My uncle’s video’s (turned me into a perv)

she reaches the little slit and is almost violently moving her head about with her tongue working double time on the little girls pussy

Hi. My name is Levi White. I’m three months away from my 15th birthday. I don’t know a lot about sex but I know that morning, afternoon, and night I seem to have a raging hard-on.
I just started to grow hair, you know, down there, by my privates.

My mom and dad were killed in a car accident when I was three. My dads brother, Harold White pretty much raised me.Well me and my twin sisters, Mary and Carrie.

Uncle Harry is what we call him. Mary and Carrie are three years younger than me.They were four months old when mom and dad died.

Everything I know about sex, which isn’t much like I said, I learned from other boys at school or on the internet. To someone young like myself, all that stuff on the internet can be very confusing. Sure by watching pornography on my computer I know that the penis goes in the girls vagina and that’s how babies are made. I mean I know some basics but I’ve never had sex. Not until three weeks ago.

So how it all happened…..

I left my lab book at school and didn’t realize it until I got home and started my homework.
It was Friday night. I needed to reference my book in order to answer questions regarding computer science.

I told uncle Harry my dilemma and he suggested getting on the internet, that I could probably find anything I needed to know.

I really had to have this assignment turned in on Monday or I wasn’t going to pass. I reluctantly agreed.

I get to my room and turn on my laptop, but it wouldn’t boot up. I started looking for the problem I noticed that the power cord connector was smashed inward and slightly bent to one side.

Oh no. Wtf happened to my computer. GIRLS, I yelled. come here please. Just then I remembered what had happened.

After uncle Harry divorced he still kept us but couldn’t afford another big house like he had.
His ex wife, our aunt by marrage, got it.

I heard them arguing one day and it was her not wanting his brothers kids there any more.
But uncle Harry told her that we’re not going anywhere and if she didn’t like it then she could go. So that is what she did.

I told you that part to tell you this. Uncle Harry can only afford this two bedroom little ranch style house. So my sisters and me share the biggest bedroom and uncle Harry stays in the small one.

The previous weekend, to the one I am telling you about now, was when Mary and Carrie had a girls slumber party. There were only a few girls that came over but it sounded like they were having a bunch of fun.

Well supposedly they were having a pillow fight and one of their friends took a wild swing at Carrie and missed hitting my computer. It fell off the back of my desk and damaged the power cord. Uncle Harry said he will replace it as soon as he can.

I went to the livingroom where uncle Harry was on the phone with someone deep in conversation to remind him of my broken laptop.

He stopped talking as soon as he seen me and placed his hand over the mouth piece and nodded to me as if to ask, what do you need.

I told him and he said to just use his for now. He wrote down his password for me and told me to please leave now.

I get to his room and try to enter but the door was locked. I went back to the livingroom and when he seen me he through up his free hand, very agitated, and asked now what. I said sorry uncle,but the door is locked. Oh for christ sake he said. And he grabbed the key from his pocket and tossed it to me.

Ok so now I’m at my Uncle’s laptop. I boot it up put in his password and am waiting for his desktop to load.

Well it was taking longer than it should have and I was about to hit cntrl,alt,del. to reboot but
just as I was about to press the keys, this video media player popped up.

Extreme video player was the name on the screen.

There were a few options displayed.

1:Continue watching
2:Go to media library
3:Search files and folders for videos
4:Open locked file

I knew I shouldn’t do anything but to close it, but my teenage curiosity got the best of me.

I clicked on continue watching first. OMG I was certainly not expecting or prepared for what began or should I say, continued to play.

The first image that appeared on screen was a man wearing this hooded mask with no clothes on, on his knees, fucking what looked to me like a ten maybe eleven year old girl.

This has got to be a mistake I thought. I rubbed my eyes to make sure they weren’t playing tricks on me. Nope, I could clearly see this grown man having sex with this little girl.

I was absolutely mortified. I was disgusted.I was ready to click the stop button but then my gaze drifted to the little girl. She appeared to be moaning and pushing back with her hips. She kept looking over her shoulder at the man and mouthing something. There was no sound so I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but it looked as if she was smiling.

Is she really enjoying and wanting this to happen? I began to wonder. Because it sure looks like it.

That video ended about 32 seconds after it started. At the bottom of the player an option appeared that simply read “auto play?” So I clicked continue.

Now before I go on I just want to make this clear, before I accidentally found what was on my uncle’s computer, I never once, in all these years, ever even thought of or about tryna be with anyone, sexually, that was younger than me. Ewww!!!

But as the next video started, I felt my heart begin to race. The blood was rushing to my head.
I could feel my penis start to fill with blood.
This felt so wrong but at the same time the feeling I was receiving in my groin out weighed that thought that I should turn this off now and run.

The second video, titled: rubbing little pussy, began with a little girl of maybe no more than ten for sure, on her knees with her ass up and her back sloped down and her head resting on her folded arms.

The view of her bald little vagina and her perfect little anus, was absolutely astounding.
I had never seen anyone naked before especially a ten year old girl. Not even my twin sisters.

Needless to say, I was very turned on by this.

I felt so torn. I was ashamed that this was exciting me, but I was so excited that I just continued to watch.

So now this woman comes into view. She has on one of those masquerade mask’s a sexy see through little nighty and garder straps holding up these black lacey thigh highs.

The girl is on what looks like, one of those pull-out sofa beds. The woman climbs on the bed on her knees and situates herself behind the little girl.

She looks at the person, that I can only assume, is recording this and smiles then moves up beside the girl and whispers something in her ear. The little girl smiles and the woman begins
to position herself back where she started but she was kissing, licking and sucking every inch of the little girls flawless skin as she got back behind her.

The woman for some reason, had a glove on her right hand. I thought that was a little odd.

She starts out by taking both the little girls butt cheeks in either hand and softly caresses her.

She is massaging this beautiful small ass in a circular motion with each revolution spreading
her ass apart a little more each time. About the fourth time she stopped with her thumbs on either side of that little perfect butthole.

She spreads the girls butt cheeks apart and dives right into her little sphincter tongue first.
She is darting her tongue in and out of that little hole so fast. She presses her lips to her anus like she is french kissing and starts sucking that perfect little asshole into her mouth.

She stops and continues to rub and caress the little girl. Everywhere She then gently spreads the preteens legs apart further. She places her hand on the girls back and softly pushes downward making the little girls pussy more attainable.

The woman starts as far down as she can go on the girls legs and thighs and starts softly kissing and licking her way back up towards that hairless little girl slit.

I direct my view to the little girls face to see if I can read what she is feeling. I gotta tell you,
she sure looked happy and content to me.

The woman is licking that little pussy like there’s no tomorrow. I see that little ass start to hump and buck. Pushing back against her attacker. Yes she is most definitely enjoying this sexual assault on her preteen body.

Next the woman turns the little girl over and spreads her legs wide. The girl puts up no resistance .Her little face is flush and she appears to be a little sweaty.

The woman I can tell is very turned on by what she is doing to this little girl.She starts kissing and licking her way down the girls thigh and then her knee the calf is next and ends at the little girls foot.

She kisses her way to the toes and don’t stop there. She begins sucking and licking the little
toes. She has her whole foot just about in her mouth.

The little girl is very pleased at this by the look on her face.

The woman is on her way back to the little girls pussy. I am so fucking turned on by now. I don’t know when I did this, but at some point I took my dick out of my shorts and was masturbating like monkey.

She reaches the little slit and is almost violently moving her head about with her tongue working double time on the little girls pussy.

The little girls starts to shake and it looked like she was siezing out and I noticed the woman had her left hand between her own legs and my hand was moving up and down my cock so fast I think everything else was going in reverse. Then the woman arched her back the little girl squeezed her legs together so tight I thought she would snap the woman head off and I felt the sperm in my ball sack erupt like a nasa rocket and exit the tip of my dick so hard it splattered all over my uncles pc. By far, the absolute most I had ever came.

Back on screen the two females were tearing their selves apart from one another.Looking very satisfied.
The video ended and the next one was bout to play. I was spent. I wanted to watch more but in the privacy of my own room. I needed to figure a way to do that. I remembered that I had my flash drive in my pocket. I hurried and retrieved it and inserted in my uncles laptop and copied the entire file on to my flash drive. Not caring what I was over writing.

In just three short weeks I have went from innocent young boy to a preteen sex starved little girl perv and I am loving every minute of it.

Let me know if you want to read more. So much has happened since. And its only been three weeks. Thanks for reading bye for now