Peeking at private pleasure

Another school Monday had ended. Michael Thompson had spent the last few hours of his day trying to convince sixteen-year-olds to care about the American Civil War. The drive home was a short fifteen minutes. The monotonous hum of his car engine lulled him into a dreamy state. His thoughts strayed back to the weekend and Alex Reynold’s eighteenth birthday party. Alex was tall, at least six feet, with a slim, athletic build. His dark hair was always styled perfectly, and his brown eyes seemed to be in a constant state of curiosity.

A few of the neighbors had gathered to celebrate the young man. They ate barbequed ribs and drank cheap beer from plastic cups. It was an enjoyable occasion for the neighbors attending, but to Alex it seemed to be more of a social obligation. He barely touched his food and mumbled one-word answers to the guests’ questions.

Michael couldn’t help but notice the young man’s restlessness. He assumed Alex would have much preferred a party with his friends, rather than neighbors and close living family. Alex’s mood noticeably shifted though, when his parents announced their gift: he finally got the space above their garage as his new room. The newfound independence and freedom glimmered in his eyes. He’d have a separate space that finally belonged to him.

The garage was detached from their house. A narrow alley of driveway separated the two structures. The long window, facing out towards Michael’s house, would finally put distance between him and his parents. That Sunday it also allowed Michael a front row seat to Alex moving his stuff into his new private space.

Finally, Michael pulled into the driveway and entered the house. He dropped his bag on the kitchen table, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and headed toward his home office. It was a small room, almost completely covered with books. Two of the four walls were nearly floor-to-ceiling shelves, bursting with novels, some well-thumbed, others untouched. The desk faced the window, overlooking the neighbors’ house.

With a sigh, he sat down at his desk and started to grade the history test his students had taken last week. He had intended to finish them on Friday night, but he fell victim to the allure of a new Netflix series. After thirty minutes of scribbling grades and comments on the exams, the letters on his glasses gradually became unfocused. On autopilot, he reached for his bottle of water and took a deep drink, hoping it would counteract his grogginess.

His gaze drifted outwards, and through the window he had a profile view of Alex sitting at his desk. Michael assumed he was doing some homework. He couldn’t blame him – college applications loomed on the horizon, and his parents would expect nothing less than perfection. Alex’s gaze was fixed on his laptop screen as Michael realized his mistake: he wasn’t doing homework at all. Instead, Alex’s hand was grasping himself over his pants. Michael swallowed, surprised by the sight before him. It was a strange feeling to suddenly see Alex like this, to be so suddenly catapulted into his private life.

He felt like a trespasser as he watched Alex unbuckle his belt and shove his pants down, revealing dark pubes and an already stiff cock. It was a very impressive piece of male anatomy, larger than Michael had expected for a slender 18-year-old. Michael’s breath quickened as he watched the young man’s hand wrap around his swollen cock and start to stroke. He could almost feel the heat emanating from the hard flesh, and his own dick twitched in response as he observed Alex’s long slow movements up and down the shaft.

Alex paused for a moment, reaching up to grab the hem of his t-shirt. In one swift motion, he pulled it over his head, revealing a toned hairless chest. His hand went back to his cock, continuing his rhythmic stroking.

Michael’s eyes were glued to the window, unable to look away as his own cock grew harder in his pants. He reached down to touch himself, letting out a low moan as his fingers made contact with his throbbing dick. Michael felt a thrill of excitement and shame run through him as he watched the young man continue to touch himself.

Alex’s movements became more deliberate, his grip tightening as he moved his hand up and down his cock. Michael couldn’t help but mirror his actions, reaching down to touch himself through his pants. He watched as Alex used one hand to touch his balls, massaging and pulling them as he continued to stroke himself.

Michael felt a thrill of excitement and shame run through him as he watched the young man continue to touch himself. He could see Alex’s chest rising and falling as he began to breathe harder, faster. Unable to resist the temptation, Michael unzipped his trousers, releasing his own aching length. He wrapped his fingers around it and groaned silently at the first touch. The tip of his cock was already beaded with precum, signaling his arousal. Michael felt like he was intruding on something private, something sacred, but he couldn’t bring himself to look away. His own hand moved faster, matching the rhythm of Alex’s movements. He could feel himself getting close, his breath coming in short gasps as he watched the young man before him.

Suddenly, Alex’s movements became more urgent, his hand moving faster up and down his cock. Michael’s own hand mimicked the action, moving just as quickly as he watched the young man before him. He could see the tension building in Alex’s body as he got closer and closer to his release. Michael’s breath came in short, sharp gasps as he felt his own orgasm building.

Then, with a final, hard pull on his dick, Alex came. His cum shot out of his cock, landing on his chest and stomach. Michael watched in amazement as the young man continued to stroke himself, drawing out every last drop of his release. His body shuddered with each spurt, and his mouth fell open as he gasped for breath.

Michael was amazed at the sheer volume of Alex’s release. He could see it covering Alex’s chest and stomach as he felt his own orgasm overtake him at that moment. His cock throbbed in his hand, and with a few more quick strokes, he came. Streams of cum shot out of his dick, landing on the floor in a messy display of pure release. Michael’s body shuddered as he came, and he leaned back in his chair, gasping for breath.

He couldn’t believe what had just happened. He had just watched his neighbor’s son masturbate and had come in his own pants while doing so. He felt a mix of guilt and excitement wash over him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little bit ashamed of his actions.

Alex looked completely spent. His chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath, and his still hard cock rested on his stomach, still covered in his release. Michael watched as Alex slowly got up from his chair and made his way over to his dresser, his large dick swaying left to right as he moved. As Alex started cleaning himself, Michael quickly zipped up his pants and got up from his chair, feeling like he had just been caught doing something wrong.

A shiver ran down Michael’s spine as he imagined the young man looking out the window and catching him in the act. The thought made his cock twitch again, and he shook his head to clear it. He couldn’t let this become a habit. It was wrong on so many levels, and he knew he should stop before things got out of hand. But even as he chastised himself, he couldn’t help but feel a thrill of excitement at the thought of watching Alex again.


Michael Thompson hurried home, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and guilt. The night before, he had caught a glimpse of something sensual, something wild, and he desperately wanted to see it again.

His thoughts wandered to the exciting vision from the previous night—saw Alex, the neighbor’s son who just turned 18, stroking his magnificent 8-inch cock with such finesse and intent. The raw, youthful sexuality displayed dazzled him and left him wanting.

Michael never had any reason to doubt that he was straight. However, the feelings that surged through him were not ones he could easily dismiss or ignore. He couldn’t deny that he kept reliving the exciting vision from the previous day. He couldn’t deny the arousal he felt as he witnessed Alex, the neighbor’s son who just turned 18, stroking his magnificent 8-inch cock. Nor could he deny the desire to watch him again.

As he parked his car, he glanced at the window of the space above the garage where Alex now resided. He quickly walked to his front door and let himself in. Tossing his keys onto the hallway table, he rushed to the home office. Michael took his seat behind the desk, ensuring it was positioned perfectly in front of the window, giving him a direct line of sight into Alex’s space. He glanced at his watch, watching the minute hand tick by, as he awaited the possibility of a repeat performance.

Michael couldn’t help but notice his own body reacting in anticipation. A shiver ran down his spine, his heart pounded in his chest, and a familiar warmth began to build in his lower body. Michael’s 7 inches hardened at the thought, creating a bulge in his pants that was difficult to ignore. He shifted slightly, trying to alleviate the growing pressure. It had been far too long since he had engaged in any sexual activities, leaving him more vulnerable to the arousing scene than he previously realized. A part of him felt guilty for his eager longing to witness such a private moment again, but it couldn’t quiet the thrill, the excitement that bubbled uncontrollably deep within him.

In his peripheral vision, he caught the familiar silhouette of Alex striding toward the garage. Soon enough, the door opened and Alex walked in. Michael couldn’t contain the fluttering deep in his core. His hands gripped the edge of the desk. Alex wandered around the room, grabbing a few books and settling on his bed in a lazy sprawl. He ran his fingers through his wavy black hair, pushing it away from his face as he thumbed through the pages. Michael noticed Alex’s other hand move from the book, clearly adjusting himself in his lap. His heart raced at the implication, as Alex pressed his hand against the growing bulge in his pants.

Then, his fingers absentmindedly trailed to the waistband of his pants; he shifted and squirmed as if weighing whether or not to give in to the temptation. Michael leaned closer to the window, sensing the momentary indecision and hopeful for what it might bring. To his sheer delight, Alex began slowly pulling the zipper down. Michael’s pulse quickened, his breaths grew shallower, and the bulge in his pants became even more apparent. All rational thought escaped him as he stared, unblinking, through the window that now felt electrified with the intense anticipation of what was about to come.

As if pulled by an invisible string, Alex lifted his hips and wriggled free from his jeans. The tantalizing image of Alex’s long, muscular legs emerged from the confines of his jeans. Freed from the restrictive denim, his cock clearly tented the light gray fabric of his boxers, asserting its presence with unabashed desire. Michael felt his heart slamming in his chest, his mouth turning dry, and his hands gripping the chair’s armrests in earnest anticipation.

Without hesitation, Alex shifted again, bringing one hand to his waistband and slowly tugging it downward. Michael swallowed hard, as the first delicious glimpse of the teen’s cock emerged. Slowly, languidly, Alex pushed his boxers down, revealing his thick, proud 8 inches in its full glory. The cock jutted out confidently, the velvety mushroom tip showing a slight purple tint. Unable to resist the magnetic pull of the spectacle, Michael almost unconsciously reached down, unzipping his pants and freeing his own erection.

Alex’s slender fingers wrapped around his cock, his long digits barely able to fully encircle it. With a leisurely grip, he began to tug, his hand sliding from base to tip before reversing direction. Michael mimicked the action on his own cock, their rhythm syncing together despite the distance separating them.

Alex’s eyes fluttered shut as his hand moved along his length, each tug and pull eliciting a soft, guttural groan. The eroticism of the situation settled over Michael like a sultry mist, dark eyes glued to the beautiful boy next door, skin flushed with arousal as he eagerly indulged in his own pleasure.

Michael could see every detail of the teen’s body, from the veiny bulge of his shaft to the smooth skin of his balls that hung between his legs. He could nearly feel the warmth radiating from Alex’s body, matching the firestorm building in his own loins. The only two things that existed in Michael’s world were the pulse of his own hand and the fluid motion of Alex’s. His heart raced, and veins bulged at the base of his cock as it begged for release.

Alex’s hand moved faster, and his balls bounced lightly against his legs. His expression contorted in pure ecstasy. Michael matched his speed, their mutual pleasure pulsing through the air in a sensual dance. He could hardly believe the taboo situation unfolding in front of him: watching his teenage neighbor stroke his massive cock with wild abandon, all while Michael succumbed to the temptation of indulging in his own carnal desires.

Suddenly Alex’s hand froze around his erection. Michael’s eyes darted up, immediately noticing that the teen’s gaze fixated on his office window. A flood of fear and guilt washed over him, as he instinctively pulled away from the sight, heart now pounding with a tangible force.

Not a minute later, Alex appeared in front of the window, fully dressed. After one more look towards Michael’s office, he closed the curtains. And that was it. As abruptly as it had begun, the show ceased, leaving Michael feeling disoriented and mildly panicked. Would there be consequences? How would he face Alex after this? These were the thoughts that flooded Michael’s mind as he sat alone in his office, the heavy curtains now blocking his view of Alex’s room.

From that day on, every day after school, Alex always closed the curtains promptly the moment he arrived home. Michael found he couldn’t keep himself from peeking at the window every now and then, even if only to see it remaining closed. Despite his disappointment, Michael knew he should be glad that there didn’t appear to be any consequences. No one came to confront him about his voyeurism.


A few days later, Michael found himself, once again, stationed at his desk, painstakingly grading history papers. Teaching may be a calling, but he was sure no one felt “called” for the seemingly endless grading work.

He sighed, occasionally glancing out his window toward the neighbors’ house. His heart rate quickened as he spotted Alex bounding up the driveway after school. Before long, Alex entered his room and closed the curtains.

Michael had come to expect it by now. Yet, that didn’t stop a twinge of frustration building in him each time Alex closed the curtains before undressing. Michael tried to refocus on the stack of papers, but his students’ prose seemed even more lackluster than usual.

His gaze drifted back to Alex’s window. The curtains remained resolutely drawn. Why did this teen have such a hold on him? Why was he drawn so much to seeing him pleasure himself that he felt as if he was going through withdrawal symptoms? He couldn’t wrap his head around it.

He tried to focus his attention back on the assignments, but his imagination scattered to images of Alex sprawled out on his bed, body glistening with sweat, utterly lost in the moment. Exhaling, Michael shook his head, forcing those thoughts back into their sealed corners of his mind.

He scanned the pages in front of him, reading the same paragraph at least three times before he was certain of its content. The words didn’t come together to form a complete picture today. The more he tried to concentrate, the more the image of Alex, exposed and vulnerable, beckoned him.

Again he caught himself glancing at the window. Michael froze: the curtains were open and Alex was standing in front of his window, shirtless. Caught off guard, Michael could feel his heart racing. The seconds stretched into an eternity as Alex’s hand slowly moved toward the waistband of his pants. A sudden rush of adrenaline coursed through Michael’s veins as Alex unbuttoned his jeans and began to slowly lower the zipper. Michael swallowed hard as Alex looked directly into his eyes, holding his gaze without wavering.

The teen slid his pants down, exposing himself further in full view of Michael’s prying eyes. There was a defiant raise to his brow, as if challenging Michael to stare. The wanton invitation sent a fresh surge of desire through Michael’s core, like a lightning bolt igniting his soul. Alex’s pants dropped, leaving him in just his underwear. He stood, boldly displaying himself for Michael’s hungry gaze. The boy’s naked skin taunted him, and his heart hammered inside his chest. Michael swallowed hard as he took in the sight of Alex in nothing but his tight, form-fitting underwear. He could see the clear outline of Alex’s more than impressive manhood outlined in Alex’s boxerbriefs. His erection pointed to the right, the tip extending past his leg.

Then Alex slipped his boxerbriefs down, slowly, teasingly. Pulled down with the slowly receding underwear, Alex’s manhood was gradually revealed, inch by inch. At last, his cock sprang free, magnificent and erect, a fat 8-inch monster of a teenager’s desire. Michael couldn’t help but trace the teenager’s length with his eyes, unable to contain the awe and excitement that bubbled within. A shiver of delight coursed through Michael as he drank in the sight of Alex’s arousal.

Unable to resist, Michael’s hand inched towards the waistband of his trousers. Alex remained unflinching, returning Michael’s ravenous gaze stare for stare, challenging the middle-aged man to succumb to his carnal desires. Michael quickly stripped out of his own clothing. Uncertain about his body compared to the perfection of youth Alex exhibited, Michael couldn’t help but feel exposed as he presented himself to Alex.

His uncertainty was quickly forgotten when Alex grabbed hold of his cock, casually running his hand up and down the length of it. As Alex began to stroke himself, Michael followed suit, his hand gripping his 7-inch erection. He lost himself in the decadent display, enjoying the thrill of masturbating next to the young man’s bedroom window. Alex’s body was smooth and hairless, his muscles tensed and relaxed as he massaged his rod. Each movement he made was fluid, as if rehearsed for an exclusive audience. Long, slow, deliberate strokes sent his 8-inch cock surging and retreating with each pass. He bit his lower lip, eyes locked on Michael, challenging him to keep pace.

Michael complied, carefully replicating Alex’s tempo as he slid his hands up and down the length of his own 7-inch cock. He watched, transfixed, as the teenager’s fingers trailed from base to tip, spreading a sheen of pre-cum as his shaft swelled even larger. Their eyes never broke contact. Through the window, Alex held Michael’s mesmerized gaze, occasionally allowing a playful smirk to flit across his lips before disappearing just as suddenly.

The younger man increased the pace of his strokes, a calculated decision to push Michael to his limits. But the history teacher refused to be left behind, standing his ground in this dance of desire, cock in hand. A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, distraction enough for Alex to press on and take advantage of the middle-aged man’s growing vulnerability.

With every pump, Alex pushed himself closer and closer to that edge of ecstasy. A wave of pleasure rolled through him as his speed and intensity increased. The corner of his mouth quirked into a sly smile. He loved the power he held over the man observing him.

The thrill of being watched created a delicious tingle up Alex’s spine, which ultimately intensified as he felt the growing pressure at the base of his cock. It spread from his loins to his fingertips, his toes curling as his balls churned and tightened. Michael could see Alex’s balls draw closer, pulled up and ready to unleash a tide of lust. His own pleasure was steadily building, the head of his cock swelling to a plump, dark shade of purple. Each stroke grew more forceful as his balls drew up tight to his body. Michael gasped, helplessly at the mercy of the teenager’s commanding presence.

Alex sped up, every motion increasing in both speed and intensity. His mouth opened as he moaned or panted, unheard by Michael. The boy’s thrusting hand tightened a little, stroking faster. Michael matched him stroke for stroke, his breath growing raspy at the exertion. His pulse rang in his ears and he could feel himself on a precipice, dangerously close to careening over that edge, hurtling towards a powerful orgasm.

With one final, hard stroke, Alex threw his head back as the pleasure claimed him. His body shuddered, and his cock spasmed, leaving long ropes of cum jetting across the window. Alex pumped out load after load as his abs contracted. Michael was beyond captivated; he watched the young man lose control, each spurt of cum splattering against the windowpane with visceral intensity.

The sight propelled Michael off the cliff’s edge, plunging him headlong into his orgasm. As Alex continued to shoot a seemingly endless volume of semen across the glass, Michael erupted. His seed spurted powerfully from his throbbing cock and coated his window. The obscene amount of Alex’s release dripping from the glass aroused Michael to no end. He groaned, unable to wrench his eyes away from the jaw-dropping sight of Alex ejaculating for all the world (or at least their little suburban street) to see.

As their mutual climaxes began to wane, Alex rested a hand on the window frame and continued to stand naked before Michael. His cock, still engorged, hung heavy between his legs. With a small, satisfied smile, Alex pulled up his boxer-briefs and disappeared from the window. Michael remained, breath still heaving as he tried to steady himself enough to move. His own messy orgasm greeted him on his desk and window with a silent, obscene testimony to what had transpired just moments ago.


The next few days Alex and Michael settled into a secret, exhilarating routine. Every afternoon, Michael would perch at his desk, grading papers as a mere pretense to keep him occupied. Most of the time, his thoughts wandered, the papers a disregarded mound in front of him. Every day he eagerly awaited the moment Alex came home from school. Soon after Alex would appear in front of his window, signaling the start of his post-school ritual.

After checking that Michael was watching, Alex would nonchalantly undress—revealing his taut body and the hardened 8-inch cock jutting out in front of him. Michael, in return, would follow suit, stripping off his own clothes, all while keeping his eyes locked on Alex.

And then it would begin: the mesmerizing dance of their hands gliding up and down their cocks. Every time Michael was drawn in by the deliberate movement of Alex’s hand as he stroked his monster cock. There was something so raw, so uninhibited about the young man’s actions that ached of primal sexuality and freedom—an allure that pulled Michael further in. Alex showed no shame, not an ounce of fear in pleasuring himself, reveling freely in the joy that his body’s reactions brought.

Every flick of their wrists brought them both closer to the edge, with their breaths coming out in short, sharp huffs. Shamelessly, Michael watched Alex’s face twisting in pleasure as he approached his climax. He couldn’t help but feel a thrill knowing that Alex clearly got off from being watched.

Michael’s eyes drank in every detail of Alex’s raw pleasure, captivated by the fluidity of his strong, confident strokes on his slick cock. Each thrust was almost primal in nature, full of a young man’s uncontainable lust. Watching Alex cum—again and again—became Michael’s favorite spectacle. The way Alex’s body shuddered and writhed, his cum flying out in powerful spurts, was an exhilarating sight that left Michael wanting more. He couldn’t help but be impressed and enthralled at the sheer volume Alex consistently produced. The allure of observing the teenager in his most primal and vulnerable moments was intoxicating, almost addictive.

Alex watched just as intently as Michael did. While pleasuring himself, Michael knew the boy next door was taking in the sight of him, cataloging every twitch and tremble of the man’s body. And Michael loved it. He couldn’t remember the last time he had cum several days in a row, but watching Alex and showing off to him seemed to reawaken something inside of the older man.

The fourth day after Alex and Michael started this secretive ritual, Michael again was anxiously waiting for Alex to come home. He found himself checking the clock increasingly often as the time neared for Alex to arrive. Then the doorbell rang and Michael cursed. He considered ignoring it, so caught up in his own world of lust and want. As the bell rang again, he reluctantly moved toward the door.

His annoyance, however, dissipated instantly as he came face to face with his young neighbor. Alex stood at the front door, a sheepish smile playing on his lips. “Hey, Mr. Thompson.”

Michael struggled to respond for a moment, his brain still stuck on the image of the naked Alex Reynolds he’d grown accustomed to these past few days.

“Can I come in?” Alex’s question snapped Michael back to reality. He stepped aside and gestured for Alex to enter.

“Of course! Come on in,” Michael finally said, as Alex stepped inside. Alex walked briskly ahead, looking around. Michael closed the door and followed him at a slower pace, still unsure of what was going on.

Alex walked into the living room and after looking around, dropped his bagpack on the floor. He turned to face Michael, then seemed to hesitate for a moment. Alex’s cheeks were flushed with a slight blush, giving his youthful face a warm glow. For an awkward moment, silence cloaked the air between them as they stood facing each other.

Then, Alex slowly started to unbutton his shirt. Michael’s breath hitched as he took in this unexpected action. Alex undid the last button, allowing his shirt to open up. He slipped his shirt off, revealing his lean chest. Michael’s mouth went dry. This was a sight he had grown accustomed to—the intimate actions of the young man he had been watching, now unfolding right in front of him. When Alex kicked of his shoes, Michael managed to regain his composure.

“Alex, wait.”

With his hands on his belt, Alex froze.

“What is it, Mr. Thompson?” He asked, uncertainty lacing his voice.

“Not here,” Michael answered, pointing to the windows. “Follow me.”

Michael gestured to the hallway and turned to walk to his bedroom. Alex did not say anything, but he followed Michael closely.

“Here we are safe from prying eyes,” Michael said as he closed his bedroom door.

Finally assured that Michael wasn’t instructing him to leave, Alex let out a low sigh of relief, his shoulders visibly softening. He reached for his belt buckle, and unfastened it with a deliberate ease. Neither of them blinked as the sound filled the room, heavy with anticipation.

Taking off his own shirt, Michael glanced at the lump in Alex’s pants. His 8-inch cock was still hidden, but its presence could hardly be denied. Michael’s mouth went dry, as he stared at the noticeable bulge in Alex’s jeans. The thrill of the situation left him both nervous and excited.

Alex smiled knowingly, his gaze locked with Michael’s. Slowly, he lowered his zipper, revealing the smooth mound of his stomach as he pulled his jeans down. He wore a pair of white boxer briefs, the fabric hugging his muscular thighs and emphasizing the heavy shape beneath. Michael’s heart thundered in his chest. His own hands trembled slightly as he unbuttoned his jeans, mirroring the way Alex had just done moments earlier. Standing now in just their underwear, they both drank each other in.

As if on cue, they simultaneously pushed their boxers down, letting their rigid cocks spring free at last. With Alex’s cock swaying right in front of him, Michael could see the details that had escaped him the previous days: the veins wrapping around its length, how the skin stretched taut around it. He noticed that his pubic hairs were confined to his pelvis, leaving his balls, cock and inner thighs silky smooth.

Alex, in turn, took a few steps back and reclined on Michael’s plush king-sized bed. His back hit the mattress, and he leaned against the headboard, his dick resting heavily on his abs. Michael quickly climbed on the bed, settling next to Alex. They remained quiet for a moment, the silence between them thick and charged with promise.

Their eyes traced each other’s bodies, memorizing every detail of the masculine flesh before them. Unable to resist any longer, Michael reached out to touch Alex’s thigh. The younger man shivered under his touch and bit his lip, seemingly trying to keep his pleasure in check.

Michael took this as an invitation and slid his hand further upwards. As Michael explored Alex’s body, he felt the young man’s muscles tense and relax beneath his fingertips. Before long, the back of his hand made contact with Alex’s balls. Their eyes met, an understanding passing between them in that moment—there was no going back now. Alex’s gaze was filled with an intense heat, causing Michael’s own arousal to surge.

Michael’s fingertips gently brushed against Alex’s ballsack before he began gently caressing Alex’s balls. He felt their weight underneath his palm, the warmth of his skin and felt Alex’s sac tighten under his touch. His exploration brought them closer, their legs tangling together as they lay on the bed. Michael continued to trace his fingers over Alex’s ballsack, marveling at its softness compared to the obvious hardness of his cock. The younger man’s heavy shaft swelled in response, its bulbous head demanding attention with each caress of his capable fingers. Alex, too, seemed deeply engrossed by the sensations Michael evoked; his eyes fluttered closed as a soft moan escaped his lips.

Seemingly motivated by curiosity—as well as a nearly unbearable want—Michael decided to explore further. Never breaking eye-contact, Michael took hold of Alex’s long, swollen cock. Alex’s breath stuttered as Michael’s fingers wrapped around his manhood and began to explore the warm, smooth surface. As he began to leisurely stroke its length, his thumb brushing over the tip in smooth circles, the teenager’s mouth fell open and a soft gasp escaped him.

The feeling of Alex’s hard shaft pulsing under his touch sent excitement racing through Michael’s veins. He continued to draw slow strokes from root to tip, watching as Alex closed his eyes, his head tilting back in pleasure. Michael hadn’t anticipated the weight of it—how heavy and firm Alex’s cock felt compared to his own. The feeling of holding another man’s hard shaft in his hands sparked something intense and overwhelming within him.

Alex’s hand snaked towards Michael’s erection, closing around the older man’s cock with a firm but gentle grip. Michael’s eyes rolled back, and a soft moan escaped his lips as he surrendered himself to the sensation of Alex’s hand on him. With skill and confidence born from years of self-exploration, Alex began to stroke Michael in long, even strokes. He expertly gripped the base of Michael’s cock, allowing his thumb to graze over the sensitive tip with each pass. Michael quivered under his touch, utterly captivated by the attention he was receiving.

Alex’s grip was firm yet gentle, and his touch felt electric—igniting a whirlwind of pleasure throughout Michael’s body. He couldn’t help but gaze at the young man before him, marveling at the dedication he put into their shared intimacy.

Alex matched Michael’s rhythm, drawing back and forth with a steady motion that left them both panting and writhing in pleasure. Michael glanced down, unable to resist the temptation of watching as Alex’s hand deftly pleasure his 7-inch cock. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the room, accompanied by the slick slide of skin against skin.

Fascinated, Michael marveled at the difference in sensations between his own member and Alex’s. Until only a week ago, Michael had never thought much about another man’s cock before, but now that he was holding one, he found himself captivated. Alex’s cock was incredibly thick, almost an inch wider than his own, and it seemed to throb with a life of its own under his touch. The feeling of such a substantial organ pulsing within his hands was intoxicating.

As Michael continued to stroke Alex’s shaft, his fingers barely able to encircle its girth, he could feel the heat radiating from it. He glanced at the drop of precum, glistening on the tip of Alex’s cock, and grazed his fingers on the slit of Alex’s cock, spreading it along the cockhead, causing the teen’s breath to hitch. He continued to gently squeeze and stroke Alex, delighting in the responsiveness of his hard, young manhood.

They explored their bodies further without shame or hesitation – an unspoken trust forming between them. This unexpected connection deepened as moments turned to minutes, with neither wanting to break this intimate embrace. Alex leaned into Michael, resting his head on his shoulder.

Michael, in return, wrapped his arm around Alex, pulling him closer. The feeling of Alex’s warm, smooth skin against his made his heart race. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so close to someone, so at ease in their presence.

Their low moans filled the room as their hands moving with a familiar ritual that became an expression of mutual trust and desire. Alex’s breath hitched as Michael picked up the pace, fingers tightening around him. Soon after, Michael felt Alex mirror his actions with a renewed intensity that signaled they were both nearing their peaks.

Alex’s moans became louder and more frequent, punctuated by an occasional gasp or whimper. The teenager’s breathing quickened, his back arching as he pushed his hips further into Michael’s hand. Michael’s cock throbbed in time with Alex’s ragged breaths, as he felt himself drawing closer to climax. Their movements became more frantic, mirroring the escalating tension in the room. Michael’s grip tightened around Alex’s throbbing cock, pulling him closer as he quickened the pace of his strokes. He watched with rapt attention as Alex’s face contorted in pleasure, his mouth open in a silent cry, their breaths intermingling as they moved together.

And then, it happened. With one final, desperate thrust of his hips, Alex came undone. The first rope of cum shot out of his cock, landing on his chest in a hot streak. To Michael’s surprise, the second jet of Alex’s cum landed all the way on his lips. The sight of it caused Michael to falter momentarily in his strokes, but he quickly resumed as Alex’s cock continued to spurt. His orgasm seemed to stretch on forever, his cock pulsing in his hand as it kept shooting out ribbons of semen. Alex writhed on the bed in the throes of ecstasy, his climax seemingly unending, ropes of cum landing on his face, chest and stomach. Michael couldn’t help but feel a thrill at Alex’s pleasure—pleasure that he himself had brought about.

The waves of sensation radiating throughout Alex’s body soon eased and his breathing gradually returned to normal. His eyes fluttered open, meeting Michael’s. With a little grin, Alex once again wrapped his fingers around Michael’s cock, eliciting a low moan from the older man.

Michael watched as Alex expertly manipulated his throbbing shaft, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through him. It was only a matter of moments before he too reached his peak. His cum shot out in thick ropes, landing on his stomach and chest. He let out a guttural groan as the waves of euphoria washed over him, each one more intense than the last.

Michael slowly opened his eyes, staring unblinkingly down at his stomach and chest, now gleaming with the slick remnants of his own orgasm. Alex’s hand rested gently on Michael’s thigh. Michael smiled weakly at the adolescent, then glanced down at his chest. His cock had lost its hardness and laid heavily against his cum spattered stomach.

“Wow,” Alex breathed, as he looked up at Michael, a grin spreading across his face. Michael returned the smile, still in awe of the experience they had shared. They lay there for a moment, their chests rising and falling as they caught their breath.

Finally they got up to clean themselves off. As Alex left, Michael wondered if this was a one-time thing or if it would happen again.


The next day, Alex got home later than usual. Michael waited for him in his office, growing increasingly anxious as the hours ticked by. Finally, just as dusk fell, Alex arrived home. With a sigh of relief, Michael watched as the young man entered the driveway. He stood up from his desk, an indescribable mix of anticipation and eagerness coursing through him.

He stretched his aching body, the events of the previous day still fresh in his mind. Clearly Alex wasn’t coming over again today, having arrived at home after his parents. Michael’s disappointment grew even stronger when Alex closed the curtains of his room immediately after entering. The curtains remained closed for the rest of the evening.

Did Alex regret yesterday’s encounter? Michael couldn’t help but wonder, ruminating for the rest of the day and well into the next. He tried shaking it off, focusing instead on his work as a high school history teacher, but Alex remained a constant presence at the back of his mind.

The day after, Michael again eagerly awaited Alex’s arrival. Fearing nothing would happen, hoping they’d resume their private encounters in some form or another. Again Alex didn’t show up at the usual time. Frustrated, disappointed, Michael tried to concentrate on his work, but his thoughts kept drifting to the boy next door. The unexpected connection they had shared the other day felt almost unreal, too good to be true.

As the sun began to set, Michael once again looked at Alex’s window. His heart jumped as he noticed movement, disappointment quickly following when he saw Alex holding a girl in his arms. She looked about his age, with luscious brown hair cascading down her shoulders, contrasting beautifully with her pale skin. The girl wore a light pink top which revealed just enough of her ample cleavage, and a pair of well-fitting blue jeans.

Michael watched with mixed emotions as the pair engaged in playful banter and kissing. On one hand, it felt like a knife plunging into his heart, as the object of his growing affection seemed to have moved on. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but be enthralled by the sensuous scene.

Alex whispered something in the girl’s ear, his fingers tracing the curve of her face. The girl blushed, giggling at his words before they resumed their affectionate display. Then, as he was kissing her, Alex glanced at the window. For a split second, Michael believed their eyes met, but he couldn’t be entirely sure. Until Alex clearly winked at him.

Michael stared back, shocked and intrigued, realizing that the seductive scene unfolding before him was very much intentional. Alex wanted him to watch. Michael could hardly believe it, but the evidence was clear in the wicked glint in Alex’s eyes as their gaze locked. It was almost as if the young man was showing off, confident that Michael would be turned on by the sight.

Alex’s hands began to wander, tracing the curve of the girl’s waist and then, as if by instinct, moving up to cup her breasts. Their bodies pressed tightly together, the sheer intimacy of the moment made Michael’s breath hitch in his throat. The girl seemed to reciprocate Alex’s actions with equal passion. Soon enough, her hands found their way under his shirt. Alex looked back at the window once more, his eyes gleaming with mischief, before he tugged at her top. After a moment’s hesitation, she allowed him to pull it over her head, revealing her perky breasts, encased in a lacy pink bra that matched her top.

Both Alex and Michael watched as she reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to the side and freeing her breasts. They were a delight to behold, perky and full, with pale pink nipples that were already hard. Michael followed the girl’s movements, knowing Alex was also taking in the sight of her bare breasts. Slowly, Alex moved his hand up to cup one of her breasts, gently kneading it in his grasp, before kissing her deeply.

Lost in the scene before him, Michael’s hand reflexively went for his groin as he felt his cock grow hard. A gasp escaped him as he started to stroke himself through his pants. It was wrong, he knew that, yet a feeling of excitement coursed through him, unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Alex’s mouth found her neck and trailed a path to the valley between her breasts, where he began to tease and lick her sensitive skin. He then lowered his mouth to one of her breasts and began to gently suck on the nipple. The girl arched her back, allowing him better access and threw her head back in pleasure. Her fingers weaved through his hair, holding him close to her chest.

In a sudden move, Alex pushed her off him as he got up from his chair and turned her to face the window, her voluptuous breasts swaying, as he moved behind her. Michael barely had time to react and move away from the window. Still watching, but from a less obvious position, he saw the girl close her eyes as she leaned her head on Alex’s shoulder. Alex continued to grope and kneed her fully exposed breasts, a wicked grin on his face while he looked at the window.

One hand drifted lower to her jeans, and Michael could see him unbuttoning them with ease. The girl’s breath hitched as she realized what was about to happen. Michael felt a pang of guilt for watching, but the sheer eroticism of the scene unfolding before him held him captive.

Alex slipped his hand into her jeans, slowly pulling them down just enough to allow him access. He trailed kisses down her neck as he started to touch her intimately. The girl’s mouth opened in a moan, her body trembling in his grasp. With one hand, she reached back and gripped his hip, pulling him closer to her. Alex eagerly obliged, mimicking a slow fucking motion as he continued teasing and caressing her.

Michael could see her breasts bouncing with each movement and he couldn’t help but be entranced by the sensuous sight. Michael couldn’t believe what was happening—it felt like a surreal dream. But the pulsing of his own cock, straining painfully against his pants, was all the proof he needed that this was very real. Unable to resist the carnal allure, Michael unzipped his pants, freeing himself from the confines of both his underwear and trousers. Leaning back against the wall, he closed his eyes and allowed the sensations to overtake him, stroking himself in long, even strokes as he immersed himself in the scene before him.

In that moment Michael watched the girl turn around to face Alex, her jeans still hanging low around her hips. Her hands roamed freely over his chest, teasing him through his shirt as she ground her hips against him, rubbing their lower halves against each other. Locked in another passionate kiss, it didn’t take long for her to undo the buttons on his shirt, her fingers moving deftly as she revealed his toned abs. Alex broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt off, allowing her to take in his bare form.

Her hands were already working at the button of his pants, her movements frantic as she tried to free him. Alex allowed her to tug down his pants, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. His erection was already bulging through the front of them, hard and insistent, straining against the fabric. The girl wasted no time in taking advantage of her discovery. Her hands eagerly explored his bulge for a moment, relishing the heat and weight she found there, before slipping her fingers under the elastic waistband of his boxer briefs. With one swift motion, she pulled them down, freeing his cock at last. Alex’s erection sprang free from its confines, standing tall and proud. The girl gasped at the sight of it, and Alex couldn’t help but smile.

Michael continued to stroke himself as he watched the young woman gaze at Alex’s cock with wonder. The guilt and shame from watching them started to fade away, replaced by nothing but pure unbridled lust. He could only imagine how she must have felt, seeing it for the first time, her fingers gently wrapping around its girth as she stroked him slowly. Alex groaned, his head tilting back in pleasure, as he enjoyed the sensation of her touch.

Suddenly, Alex pulled away from her grasp, before leading her towards his bed. His cock bounced with each step he took, a flagpole marking him as the man in charge. Once they reached the bed, Alex turned to face her, taking in her beauty with a gaze that spoke volumes. He slowly leaned in to kiss her again, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace that made Michael’s heart race. As they kissed, Alex gently laid her down on the bed. His hands traced a path down her body, until he reached her pink panties.

With a gentle tug, he removed them, revealing her bare pussy. Michael watched as Alex’s fingers explored her folds. The young woman’s back arched as Alex’s fingers slipped inside of her. Her hips began to rock, as if instinctually urging him to go deeper. Alex complied, his fingers delving further into her depths.

Alex broke their kiss, his eyes locked on hers as he positioned himself between her legs. He grabbed his cock with one hand and guided it towards her entrance. The anticipation was palpable; the air thick with desire and longing. Michael’s hand moved faster, mirroring the rhythm of his pounding heart. He watched in awe as Alex slowly entered the young woman.

Alex began to move with a steady rhythm, pulling out slowly before thrusting back in again. The girl matched him stroke for stroke, their bodies moving in harmony as they explored their sexual connection. The way they moved, the way their bodies seemed to meld into one, it was mesmerizing. There was something captivating about the view, something more than just the explicit act itself.

Alex’s thrusts became more urgent now, and the girl responded in kind, her legs wrapping around Alex’s waist as she met him thrust for thrust. The girl’s breasts bounced in rhythm with Alex’s thrusts, her nipples tight and aroused. Michael’s hand tightened around his cock as he watched them fuck. Alex’s hips thrust with powerful, deliberate movements, driving himself deeper into the girl with each stroke.

Just as the room seemed to reach its boiling point, Alex abruptly withdrew from her pussy. The girl looked up at him with a confused expression, but Alex didn’t miss a beat. He carefully repositioned her on her side, presenting Michael with a perfect view of her breasts and her swollen pussy. Alex laid down behind her, spooning her tight little body. One of his hands found its way to cup one of her breasts, his thumb circling her rosy nipple.

Then Alex looked up at the window from behind her. A wicked grin flickered across his face as he locked eyes with Michael. Holding his gaze, he opened her legs and took a hold of his cock again. Given an unobstructed view, this time Michael could see the head of Alex’s cock slip between the girl’s pussy lips. Slowly, inch by inch, Alex filled her with his cock, her glistening pussy swallowing him whole. Their eyes never broke contact during the act, his stare never ceasing to excite Michael.

Alex began to move within her, sliding his cock in and out with slow, deliberate strokes. Michael’s eyes followed every glistening inch of Alex’s shaft as it disappeared inside of her. His breath hitched, and his heart raced as his own pleasure mounted. Alex’s thrusts became harder, faster, driving into her relentlessly.

Watching his thick shaft move in and out of her, his big balls bounce and smash against her with each stroke, her tits jiggle from the force of his thrusting, was too much for Michael to bear. His own climax hovered painfully close as he watched Alex fuck this girl. With one final stroke, Michael came hard, his hot seed splattering against the wall beside him. His hand tightened around his cock as wave after wave of pure ecstasy washed over him.

Alex’s thrusts reached a new fervor. Michael suspected that watching him cum only added to his arousal. Alex continued thrusting against the girl, his movements wild and uninhibited, their slick bodies slapping together in a lewd rhythm. Michael watched in awe as Alex’s climax approached, his balls tightening as he drove into her one final time. With a guttural groan, Alex pulled out, his cock glistening with her juices.

He wrapped his hand around his pulsing length and began to stroke himself furiously. The girl looked on in surprise as he ejaculated, thick ropes of white cum spurting from his cock and splattering all over her breasts and stomach. Her skin was soon coated in a slick layer of semen, the evidence of their passionate encounter glistening on her body. Michael couldn’t help but feel a renewed sense of arousal as he watched the sticky fluid drip from her nipples and run down her torso.

Alex continued to pump his cock, milking every last drop of cum from his swollen head before finally collapsing onto the bed beside the girl. His chest heaved as he caught his breath, a self-satisfied smirk etched on his face. The girl looked on in disbelief, still reeling from the intensity of their encounter.

Alex met her gaze with a wink, seemingly unfazed by his brazenly public display of sexual power. He leaned in and whispered something into her ear that brought yet another flush to her cheeks. Michael couldn’t help but admire the control and confidence that radiated from Alex as he charmed and pleased his companion.

The next few days Michael noticed the girl coming over to Alex’s house more often. They would sit in the garden, laughing and chatting. One afternoon, as Michael sat in his office, he noticed Alex and the girl enter the room above the garage together. His heart began to race as he wondered if he would get to see them again. But, to his disappointment, Alex closed the curtain before any further action could unfold. That night, Michael struggled to sleep, his thoughts consumed by the young couple next door.

He never got to watch them again. Each day, he would eagerly await the young couple’s encounter, but Alex never gave him another show. It was as if Alex had allowed Michael to watch him sex with the girl as a goodbye gift. This realization weighed heavily on Michael’s heart, turning every sighting of Alex or his family into a bittersweet experience. As time passed, Michael found himself reminiscing about that intimate moment more often than he cared to admit. It became his own little secret, one he held close to his heart. His life was set in a monotonous routine, but the vivid memories of Alex and the girl next door remained fresh in his mind.