My sister is a voyeur and a genius

My sister brings me virgins home to have sex with and she just sits there and watches me fuck them.

I have the worlds most perfect sister.

My 14 year old sister gets me an endless supply of virgins to fuck.

It started when I was 13, she was 11 and she caught me jerking off in the bathroom, after answering loads of her questions she developed an obsession with watching me jerk myself off.

Then she found out about sex and wanted me to do it with someone so she could watch, she turned in to a voyeur, but I struggled to get girlfriends, not through lack of trying though, in the end I offered to fuck her but she wouldn’t let me, so instead she offered to find me a girlfriend.

I came home from school one day and she was in her bedroom with another girl, my sister and I went to different school so I didn’t know who the girl was, she introduced us then took me to one side and told me that her new friend wanted to have sex with me.

I didn’t believe her at first but when I got in to her bedroom, she practically ordered her friend to take off her clothes, which she did, then she got on the bed, I got a boner from seeing a naked girl my own age for the first time, my sister then pulled up a bean bag, sat it at, facing the bed, then she told me to fuck her friend.

I shyly crawled on to the bed, moving slowly over her naked body, she just laid there smiling at me, once I was hovering over her with my hard cock pointing towards her pussy, she put arms around me and kissed me, within seconds we were holding each other, I was sucking on her nice round tits and I pushed my cock up her pussy.

We had sex with my sister watching on, it was my first time and I proper fucked her friends brains out, after I came inside of her I didn’t want to let her go so I kept sucking and biting on her tits, I got another boner and I fucked her again, this time my sister filmed it on her phone.

A few hours later we got dressed, her friend gave my sister some money, I don’t know how much, and she left.

My sister said she would get me more girls if I wanted her too, of course I said yes, who wouldn’t.

And she did just that, every night when I came home from school there was a new girl waiting for me in my sister’s bedroom, every single one of them a virgin.

Turns out my sister had a gift, she could convince any girl to have sex with me by making them think it was a good thing to lose their virginities, and she even charged them for the privilege.

It has been going on for about 3 years, its not often I get a girl every day now, but they appear regularly in her bedroom, ready, waiting and willing to get fucked by me.

I don’t think I’ve ever had sex with a girl that wasn’t a virgin, unless you count fucking them twice in one night.

I fucking love my sister.

She is weird though, she likes watching me fuck girls, but she’s never had sex herself, something weird about that.