Pedoring playtime

Inspired by the stories of “Gracie” to share my own experiences.

Where I’m from there’s these things commonly known as “pedo rings” which is basically a group of middle aged men (sometimes younger) who groom underage girls to be raped and/or sold as sex slaves. The story I’m about to tell started when I was about 10/11 years old.
I was hanging around in a park with some friends when it started to rain and all my friends ran home, I myself was sat under a tree to keep dry because I lived further away. I was approached not too long later by a middle eastern man maybe in his 30’s/40’s. he had an umberella and he knelt down beside me to check I was ok. He offered to walk me home and I said I lived too far. He said he didn’t live far if I wanted to go with him and wait out the rain until I could go home later. (There was more to the conversation that I don’t remember) I walked with him to his house, it was dark inside and it wasn’t very well looked after. (Me going to a private school that didn’t teach sex Ed I had no idea what grooming was) I went inside and there was around half a dozen more men in there about the same age. The man I was with offered me a drink which I accepted, I drank it fairly quickly then started to feel light headed, I passed out just after I started to feel hands touching my legs and thighs.
I wasn’t out for long, but when I awoke I realised I’d been stripped naked, my eyes were covered and still I could tell it was a dark room, I could hear noises in the background which I now know to be porn (probably of me). My legs were sore, my pussy was sore and I could feel sticky stuff all over my body.
A man approached me and took off my blindfold, I began to cry and begged to go home. He told me I belonged with them and that I was their thing to play with. He immediately started touching me again, I tried to resist but he was too strong, he had his penis in his hand and it was hard, it looked huge in my opinion but it was probably 5/6″ long. He spread my legs open and rubbed his penis on me, before pushing inside all the way. I began to cry and realised what they had done while I was passed out.

(Sorry it’s not that exciting to begin with, I was too horny typing this up. If you’d like me to continue then leave some comments and maybe some feedback on things to include? I have other stories to share if anyone has a preference?) my discord is: DirtyGirl#6196 if anyone would like a private chat or anything.

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