oh brother

lots of parts to this story, but none are short of what you want to read. I’ll have you wanting more I promise.

like all things, we learn about relations through our friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends and even animals.

When I was young I found myself mostly learning from my friends. With no access to the internet like kids have today we had to learn for ourselves.

My first house I lived in we had a massive trampoline in the backyard & a treehouse that was so tall & very well hidden within the branches—the only accessible entrance was a ladder, where one must climb up to get inside.

One summer day my best friend Julia came over. We jumped on the trampoline, hung around the backyard & just did what girls do—we began to talk.

We started on how strict my parents were. Never letting me use the internet. Never allowing me to see certain shows or movies due to nudity or violence. But Julia’s parents were so relaxed compared to mine.

“I can’t believe they got you an iPod touch for your birthday!” I said to Julia, “can we play with it?”

“I’ll be shocked if your mom doesn’t confiscate it.” Julia responded laughing.

“No no she wouldn’t! I swear!”

“Wow thinking about it your parents are strict, I could even watch porn on here if I wanted to & my parents wouldn’t say a thing!” Julia kept laughing.

But in my head I could not understand. What was porn? I didn’t want to ask, so I just left it alone. But I did want to ask one thing, has Julia ever seen what a make out was? I heard about it in class, and I know what a kiss is, but how does one do that?

Sheepishly I ask, “Well if there’s one thing can we look up how to make out, everyone at school talks about it & I just don’t know what it means?”

Intrigued Julia responds, “Of course, hell I’ll show you how it works after. We can go up in the treehouse, so your mom won’t see us.”

Julia pulled up the video & it was like nothing I had ever seen. Tongues & kissing & hair pulling, wow. I was excited.

When the video ended Julia grabbed my hand and led me running to my treehouse. She climbed up the ladder before me, and I could see right up her skirt as she did. I had never seen anyone else’s privates. I stared at her cotton white panties where I could make out the shape of her lips through them. A few hairs too, but I did not have any of those? What was that about?

But before I could think anymore we were now at the entrance. We sit right on the floor in the corner where I could see if my mom was coming out of the little window in the wall.

Here goes nothing.

“First,” said Julia, “show me how you kiss normally.”

She leaned over & kissed me, softly at first. A light peck on the lips. I was pleased with myself—that was easy, maybe this won’t be too hard.

“Are you ready? Just follow my lead, keep your mouth a little open & mirror what I do.” said Julia.

I parted my lips & let her kiss me, then her tongue slid in my mouth! A weird feeling at first but then I began to really enjoy it. Our tongues circled back & forth. Julia pulled my hair lightly. & we just engulfed ourselves in this kiss. I had never felt anything like it. Something was happening to my privates—it felt like a little twinge in them, but it felt so good. I wanted more.

Julia pulled away, “how was that? did you like it?”

I replied, “I’ve never felt that before, do you also feel that in your privates?”

“Yes,” she responded, “this time you can touch me. I want you to just put your hands wherever you want.”

Wow I had never done that before. I didn’t even know what to think. I just looked her over for a second. She was definitely an early bloomer. Her boobs filling out a small bra, where I didn’t even wear an A cup yet. I did see her panties earlier, so that made me curious too, what did she look like naked? does she look like me or different?

She began to kiss me again, my hands went & found her breasts. so soft in my hand, I looked for her nipple & rubbed it between my fingers just so I could see if she liked it. I was rewarded with a small moan that sent shivers down to my panties.

She began to feel me too. I didn’t realize that her hand had sunk so low, I wasn’t sure what she was doing but oh it felt so good.

My mom then appeared outside, looking for us. It was time for Julia to go home. All hot and sweaty now, we wiped our faces with our shirts & had a small kiss once more.

“Until next time,” she said, “I’ll watch some more videos and we can try some more things.”

I couldn’t even form words. More?!

The following week Julia comes over again. It’s Friday night, so mom and dad will be out at my older brothers football game. Julia & I never go because we don’t care much for sitting out there in the heat all night.

So we had about 2 hours to ourselves. Julia decided to bring a doll with her, interesting because we haven’t played with dolls in years…

We are sitting on my bed in my room. A cozy big bed with a canopy above it. It’s almost like being a princess. I have little fairy lights ingrained to the fabric, so when you turn the lights off they glow softly creating a magical vibe in the room.

From out of her purse Julia finds her iPod.

“Do you want me to show you now what porn is?”

Excited I responded quickly, “Yes!”

She begins typing in a category, lesbian. I did not realize that in fact we may be lesbians, except I have always liked boys—and now after our escapades I am even more interested in what that would feel like with a man. But Julia was my best friend, it was easy to learn things with her. She knew where I liked to be touched, she made me comfortable.

Julia put on a video of two women, they were kissing like we did. Then they began to undress. One of the women had a hairy vagina. The other was completely waxed. Their breasts were magnificent, one was even spilling milk from hers while the other drank. I wish me and Julia could do that. Then they began to do something i’ve never seen before. One woman stuck her fingers inside the other. It looked like it hurt the sounds she was making. But Julia told me it feels very good that’s why she was making so much noise. The women then began to rub their privates together. I don’t know how it felt good, but they kept going so it must feel like something.

Once the video was over Julia asked me, “Do you want to try any of that?”

I replied, “I would like you to lick me out, and I want to do it to you too.”

Julia began kissing me again like we practiced yesterday. But this time it was different—she was hungry for more. She began feeling all over my body. I couldn’t contain myself. We got undressed quickly. Standing there naked in front of each other. Julia walks up to me & tells me, “lie on your back on the bed, and open your legs.”

I comply & she crawls up to me laying in between my legs. Our skin touching together, I can feel the small hairs on her vagina brushing mine. She begins to feel around my breasts, then she starts licking my hard little nipples. She twirls her tongue around one, while cupping my other in her hand. She begins to suck & I feel I can’t take it anymore. She recedes and kisses down my small frame. Down to my privates. She takes a second to inspect what she is getting herself into.

She sees that I am dripping entirely. She first touches her fingers to my clit. I jump with pleasure. She licks off the juices that are all over her fingers from my slit. She then buries her head between my legs. Lapping at my slit like a little puppy. I am squirming with pleasure, and soon I cum in her mouth. She rises up, accepting her reward.

Julia then says “My turn.”

I then practice the same movements she used on me. But instead of my small boobs she has luscious breasts. I suck and suck, even leaving a hickey on the side. Just so she won’t forget about me.

I then nibble at her slit, and I slide a finger inside. Julia was quite surprised, I could tell from the way she squirmed and moaned. I kept my mouth on her clit & fingered her harder and harder until she came.

Exhausted from our endeavors, we got dressed and cuddled in my bed. My parents arrived home only 20 minutes later. We went downstairs and ate dinner with my family, and pretended like nothing happened at all. I then asked my mom, “Can Julia stay the night?” to which she replied, “Only if you both spend some time with your brother, we haven’t had much family time lately.”

I couldn’t wait. I do tell my brother everything, but since my relations with Julia, we haven’t talked almost at all. I was going to tell him tonight.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅