My Sabbatical pt1

I continued looking at Dawn as I reach down and masturbated her son. David was beside himself, squirming around enjoying the feeling I was giving him

I decided to take a sabbatical, and cruise around the country in my RV for a year. My RV was a class A and could sleep six people.

After the first month, I pulled into a truck stop to gas up and buy some provisions. A young woman approached me, holding the hand of a boy that looked to be around 10 years old. I later found out he was 12, but he was small for his age.

“Excuse me mister, do you have any spare change. I’m trying to get enough money for me and my son to get something to eat and maybe a hotel room for the night.” She asked me.

“Are you homeless?” I asked her.

“Yeah, my boyfriend was beating on me, so I took my son and left.” She explained.

“I’ll tell you what,” I told her, “let me buy you guys a meal.” So we went back into the truck stop, which also had a diner. We sat down in a booth and I told her to order whatever they wanted.

They must not have eaten in a while, because they ordered a lot of food. As they were eating, I was admiring the little boy. He was a cutie. I had a thing for little boys. I started to think about the likelihood that I could play with this little boy, and considering they were homeless right now, his mother might be willing to work out a deal.

“My name is Alex” I said to her “and I have a proposition for you. I’m on sabbatical right now, just driving around the country in my RV. If you’d like, you can tag along with me. That will give you three meals a day and a roof over your head.”

She looked at me, and started to tear up. Then she started to cry saying “I can’t believe you’re so nice. I’ve been so worried about taking care of little David, and with winter coming, I didn’t know what I was going to do.”

“Great, so it’s all settled.” I said as I reached over and ruffled little David’s hair. He grinned up at me as he continued eating his apple pie.

I know his name is David, but what’s your name? I asked her.

“Sorry, it’s Dawn” She said. We shook hands and got up to leave.

She had a suitcase with their clothes in them. We loaded it into the RV, climbed in and hit the road.

“It’s going to take us six hours to get to the RV camp where I was planning on staying a few days. If you want, you can go to the back where the beds are and rest” I told them.

“Thank you, it’s so hard sleeping outdoors. You have to stay alert enough that nobody harasses you, so it’s hard to sleep.” She told me. Then her and David went into the back.

I stopped to fill up the tank, and still had two hours to go. I woke them up, so that they wouldn’t sleep too long and end up staying awake all night again.

“Thank you, that was exactly what we needed.” Dawn said. She came up and sat on the passenger side of the RV, and David sat at the table in the back. I had some crayons and coloring books for my grandkids in one of the drawers. I took them out and gave them to David so he had something to do while we drove.

I chatted with Dawn as we were driving. I found out she was 37 years old, and David was 12. She’d been married for 15 years, ten of them abusive. She had finally had enough and left, taking David with her.

“David is a beautiful little boy. He seems so sweet and nice, I can’t wait to get to know him better.” I said to her.

“I’m just glad he’ll be spending some time around somebody who’s nice and not abusive.” She said to me.

We got to the RV camp. I found our space, pulled in and hooked up.

I had enough food in the refrigerator to last us at least 3 days, so I took a couple of steaks out of the refrigerator for supper.

After our supper of steak, salad and rice, we took down the dinner table, and turned it into a couch. Then I push the button in a panel and a 45″ flat screen TV rose up from under the counter.

I have a satellite on the RV, so I was able to pick up pretty much every channel available. I found a Disney movie for David, and we all kicked back on the couch to watch. David sat between me and Dawn.

David was wearing loose, thread bare shorts and about halfway through the movie, I put my hand down on David’s bare knee. I watched out of the corner of my eye and saw Dawn look over as soon as I did. I let my fingers trace up the inside of David thigh a little bit, maybe two or three inches and then back to his knee. Dawn was watching me the whole time, but didn’t say anything.

Each time I traced my finger up the inside of his thigh, I went a little further. Dawn was still watching me, but still hadn’t said anything. David must have liked how it felt, because he spread his legs a little bit, making it easier for me to get my hand up there.

I was now running my fingers up high enough to touch his testicles through his underwear. I could see a lump forming in his pants. I’m sure Dawn saw the same small lump.

By this time, David was smiling, and making little mewling sounds. He clearly liked the way I was making him feel. Then I took my hand and reached over and pinched his penis with my thumb and finger very gently through his pants. Again, Dawn watched me, but didn’t say anything.

“That felt good.” He said.

“What felt good?” I asked him.

“When you touched my weenie.” he said giggling and blushing.

I looked at Dawn, and she was looking at me. I couldn’t really read her expression. She wasn’t angry, didn’t look concerned, she was just looking at me.

I held her gaze, but at the same time, reached over and held little David’s penis again. I rubbed it from the outside and said to him, “take your pants off. It will feel better without your pants on.”

He looked at his mom questioningly, and Dawn looked at him and said “it’s okay honey, take your pants off.”

He lifted his little butt up off the couch and pushed his pants down along with his underwear. Then he took his shirt off and was sitting there completely naked. His penis was sticking straight up, hard as a nail. I sat there looking at his hard penis and I was stunned. It had to be 5″ long. It looked way oversized compared to the rest of his body.
“Oh David,” I said, “that’s the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen.” It was the same size as mine. Mine might have been a little bit thicker, but it was not longer than David’s, that was for sure.

I continued looking at Dawn as I reach down and masturbated her son. David was beside himself, squirming around enjoying the feeling I was giving his young penis.

After a few minutes, I told him to stand up. He stood up on the couch, then I told him to stand on my legs. He put a foot on each knee. That put his penis right at mouth level. I looked at Dawn again as I leaned in, open my mouth, and started licking his penis like it was an ice cream. His legs got wobbly as I licked his penis, and they almost buckled when I finally engulfed it in my mouth. I kept sucking his penis, while I looked at his mother. She just kept watching me, transfixed.

Then I stopped sucking long enough to say to Dawn, “take your clothes off and masturbate while you watch us.”

“No, I’m good.” she said. She just sat there, watching me suck her son’s penis.

I think she figured out what the deal was. I’ll feed you three times a day, give you a place to sleep that’s safe, dry and warm, but I get to suck your son’s penis in exchange. I’m glad it didn’t have to actually be said out loud.

I continued to suck his penis for the next few minutes, but I was hard and uncomfortable in my pants. I let his penis slip out of my mouth as I stood up.

I began unbuckling my belt and unsnapping my pants. Then I unzipped them and push them down below my knees and stepped out of them. My underwear was tented out, because I was hard as a rock. I took off my shirt, then took off my underwear. When my penis was exposed, Dawn look at it and little smirk on her face.

“Yay, we’re the same size” David said excitedly. Dawn giggled, her gaze was in the direction of my penis.

“Okay David, get back up here like you were. I want to suck your penis some more” I told the boy. “Cool” he said excitedly. “I loved when you sucked my penis.”

He stood in front of me, and I leaned forward, immediately engulfing his penis into my mouth. I moved my head back and forth, using my tongue as much as I could. The head of his penis just barely touch the back of my throat when I had it all the way in my mouth. I would suck on the way up until just the head was in my mouth and, with a lot of tongue, take him all the way into my mouth.

It took less than 60 seconds for him to cum. The head of his penis flared, and then suddenly he flooded my mouth with thin, watery cum. I swallowed it as he squirt it, and when the squirts change to a dribble, I made sure I sucked out all the cum he had.
I had him sit beside me and said, “would you like to touch my penis now David?”

I looked at Dawn, and she looked up at me and I smiled at her. She didn’t return the smile, she just looked back down in my lap and watched her son take my penis in his hand.

“Stroke my penis the way you stroke yours” I told him. “Show me how you hold your penis when you play with it”.

He wrapped his hand around my penis and began to stroke it up and down, masturbating me the way he masturbated. His hand was small enough to be able to wrap his fingers around it and use his whole hand. I had to use two fingers to stroke mine. When I tried to use my whole hand like David was, you couldn’t see my penis.

The whole time I was looking at Dawn and she was watching her son’s hand on my penis. I said “he really seems to like my penis, doesn’t he?”

She looked at me, and we locked eyes for a second. While she was looking into my eyes, I put my hands on her son’s head and pushed it towards my penis.

“Put my penis in your mouth David.” I told him as I looked at Dawn. “Suck mine, like I sucked yours” I told him. Her gaze drop back down to my lap, as she watched her son open his mouth and take the head of my penis inside.

I started moaning and massaging the top of his head, telling him what a good boy he was and how good he was making my penis feel.

I continue rubbing his head, while he continued sucking my penis. Dawn was watching everything her son did to my penis. That was making this whole thing twice as hot.

“Get ready David, I’m going to cum.” I told him. I looked over at Dawn. I was about to ejaculate in her 12 year old son’s mouth, and her face was expressionless. She didn’t say anything. She just kept watching. Less than 10 seconds later, my penis swelled up inside her son’s mouth and I started to flood his mouth with my cum.

He started choking and coughing. My cum was coming out of his mouth as fast as it was going in.

I finally stopped cumming, and let him take his mouth off my penis. I looked over at Dawn, gave her a smile and said “thank you David”.

Dawn and David toured the country with me for eight months. Every single night, David and I had sex while Dawn watched.

The only thing she wouldn’t let me do was fuck him. That was fine by me. You have no idea how exciting it is, to sit there naked, hard as a stone, with a 12 year old boy masturbating or sucking you while his fully clothed mother watched.

She did however, let him fuck me. I coated his penis with KY, and put some on my finger and coated the first couple of inches of my rectum with it.

Then I got on my knees and held my cheeks open, exposing my anus. He got behind me and pushed his penis into my rectum. It wasn’t big enough to feel uncomfortable, and it was incredibly exciting to feel it in my ass while I masturbated.

Dawn decided that Tennessee was cheap place to live, and wanted me to leave her there. I took her to Nashville, gave her $50,000 in cash and wished her and David the best of luck.

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