Neighbour looks

So 4 week ago I took a day off and I went shopping bought new clothes and other stuff. Got back home. Did a bit of sorting out my garage. Then went upstairs for a shower.

As I was going out on the night. I came out the bathroom and I’ve honestly never realised that standing on my landing. The neighbour behind can see in from their back bedroom. So I’m on the landing where I’d put my new clothes. Stark bollock naked and I look up and there’s a female in the window from the house behind. I quickly go into my bedroom thinking how many times had I been naked over the last 6 months of moving in on the landing. I go out and get in around 1am with takeaway. I wake up the next morning go to the bathroom and in there I remember the neighbour and that I’d just walked about nude again. I went to work came home and intrigued about the neighbour. I went upstairs and into my bedroom I then came out and sheepishly looked and there she was stood in her bedroom watching me. I haven’t let on I know she watches me. 6Pm home from work she’s there anytime after 9pm she’s there. Problem is she has obviously seen me naked a lot without me knowing but now I know. I can’t stop doing it. I get hard and walk from my bedroom to the bathroom knowing she is watching me. Then it dawned on me that she could see into my bedroom. So I bought new wardrobes and bed I needed them anyway. And I set my bedroom up so that she could see my bed. A couple of hours later I went upstairs into my bedroom and nervous knowing what I was going to do. I got undressed and sat on my bed and played with myself. I had a sneak look and she was stood there. Not in the window a few steps back. I’ve only done that once. Last week I told a buddy of mine about her and he said she probably wants you to catch her looking… I said don’t be daft he said you ain’t got nowt to lose. She might do a show for you… But it turns me on obviously I hadn’t told him I liked it and if I caught her she might stop… So I thought on the way home what have you to lose. So I decided I was going to look at her and not take my eyes off her whilst naked in my bedroom. That night I went upstairs and had a shower. Walked into my bedroom and turned and looked directly at the her. She put her head down then looked back up and I was still looking at her. She opened her bedroom door and the landing light was on and she took off her jumper to reveal a bra then she closed the door. The night after she took off her top and tracky bottoms and that was 5 days ago and I’ve nor seen her since. But I told my buddy and he says she’s making you sweat and to catch her like she did with you.

It’s driving me crazy waiting and watching. If she’s making me sweat to see her naked. How long will I have to wait!