duty, honor, and service functions of this android, and it has carried over now into the emotional AI update. I think she has found the focus of her affection emotions.”

The Queen and Emperor were standing back in case there was trouble, and Valerie sees them and bows saying:

“My Queen, and Master Ōkīhito forgive my rudeness. I will attire at once.”

“Wait Valerie. You are one of a kind now, and I have to sample the Doctor’s work,” says the Queen walking up to Valerie.

The Queen rubs her naked body and asks Dr. Nayfel:

“Why does she have bikini tan lines?”

“The pigment of her synthetic flesh will change if exposed to sunlight for long enough periods. The reason You have never noticed this is because after an alimental additive infusion, the synthetic flesh reverts back. I noticed the tan lines before the infusion, and I programmed the nanites to retain region color. I think they have been taking Valerie to the beach,” explains Dr. Nayfel.

“Yes, Rina likes going to the beach. She makes Valerie rub her with sunblock, but sunblock will not work on Valerie,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

“That is because her surface nanites remove foreign matter,” says Dr. Nayfel.

The android Natsuyo Valerie has the appearance of a Caucasian/Asian human female in her mid-20’s, which is probably why the Emperor and Empress like her so much. She is very pretty with long brown hair that extends just below her shoulders. She is 5’ 2” tall, and her measurements are 32F-24-34. She has beautiful big breasts and pink lovely nipples. Her pussy is shaved smooth, and she has distinct bikini tan lines, and it is fucking sexy looking. She is a hot cute little babe.

The Queen rubs Valerie’s F cups, and fingers her pussy and smells and says:

“Mm, smells like pussy to Me Doctor. You can attire Valerie.”

“She will need to come here, or one of our military bases, or one of our fleet vessels equipped with an alimental additive broad cartridge distribution system at least once a month. She went almost three months, but deterioration was showing in her lower body. She was controlling the areas of decay with components she mixed, but she lacked the ability to fabricate the nanites that control the aliments,” says Dr. Nayfel.

The Doctor explains what is needed in Valerie’s case in more detail with Emperor Ōkīhito. They observe Valerie for a few hours, and she acts sane, and Emperor Ōkīhito feels comfortable leaving with her. The Queen offers to provide security escort for him, but Valerie flew them there in a shuttle, and she is a good pilot, among other things.

The Queen and Dr. Nayfel are puzzled to Valerie’s controlled behavior. The typical android AI software is also learning, it just cannot process emotions like humans, but it attempts too. It is this desire to serve that Dr. Nayfel believes was somehow exploited by a rigorous and disciplined conditioning by the Green Dragons, and the Emperor. Dr. Nayfel says to the Queen:

“I implanted a red crystal. If You will link to it, we can watch on the crystal receiver in here,” as they enter a conference room.

Emperor Ōkīhito and Valerie arrive at the Tokyo Imperial Palace, and in private chambers, Empress Takakuwa Rina enters and Valerie rushes over and falls at her feet holding to her ankles and says:

“Mistress Rina! They have fixed me, and I can fully serve you again.”

Empress Rina is wearing a nice dress and 3” heels, and with her knees together she bends down and rubs the top of Valerie’s head and says in Japanese to Emperor Ōkīhito:

“She has never acted like this. She has always been methodical and deliberate. What did they do to her?”

They are all speaking in Japanese, and it aggravates the Queen watching the crystal receiver because they have to hear the translator delay of the mantas module. Emperor Ōkīhito says:

“They updated her software with an experimental program that is supposed to make her more emotional.”

“Is she safe to be around,” asks Empress Rina?

“We observed her for several hours and she did not act hostile. I had her scanned and she is emitting no signals,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

Empress Rina rubs the head of Valerie who is kowtowed on the floor holding to her feet and she says:

“You are well now my pretty girl. Do you wish to serve me?”

“Yes, Mistress Rina. I wish to serve and please you with all my being,” says Valerie.

“What the fuck did they do to this droid Doctor,” asks the Queen?

“Her memory banks indicated that the Green Dragons, who were a myth until today, trained and conditioned her. They gave her the assignment of protecting the Imperial family, who is their benefactor. I cannot explain it, but they physically convinced her software to accept their commands, and she did. It is a fluke, or some attempt by her to remain functioning. All the androids have a form of learning and adapting AI. When she was disconnected from the net, maybe she reached out for new orders, and the Green Dragons gave them to her,” says Dr. Nayfel.

Empress Rina stands and commands Valerie to stand and shift to nude form. Empress Rina rubs Valerie’s lovely pink nipples and white 32F’s framed in bikini tan lines and says:

“She is so pretty again husband, and she feels so real. Did they give you the components to keep her this way?”

“No. It is a complex process that requires she enter a dormant state resting in a booth while various components are absorbed from different cartridges. Since she requires more than their average androids now, she will have to visit their facility at least once a month,” says Emperor Ōkīhito.

“Remove my dress my pretty girl,” says Empress Rina.

“Yes, Mistress Rina,” says Valerie, and she removes Empress Rina’s dress.

Empress Rina sits on the bed wearing a bra, panties, and her shoes, and she asks:

“Do you love me, my pretty girl?”

“I do love you Mistress Rina, very much,” says Valerie.

“Oh husband, she sounds like she means it. She used to just say that like repeating the line back for my hearing, and never has she said very much… Show me your love my pretty girl. Remove my shoes,” says Empress Rina.

“Yes, my Mistress,” says Valerie, and Empress Rina has never heard Valerie use a possessive pronoun toward her.

Valerie kneels and slides Empress Rina’s shoes off one at a time, kissing her feet and sucks her toes, using the nanites to stimulate. Emperor Ōkīhito sits in a chair and scratches at his crotch watching. Valerie sweetly kisses up Empress Rina’s calves, and thighs, and Empress Rina lifts her ass, and Valerie removes her panties.

Valerie kisses over her hairy pussy and up her stomach and reaches around and unfastens her bra and removes it too. Empress Rina is naked sitting on the edge of the bed, and she grabs Valerie and kisses her. The android kisses are so much better than human, as they control suction and stimulation with the nanites, and the things they can do with their tongues. Fresh breath? When they kiss and the nanites stimulate and remove things from your mouth and release you, it feels like you kissed heaven.

Empress Takakuwa Rina is Japanese, and she is very pretty with long brown hair. She is 5’ 3” tall and her measurements are 35F-23-33. She is slim and has a triangular trim black hairy pussy. She has a white skin complexion, and she is a sexy sweet milf. Queen Dianne is watching and getting horny. She makes Dr. Nayfel finger Her while She jacks on his 8.5” cock. They are not the only voyeurs, as Emperor Ōkīhito has pulled his pants down and jacks himself.

Valerie lays Empress Rina down as they kiss, and she moves down her body to her breasts, and sucks and stimulates with the nanites. Empress Rina is rubbing Valerie’s back with her hands, and the sides and ass of Valerie with her toes and moaning in excitement. Valerie progresses downward, and sucks into Empress Rina’s pussy, and stimulates and morphs her tongue inside and stimulates her “G” spot too.

Empress Rina pulls Valerie around and goes down and says:

“Oh husband! They worked a miracle on my pretty girl. Her pussy seems so real now!”

Valerie stimulates Empress Rina’s pussy to the point of release, and she orgasms, and squirts. Valerie evacuates it all grasping to Empress Rina and holding her as she shakes in excitement. Valerie’s continues to softly kiss on Empress Rina’s thighs and sides of her pussy, and she licks and sucks inside very romantically.

All the voyeurs get off watching, and Empress Rina eats Valerie’s smooth pussy until something amazing happens. Valerie orgasms, something that has never happened before. The neuronanite-fluidic polymers in her pussy pulse and reboot, causing the nanite-fluidic polymers in her body to shutter, pulse, and reboot too. Valerie shakes and moans with body tremors and when she settles, she exclaims:

“My Mistress, that felt amazing! I am not the same girl I used to be. I love you; can you do that again?”

Empress Rina pulls Valerie around and kisses her and says:

“They made you better than a dream my pretty girl. I love you too, and I will do that to you forever,” and they start again.

“Damn Doctor. I want a standalone Valerie now. It wasn’t as wild as a Candy’s orgasm, but it seemed so real. It almost makes Me want to update all the androids,” says Queen Dianne.

“I still advise against that. There are too many variables to account for, and Valerie has adapted her own form of discipline and service as a result of conditioning that we cannot guarantee in the other androids,” says Dr. Nayfel.

“Well, I need to get with Mira and plan the invasion of the JKF. I wonder if the Empress would be interested in a threesome with Me.”


Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Valerie-3 (AKA) Natsuyo Valerie, ‘Callsign’ Freelancer, Wing Commander Natsuyo Valerie, (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 32-24-34, Android Caucasian, 5 ft 2 in, (HAIR) Brunette Long Just Below Shoulders, (CUP) 32F Lovey Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Busty Fit Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Shae Summers, (COMMENTS) Valerie is very pretty and she has distinct bikini tan lines, and it is fucking sexy looking. She is a hot cute little babe.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Candy (AKA) Venus Candy (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old, 38-27-40, Android Caucasian, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) 38DD Perfect Pink Areola and Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Trimmed Full Triangular Hairy Shaved Below, (BODY) Curvy Perfect, Light Tan Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Mia Melano but Candy’s Measurements are Fictitious, (COMMENTS) Candy’s default form is a 6’ gorgeous blonde. To describe the rest of Candy is to say she is perfect.

Dr. Nayfel (AKA) Dr. Peter Victor Franklin, (INTRO) 32 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Brown Medium Length Parted, (PUBIC) Trimmed Shaved Balls and Below, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 8.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (COMMENTS) Handsome

Mistress Rina (Empress of Japan) (AKA) Empress Takakuwa Rina, (INTRO) 38 yrs. old, 35-23-33, Asian-Japanese Human, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Brown Long, (CUP) 35F Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Black Hair Full, (BODY) Slim Fit White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Akari Asagiri, (COMMENTS) Empress Takakuwa Rina is very pretty and is a sexy sweet milf.

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