Orgy in the family kitchen

I came home and found my husband, son and two daughters having an orgy in the kitchen, I was raped and it was all because of a bag of sweets.

I came home from work one day, having stopped off on the way home to do some food shopping, and when I walked in to the kitchen I found my husband fucking our 14 year old daughter Jennifer on the kitchen counter.

As you can imagine, it came as quite a shock and I dropped all the shopping bags on the floor in horror, I screamed very loudly and then noticed movement out of the corner of my eye, something behind the kitchen table, when I looked behind it I saw our 12 year old son Luke getting a blowjob from his 11 year old sister Dana.

“Argh! – What the – what the fuck is going on? – what are you doing?!” I screamed.

My husband paused only to look at me and acknowledge me, “Oh, hi love. How was work?” he asked, as calmly as you like, then he slowly began to fuck Jennifer again.

“Hi mommy.” Gasped Jennifer, her arms and legs wrapped around her father, her bare ass squeaking on the counter top while she was getting pounded.

“Is this a joke?!” I snapped, I walked over my husband and pulled him away from our daughter, “Stop it!” I shouted.

Then my husband grabbed hold of my arms, Jennifer leapt off the counter top, and Luke and Dana rushed over, between them they practically ripped off my clothes and then pinned me down on the kitchen floor.

You can’t imagine how confused I was at this point, my husband and my children were attacking me, raping me, and I had no idea why.

Jennifer and Dana sat on my arms, my husband pulled off my thong and held my legs, then he told Luke to come over, Luke then got on the floor and proceeded to lick out my pussy whilst being praised by his father, a few minutes later, when he forcibly got me wet, he pushed his cock inside my pussy and started fucking me.

They were all laughing, giggling and smiling, it was like this was normal behaviour and they were just having fun, I watched in horror as Dana leaned over me, keeping her knees on my arm, and she began to suck on her father’s cock in front of my eyes.

A few minutes later, Luke bounced on me hard and then I felt him ejaculate inside of me, my husband slapped him on the ass and told him he was a good boy.

Dana stopped sucking on her father’s cock, then Jennifer crawled on her hands and knees over the top of me sideways, and her father began to fuck her up the ass, “Oh my god. What is going on!!!!!?” I screamed.

By the time it got dark outside, my husband and son had fucked me and my daughters, and my daughters and I had ingested several loads of their semen, and I still had no idea why.

I called the police and we were all taken in to custody but after an investigation and various testing they found that a packet of sweets Dana had purchased from a local shop had been laced with a cocktail of illegal drugs which, because they all ate them, caused them to hallucinate, become sexually aroused and seriously impair their judgement, that was the reason for the sordid behaviour that afternoon.