Miku – My Eurasian Student

Peeved did not quite describe my mood. I was fucking mad. Not only was I angry, but I did not have anyone I could vent to about it. My partner, Christie, was on one of her infernal business trips, which worsened things. She had been gone for a week, with her return scheduled two weeks from now; apart from all the above, I was horny and had no outlet for my sexual frustration apart from mechanical devices.

Mechanical devices are OK; however, conversing or cuddling with them is difficult.

The AC had broken down in my classroom. I was hot and sweaty and still had many term papers to correct. Although the pile had decreased, the corrected ones looked as if they had been used to sop up the blood from a massacre from the correction strikeouts and notes I had made in red felt-tip markers.

Teaching little rich bitches was not what I had planned when I got my degree. However, the Mother Superior of this all-girl prep school had dangled her thirty pieces of silver, and my lofty concepts of teaching underprivileged kids had evaporated.

As I corrected each paper, visions of the young nubile girl who had mangled the subject matter, the spelling, and the punctuation crossed my mind, and I could imagine her face down and ass up over my knee as I punctuated my lesson with a bare bottom spanking. They were stupid, innocent but such a temptation for a lesbian slut such as myself.

I kept myself strictly in check as my ass was grass if a whiff of my sexual proclivities reached Mother Superiors’ ears.

I was surprised to hear the sound of approaching footsteps. It was strange, as I would have thought I was the last person on the premises.

A timid rap sounded at the door. “Come in,” I snarled, resenting the interruption.

The head of one of my vestal virgins appeared in the doorway. “May I come in, Miss Travers?”

“What is it, Miku? What are you doing here after school hours?”

“I was hoping to be able to speak with you, Miss Travers.”

“This is not the best time, Miku. Could it not wait till the morning.”

“I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m scared.”

“What or who are you scared of, honey?”

“My father. He is back from Japan tomorrow, and if he sees the marks on my last test, I’m doomed. I know I failed it dismally.”

“That you did. The lowest marks you have had to date this year. Go close the door, and let’s talk about it.”

She stood and walked back to the door. I stared in awe. She was out of the ugly daytime school uniform and wearing cut-off jeans. Her curved ass cheeks oozed out of the sides, and I wished I could pinch them. When she turned back to sit down, I admired her slender figure. Her breasts were small, and I could distinctly see the nipples topping her boobs, tenting the crop top she wore. Her jet-black hair cascaded over her slender shoulders and framed an elfin face with deep purple eyes and lips that were to die for.

My horniness index climbed another twenty-five or thirty notches as I watched her sit down across from me.

“Why are you scared of your father?”

“Before he left for Japan, he told me he expected my grades to go up or I would be punished when he returned.”

“What would he do, ground you?”

“Oh no, Miss, the least I could expect is that he would beat me or, even worse, send me to Japan to live with my grandparents.”

“Beat you?”

“Yes, Miss.”

Does he do that often?”

“No, but when he does, it’s very painful.”

Scandalized by her words, I asked, “Miku, how does he beat you?”

“The last time he strapped my bum with his belt. I could not sit down for a week.”

“Your mother does not object?”

“My mother passed away when I was fifteen,” Miku replied with tears streaming down her eyes.

“What about going to live with your grandparents? Would that not be a solution?”

“That would be terrible. My Grandparents opposed the marriage of my father to an American woman. They consider me a gaijin, a foreigner and not Japanese.

“I would have to go to Japanese schools and could not perform at my age level. I would have to start almost in first grade.”

“I’m sorry to hear all that, Miku. I can not help conceal that you failed this test. It would not be fair to the other students.”

My heart melted as she seemed to collapse, and her sobs broke my heart.

“On the other hand, I might have an idea.

“What if I wrote a letter to your father to accompany your results and told him that I would help you pass your final year with outstanding marks as long as he allowed me to tutor you for the rest of the semester? Do you think that would help your situation?”

“It might. I might still get a spanking, but it would probably save me from going to Japan.”

“OK, we’ll do that. Miku, you are a bright young woman. Why are you struggling so much with your studies? Is it a boyfriend or your social activities?”

“No. I don’t have a boyfriend, and I am not into boys. Since my mother passed away three years ago, I have not been myself. I miss her so much. We used to do things together and have fun. It’s like the fun has left my life.”

Poor kid, I thought. That is sad. “Miku, if I undertake to tutor you, you will have to work hard. I expect you to devote yourself to your studies, or you will fail to pass your final exams.”

“Miss Travers, I promise to really try. I inherited a small fortune from my mother and will pay you for your time.”

“Let me write that letter to your father. You are to tell him about our conversation, and I expect your answer tomorrow.”


Her father accepted, and when I asked her, she told me that he had spanked her, but it was not as severe a beating as she had feared.

I would start tutoring her on the weekend.

On Saturday morning, she showed up as expected promptly at 9.00 am, dressed in skin-tight green lycra shorts and a matching backless crop top.

I started to question my sanity when I saw her as my libido went into overdrive. I resolved to keep myself in control, as giving in to my feelings would be outrageous. I did resolve to indulge in a long masturbation session while fantasizing about her after she left.

We sat in the dining room overlooking the patio and settled in for a morning of study and tutoring.

She proved to be much brighter than I had suspected, based on her class work.

At noon, we took a break, and I went to the kitchen and prepared soup and sandwiches, intending to go back and study for two more hours.

She joined me in the kitchen and watched me prepare the meal.

“Miss Travers, who is that gorgeous woman in the picture on the sideboard?”

“Miku, that is none of your business,” I snapped.

“I’m sorry,” she came back with a crestfallen look.

We sat down to eat, and my thoughts were in turmoil. Was my secret going to become a matter of gossip in the school?

After some reflection, I decided it was better to be preventive rather than leave the question unanswered.

“Miku, what I will tell you has to remain a secret between us. Do you know what’s a lesbian?”

“Of course. Many of the girls at school are lesbian or bisexual.”

My jaw dropped at this unexpected answer. “Really?” I blurted out.

“Yes, really. Most of the girls are at least bi-curious.”

“How about you?” I asked.

“I know I am more attracted to women than to men.”

“Well, I am in a relationship with Janice, the woman in the picture. I trust you; you will eventually figure it out if I keep tutoring you. If the authorities at school find out, I will be fired. This has to be kept secret. Can I trust you to do so?”

“Of course, Miss Travers. You are being so kind to me that I would never do something to harm you. Miss Travers, would it be possible to take a break after lunch? It is such a nice day; I would love to get some sun.”

I thought about it and decided why the hell not.

“OK, Miku, let’s go to the backyard and do that. It will also do me some good. Go through the living room, and you will see a patio door leading to the backyard. I’ll change into something appropriate for myself and join you.”

She scampered off, and I went to the bedroom and changed into shorts and a T-shirt.

When I joined her outside, she looked longingly at the swimming pool.

She smiled at me and said, “Gosh, Miss Travers, you look great in shorts. You are beautiful. I always thought so, but seeing you out of the clothes in which you teach is different. You could be a model.”

“Thank you, Miku. I did some of that to pay my way through University. That is where I met Janice, my partner.

“Earlier today, when you showed up in those shorts with your long legs, slender waist, and toned body, it passed my mind that you also fit the mold of a model. You are a beautiful girl.”

She blushed from her toes to her hairline. “Thank you, Miss Travers. I think you are also beautiful.”

“Enough of that. Let’s stretch out and get some sun, and then we have to get back to work.”

We both stretched out on adjoining chaise lounges, and I fell into a trance. I desperately needed to find some sexual relief and would as soon as she left. I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up, Miku was not lying down next to me. I panicked until I turned around and saw that she was in the swimming pool.

She was swimming laps, and I stared entranced at her ass as she undulated up the length of the pool and back.

As she reached the edge just below where I was standing, she rested her elbows on the side of the pool and smiled at me. “Come in the water; it is great,” she gushed.

I stuck my eyeballs back in their sockets as I looked at her naked tits—two adorable morsels topped with luscious pink nipples standing erect and proud.

“Miku, you are practically nude,” I managed to stutter.

“Sorry, I did not think you would mind. Japanese culture ignores nudity. I also know you like women, so I did not think I would shock you.”

“Yes, however, you are my student, which makes it highly improper for me to…”

“Well, we already shared your secret, so if you don’t tell, neither will I. Come on in; you also need to relax.”She dolphin kicked herself out of the pool, grabbed the bottom of my T-shirt and wrestled it over my head.

I stood there in shock as she then unbuttoned my shorts and dragged them to my feet.

We both stood there wearing only our thongs, and she suddenly realized what she had done impetuously. She blushed an even deeper pink than she had before as we both stood examining our partial nudity. Her camel toe was obvious through the wet translucent nylon of her thong, while mine showed a pronounced damp spot, which the daydream I’d had during my nap had caused.

I heard her mutter, “In for a penny, in for a pound,” as she removed her thong with a saucy wriggle of her hips before reaching and lowering my thong.

She stepped towards me, wrapped her arms around my waist, and dragged me into the water with her.

Choking and sputtering, I resurfaced and clung to the side, trying to regain my breath and my composure.

Miku surfaced behind me and wrapped her arms around my torso, and cupped my tits in her hands.

“Miku, stop that,” I gasped.

“Miss Travers,” she whispered, “I love you.”

I turned and stared at her. “You what?”

“I love you. I have loved you since the first day of classes. As we studied this morning, I finally realized the reason for my poor performance this year. I was trying to get you to pay more attention to me.”

“Get out of the pool this instant. We need to talk.”

Crestfallen, she followed me as I walked back into the house. The air between us was thick with silence as I tried to sort out my thoughts. I led the way to my bedroom and sorted out a top and a pair of panties and shorts to put on for each of us. We then returned to the living room, and I indicated she was to sit on the sofa while I sat facing her in the armchair.

“Miku, what possessed you to say that you love me?”

“May I go get my purse, and I’ll show you.?”


She returned, opened her wallet, pulled out a picture and handed it to me. My jaw dropped for the umpteenth time as I looked at the woman in the picture. I could have been looking at my twin sister. The woman had the same build, facial features, and dirty blond hair I did.

“Who is this, Miku?”

“My mother.”

“Oh, you poor girl. But, Miku, I am not your mother.”

“I know that. But you look so much like her, and I miss her so much that I couldn’t resist trying to get close to you.”

“There’s a difference between getting close and telling me you love me.”

“I know, but I do love you. I have never felt this way about someone before. I get tingly all over when I see you, and my knees go weak. I dream of you and have fantasized about being with you from the day I met you.”


“What am I to do with you? You realize the peril you put me in?”

“You mean because of your partner?”

“Miku, I have also lusted for you. I risk my job and reputation if I give in to these feelings.

“My partner Janet is not a problem as we have an open relationship and can see others if we wish as long as we are open with each other about it.

“My problem is what I am going to do about you.”

She stood up and came to sit on my lap. She smelt clean and fresh, and her body molded itself against mine. She caressed my face with the pads of her fingers as she approached her mouth to mine with the tip of her tongue peeking out. Slowly, she caressed my lips with her tongue, and I parted my lips. Tenderly, she inserted her tongue between my parted lips and sought out my tongue. From that moment on, I was lost.

We sat with our arms around each other as our tongues explored, licked and wrestled. I had never been kissed so thoroughly in my life.

My hand, with a mind of its own, slipped under her T-shirt to explore her small firm tits. Her nipples grew hard in my palm, and she uttered a longing moan.

Next thing I knew, she scrambled to her feet and removed her t-shirt and shorts. Before I could react, she stripped me of my T-shirt, and kneeling in front of me, she undid my shorts and pulled down on them. I raised my hips to assist her. All my resolve had now disappeared.

I admired her lithe figure for a second as she stood up before pulling her back onto my lap. Her mouth reached for my breast, and her mouth and tongue toyed with my now aching nipples as she suckled on each in turn.

I caressed her inner thigh’s silky, soft skin, and when I reached the junction of her legs, I ran my fingers along the thong-covered camel toe.

She parted her legs to give me easier access, and my fingers slid past the thong to explore her pussy.

It was glistening with her juices, and I easily slipped a finger into her tight vagina.

The mouth on my breast suckled even harder as I diddled her pink inner tissues.

Her back arched, and her whole body quaked as I quickly made her cum.

My fingers were coated with her pussy juice. I withdrew them and brought them to my mouth. She tasted heavenly, both sweet and tart.

When she recovered from her orgasm and stopped panting, she looked at me with a shy smile. “Miss Travers, that was amazing. I had no idea it would be that good.”

“Miku, we are beyond the Miss Travers stage. When we are alone, use my first name.”

“I don’t know your first name, Miss. I know your initial is J, but I don’t know what it stands for.”

I giggled. “It’s Joe. Short for Josephine, which I despise.”

“Joe, will you accept me as your lover and teach me to be your lesbian lover?”

“I could no longer say no, Miku. I don’t know how we will carry this off, but we will find a way.”

“Joe, you realize there is only one month of school left before I graduate. If we are discreet it will no longer be a teacher-student relationship. I will attend University here in this city, and my father will return to Japan.”

“How do you know you will get into University? You still have to finish your secondary education.”

“I took the SATs twice, once last year and once this year, and my scores were almost perfect. The University has already accepted me.”

“Miku, why are you then turning in such crap work in my class?”

She blushed and looked sheepishly at me. “You distract me, Joe. I knew I could get your attention in one of two ways: being the best in class or the worst. If I could be the worst, I would get more of your attention.”

“You brat. You would deserve that I spank you.”

She said, “Oh please, Joe, spank my butt. I deserve it.” and lay face down across my lap and wriggled her butt at me.

I lowered her thong, revealing her exquisitely shaped butt, and flattened each cheek with repeated spankings till it glowed bright pink. Miku reached back and spread her legs and ass cheeks, giving me a perfect view of her princess parts and ass hole.

My hands massaged that perfect butt, and Miku reacted with squeals when my fingers came close to her most secret hole. She raised her ass to obtain a more intimate contact with her little pink flower. I happily obliged. I am very anal, and when I started to rub directly on her pink flower, she uttered a deep sigh of bliss. I let some saliva dribble on that target and slowly slid my finger into her ass. She squealed with delight and started humping her ass up and down against my finger driving it deeper into her anus.

After diddling her ass for a few minutes, I withdrew my finger, and she mewled in disappointment.

“Why did you stop?” she asked. “That was so unexpected and so delightful.”

“Stand up, and let’s go get a shower and continue in my bedroom. You and I have many more delights to explore.”



When we entered the bathroom, I removed my thong. Miku gazed in awe at my now fully naked figure.

“Joe, you have no hair around your pussy,” she exclaimed.

“I shave regularly.”

“It’s so pretty.” She looked down and ran her fingers through her sparse black pubic tuft. “Could you teach me to shave so I can also have a bare pussy?”

“Sure, if that’s what you want,” I replied. “Instead of a shower, we will bathe together, and I will shave you.”

I drew a hot bath and added jasmine-scented bubbles, and we both climbed in, facing one another.

After soaking for a few minutes, during which Miku gave my feet and toes a lot of attention, caressing them and rubbing between each toe which drove me mad with desire. I was just a needy slut. I had yet to cum and almost could not wait to get to my bed with her.

She stretched her leg and caressed my pussy with her foot which made me moan.

“You like that, Joe?” she asked, accentuating her toe action around my pussy.

“Mmmm_ ,” I managed to respond. “If you keep that up, you will make me cum.”

She laughed, and her toes continued their magical journey till I had a small orgasm.

“Did I make you cum?”

“Yes, it’s just a small one. However, it reduces the pressure you have put me under since you arrived. I expect much more from you later.”

“I’ll be delighted to try.”

“OK, sit on the side of the bath with your legs spread for me,” I ordered.

I retrieved my scissors, lathering brush, and razor, then turned my attention to her pussy, which was now directly before my eyes.

My eyes delighted at the sight of her small labia and the pink cleft beyond. I stretched the skin and cut off the few longish pubes with scissors. Then, I lathered the area with the lathering brush and soaped it liberally. She giggled and squealed as the brush tickled the sensitive area. Once fully lathered, I carefully shaved her till her pussy area was as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

“Side one is done.”

“Side one?”

“Yes, now turn and spread those ass cheeks for me.”

“For real?”

“Yes, for real, when I kiss that tush, I don’t want hairs to get stuck between my teeth.”

“You are going to do that?”

“You can bet your ass I will.”

Giggling, she stood and presented her ass to me, spreading her bottom cheeks. Delighted at the sight, I made it as smooth as her pussy areas.

I had left a small patch of hair above her pussy trimmed in a heart shape.

I reached for a mirror and presented it to her so she could examine my handiwork.

She was delighted with what she saw, came towards me, and thanked me with a sweet kiss.

I pulled the plug and let the water drain as I turned on the shower. After a quick soaping and rinse, I was chomping at the bit to get her in my bed. We dried off with a couple of thick Turkish towels. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her giggling to my bed.

We snuggled as our hands explored each other’s bodies.

“Joe, teach me what to do. I have never been in this situation before. I have watched some porn; however, I don’t know what is right or what would please you.”

“Sweetheart, you please me. One of the ways to discover is to consider what turns you on and do it to your partner. As the relationship grows, you discover what is best for you and her.”

Her hands reached down, and she sensuously began to finger my pussy. I was in heaven as those slim fingers found their way into me and explored and fondled my tight pussy.

I reciprocated and caressed and fingered her at the same time. It was slow and leisurely, and we finally came on each other’s fingers.

I took my juice-coated fingers, brought them to her mouth, and had her taste herself.

“Oh, that’s nice. I thought it would be yucky,” she said.

“Miku, nothing is yucky, as you put it, between lovers.”

To prove my point, I flipped her on her tummy and raised her hips by placing a pillow under her pelvis. Parting her adorable ass cheeks, I licked and kissed her ass. When my tongue reached her ass hole, she was startled and clenched her ass cheeks. I gave her bum a few swats and hissed, “Open up for me and relax.”

She did, and I gave that cute rear hole a thorough rimming. Her moans encouraged me to pursue my assault, especially when she reached back with her hands and spread herself wider.

I probed her hole with my tongue and felt her loosen up to the point that my tongue could penetrate her, which drove her wild. Her hips began humping back at me to try to capture more of my tongue in that little corner of paradise.

She writhed and moaned, and one hand left her ass cheek to reach between her legs to toy with her clit. Soon, I had her coming, and she voiced a delighted approval for what I was doing to her.

Unexpectedly I found myself flat on my back with her pussy over my mouth.

“How the hell did you do that, Miku?”

“Joe San forget. I grew up in Japan and learned Judo from a very young age. I will now show you how I pin down an opponent.

She hooked my legs back under her arms while she lowered her pussy down towards my mouth.

I was delighted, and my tongue started its exploration of her pussy, now within reach of my tongue and already glistening with her juices.

I started lapping enthusiastically at her sweet and tender flesh.

Miku’s tongue attacked my needy pussy voraciously. It penetrated as far as possible, and I felt I was rewarding her with my essence.

She hauled me back by pulling on my legs which raised my ass. After a few tentative licks, she assaulted my ass hole with her tongue while running her tongue from my clit to my anus repeatedly.

I was in heaven and wanted this to last forever. She surprised me when she probed my anus deeper than I had ever been probed while using the fingers of one hand to slide into my pussy and the other hand to play with my clitoris.

My lips latched onto her little projecting nub, which I alternately sucked and lashed with my tongue as my fingers penetrated her pussy and found her g-spot, to which I gave a thorough workout.

Soon, both our bodies were heaving on the bed. My legs had wrapped themselves around her head and were pulling her deeper into my core while she ground her lower body against my face.

Our orgasms were titanic. My face was flooded with her sweet, creamy emission while I felt myself erupt into her face.

We lay there panting together in post-orgasmic bliss. Miku leaned over and kissed me, her face smeared with my juices.

She licked my cheek and smiled. “I taste good,” she said.

“That you do. More than good, you are a rare delicacy,” I retorted.

“How did I do, Joe? Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

“I think you will need a lot more tutoring, Miku,” I said with a straight face.

No sooner had I said those words than her happy face turned into a frowny one, and her eyes started getting teary.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted saying them.

“Honey, I was kidding. You were amazing. You have made me very happy.”

“You’re sure?” she asked.

“Absolutely. From now on, you will be my number one Geisha Girl. Keeping me happy will be your major duty.”

“Miku San will do her best, Joe San.”

We lay there happily in a tangle of limbs. I realized that my feelings of guilt were gone. This was not a young girl but a young woman. The age difference between us was only five years, and I could feel my lust for her turn to love.



Edited by JefferyB


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