Naked public adventure + jerking off in public

I’m a young guy who loves being naked in risky places. I don’t intend to get caught but the thrill of knowing I could be drives me nuts.

I frequently go away with work which not only gives me the opportunity to travel but also to find new places to indulge in my secret hobby- naked public masturbating!

I have one rule for my missions- I must be completely naked for it to count. That includes no hats, glasses, shoes or socks.

This story begins during the summer where I was sent to a small, rural town surrounded by cornfields. My employers kindly provided me with accommodation for my stay in the form of a hotel close to a bar and the surrounding cornfields.

After investigating the area, I found that the town became quiet at night time- perfect for one of my night missions!

One night I set an alarm for 2am, ready for some nighttime nude exploring. I woke up and put on my basketball shorts, t-shirt and flip flops, left my room and out of the reception to the parking lot. At the far side was a dumpster out of view of the lights and surveillance cameras where I went, stripped off my clothes and hid them under with my room key. The plan was to be completely naked and see how far I dare go before jerking off and coming back. I wanted to take my time on this mission as it wasn’t often I got sent to such rural surroundings with few people about.

I was now completely naked in the humid night air, the cicada sound from the nearby fields and trees providing the only noise.

The grass under my barefeet gave way to the concrete sidewalk, still warm from the hot day prior and I walked up towards a nearby intersection with a 2 lane highway that bypasses town alongside the cornfields. I walked for nearly a mile up this highway, ducking into the cornfield once for a car to pass.

The warm breeze against my cock and balls and the hard asphalt under my feet served to remind me of how naked I was and with every step I took, I got further from my clothes, cover and safety. But with each step my adrenaline built more. I was so excited to be out and about naked exploring in a new place. I knew I’d be leaving in a couple of days anyway so didn’t really care that much if I got spotted.

After about a mile, a cycle path split off from the road while the highway continued with big concrete crash barriers. There was nowhere to hide on the main road so I headed up the cycle path which went through a wooded area for about 50 meters before coming out to a grassy knoll on a suburban street, overlooked by about 3 houses.

I stepped out of the cover of the wooded area onto the grassy knoll where I sat down, feeling the grass and the warm night air against my skin. The buzz of knowing I was overlooked by 3 houses started to tingle my cock and as I started touching it, it soon grew hard. I laid down on the grass playing with my cock and enjoying what I was doing for a couple of minutes but I stopped myself. I was way too soon into my adventure and wanted to go further so I got up and continued gingerly on.

Careful to check the windows of the houses, I stepped onto the street. As the street was illuminated by lamps, I was nervous about being spotted from one of the houses but also excited at the risk. As I crept along the street, I heard a sound right behind me which terrified me, thinking someone had come out, only to turn round and see it was a cat scurrying across the street. Breathing a sigh of relief, I continued on.

The street went on for about 300 meters and wanting to savour the excitement, I stopped outside one house with a large, open front yard, and there, on their lawn, I laid down again and started jerking off in clear view of this house and at least 4 more. My heart was pounding and my cock was throbbing as I jerked off naked on this person’s front yard. The risk was amazing. I laid there wanking for about a minute or two before I heard a sound and froze.

A car was coming up the street. I got up and sprinted to hide behind some nearby bushes just as the headlights came into view and the car pulled into the driveway of the very house who’s garden I had just been laid on wanking seconds prior. My heart was pounding as the owner got out the car but went into the house. I waited carefully for a couple of minutes to make sure the coast was clear before continuing on. I crept on, carefully checking the windows of each house as I passed.

A few more houses down I suddenly I froze again as a light turned on in a house I was right beside, a man appeared in the kitchen briefly before turning off the light again and disappearing. Thankfully, I don’t think he saw me. Eventually after another 100 or so meters, the road came to a cul de sac with another path into a wooded area.

This wooded area went on for 50 feet or so before coming to a large park which was completely dark. At one end was a playground and a basketball court while there was a soccer field and other end opened out onto the main bypass I was on earlier with a building on the street. The building had a sign flicking between the time and temperature which was now 2:40am and 71°.

I went over to the playground, stepping onto the soft grass which was a pleasant contrast to the rough, hard asphalt and made my way over to the climbing frame. I climbed to the top and took it all in. I started touching my cock,  massaging my balls and tickling my asshole. I jerked off again, slowly at first, then fast in every position I could think of, upside down like a gymnast, slipping my finger up my ass then spread-eagled jerking furiously with both hands. I brought myself to climax a few of times but again, after several minutes I stopped myself.

While the park was open and exposed, the darkness provided too much cover and it wasn’t risky enough. I craved more so climbed down from the climbing frame and continued on through another wooded path to another suburban street. This one was denser than the previous so I was more cautious passing. Checking the windows of the houses, I jogged briskly the 100 or so meters to the end where it joined back with the main bypass. My heart was pounding with excitement so I turned back to face the houses, jerked my cock a few strokes and I turned left and continued up.

I went about another mile up the highway, occasionally ducking into the trees for cover as cars passed. After a mile, the highway came to a stripmall. While it was late at night and the only thing open was a gas station 7/11 at the far end, it was well lit and exposed. Keeping an eye out for people, cars and security cameras, I walked across the parking lot to the curb outside of Subway and Family Dollar where I sat, in fully lit, fully exposed view of any car who might pass or person who might appear. My heart was pounding and adrenaline was flowing.

There, I laid back on the warm concrete, spread my legs in the direction of the road in a starfish position, tickled my balls and ass and jerked off furiously. Here, I was over two miles from any item of clothing and safety, completely naked and exposed in full view of any passing traffic and jerking off like a madman.

It was so exciting I had to make it last. I built up my climax and stopped myself several times, stroking my cock and massaging my prostate before bracing myself for the final push. Suddenly a car passed. Then another 2 cars and a truck passed while I was jerking and shoving my finger as far up my ass as I could get. I was in complete view of them and in such joy I couldn’t care less. The passing cars made it even more intense and knowing I’d been seen turned me on even more. “Hey guys, look at my cock and balls, watch me jack off and fuck my ass!” I thought as another car raced past and I orgasmed so hard I moaned, spasming and shooting massive hot loads of jizz onto my stomach in pure extasy.

Breathing heavily as the post orgasmic euphoria wore off, I suddenly became aware of where I was and what I was doing and felt very exposed. Another car drove past and I was literally naked in a fully lit strip mall parking lot, far away from my clothes with a big journey to go back. What was I doing?! Several cars had already definitely seen me and I suddenly started wondering how many other people had and would become of it.

These worries weren’t helped when, as I was hiding in the trees alongside the highway, a cop car flew past at speed with lights on. Had someone spotted me and reported a naked man strolling their streets and masturbating? I reached the denser housed suburban street. As the highway had big concrete barriers with nowhere to hide, I had no choice but go back through the suburbs the way I came. I took a deep breath before sprinting the length of it, not stopping till I reached the cover of the wooded area by the park.

Catching a breather, I walked into the middle of the soccer field and sat down. My dread started to wear off. Surely the cops wouldn’t be flying at full speed for a naked guy walking around, nobody here knew who I was and I was leaving soon anyway so didn’t even care too much about the cars that had seen me. The building nearby indicated it was now 3:45am and 70°.

I laid down, looking up at the stars, enjoying the soft grass under my skin, warm breeze against my genitals and total silence. It was still completely dark and I felt completely relaxed. Soon tiredness overcame me and I closed my eyes for what felt like a few seconds.

I woke to the sound of a loud passing car on the highway behind me and to my horror the sky was already light pink and blue. It was 6:25am and I was laid butt naked in the middle of the soccer field in clear view. I’d been asleep for over 2 and a half hours! I didn’t even want to think about how many joggers or dog walkers might have seen me already while I was still asleep. Cursing myself and my stupid public nude fantasies, I ran back to the wooded area and to the suburban street. Now in clear view of anyone who might already be awake and going to work, school or just looking out their window at that moment, I sprinted the full 200 or so meters back to the grassy knoll where I stopped, panting heavily and nursing a stitch.

I hadn’t seen any people in the run down the suburban street, and through the excitement of it all, I started to feel excited again. It was still completely silent apart from the odd car on the nearby highway and the 2 houses with direct view of me didn’t look like they had anyone home so I thought why not. I layed down on the grassy knoll for a few minutes, now in total daylight and I started touching my cock, balls and butthole again. Soon I was rock hard and jerking off again with my finger back in my ass and my legs in the air when I suddenly hard the slam of a door from the house right next to the grassy knoll I was on.

I got up and sprinted back to hide in the cover of the trees and bushes in the wooded area as a young girl came out with a dog. I froze, watching what she did. Had she seen me or reported me? Thankfully, neither her nor the dog had seemed to notice me. She sat down on the knoll about 20 feet away from me in nearly the exact spot I was jerking off on just moments prior. I hid in the bushes completely still, fearful that if I moved, either she would see me or the dog would. Watching her, I noticed she was hot, wearing yoga pants, a tight top and flip flops. She had her blonde hair in a bun, headphones on and was sat facing away from me, throwing a ball for the dog. She took her flip flops off as the foot fetishist in me came out.

I hid there, staring at her feet as she threw the ball for the dog. I jerked off, slowly at first, then getting faster and bolder. She was facing away and had headphones on, completely oblivious to me.

Then, taking a deep breath and with my heart pounding, I stepped out from behind the bush, cock in hand. If she turned around at this point, I would be completely busted. Still completely naked in public and jerking off furiously, staring at this hot teen’s pretty pink soles and toes while just feet away from her, I hit my climax again.

This orgasm was so intense it buckled my knees as I stood, shooting another load of jizz onto the ground below. The girl and the dog were still completely oblivious to me but still scared they would notice me, I hid in the bushes and waited another 5 or so minutes for her to go back to the house. Then, once the coast was clear, I got back up and passed through the cycle path in the wooded area to the highway.

It was now complete daylight and there were a lot more cars about now. I had about a 20 meter exposed sprint before the cover of the cornfield. Three cars and a truck passed before I took a deep breath and sprinted the 20 meters, ducking into the cornfield just in time for another large truck to roar past. There I continued on, just out of view of the road for the mile back towards my hotel.

The final hurdle was the 10 or so feet of open area between the cornfield and the dumpster where my clothes were. Some people were leaving the hotel and stood talking to each other. I urged and begged them to hurry up before they eventually got into their cars to leave. Then I made the mad final dash to the dumpster where I hastily put on my clothes and walked back into the lobby.

The receptionist smiled at me as I walked back in, while I awkwardly realised I was filthy and covered with cuts, scratches and bruises. My feet were caked in dirt and my leg was bleeding from some unnoticed cut.

When I finally got back to my room and checked the time, it was 7:35. I’d been out on my naked mission for over 5 hours and covered 5 miles! Thankfully nobody had noticed me and nothing became of it as I left 2 days later, never to return again.