Naughty Neighbor

I hadn’t heard about the Girl Next Door, as a trope before. Even though, I guess you could say I was one.

My mom, and dad got a divorce, and I don’t really know what it was about, but they used to fight a lot before finally. Mom told him to pack his shit, and get the fuck out.

I was in the back yard, so I missed most of it. I just didn’t want to listen to them yelling, and all the bad things they called each other, but I guess I was too young to understand it.

Mom told me they didn’t love each other any more, and when I went to see dad, in his new apartment. He was drunk, and he didn’t want to talk about it, but it was a real small apartment.

Sort of a house, or half of one. A duplex, they had lots more duplexes around, and only a little tiny back yard to play in. He got cable though, and let me watch “Whatever you want.”

For once, he always commanded the remote, that’s something mom always complained about. He wouldn’t let her watch what she wanted to, even on commercials. So, I guess in a way, he wanted to make up for being such a selfish prick with mom, to me.

So, then I went back home, and mom didn’t even ask me how dad was. Sad, he kinda looked at the house, and sighed when he dropped me off. I never heard him sigh like that before, but then, I never saw him again after that.

I missed him sometimes, but he sent me emails. I got an email, just so he could send me letters on the computer, any time he wanted. He found a better job, in another city, and he even sent pictures of his new apartment. His girlfriends, whenever he had one. He looked happier, but if he got married again, I didn’t hear about it.

I hoped he treated them better than mom, but I guess not. If they all got sick of his bullshit, and left him too. After a while, it took a few years, but slowly the emails petered off, and I never forgot him. I missed him less, and less, but especially on special occasions, like holidays, and my birthday.

Mom had to work, while I was at school, and take care of me after that let out, so she didn’t have much time to take care of the house. I did what I could, but it was still pretty messy. Then, one day I got home from school, and she’d cleaned up.

The whole house, she cooked too, and asked me if I had any friends I could spend the night with. I asked her what was going on, and she sat me down. Told me how hard it had been to date again, but she finally met a man. Again, the standard Mommy’s got a date, so get out so we can be alone together talk.

I asked her what he was like, but she said “It’s too soon to tell, so I don’t want to get your hopes up.” None of my friends’ moms wanted me to go over there for the night, on such short notice, so I took my sleeping bag, and tent out to the back yard. Again.

I wondered what the big secret was, because she’d gone out on dates before, just nobody serious in her life. Usually, it was one date, until they got home, and mom said “I’m just going to check in on Blaire.”

There was this one man, I never learned his name, but when she looked in on me, in bed. He looked over her shoulder, and he must’ve snuck up on her, because she didn’t hear him behind her, and she jumped. Bumped into him pulling the door closed, but I was scared of him.

I didn’t know why at the time, but I had a nightmare, I don’t even remember. I just remember waking up. “Huh!” Feeling paralyzed, I couldn’t move, and I hadn’t been afraid of monsters in the closet, since I was a little girl. I stopped wetting the bed, and finding money under the pillow, instead of teeth.

Night terrors, it’s called. It kept happening, but our doctor just said it’s like a drug. The body produces when you’re asleep, so you don’t roll out of bed dreaming, but sometimes you wake up before it wears off, so that’s why you can’t move.

I kept having bad dreams though, none of them recurring, but it wasn’t until later that I realized that they all started, when that man snuck up behind mom. To look at me in bed, but it was the way he looked at me. I was too young to realize why, he snuck up on mom, to look at me in bed.

He was a pedophile, and a child molester, who only went out with mom in the first place because of me. To get to me, and even half asleep. Deep down, there was this primal instinct, reacting to the predator in the house, but that’s about as close as it got.

Mom protected me, which is why she sent me out, to camp in the back yard when she had a man over. Or set it up, so I could sleep over at a friend’s house, but before it got dark, I rolled out the tent. Stuck the poles through the top, cris-crossed so I could bent them up, and stick the ends in the pockets.

There was a boy next door, of course. Well, a whole family, with children, but we called his little sister first. To see if I could sleep over there again, but her mom said no. Not on such short notice, but if mom had time to get the day off, clean up the whole house, and even cook while I was in school. She should have set it up with them first.

So then, I was rolling out the sleeping bag, when I heard Dennis call over the fence. “Camping out again?” I nodded, and backed out, but the answer was obvious. “You mind if I join you?”

“No,” I sat up, and watched him climb over, careful to avoid the tops sticking up, but some of them were bent down, from climbing over, and going back and forth to play together. Instead of going around, and through the front doors, or the gates.

Over bye the shed, we didn’t use much. There used to be a lawn mower in there, but dad took it with him when he moved out, and mom payed boys to mow the lawn for us. Dennis was one of them, since he lived right next door, they had a mower, weed eater, and even a leaf blower for the fall.

We never really hung out, since he was older, and a boy. I guess he turned into a teenager, at some point, when I wasn’t paying attention. He sat down next to me, and held his hands up. “Too bad you can’t have a fire, then it would really be like camping.”

“Oh,” got up, “I bet we can.” Mom bought a Weber, but a little one for cookouts. Since it was just the 2 of us. She only had to cook a couple burgers, or half a chicken, cut into quarters, and covered in barbecue sauce. So, I rolled it over to the tent, while he got out his matches.

“Hot date, huh?” He poured out the charcoal, and squirted lighter fluid on it, then lit a match, and held it around the bottom of the pile, until it caught. “You think she’ll get lucky tonight?”

“I don’t know, he seems like a nice man, but they all act nice, until you get to know them. I guess she’s just waiting to see what he’s holding back.”

I never really thought about boys, even though I had friends. Already talking about who they liked, wanted to marry, and folded up paper to play M.A.S.H. To ask it if they would end up living in a Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House. Basically, to pretend that we got lucky, and met a rich man, with a Mansion. Instead of Prince Charming, because they don’t have those any more, they’re like Unicorns, and Dragons.

I wasn’t really sure, I even wanted to bother with all that stuff. I was still trying to figure out what kind of job I wanted to get, what career I wanted, and I didn’t really picture a man in there. Living with mom, and talking to her, she gave me the impression that men are more trouble then they’re worth, but she didn’t tell me what she got out of the relationship.

You know, a woman has needs? Needs that get more pressing, when you get to middle age, and your biological clock starts ringing. Demanding another baby, which you need a man for. I didn’t know anything about that, yet.

I was about to find out, but he asked me: “You want to see?”

“Okay,” so he helped me up. The fire had died down to coals anyway, so they were just glowing, but otherwise, it was dark. He held my hand, and led me back over to the fence. By the shed, we had these pallets mom got from work.

Well, they had to store some stuff, in her shed. Then, they showed up with a pickup truck, and loaded it all up, but they left the pallets where they were. We could stand them up, on the side, and climb them like a ladder to play King of the Hill on the roof. or climb over the fence, which is what they’re leaned up against it for.

Well, Queen of the Hill, or princesses, I guess. You could stand up there, and see all around. Over the fences, and pretend that one day, everything we see would be your’s. He helped me up, but he didn’t get grabby, or anything, that I noticed.

He didn’t get that scary look, the creepy one, that gave me nightmares ever since that man sneaked up behind mom, to see me in bed. Then, he climbed up after me, and sat down, but we didn’t say anything for a while. Just sat next to each other, quietly. It was nice, but then pointed at the kitchen window.

“Look.” Mom was in the kitchen, holding the refrigerator open, then she stood up, with 3 beers, and closed the door. In her underwear, I think I shivered a little, because Dennis put his arm around me.

A lot of extra underwear, in addition to her regular bra, and panties. She had on this shear house coat, thingy. Which didn’t cover up much, it barely hung down to her waist, and it didn’t have a belt, or zipper to hold it closed. Thigh high stalking, and a belt to hold them up. High heeled shoes, too.

Dennis chuckled, real low, and quiet like, but I didn’t feel the chill any more. “Yeah, she’s sure to get lucky, dressed like that.”

“Huh,” I guess I shivered, because I saw mom standing in the refrigerator door, and i imagined that she wasn’t dressed, very warmly.

I had my PJs on, so I felt the shingles under my butt, and I worried about the dirt. Messing up my pajama bottoms, and maybe sticky tar, because I knew that’s what the shingles were made of. Grit stuck to them with tar, like giant emery boards.

“Look,” then the light came on in the bedroom. Her bedroom, and they came in together. Mom, and this couple, all holding beers, and drinking them. A younger couple, it looked like mom was the oldest one there, but not like teenagers. More like college kids, or in their 20s.

Mom slipped the tiny little see through jacket off her shoulders, and got on the bed. The other lady took a drink, and put her beer down on the dresser. Then, she started dancing, and taking her clothes off, slowly.

“Huh, she’s bisexual.”

I shook my head, but her boyfriend just stood there, drinking his beer, and watching the strip-tease with my mom.

“Oh, she’s going to have sex with them. Both of them?” I was barely aware of sex. As something you do when you get married, but you also fight, and pay bills when you get married. “That must be why they call it that.” I thought for a minute there he said Buy sexual, but then I realized they didn’t dress like a hooker, and a pimp. She danced like a stripper, though. “Bisexual?” I was warm now, so he stopped holding me, and started feeling up and down my back.

He had his other hand on my leg, but he just held it there, and then he started moving his thumb. Rubbing the flannel back and forth, on the top of my leg. “That means that she likes to have sex with men, and women.”

“At the same time?” I shook my head, “How do 2 women have sex?”

“Watch, it looks like you’re about to find out.” Mom had one hand in her panties, but then she felt up her tummy, and squeezed one side of her bra. Turned her head, to stick her tongue out, and lick her nipple, but I don’t think she took her eyes off the stripper lady the whole time. She got on the bed with her, naked, and her boyfriend came around with a camera.

Took pictures of her, sucking on mom’s tit, like a baby. Only a full grown woman, naked, with tits of her own. I guess because she didn’t have ones big enough to lick the nipples herself.
“Huh,” Darren let go of my leg, and squirmed uncomfortably. He had to adjust something in his pants, and he stopped rubbing my back, but I already felt something.

Watching mommy play with herself, I woke up in my underpants, and then when he moved, that made my pajama top brush my nipples. Which were hard, even though I didn’t feel chilly any more. I felt the heat of his body next to me, and it was spreading down my neck, really getting hot between my legs, and he touched one again.

His fingers on the inside, and his thumb on top. “Huh,” Swayed a little, letting go of the shingles behind me, but my heart started beating so hard, and it was getting hard to breathe. I took his hand, and felt a little thrill up my leg, moving his hand to chase it, and stick it on the front of my crotch.

“Blaire,” I looked over in the dark, but I could barely see anything, except the squares of the windows, reflected on the whites of his eyes. “I’m going to kiss you now, okay?”

“Yes please.” I closed my eyes, and puckered up, but as soon as he held his lips to mine, he started moving his hand again. This time, his fingers rubbed the crotch of my PJs into the outside of my panties. “Snh, huh! I can’t breathe.” I tried to take a deeper breath, but it was just ragged, and came back out in gasps. “Huh, I can’t breathe!”

“Sh sh.” He stopped fingering me, though my clothed, but he got my panties inside, so I had to squirm to get the fold to slip out, but that felt good too.

“What’s happening to me?”

“I’m sorry, just lay down, and catch your breath.” He lay down too, with his arm out, so I could pillow my hair on his bicep, but I could smell him, and feel the heat from his body. We just cuddled up there for a little while, until I could catch my breath.

“Huh, huh. Okay, I think the panic attack is over, but.” I reached out, and touched him, through the front of his pants. “Huh!”

I knew that we’re going to have sex, and I was so grateful that he let me calm down, but I knew the basics. Mostly from talking to my friends, other 10 year olds didn’t know much more than I did, but there were older girls, too. Some of my classmates had older sisters, starting puberty, and telling us stories about getting boyfriends, and making out. Necking, heavy petting, and dry humping, mostly. Outside the clothes stuff, but one of them got a hicky on her neck to show off, proudly.

Also, what goes where, and how you get babies inside you to make you pregnant. “HhuhHhuh!” I felt his zipper, and got it open. My hand in there, to feel his warm underwear, and the boyish bulge he had inside it.

I’m touching a penis! I real live teenage boy’s penis, and he’s hard for me. “Huh, what do you want me to do, for you?”

I didn’t want to. Well, I guess I wanted to please him, because he was older, and he showed me all this, weird stuff. I didn’t know that about my own mom, that when she said that she met a man, and it’s too early to tell if he’s the right one, or just some asshole that’s acting nice to get her in bed, and he’s never going to call her back after he gets what he wants.

She lied, because that’s what she usually said, and she didn’t want me to think, that. Well, he had a girlfriend, a bisexual one, that wanted to have sex with her, while he took pictures. “Look.” He pointed, and I sat up. Sideways on the roof, which was slanted, so I could see right in her bedroom, where the girl put something on.

I couldn’t see what, with her back to the window, but I could see her butt sticking out under the belt, with 2 more in a triangle between her legs, so they held her buttocks up. Like a bra, for her butt, I thought.

“You want to try that?”

Meanwhile, her boyfriend felt mom’s legs, and unclipped the top of her stalking, to slide it down her leg. Then the other one, but while he was taking that one off, mom picked her leg up, and pointed her toes at his mouth, so he could kiss them, and suck her big toe.

I shook my head, “You want to kiss my feet?”

“No,” he pointed, “That.” I forgot about the young lady, until she turned sideways, and put her leg up on the bed. Then, she got her other knee up, and straddled my mom’s chest. Both boobs were out of her bra cups, so she could squeeze them around the dildo sticking out of the strapon harness. I didn’t recognize, because I’d never heard of such a thing, but that answered my question real quick.

How 2 women have sex with each other. I shook my head, “I don’t have one of those,” let alone boobs to squeeze around it, but she kept pulling it up. So mom could lick it, suck it, and get it wet to hump in between her tits some more.

“Huh,” he rubbed my hair, and turned my head to look away from the window. Just as the man was getting started on mom’s other foot, but in the mean time, Dennis got his pants open, and his underwear down. He stopped stroking it, and held it up, gently pushing my head closer, and closer…

I shook it, “Huh, I don’t want to see any more of this. Uh, you mind if we climb down now?”

I think I started getting another panic attack, but he just said “Of course not,” and zipped up his pants.

I felt my face, and my neck. Over by the back edge of the roof, with whatever going on behind me, I didn’t want to look. “This is all just so weird, and so much at once,” but I saw his dick. I felt it inside his pants too, and I wanted to have sex. I did, but I was as nervous as ready, and mom didn’t even bother going over to the window. Lowering the blinds, and pulling the drapes over it for privacy.

I shivered again, and Dennis said “I’m sorry.” Behind me, I heard his shoes on the roof, so he didn’t sneak up behind me, but then he touched my arms, and rubbed them.

“Huh!” I turned around, before I got another panic attack, but it was too dark to see his face.

“I pushed you too far, too fast.”

“Just help me down.” He took my hands, and sat down on the edge, so he could hold me dangling over the ground.

I nodded “Just let go on 3. One, two, three. Oof!” I dusted off my hands, and the seat of my pajama pants, but I was worried about the tar for nothing. Of course, it was after dark, and not broad daylight, so the shingles weren’t heated up, to make the tar sticky again.

I heard him jump down, the other side so I ran around, before he climbed up the fence. “No, don’t go, I want you to stay, and keep me company.” I’m almost ready for sex, I can feel it, and if he leaves me like this, well then I’d have to figure out how to play with myself, on my own, for one thing.

For another thing, I had all these feelings I couldn’t sort out, fighting over my heart, my brain, and some other things I couldn’t name, deep down, below my tummy. I could feel them, waking up, stretching and yawning inside, for the first time, but I had very little idea what to do with them.

“Come on,” I took his hand, “Why don’t you join me in the tent?” I only had the 1 sleeping bag, but I knew that, we weren’t going to be sleeping together. They said that, instead of having sex, but all the way back, he led my hand. It wasn’t far, but we took our time. He took it slowly, like when he offered me a blowjob, he asked me nicely, and gave me plenty of time to back out.

But I thought about him, what we’re going to do, but also how young I am. Getting older, a period, tits, and him getting a car, so he can take me out to dinner. Maybe catch a movie, then a long drive to find some place to park, and get in the back seat.

“Huh,” I crawled in, and pulled the sleeping bag back, to feel around the books, and the flashlight I brought to reed them. Also, for something to put my head up on, not as soft as a pillow, but at least I wouldn’t wake up with my neck hurting, from sleeping like that.

I turned it on, and handed it to him. Then, I rolled over, and tried to unbutton my top. You know, all sexy like, but there wasn’t any room for me to get up and dance. Try to dance like that, when I didn’t really have anything to show.

So, he shined the light up in my eyes. “Uh!” I held my hands up to block it, and shook my head.

“I’m sorry, but you’re so beautiful. Has anyone ever told you how pretty you are before?”

“Not a boy like you.” I kicked his hand gently. “Huh, let me see your face, and look at me.” I finally got the last button open, so I just pulled my arms out, and lay back, topless. “You look handsome, too.”

I didn’t know what handsome looked like, but he just gave me a big compliment, so I wanted to say something back, he might like. Handsome was just the best word I could come up with, because “Not scary” wouldn’t have the same ring to it.

“Just look at me.”

“Okay,” he shone the light back down, so his head was in shadow again, but at least he didn’t shine it in my face again. I decided that he didn’t have that look. He just smiled, and even holding the flashlight up, as if to tell a scary story. I just waited for the panic to set in, like the last time, when he came up behind me, and he said he was sorry, but.

“Huh, I don’t care, I want to see your dick again.” All that stuff about going on dates, dinner, and a movie, driving out to the Hollywood sign, and looking out over LA, I guess. Most of that came from movies, but even if they’re R rated. Maybe you’d get to see some boobs, but that’s it. They never showed the man’s dick, but when he got his pants open again. This time it wasn’t hard, it flopped out, and he pulled his nuts up, to tuck his wasteband under there.

“Uh,” he picked it up to start pulling, “Just a sec.”

“Huh!” I got my pajama pants down pretty quick, and kicked them off, but I had to take the flashlight, and shine it down between my legs. To look at my underwear, it wasn’t my favorite pair, but Cinderella was in the dirty laundry, and Jasmine was clean. So, they were blue/green, but they had pink stitching, and she was holding up the lamp, for some reason.

I don’t know why, she never got the lamp in the movie, but maybe just to remind you that she’s in Aladin. Or maybe, she got ahold of Jafar’s lamp, so she could rub it whenever she wanted him to do Her bidding! “And your beard,” she said, “It’s so… Twisted.” Except it was the gold one, in the picture, and not Jafar’s brass one, but a girl can dream.

I giggled, “Uh, can you touch me there again? Like you did before I got my pants off.” I looked back behind him, and shook my head. “You better close the door first.”

He touched me, but he didn’t start rubbing them again, before I made him zip up the tent. Just in case mom got done in there, no idea how long it would take, to finish, whatever they moved onto after the chest humping, toe sucking, weird freaky foreplay they were into, but I had a pretty good idea where that was going.

That was shaped like a dick, and sticking out of that weird black assless underwear like a dick, so put 2, and 2 together to make sex. Or maybe 1, and 2, those underwear were assless, so while she was bent over between her legs, the man could put down the camera, take a swig of beer, and drop his pants to get on behind her.

“Oh, huh!” I took his hand, and moved it up, to the top of my panties. “Inside now.”

“Huh, okay.” He slipped his fingers in. “They’re really warm on the outside, but even hotter on the inside.”

I stopped him, “Not all the way in yet.” I picked up the flashlight, and shown it on his face. “I’m not ready for that yet.”

He winced, but he didn’t turn away. He looked down, seriously. “Okay.” He nodded, and started inching his finger. His middle finger, while the other two rubbed up and down the outside.

“Oh,” I dropped the flashlight, and felt up his leg, for something else to grip. “Yes, just like that. Just keep rubbing me like that.”

“Tell me when you want to go faster.”

“I will,” but I sniffed it first.

“Don’t worry, I just took a shower.”

So, it’s clean, but I stuck my tongue out first, and wiggled it around. Until I felt it touch the bottom. The end bumped my nose, but I managed to lick up the bottom.

“Pt! You didn’t rinse very well. Pt pt!”

“Sorry, I was in a hurry.”

“Huh, don’t stop.”

“Okay,” he went back to inching his finger inside. Well, In my panties, but just inside the outside? That just reminded me of the dong, squeezed between mom’s tits, glistening wet with spit, and shook my head, but I was curious if I’d get used to the taste, or if I used enough spit, maybe it would rinse off, but I just got used to the taste.

“Huh, yeah. That feels good, and your mouth is so warm, and soft.”

“Mhn!” I nodded, but he popped up.

“Watch your teeth.”

“Sorry, but you think it’s wet enough to stick it.” I pulled his hand out, “You know, where it goes.”

“We can try that, but you’re not on your period?”

I shook my head, “I haven’t started that yet, so I don’t have to worry about getting pregnant.”

Yet, but even though my head was telling me, that wasn’t a good idea. My body felt like that had to be the best idea ever. It had a mind of it’s own, I never even knew about until it woke up, stretched, and yawned, hungry for something it couldn’t have, yet.

“Uh! Stop.”

“Let me try something.” He picked me up by the butt, and licked his tongue up. Right where his dick head had just been, and his finger only a moment earlier.

“Ihneahuh!” I shook my head, but he stopped. “No, don’t stop do that again. Some more, do it faster, ah huh! Hhihnheahuhuh!”

It was just so dirty, and funny, wet, and squishy. It made his finger feel like a dead fish, or something even grosser, but this. This was so dirty, and naughty, but if he thought it was gross, because I hadn’t had a bath since this morning, and I didn’t count how many times I peed since then. Yeah, I wiped it dry, but I didn’t wash it again, and the dried pee probably really builds up over a day.

I smelled it sometimes, when I didn’t bother putting my clean clothes up. So it got all mixed up on the floor, and I had to pick them up, to sniff them. Not like a pantysniffer freak, just like a shirt, to see if it smells like detergent, or dried pee. I felt them brush my elbow, where he left them when he pulled them off, and for some reason, I decided to pick them up, and hold them over my nose.

“Snh, huh!” I didn’t know what that extra smell was, but I figured out, right away, why pantysniffer freaks did that. “Huh, smell that?” I held them up, and he put me down. “Can you smell my privates in my panties?”

“Snh, huh.” He smiled, and shook his head.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s a little late for that. The best time to smell your panties is before I eat you out.”

“Oh, what’s it taste like?”

“I don’t know, nothing else I ever tasted, but I like it.”

“Well,” I thought, “Maybe washing it out before you come over for sex isn’t the right thing to do.”

“Well, I wasn’t planning. I mean, so soon, I had hoped that maybe, when you’re a little older.”

“I can’t wait for that, so.” I pointed down, “Can you try it again?”

It wouldn’t fit. I was still too tight, and he was too big. We had hoped that maybe if we kept at it, I might loosen up enough, but it didn’t take long for me to feel the bone around it, with my fingers. Of course, I had a butthole to go through the same hole too, so.

“Huh, it’s just not going to fit.” I gave up.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“Oh no, don’t be sorry for having a big dick. That’s not something for you to be sorry about.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. So, what do you want to do now?”

“Cuddle? You don’t smoke do you.” I hoped not.

“I quit.” I just heard that some people like to smoke after sex. Or sometimes, they came back from commercial break, and they were in bed. Sharing a cigarette together, but she kept her bra on, because it was daytime TV.

“Then what’re the matches for?”

“Because I saw you setting up the tent, so I thought you might like a campfire.”

“Yeah, that was nice.” I hugged him. “This is nice too.” I kissed his cheek. “Thanks.”

He didn’t get an orgasm, and me neither, but I guess I hadn’t heard about those by then, because I didn’t expect it.

“No problem.” I wouldn’t be 10 years old forever…

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