New school

Why the fuck do we have to live in the dump” my sister screamed from the top of her lungs. I think dump was taking it too far we had to move after mum and dad divorced. She was caught fucking the tennis pro at the country club, my step dad found out and well there ya go, nice house private schools all gone just because mums a slut.

“It isn’t that bad” I replied to her bellow.

“look twat head” her venom rounded and found me “ as if you would know, remember before mum hooked up with our now ex dad ,I was the one who lived in a poxy council estate not you ,wait till we get to the school, bound to be a dump as well”

My stunning looking 16 year old sister, her of the no brains big tits.long blond hair and lip stick variety ,was fucked she had been the queen of mean at our old school, some how she had made it to the top of the pile, no doubt aided and abetted my our now ex step dads money and contacts. To me she looked out of sorts and frightened

I will admit I miss the house and grounds, but I never ever felt like I fitted with the country club set, not really. But my mum and sister had revelled in it they out shone every one both looking stunning ,my ex step dad was like a cat who had the cream when they both escorted him to a function he loved to show them off .my mum was just 30 now having my sister at 14 and me two years later at 16 even so she had worked her ass off, our dad or dads she would never tell us, where never on the scene , she was in her prime and was an older I thought wiser version of my sister . Obviously the tennis pro incident had some what changed this idea a bit.

She had snared my ex dad by being his secretary ,he was a 50 year very highly educated solicitor who had his own practise ,but a bit well a lot of a nerd ,he never stood a chance against my mum ,she spotted him plotted him ,heated him cooled him down till he was putty in her hands and knowing mum fucked him till he begged to marry her when she was a still a hot 20 something..

We did have a really good ten years, living the high life wanting for nothing, well apart from mum wanting more sex, why she chose to do it so close to home I have no idea. So here we are mine and sis’s first day at school, in ill fitting school uniforms on our way.
The school looked formidable, one of those sink estate nightmares I used to watch documentaries about and as we walked through the gates I could feel eyes upon us.

“Just who the fuck are you two?” looking up from my shoes was a tall very black girl with short hair and deep brown eyes “I said who the fuck are you two are you deaf or stupid?”

“Ignore them Kevin just keep walking, we have to report to reception” my sister said ,before a hand was placed on both of our chests.

“well lardie fuckin a da ,ignore them Kevin ,ignore me bitch just who do you think you are with your shit smells better than mine, grab them girls we need to show this bitch who is in charge around here.”

We where marched inside a small crowd of girls towards an open red door, as we where pushed inside I was held against one wall surrounded by a group. The black girl came over to me and said “you just keep your trap shut and stay still other wise my mate Jenna will make you”, a very large white girl loomed at me at over 6 feet she towered over me one hand on my shoulder .I wasn’t moving

“Now I’m Maz” said the black girl “ I run the girls side here my brother Johnston runs the boys side, we own the school not the teachers or the scum who think they do so respect is due ,before I let you into my school” my sister was struggling against the girls holding her.

“Get your filthy hands off me” she screamed them .Maz stepped forward putting a hand over my sisters mouth , “ hold her girls lets see what we have here” as she said that ,she ripped my sisters blouse open with one strong hand ,buttons popping off exposing her creamy skin,

“Well look at what we have here” my sisters large tits where supported by a very lacy black sexy bra ,even in my fear my cock liked what I saw and was responding “ I have never seen anything as sexy as this ,fuck they must cost a fortune ,think I need to see if they fit me”

As my sister was struggling Maz pulled the bra away from her tits, the large globes firm with no sag, the nipples very brown, Maze’s hands went back to my sisters naked skin ,pulling the nipples making them hard her black long fingers a stark contrast to my sister cream tits, my sister tried to back away but was stopped by the bodies behind her holding her tight ,on a look of command from Maz my sisters blazer was pulled down her back ,along with her blouse leaving just the pushed up bra , Maz grabbed it a knife suddenly appearing in her hand she placed it under my sisters chin.

“Take it off bitch I don’t want to damage my new clothes” my sister reached forward unsnapping the front clasp, a tear forming then flowing down her face as she did so ,handing over the bra she covered her naked tits with her hands ,Maz slapped them away making her expose them to her gaze.

“These are very lovely and the bra is nice as well” Maz said fingering my sisters nipples, laughter all around “I like a nice white girl with young firm tits, my brother is really going to like you but not till we have had our fun hey girls”

Nods of agreement and chuckles of laughter greeted this announcement ,Maz moved in closer grabbing my sisters chin lifting her face kissing her ,forcing her tongue into her mouth ,my cock was straining at my trousers now ,I felt a hand rub it through the cloth ,Jemma looked at me a smiling placing a finger over her lips for silence. I was too enthralled watching my sister being forced beyond her will to do some thing ,I could see the tongue sliding out of Maz,s lips invading my sister ,her other hand was forcing its way down the waistband of my sisters skirt ,rubbing as it went I could see the movement as her hand twisted and turned ,my sister was trying to scream at this ,but her mouth was imprisoned ,the hand rubbing my cock got harder as my excitement grew

I heard a zipper coming down, but it wasn’t mine then my sister skirt pushed down her legs, revealing the black fingers inside my sister panties rubbing her cunt, forcing my sister to open her legs so she could get more access, a couple of the fingers where deep inside my sister I could here the soft squishing sounds as they moved back and forth

“Well you aint a virgin are you posh meat, did you daddy or your brother fuck you or some other posh twat have you over the hay bales,” Maz asked her my sister was weeping but the fight was gone she was leaning back as Maz’s digits’ did there magic, Maz leaned in nuzzling my sisters neck biting her giving her a hicky, my sisters breathing coming fast and ragged now her mouth opened in a silent scream as she came over the hand fucking her ,she collapsed in on herself her tits swollen the nipples hard ,the wetness obvious for all to see as it ran down her open legs.

Now its my turn” my sisters eyes opened wide confusion in them ,she was forced onto her knees in front of Maz , “look up at me” as she was doing this Maz was lifting her skirt I could see the twin dark moons of her ass come into view ,she grabbed the back of my sisters head and forced her mouth onto her cunt ,she lifted one leg so she could grind it down onto the wet mouth , “use your tongue you bitch get it right up there ,yes that’s it right up there I want to feel it right inside me ,how my sister was breathing I have no idea ,to be brutally honest I don’t care my own cock was filling my thoughts now as it was beginning to fill my pants with cum.

Maz was holding my sisters head so tight I thought she was trying to make her go back inside the womb ,her other hand was stroking her own tits as she suddenly groaned and pressed down harder flooding my sisters face with juices ,

“Yes you fucking bitch at least they taught you some thing at posh twats are us” as she was saying this she was still rubbing her cunt against my sisters lovely and another orgasm hit her body .

“now lick me clean I don’t want a smelly cunt walking around school do I” she made me sister lick her for another 5 minutes obviously getting off on the power trip .Maz stood back letting her skirt fall back into place leaning over she kissed my sister on the lips “man I do taste good don’t I ,you girl are going to get used to eating pussy and a lot better at it,”

Maz pocketed my sister’s bra, made her hand her knickers over pocketing them as well, “Good girl you won’t need these I like access to my playthings, and I have arranged for me an you to be in the same class. Turning she looked at me “and you little man have been very good, did Jemma take care of you she does like a little bit of cock now and again ,me I’m not partial but my brother, he is a different story ,you will be meeting him soon ,now little slut you get yourself dressed and report to registration ,on second thoughts I’ll come along with you introduce you to the head mistress she will be pleased to meet you .

With that, after my sister was dressed we all left I found myself holding Jemma’s huge hand in mine as we walked towards the reception, Maz had her hand on my sisters bum just casually as one would hold a lead for a pet, my sisters eyes where downcast,not looking at people as they passed ,the story of the mornings fun was already making its rounds.

Maz leaned over into my sisters ear and I head her whisper “remember slut you are mine to do with as I please just remember that and life for you will be ok ,If not then well there are other ways we will make you play” I could see the hand squeezing hard on my sisters cheeks

Amazingly my sister replied “I promise to be good, and will try my best to learn but will you please call me Jane not slut” Maz’s smile split her face “you will have to earn that privilege slut will do for now”

With that we walked into the reception to meet the head mistress.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅