My life story. Part 1


I just had my 13th birthday and my Mom and Dad brought me the most beautiful birthday present ever it was an Alaskan Malamute. I called him Lightning after my beloved Ice Hockey Team the Tampa Bay Lightning, my big sister Sophie who was 15 at the time brought me Lightning’s bed and water and food bowls. Lightning was not allowed out yet as he was only 12 weeks old, so I asked my mom if we could go to the Pet Store.

So I brought Lightning some toys with the birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa, Mom brought some food for Lightning Mom said that I had to feed him and clean up his mess and just look after him I said I will. When we got home and Lightning came running over to me so I showed him the toys that I brought for him and we played for hours, later that evening my best friend Lexi phoned me up and asked if I could go around to Lexi’s house as she was grounded after hitting her little brother.

As Lexi had my birthday gift for me, Mom said yes I can go around but not for long as Grandma and Grandpa were coming over for dinner. So I walked round there to see Lexi and to get my gift from her. We have been friends since we were in Elementary School together so I went in and Lexi give me her gift, Lexi’s gift was a pendant with both our pictures in there I cried and said a very big thank you, I loved it Lexi asked what my parents got me so I told Lexi and she said can’t wait to meet him.

Mom phoned me up and said Grandma and Grandpa are here it’s time to come home so I said ok be there in ten minutes Mom, Mom said ok see you in ten minutes then. I decided to cut through the park (biggest mistake ever) so I was talking through and this boy jumped out and scared me in no time at all he dragged me into the bush and he raped me. He even took my phone and my gift from Lexi so 20 minutes later Mom went around to Lexi’s to see if I was still there Lexi said Nikki left 20 minutes ago.

Mom phoned Dad up to see if I got home Dad said no Nikki’s not here and Mom said well somethings wrong as Nikki left over 20 minutes ago. Mom then phoned the police up said I was missing Mom told the police that I was going around to her friend’s house to get her birthday gift. Mom then told the police that was about an hour ago and it was my daughter’s birthday. The police told Mom to go home and then give it some time but Dad and Lexi’s Mom and Dad went looking for me.

A few hours went by and still nothing by this time it was 10:40 that’s when the police decided to start looking for me 2 pm these two girls were walking through the park after a night out in downtown Tampa, they heard me say PLEASE help me the so they girls went and looked. They found me naked beat up with blood coming out of my vagina and a badly cut lip, one of the girls coved me up, and the other girl phoned the police within minutes the police closed the park and called my Mom.

Mom and Dad turned up and the police said I was in a bad way and let Mom see if I was their daughter Mom started crying and said YES that’s Nikki, so the paramedics turned up to take me to the hospital. Mom went with the paramedics And Dad Sophie and Lexi and her parents went to the hospital and waited till they had some news for them all after the doctors did the examination and they went to give me the pill just in case. With that, Mom said to the doctors Nikki can’t take the pill.

Mom said am sorry but we are Catholics and it’s against our religion the doctor said there’s every chance your daughter could end up being pregnant as we found a lot of semen in your daughter’s vagina. I said doctor I can’t take it Mom started crying I said Mom don’t cry it’s ok, two months later I had bad news I was pregnant at 13 my life was over. Mom said sorry Nikki I said everything was going to be ok, Mom said that she will bring the baby up or I can give the baby up if I wished to.

I said Mom NO am going to give birth so I’ll bring him or her up it’s my baby am not getting rid of the baby just because that fucking asshole raped me. Dad couldn’t take it he left Mom as he blamed himself for everything that happened, I lost my Dad because of this rape Sophie was amazing she help me with everything. Lexi stood by me every step of the way she even said to me I’ll help you to bring the baby up if you decided to keep the baby, I said thank you to Lexi.

So now I am 14 weeks pregnant my first scan is due Mom, Sophie, and Lexi were by my side, especially Lexi we started dating I knew Lexi was into girls from the age of 11 and I didn’t mind, Lexi’s Mom and Dad also new and respected Lei’s wishes and we told her parents we were dating each other. They were more than happy as they always said I was like a second daughter to them, at the scan Lexi held my hand until the doctor said ok every one behind the line please.

The doctor asked me if I wanted to find out the sex of the baby I said yes PLEASE so the doctor did everything he needed to do and after the scan, he give me some pictures of the scan I cried a little and said that’s my baby Lexi said NO our baby Nikki. I asked him well what sex is the baby he turned and said you are having a daughter I started crying again and Mom turned and said at least she’s going to look like her Mommy and not that rapist asshole Lexi give me her first kiss in front of Mom.

Lexi turned and said sorry Mrs. Williams Mom said Lexi you don’t have to say sorry am proud of you for sticking by Nikki, Lexi said always. We went home and Lightning came running up I said to Lightning don’t jump up at me so I said sit down so Lightning did. Lightning is 26 weeks old now and getting a very big boy now, he’s already started humping my legs now, and everyone else too. But he knows who Mommy is and he knows somehow that am pregnant so he’s very protective over me.




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