My Father, My Mother and Me

A simple story of how my Father became a cuckold,without having a say in the matter.

I guess I was about 13 the first time I heard my Mother and Father have sex, they had just come back from Parents Evening at my school and although it was only about 9.30,I could tell they had stopped at the Country Club on the way home,where my Father or The Pig as I called him had obviously drunk his normal trough full of whiskey.
When he came into my room I pretended to be asleep, I could hear him snorting through his snout, and I confess I prayed to God he would drop down dead there and then , but I guess God was busy trying to solve some problem elsewhere in the world, and The Pig left after standing over me for 30 seconds leaving the door to my bedroom wide open .
He met my Mother on the landing, I assume she was on her way to rescue me should the Pig decide to tell his only son what a fuck up he was, and I was surprised to hear everything had gone quiet for a few seconds before my Mother said , ” NO David that hurts, I am dry, stop , please stop”, but I assume my Father didn’t stop whatever he was doing, because a few seconds later,she said “don’t ,please, that really hurts”, and I could hear the Pig laugh,and tell my Mother ” to grin and bare it “.
I was out from under the covers, crawled along my bed to where I could see all along the landing to the bathroom, and there was my Mother her head and shoulders bent over the banisters so she was looking at the entrance hall below, and there was my Father holding her nightdress up with one hand to her waist, while with the other hand he had between her open legs, playing with her cunt, making her squeal I guessed each time he pushed his fingers into her .
She gave a big ” aagghh” followed by a ” that fucking hurts ,why do you fucking have to do that” ,he didn’t say anything just let her nightie go, grabbed her hair and pulled her upright and hissed ” get on your fucking knees and crawl to that bed” , which she did while he walked behind her telling her ” he was going to fuck her fucking brains out for producing such a waste of space as his Goddamn idiot son”. Then something happened that changed my life forever.
By the time I got up the next morning my Father had left as usual, I will give him his due since he had taken over running my Grandfathers business and he had expanded it from a company employing 5 people working in an old building doing everything by hand to a company with over 40 employees working on production lines, with the bulk of the work being done by machinery in a brand new building on an Industrial Estate.
Big hand of applause for The Pig, whose life for most of the years I could remember had been one of, go to work at 7am, leave work at 6pm, go to the bar till 8 pm.,come home tell me it was ” past my bedtime ” and then go to bed himself at 10pm.
In the last couple of years they had joined a Country Club and he had started playing golf, so now he went to the Club instead of the local bar , and he wasn’t even home most nights until I was already in bed, so I missed his dulcet tones of him telling me to “get to bed” . Weekends meant he was up and out the front door before I even woke up to hit a fucking stupid golf balls ,until Mother and I met him for lunch.
After lunch Mother would go off to play tennis, and The Pig went for a golf lesson before going back to smashing the ball about on the course, and I would sit around the outdoor swimming pool with a couple of friends looking at the members wives and daughters and making rude comments about them.
Then when we got board we would go off and play Pickleball, or roam the woods at the side of the golf course finding golf balls which we would sell them to the pro shop for a buck each. It was worth them giving us the dollar for each ball , they would put them in the trash so the members had to buy new balls at 30 or 40 buck’s a box .
We would have dinner around 7 in the evening, Mother would drive me home, I would go to my room to watch TV or play on the computer and she would drive back to the club to collect the drunk Pig, so our actual time spent being a family was perhaps as much as an hour and a half every Saturday and about the same on a Sunday, and The Pig wondered why I was fucked up ?
But now I had a proper hobby to occupy my weekday evenings, I would stay awake and wait for my Father’s car to come down the drive. I would hear them talking for a little while downstairs ,then my Mother would come upstairs to the bathroom have her shower, come into my bedroom to see if I was asleep, then a few minutes later the Pig would come up stairs ,have his shower, go in there bedroom ,which for me was the signal for me to open my door and 3 or maybe 4 nights out of 7, I would have the joy of rubbing my cock while I heard my Mother get fucked ,before shooting my load into a tissue which I would wrap up and throw in the toilet the next morning.
Then one thing that changed my life that ” first night” was once they were in their bedroom I heard my Father say ” get up Stephanie ,get that nightie off “, and I heard the draw in my Mother’s dressing table open and then close , and I could hear this noise like something being swished through the air, followed by my Mother pleading with my Father ” not to do it “.
I guess her pleading fell on deaf ears,because a few seconds later he told her to ” get over the end of the bed, and count the strokes. ” She was begging him not to hurt her saying ” she would deal with me tomorrow , and get get me sorted out”, but I heard the swish through the air five times and her count the strokes, her voice getting softer with each swish ,before there was a swish followed by her crying and sobbing and him saying ” how many, how many have you had “, and her making some sort of indistinguishable noises,followed up with him laughing and saying ” maybe we had better start all over again “, and her pleading with him ” not to “, well I think that’s what she said ,then she shouted “aaaggghhh” again and for the next ten minutes I could hear the Pig , the bed frame and my Mother all making different noise as he fucked her.
That was almost 20 years ago, now The Pig sits in a wheelchair unable to speak or do anything after a huge stroke three years ago. We have two full time nurses looking after him, but most evenings he sits with me and my Mother as we watch Television for an hour or two before the nurses come and collect him and take him to bed in the extension we had built so he was all on one level . The nurses each had their own rooms and Father had his room, and my Mother and I could live a fairly normal life without the cabbage sitting in his wheelchair looking at us 24/7.
We don’t really know what he can see, or hear ,the doctors seem to think he knows what is going on around him, which gives me great pleasure in hoping he does. I sold his business for over 25 million dollars which means that Mother and I can now live a life of luxury, and even now although my Mother Stephanie is in her late forties she is still a very pretty woman, I hope he can see how pretty she is now he has the time to take notice.
I guess it was six months after he had the stroke it first happened. I was at college and I came home for the summer vacation , my Father was sitting in his wheelchair staring at the TV and I don’t know why but Stephanie and I just started drinking.
We were at the giggling stage when she said ” have you got a girlfriend,” and I said ” there are a couple around I sometimes go out with ” and she said ” do you , you know, with them “, and I said “do I what with them ” and she was laughing and saying “you know DO them” ? We were both laughing so hard, and I said “sometimes” , and she was pretending to punch me and she was calling me “a man whore ”
I said ” what about you ,have you got a boyfriend ” and she said ” of course not, “and I said ” so what are you , a frustrated old woman ,or do you play with yourself all the time ” . She got serious for a few seconds said ” you don’t ask you Mother questions like that and by the way I am not old,” then we were both laughing when she said ” it’s costing your Father a fortune in batteries, I wonder if he knows it” , and we were both rolling with laughter
I jokingly said ” do you want to know a secret” and she said ” yeah what is it”, and she kind of snuggled up against me ,and said “tell me,” and I said ” it involves you and him”, and she giggled and said “oh yeah”. I said ” when you and him used to have sex I would listen to you and jack off ” and she buried her face in my shoulder and said “NNNOOOO” and I said” YYYEESS” and we were laughing and she said ” oh my God, my son is a pervert” and I said” but the best bit was when he used to use the cane on you” .
She had both her arms wrapped around my arm , pulling me towards her and she had her face buried in my shoulder. She didn’t say anything for a little while then without moving she said into my shoulder” did you used to like hearing that ” ?
I said ” yup,I used to cum big time when he caned your ass, and when I was home alone I used to go into your bedroom and take out that pink nightie from your draw, lay it over a pillow and cane it while I rubbed my cock and pretended it was you “.
I guess it might not have been the thing to say as we both seemed to sober up very quickly, and I could feel her pushing her face into my shoulder so hard I thought she would suffocate , so I slowly tried to lift her head off of me, and she whispered ” you pull my hair if you want me to get off you “,so I took hold of her hair wrapped it around my hand and slowly pulled her head off my shoulder.
Her face was all red from both embarrassment and the fact she was almost suffocating, I said” look at you all red, is that what your butt looked like when he had finished spanking you”, and she smiled and said “hell yes “and we both laughed.
It was about three days later we had gone to the Country Club to go swimming , I was sitting on a daybed when my Mother came out stood in front of me and took off her beach robe,she was standing there in a blue bikini, I guess I must have looked surprised and she laughed and said ” shut your mouth Steven you look like your catching flies “, and she did a couple of twirls and said “do you like it,” and I said ” hell yes,I never knew you had a bikini”, and she said “I didn’t have until yesterday, and she sat down on the sunbed next to me and said “I bought it just for you so you don’t think your sitting next to an old lady”,.
I said “you look great in that,” and she asked “I don’t look fat, do I” and I laughed, and said ” you don’t have any fat on you, and I lent over and said look I can see down the front of your bikini bottoms where your hip bones are leaving a gap” . She laughed and said “are you having a good look, can you see anything ” ? I said “your lucky there are people around if there wasn’t those bottoms would be off you by now,” and she did a little scream and said ” and don’t tell me I would be over your knee for a good spanking, I heard my sicko son would like to do that ” and she was laughing.” she looked at me and said ,oh opps have I upset you, it was just a joke,don’t look so serious” ,and she put her hand in mine at the side of the bed and squeezed it.
I laid there for a few seconds, let go of her hand turned onto my side and looked at her. She said “yes what do you want “, and I said ” when I get you home I am going to give you the spanking you deserve”, and her face went red, several times she tried to speak but no words came out, and I said “what I do after that I swear I will not be responsible for,” and she didn’t or couldn’t say a word, “she got off the sunbed and walked to the water, dived in and did some laps.
When she came out of the pool she was very quiet, said “she was going to get changed and go to the bar for a sandwich and for me come and meet her when I was ready “. By the time I had a quick swim, got dressed she was in the bar/restaurant talking to one of the members. He didn’t seem very pleased to see me, I guess he thought Mom was available seeing as everyone knew of my Fathers condition.
I got rid of him pretty quick talking about what we should do for Father to make his life easier, and after he had left my Mother informed me ” that was very rude of me”. I put my hand on her thigh and she looked at me, and I said “do you like him”,and she said don’t be silly, he is a nice guy,and I said you can have him when I have finished with you, and I squeezed her leg and I felt her shiver. I laughed and lent towards her and said ” was that a shiver because your cold after your swim, or because you know I am going to whip your butt when we get home “, and she turned away from me and said ” don’t talk like that,” and I squeezed her leg tightly and I said “I am going to” and she looked at me ,eyes wide open like she had seen a ghost and said softly “are you ready to go” ?



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