My life as a teenage escort

My name is Willow, I’m 14 years old and I became an escort at the age of 11.

Mom named me after a character from her favorite childhood TV show, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, also because my natural hair color is red, my name is Willow, I’m 14 years old, and I’m a teenage escort.

It started just after my 11th birthday, mom had left me at home while she went on a job, she was an escort, it was just me and my mom, it was always just me and mom, my dad was a deadbeat who chucked us out shortly after I was born and he abandoned us both on the streets, some man he turned out to be, mom was homeless and desperate and eventually found a flat for us to live in, it was damp and a total shithole but at least we were dry and had a roof over our heads.

Mom had no money, no job, no friends or family to turn to for help, we were alone and she had me to take care of, she thought about giving me away and putting me up for adoption but she didn’t, I’m glad she didn’t, despite what I’m about to tell you and regardless of what you may think, she was a good mom, a great mom, I never wanted for anything, she kept me safe, warm, fed, clothed and loved.

For weeks mom tried to get a job but she couldn’t and she was desperate, so she turned to prostitution, it was a quick and easy way to make a lot of money in a short period of time, she would sleep with men on the streets, in alleyway, in their cars, in hotels and even brought them home some nights, she would put me in my crib in the living room while she did the business in the bedroom.

After a year she’d made quite a lot of money, enough for us to move in to a nice apartment that was cleaner and more homely, we had new clothes, new beds, new furniture, everything, life was starting to get really good for us, she continued to prostitute herself until I was 5 and then she met someone who helped her to become an escort.

Now, escorts are similar to prostitutes, they offer sexual services but also other services, like going on a date, you need someone to pretend to by your girlfriend for a while to impress your friends, just having a pretty woman on your arm, or maybe you just want someone to talk too, it’s not all sex, but it pays a lot more, being a prostitute mom could make about $300 a night, but as an escort she was making a lot more money, the most she ever made in just one night was $2500 and she didn’t have sex with anyone.

So, you know a little about my background now, let me share with you how I became an escort, as I said it was just after my 11th birthday and mom had gone out for the evening with a client, he was one of her regulars who liked to take her out once a fortnight, when his wife was out of town, mom brought him back to our place that night, I was in bed trying to block out their sex noises, they stopped for a while and then mom came in to my room and sat on my bed.

Mom explained that her client, I can’t use their real names for confidentiality reasons, so we’ll just call him Roger, he had asked if I could join them in the bedroom, mom assured me I’d be safe so I agreed and we went in to her room, Roger was naked, although I didn’t know that at the time, he was sitting up on the bed with his lower body covered with a bed sheet, I could see his hairy chest, all of us got on and sat on the bed and that’s when mom explained to me what she did for a living, I kind of already knew at the time but she explained in more detail.

Roger, asked for my permission to touch me, I let him, then he wanted me to remove my clothes, I did, then he told me to lay down, I did, he rubbed his large warm heavy hands all over my naked body, it was a new sensation for me, I was a little afraid and unsure but it felt fine, it was nice, I got confused when his hand began to explore my pussy, then he asked me if I wanted to see his cock, I did, he threw off the bed sheet and I saw him naked, hair all over his body and a huge erect cock between his legs, Roger was a big man, to this day I’ve rarely seen another man with a cock as big as rogers, he was at least 8 and half inches long.

As his cock twitched between his legs and my pussy started to drip, mom asked me if I would like Roger to fuck me, being only 11 I really didn’t fully grasp what that meant, in my naivety, I agreed, I said it was okay, he rolled over on top of me, positioning himself between my frightened shaking legs and he started to kiss me, first my nipples and then on my lips, he put his arms under and around me, holding me firmly, then he his cock inside my pussy, it hurt like fuck and I screamed my head off, mom stroked my head, reassured me and calmed me down, she told me if I wanted to stop that he would stop, I did want to stop, it really hurt, but mom had done so much for me, even though I was only 11 I wanted to know what it felt like, I wanted to feel what mom felt all these years.

I told him to carry on, even though it hurt like fuck and I thought I was going to die, he continued to fuck my pussy, his enormous cock was really stretching my insides out and my hips were in so much pain, but I got through it, when he started moaning loud, mom yelled at him, telling him to pull out, I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but he did, he pulled out his cock and shuffled forward between legs, then he squirted his semen all over me, there was loads of it and it shot out really fast and far, it shot up to and on to my mouth, covered my chest, tummy and dripped on my pussy.

That was the night I lost my virginity, the night I understood what mom had been doing all these years, the night I felt my first cock, the night I tasted semen for the first time, and the night that changed my life forever, the night I decided to become an escort.

After that night I wanted to do it some more, mom only wanted it to be a one off, Roger had paid her $3,000 for my virginity, which she gave to me by the way, the whole $3,000, she was reluctant at first but then agreed to find me some clients of my own, together, mom and I are unstoppable, we’re a great team and make a lot of money together and on our own.

I’ve been doing this since I was 11, so I’ve been an escort for 3 years now and still going strong.
I have my own clients, some I see once and never again, some I see regularly and others whenever they’re in town.

They all like different things and not just sex. I have a client who takes me out shopping once a month and buys me clothes and anything else I need, all he wants in return is for me to pretend to be his daughter for the day, I know, it’s a bit weird, but if it makes him happy then what’s the harm, I get free clothes and cash on top so it’s win win.

Another client takes me to his house every couple of weeks and likes me to wear his clothes while he fucks me in the ass, now he is a strange one, but again, if it makes him happy.

Only a couple of weeks ago a man paid me $4,000 to be his son’s birthday present, that’s son’s, plural, he had 3 boys, ages 12, 14 and 15, it was the 14 year olds birthday and he wanted to me fuck them all, including him, he took me home while the boys were at school and had me wait in his son’s bedroom on his bed, naked, wearing only a red body ribbon so that he could unwrap me when he got home, grown men are better at sex than boys but sleeping with boys my own age is a nice change and I enjoy it immensely, I ended up fucking all 3 of the boys and then their dad, it was exhausting but worth it.

I make a lot of money doing what I do, so far from my own personal earnings, I have over $40,000 saved up, that’s for my future.

I’m still actively working but unfortunately can’t tell you how to get in touch with me, I have a very exclusive cliental who, due to my age, require absolute discretion and anonymity, people find me through other escorts, just ask for Willow and who knows maybe you’ll get lucky, although I am on Facebook if you can find me.

You may have already seen me around, I could have slept with your dad, your uncle, your granddad, your son, your cousin, who knows. Maybe next time you see that odd looking guy walking around with a 14 year old girl, that could be me. As long as you don’t mind me being 14 years old, I’ll do anything and anyone for the right price.

I’ve only recently found this site and I have enjoyed your stories, what’s with Amy and the dog stuff?, adventurous, I like it, I haven’t tried that one myself yet, keep going Amy.

I also have so many stories I could tell you from my 3 years as an escort so if you want to know more let me know.

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