My sisters boyfriend

Got busted spying on my big sister and her boyfriend having sex but when my sister went to work, her boyfriend jumped in to my bed.

Me, my younger brother, my older sister and my mom lived in a small three bedroom house, mom and my brother had their own rooms but I had to share a room with my sister.

Susie is 16, I’m 11, our room is really nice and we each have our own side of the room and decorate it as we want, we also get on really well and don’t argue much.

Susie is at that age where she has boyfriends now and she has sex all the time, she’s currently doing work experience at a warehouse and she has to start work at 4am in the morning, because of this and because she wouldn’t see her boyfriend much, his name is John, mom decided to let her have him stay over some nights so they could be together before she goes to work.

But they have sex all the time, even though I’m right there in the room, they always wait until they think I’m asleep before doing it though, sometimes I am actually asleep and their sex wakes me up, but a lot of the time I’m pretending so I can secretly watch them having sex.

This one night I heard them having sex and I sneakily turned around under my blankets and then stuck the top of my head out just to the bottom of my eyes so I could see, I looked to the other side of the room and watched them having sex, Susie was on her back and John was on top of her between her legs, they were both moaning and groaning quietly, well, trying their best to be quiet, the covers had fallen off of them and I could see they were both naked, Susie’s legs up in the air and John butt bouncing up and down between her curved legs.

I watched John suck on her boobs and Susie had her arms stretched behind her holding on to the top of her headboard, John laid down on her, pressing their bodies together, their heads next to each other’s, John’s head was closest to me and then he suddenly turned his head and looked across the room, his eyes met mine and I froze still.

He knew I was watching and he smiled at me, I waited until he turned his head away then I quickly turned back around, I knew I’d been caught peeping.

The next thing I remember is hearing voices, whispering, I must have fallen asleep because Susie was heading off to work and they were saying goodbye to each other, I heard her leave and then I settled down and starting to fall asleep again.

A short time later the my covers lifted and John slid under them, I knew it was him because I felt him press his body against mine from behind me, I was laying on my side and his warm body moulded against mine like he was spooning me, then he arms slid around my tummy and he held me tightly.

I turned my head to look and he was staring back at me, no words were spoken, then he leaned his head down and he kissed me right on the lips, my first ever kiss from a boy, that single kiss made me feel all fuzzy inside, I turned on to my back and that’s when he slid his hand up my leg and up my nighty.

My body jumped with surprise when I felt him touch me between my legs, he very slowly pulled my panties down, I didn’t speak a word, he rolled over and lightly lay on top of me, that’s when I saw that he was naked and I saw his cock sticking out, my heart beat faster and I bit my lip, he whispered to me and told me not to worry.

He put his hands underneath my knees and raised them in to the air so my legs bent at the knees with my feet resting on the bed, I felt his hips pushing against my inner thighs as he lowered himself down on to me, his cock rested on the top of my pussy and it felt really warm, he moved his hips and I felt his cock slide down the crack of my pussy, he stopped and then I felt a pinch when he pushed his hips forward and his cock pushed hard in to the crack.

My body jumped again, violently, lifting my butt of the bed briefly when I felt his cock puncture and enter me, I could feel that it was inside my body and spreading my insides, he held on to my bony hips to keep me in place while he continued to push it deeper inside me.

As he began to bounce his butt up and down, moving his cock in and out of my pussy, I was overwhelmed with millions of different sensations, feelings and thoughts, all shooting through me at once, my whole body wanted me to cry out in pain but instead I gritted my teeth and took the pain because it was bad pain, somehow I felt happy inside, it was joyful pain, happy pain.

John had sex with me for what felt like a lifetime, then I felt a warm sensation within me, he came inside me and it felt very strange and yet intensely good, it felt like I’d wet myself, but on the inside.

I felt his cock pop out of my pussy and then he got out of my bed, he winked at me before turning around and he walk across the room and got back in to Susie’s bed.

I went to sleep with a smile on my face that night, I was so very happy, I never knew sex would make a person feel this good.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅