Pay your debt or this Bank will take your wife away. (part 3)

The Shed, a place every slave on the plantation dreaded, and a place a white woman who’s husband owed money to the bank should never go.

Mathew James rose from the table ” my dear” he said looking at his wife, ” I am heading for the shed I wish to speak to Bernard, I trust you will be able to bring our lady guests with you and join me in a few minutes ” . ” Where is the the shed” said Daisy Jefferson rather boldly, “we don’t have any clothes on except theses ridiculously tiny night gowns ” ? James looked at her , slowly broke into a smile and said “it is just a few yards away , no one will see you my dear,” he got up, said Gentlemen shall we go, we can smoke a cigar on the way and discuss your new financial arrangements” , he bowed to his lady guests and the men left the table .
At the Shed James left his guests in the hands of one of the overseer’s and went around the back of the building looking for Bernard. “Bernard, is everything ready “,he said when he found Bernard waitng for the female slaves to arrive.” “It is Sir and the boys are eager to get started, do you want me to bring down your guests,” ” No Elizabeth will bring them down, the gentlemen are already here, did you get old Ned ready” he asked? Bernard laughed, “oh yes Sir “he said” he has been ready for two weeks, I have made sure he has been locked up of a night time and he has been working all day “,poor bastards going crazy wanting to get a bit of Venus Honeypot”.
“Oh bye the way” said Mathew James, ” Mary put no effort into doing the only thing the lazy bitch had to do under the table” any ideas how we could encourage her to do better next time ? Bernard laughed ” I will figure something out “he said.
Mathew James stood outside the back of the barn smoking a cigar, he heard the shouts from John Jefferson and Michael Davis and laughed to himself, he lent against the side of the door as the Adam and McDowell two of the oversee’s came up from the slaves quarters with a line of naked women slaves, they had been washed and prepared for the task ahead, iron collars round there necks they we chained to each others collars, the overseers stopped them in front of Mathew’s .
“Sir said McDowell, these first four are first timers to be bred, the two at the back have been here before but there kids are 2 now so time they was bred again ,should put on quiet a show “he said laughing, “and Mr. Bernard told us to bring Beth and her girl Becca, it’s the girls first time Doc Brown was here this afternoon and inspected them all ,he said Becca was so tight he got his fingers stuck in her,” and he laughed again
Mathew walked to the back of the line, Becca stood there looking at the floor, he ran his hands over her breasts and said ” your Mother has been naughty Becca,” and he walked the three steps to stand in front of Beth. ” You have been naught haven’t you Beth, he said pulling one of her big nipples with his finger and thumb. She didn’t say anything , open your legs he said softly, she shuffled her feet apart and his hand went between her legs, his middle finger pushing between her cunt lips ,it slipped easily into her. He said ” do you think I should punish you or punish Becca for you being naughty Beth ”
“Don’t hurt my little girl Massa please ,don’t hurt my little girl “she pleaded “,it won’t her it was me, punish me but don’t hurt her Massa please, please ,please”.
Mathew James inserted a second finger into her cunt and Beth opened her legs a little more as she felt his third finger entering her, she was dry and she winced a little, as he bent his knees a little before forcing his fingers into her cunt, pulling them out he held them against her mouth and she started licking his finger without being asked.
” Take them inside” he said to the oversee’s, slapping Beth’s butt hard and making her jump , ” take them into the shed and get the first three ready ,and NO Goose grease for any of them I want to hear some singing tonight”
McDowell laughed and pulled a face, “oohh” he said ,”no Goose fat ,this lots all got pretty tight fanny’s Mr Mathews, and some of them boys Jim and David is bringing up is pretty damn big, that new kid you bring in from New Orleans, we had him dancing the other night with old Martha ,she has had more cocks in her over the years than anyone and she caused such a fuss trying to suck him, so we bent her over a barrel and the boy fucked her and she done keep screaming he was ripping her apart the whole time.”
“So I hear said” Mathew, “I am thinking of saving him for my wife Elizabeth, she is beginning to annoy me,spending all her days on the bed with the women house slaves licking her honeypot,I am thinking of taking her back to Orleans and buy me a new Mullatto, I will get me a good price for Elizabeth she almost looks pure white.”
McDowell’s eyes opened wide and he went to say something but bit his tongue, Mathew James laughed, ” don’t worry McDowell he said ,you boys can have for a few days before she goes to the sale, just make sure she can still walk when your all finished with her, now get this lot inside and ready.”


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