My Sisters: The Porn Star, and the Slut

“Hey,” he already had his phone out, “You got any naked pictures of your sister?” Before I even answered, he showed me. “Wanna see one?”

He already had his phone out, to show me, but I said, “That’s not her.” Even though it was her old bed, and their room, before she moved out. “That doesn’t even really look like her.”

Naked, holding the phone up in one hand, and her sex open with the other to take a picture of her clit, tits, and face, smiling for the camera all at once.

“You wanna bet?”

“No, but where’d you get this, off the internet?” She was 19 now, and away from home, but she just skipped college, to start working amateur porn. I guess, she didn’t tell me about it, of course. I had to hear it from a junior high school boy.

“She sexted me.” Then, I knew he was lying, because she only sexted with boys her age, and older. “I bet that’s why your little sister is such a slut.”

“No she’s not!” but then, I had to run home, and ask her, to make sure. “Jen, you’re not. A slut, are you?” After dad told her to go back up, and put some more clothes on. Before she went out, dressed like a hooker, he said.

“That’s not nice.” She shook her head, “And where’d you hear that from?”

“Some boy, at the junior high school, said he gang banged you at a party.”

“Well, he lied. How many boys did he say?”

“I don’t know, all of them?”

“Yeah,” She rolled her eyes, and laughed. “You know how guys talk. If it’s not a flat out lie, they exaggerate, and if it’s 6 inches, they say it’s 8. If it’s just 2 guys, after a while the story gets around until it’s a gang-bang, and every guy in the neighborhood did me.”

“So, it was. Uh.”

“Huh!” She sat down, and dropped her coat. It’s not a trench coat, but when she wore it over her short shorts, it hung down low enough that you could only see her bare legs sticking out. “Well, I guess you have to hear this some time.”

“I’m old enough, and I already heard all about it, but now I want to know the truth.” It’s not really hard to believe, somebody getting in there, between her legs after they talked her into dropping her shorts, and underwear. If you looked real close, you could even see the yellow edge of her underwear, the shorts were that short.

“Huh, okay. Well?” She shrugged, and shook her head. “There was this one guy, he stopped by to try and seduce our big sister.” I don’t know why she didn’t just say her name. It’s a lot shorter then my big sister. “But his little brother followed him, and hung out in the back yard with me, until she kicked him out, and he came outside. To smoke a cigarette, huh.”

She flicked her fingernail with her thumbnail, and looked around. “Maybe we should go out, for a walk or something.”

“Yeah, okay.” So she could smoke, even though dad totally knew she still smoked, no matter how many times she told him she quit, she always got more cigarettes again, the next day.

“Huh!” She lit up, and took a puff, so I followed her.

“Keep an eye on your sister,” he said when we left. Because he didn’t trust her, to stay out of trouble, ever since she started puberty, and acting funny, dressing that way to show off her body, and. It turns out she actually attracted some boys, 2 of them.

“Well, a long story short, he had the blue balls, and I helped him get off, but that made his little brother horny. Not as little as you are, I don’t know, maybe about 12, or 13?”

I nodded. “Yeah, so then what?”

“So then, we did it.” She giggled, all red faced, and really bragging. “I sucked the big one off, and he cummed jizz all over my face, and tits, while his little brother was still inside me, but.” She stuck her finger up, and wiggled it, but the wrong one. The ring finger, if she ever wore rings, but she doesn’t even polish her nails, or wear fake ones, since they’re so short. “He was too little to get me pregnant, and a virgin. So, I knew that I didn’t have to worry about him being diseased, or anything.”

“Oh, okay.” Like I could stop her, if I tried. She could kick my ass if she wanted to, but “As long as you’re safe.”

So then, she finished smoking, and put it out. “Come on, I’ll walk you home,” but I knew she was getting ready to go out, when dad sent her back up to her room to put some more clothes on.

“No, that’s okay, it’s just around the corner.” So then, she walked off, and I followed her.

Okay, while dad had said something about keeping an eye on her, really I was just a little curious. What she did when she went out dressed like that?

It didn’t take long to find out, she went right to the end of the street, and cut through the woods. It was a dead end for cars, but there was a trail back through the trees. A short-cut, she didn’t even look back. Just stopped, and dropped her bag. Then, her shorts, and underwear, which she kicked off, and then she dropped the long jacket to take her top off.

Then, she got a buttplug out of her bag, sucked, and licked it to get it wet, and reached back to tuck it in. Finally, she put her coat back on, and stuffed the rest of her clothes in her bag.

She kept going, and I followed her, but stayed back. A little worried about what kind of trouble she could get into, naked under her coat, with a buttplug. I realized that she was dressed up like a flasher, and my suspicions where confirmed when she got to the skate park.

She finally looked around, before I could find something to hide behind, and saw me there. “Jer!” She sounded upset, and ran back to me. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I followed you, because dad said to keep an eye on you, before we left, remember?”

“How long,” she squirmed.

“The whole time, ever since you left, and I saw you in the trees.”

“Hey, Jenny.” The skaters stopped, and kicked up their boards, to catch them. Except one guy, who tried, and banged his knee with the truck. They didn’t approach us, in fact. They backed off, and stood their boards up around the pool. “Great to see you.”

“Huh!” She rolled her eyes, and looked back, but couldn’t keep a straight face. “You want to watch me?”

“Yeah,” I grabbed her shoulder, “No, don’t. It isn’t safe.” She grabbed my hand, and pulled it.

“Of course it is, you don’t know these guys, do you?”

“No, that’s the whole point. What if they get crazy, and decide to hurt you?”

“Well, I do, and they’re not like that. Come on, you’ll see.” So, I let her drag me off, and watched her switch to holding hands with a couple of skaters. Then, they lowered her down, and sat on the edge, or their skate boards.

It’s not a real pool, like a swimming pool, they just call it that, or a bowl, but there was a little drain in the bottom, down to the sewer. I guessed, but she didn’t flash them.

“First time?” One of them patted me on the back, “You’re in for a real show.”

“Yeah, huh.” I sat down, but she was already holding her hair up, turning her hips around, and sticking her legs out, one by one to show how bare they were.

“You ever seen a girl strip before?”

“Not a girl, I mean. She’s only thirteen, and how old are you guys?”

“Old enough, she’s got grass on the field.” He looked over, and chucked his head, just in time to see her turning around, and the flaps of her coat spread open enough to flash her pubic hairs. “So, she’s fair game.”

Nobody said old enough to bleed, which I’d heard before, but that’s the kind of sexist thing asshole bullies say about little girls, and I had to admit. Well, she’s always been older than me, and taller too, but then I looked up, and saw another girl.

With a boy, but I didn’t realize that she was a girl at first, because of her long shorts, baggy shirt, and short hair. Then, she started kissing the boy, and he pulled up her shirt, so I saw her bra right before he grabbed it, and her teeshirt flopped down over it.

“Now, it’s getting good.” I glanced back down, but when I saw my sister with the collar slipping down her shoulder, I looked back up. At the skater girl, making out with her boyfriend. He stopped kissing too, and looked, but she turned his head back over to her, and felt down his shirt. To his crotch, and as soon as she touched him, I felt my penis spring into action.

“Huh!” I know that feeling, from waking up, and having to wait for the morning wood, to go away before I can pee. I saw the trenchcoat drop, I guess it is really a trenchcoat, it’s just not as long as a regular one, but it’s got the buttons, and the belt. It just doesn’t hang down past the sleeves, but now she was naked, and spinning around.

With her arms up, and her hair messed up from her fingers. Her boobs sticking out, and the furry triangle of her pubes, but none under her arms, because she shaves her armpits, as well as her legs.

“Uh!” The boys started hopping down, with their cocks out, or at least their skater shorts open, and fishing them out.

“Uh, guys?”

“Shut up, man. If you don’t want to join in.” I looked up, before Jenny got down, on her knees. With the trenchcoat spread out to kneel in the lining, but then the boys crowded around, so I couldn’t see her, and the skater girl was bent over with her head in her boyfriend’s lap. Nodding her head, while he played with her short hair, and her bangs hung over the side, so I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I knew.

He was getting head, right there at the skate park, and watching my sister, surrounded by skater guys. Pulling their shirts up behind their heads, and dropping their shorts. I saw her hands, then another, and another, before I shook my head in disbelief.

“Huh!” Then, I realized which one wasn’t her hand, because it didn’t have the pink spots of nail polish. It had to be another boy, patting and rubbing his butt, then giving it a squeeze. Then, the other boy’s elbow tucked in between them, and he looked over. Down, and started shaking his shoulder.

“Huh!” It was a circle jerk, but nobody even said anything, about the two boys grabbing asses, and touching each other’s dicks being gay. So, I guess she was right, she did know them better, and if they were so cool about their friends being gay.

“Uh,” I turned over, and hung down. Trying to feel the floor, but the wall just curved out, so they could skate up and down it. I slid on my knees, and my pant legs came up, but I didn’t bang them, or rub them too hard on the concrete.

“Huh?” I looked back, but the two gay guys were already backing up. Bending over, and pulling their shoes out of their shorts to kick them off. Kissing, and feeling each other’s flat chests, while their dicks stuck up, and rubbed together, so I licked my lips.

“Uh!” Then, the boys, most of the other boys, not counting the one up on the skate board, with his girlfriend, but the rest of them. They started moaning, and cursing, and even backing up. With their dicks drooping, and dripping before they pulled their shorts up.

“Uh, huhN!” Another one clenched his butt tight, and started shaking, but another one’s hip was in the way, so I couldn’t see it. Oh yeah, I remembered the gay guys, but neither of them got down to play the girl. They just kept kissing, and feeling each other all over, and rubbing their dicks together, so their pubic hairs mixed, and and it was so, hot?

I don’t know, I mean. I never really thought about it, because most of the kids my age, that I know are boys, and there not really into girls either, but they talk about not being gay, and fags being a bad thing, but I don’t want to be gay. Do I?

That doesn’t look too bad, just as long as nobody bends over. “Uhn! Ngh?” I didn’t even touch it, but it started rubbing the inside of my underwear, all on it’s own, and my knees shoot so hard, I had to catch myself. On my hand’s and knees, I tried to crawl, but then I fell over, and just curled up like I got a kick in the nuts. “Oh, oh god! Huh!” It didn’t last too long, but then I had to catch my breath, and pull out my pants to feel inside.

It wasn’t wet, or sticky, maybe a little sweaty in there, but nothing like you’d expect, if I had any hair on my balls, or anything in there to shoot out.

“Oh,” finally, one of the skater guys went down, and kissed his boyfriend’s tummy. Licking up the stuff, and working his way down to his limp hanging dinky. It shrank, and shriveled up, but there was still a little drop left to lick up, and suck in to stretch in his boyfriend’s lips.

“Uh,” I barely recognized him. The boy that patted me on the back, and told me I was in for a real treat, but i sat up, and he looked over at me. He smiled, and pointed right at me, so his boyfriend looked down, and over.

“I thought you might be gay.”


“Because, you had a girl stripping right there in front of you.”

“Oh yeah.” Jenny got up, wiping her face, and when I looked around. The skaters were hanging down, and helping each other up, since there weren’t any stairs, or ladders down like a real swimming pool.

Then, the other boy stood up, with a boner, and a blob of white stuff ran down to stick to his pubic hairs.

“Go on.” his boyfriend patted his ass, and I looked over at my sister. Shaking her head, and wiping down her boobs, with her tee shirt.

“Hey, ‘cher name, son?”

“Uh, Jer. Jerry?”

“Yeah, Jerry. You wouldn’t happen to be Jeremy Marten.” He looked over, at my sister, and she looked up.

“Oh yeah, that’s my little brother. Jeremy. You like him?”

“Yeah,” he touched my hair, “He’s real cute.”

“Well, go on.” She waved at him. “It’s cool, I told you these boys were cool.”

“I’m gay,” I told her, then looked over, and up the taut lean skater body.

“Yeah.” She looked up, and over the sky. “Got it.”

“You ever sucked a dick, before, Jer?”

I shook my head, but I really wanted to, so I stood up.

“You’ve got great legs.” I felt them. “You shave them?” Firm, rough, and stubbly.

“Yeah, in the summer.” He felt under his crotch, “My nuts, too.”

“I never even thought about, giving head. Ngm!” I can’t believe I’m even saying this, but it’s the truth, and I can’t help how I feel.

“It’s easy, you just put it in your mouth, and suck.”

“Okay,” so that’s what I did.

“Hey, Jenny.” Another boy came up, with his phone out. “Can I get your number?”

“Yeah, it’s 867-,” he tapped it in. “53, 09…”

“I got it.”

“Sext me later?”

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