Puberty blockers pt3

I got a little sidetracked. The whole point of writing a story for this site, was to tell you about some of of my experiences with little girls and my role as a counselor at an orphanage. If you want to hear more about Marla, let me know in the comment section.

It took me about 6 months to figure out how to tell which girls were more receptive to my advances. The girls that had been in the orphanage for several years, we’re not good prospects. They were institutionalized.

The perfect girls were the ones that were new to the system. They didn’t know all the ins and outs, but we’re eager to please.

One such girl was Holly. She was 11 years old, and lost both of her parents in an auto accident. She had no other family so she found herself in the orphanage.

She was 4′ 6″, maybe 65 lb, a little small for an 11-year-old, but very very pretty. Now I know pretty children don’t always grow up to be pretty adults, but this girl looked like she was going to be stunning when she got older.

Anyway, on her first day there I met with her like I do all new intakes. She came to my office, and we had a little chat. Now when I have a child in my office, there’s a ‘in session’ sign that I put on my door so people know not to interrupt. My office is also sound proof, so nobody can hear what is supposed to be a private conversation , or if one of the little girls breaks down crying, it’s not public knowledge.

Anyway, Holly came into my office and sat down in the chair. I got up to put up the ‘in session’, sign and closed the door.

“So Holly, tell me a little bit about yourself.” I said to her. Now, I’m not going to bore you with some of the information she gave me, because I know you’re jerking off and it might kill the mood.

“Well Holly, first of all, what we say and do in this office is private between me and you, and never leaves this office. Do you understand?” I asked the child. “That means you can tell me anything you want, and you will know nobody else will ever hear of it.”

She nodded her head, smiling. Well let’s see how far we can go with this little girl, I thought to myself.

“One of the things that we do here at this orphanage his help the girls develop skills that they’ll need once they get adopted. You know, things like keeping your room clean, helping with other household chores, doing well in school, and a few other things that I’ll show you later.” I said to the child.

“So, did you keep your room clean before?” I asked her.

“Sort of.” She replied.

“Okay, we can work on that that. It’s not a problem.” I said.

“How are your grades in school?” I asked her.

“I’m a straight A student.” She said proudly, smiling.

“Oh good, you’re smart. Then you should learn the skills I’m going to teach you quickly.” I said to her.

“Now, if you want to attract a couple to adopt you, there’s certain skills you should learn how to do, that will make you more adoptable. One of them is keeping your new daddy happy.” I told the child.

“Do you know what a penis is?” I asked her. She blushed a deep red, and looked down at the floor. I could barely hear her whisper “yes”.

“Have you ever seen one before.?” I asked the little girl. She continued to look down at the floor and whispered “just drawings in a school book”.

“Okay, well your new daddy is going to want you to make his penis feel good. I’m going to teach you how to do that.” I told the little girl. This was going to be perfect. Having never seen a penis before means she won’t know I’m underdeveloped.

She still wouldn’t look at me, her gaze was down at the floor, and you could tell she was still blushing.

I stood up and walked around my desk and stood in front of the child. “Look at me Holly,” I said to the little girl. She very slowly and timidly raised her head until she was looking at me. I reached down and started to unbuckle my belt. Her gaze immediately fell to what I was doing. She watched as I unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my pants and lowered the zipper.

I pushed my pants down around my knees and then straightened back up. Holly was staring at the front of my underwear, where my little penis was barely tenting out the front.

“Are you ready to see a real penis for the first time?” I asked the little girl. She didn’t say anything, but kept staring, waiting for me to show it to her. I put my thumbs in the waistband, and push them down around my knees where my pants were. Then I straightened back up and proudly displayed my little penis to the child.

Her eyes were wide open, eyebrows arched in surprise. I was so turned on, knowing my penis was the first one she’s seen.

“What do you think holly? Do you like my penis?” I asked the little girl.

Instead of answering my questions, she asked “what’s that thing under your penis?”

“You mean my testicles?” I lifted my penis up, so she could get a good look at my testicles. I may have mentioned before, but my testicles never dropped. My testicles and my penis are exactly the same as they were when I was 11 years old.

“So the first thing I want to show you, is how to masturbate a man. Take my penis between your thumb and finger like this.” I told the child, as I demonstrated how to hold my penis between my thumb and forefinger.

Then I put my hand on hers and said, “now slowly stroke it like this” and I stroked myself a few times holding her hand, but eventually let go and she took over.

I sat back, and watched the child masturbate me for a few minutes. I felt like I was getting close to cumming, but I still had so much to show her.

“You should stop now, I don’t want to finish just yet.” I told her. She said, “finish? what do you mean?” She asked me.

“I’ll show you later, but right now I want to show you how good your vagina can feel.” I told the girl. She blushed that deep red again. That was adorable, it actually made my penis a little bit harder to see that.

“Okay Holly, take your clothes off.” I told the child.

“I can’t take my clothes off in front of you. You’re a man.” The child said.

“How am I going to teach you new skills?” I asked the little girl. “You need to learn how to use your vagina to make your new Daddy happy, and if you don’t take your clothes off, I can’t teach you how to do that. I’m just trying to help you.” I explained to the confused young girl.

She sat there, head down looking at the floor thinking about it. After a couple of minutes, she sighed, stood up and began opening her pants. Then she pushed them down to her knees and stood back up. She still had her panties on, and didn’t look like she was making any move to take them off.

“Very good Holly. Now you just need to take off your shirt and panties.” I said encouragingly.

She lifted her t-shirt over her head, and because she had no breasts, she wasn’t wearing a training bra or anything. But her little nipples stuck out like Hershey’s Kisses, and I knew I’d be licking and sucking on those kisses later.

“Oh my god, you are beautiful.” I told the child. She blushed again, then reached for her panties. She pushed them down to her knees, then stood back up trying to cover her young hairless vagina with her hands.

“It’s okay Holly, let me see your vagina.” I coaxed the child. She very slowly moved her hands to her sides, exposing her immature hairless vagina to my gaze. “Oh sweet jesus, your vagina is the most beautiful vagina I have ever seen. You have nothing to be embarrassed about Holly.” I told the young girl.

She smiled and blushed again, and whispered “thank you.”

“Okay, now sit down in the chair and scoot your butt to the edge. Then put your feet on the edge of the chair next to your butt.” I instructed the child. Once she sat down and brought her feet up, her vagina was on full display. It opened up a little bit, just enough to see a hint of pink.

I groaned deep in my throat and told the child, “okay now close your eyes, lean your head back and relax. Enjoy what I’m about to do to you.

She looked at me, clearly worried about what I meant. “Trust me honey, you’re going to like this.” I reassured her. Reluctantly she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. I waited a couple of minutes for her to get her breathing even and for her to relax enough to enjoy the pleasures I was about to bestow on that sweet, sweet little vagina.

Once I was fairly confident she was relaxed enough, Eileen forward and ran my tongue up the slit of her vagina very very slowly. She gassed, and opened her eyes and looked down to see what I was doing. I look back up at her, and we locked eyes while I ran my tongue up her vagina several more times.

I made my tongue hard enough to poke between her lips and into the entrance of her vagina. I went in just far enough to rub my tongue in circles pressing up against the walls of her vagina, which caused her gasp and moan.

I continued to lick that sweet tasting vagina, and she got more and more into it. Once I focused on her clitoris, she put her hands on the back of my head pulling me in tighter, and clamped her thighs tight against my head. I wasn’t going anywhere even if I wanted to.

It didn’t take more than 30 more seconds, before she was thrusting her vagina up, mashing it against my face violently, in the throes of her very first orgasm. This little girl was cumming hard. Her vagina got incredibly wet, coating my face with her fluids. I wasn’t complaining, I was just trying to keep up with that moving vagina.

After about a minute, she loosened her grip on my head with her thighs, and let go with her hands. She slumped back against the chair, and said “what did you do to me? That was absolutely amazing.” She said between breaths.

“That was called an orgasm. You get them when somebody makes your vagina feel good.” I explained to the little girl.

“If you suck my penis some more, I’ll have an orgasm too.” I told the little girl. Now having experience an orgasm, and appreciating the fact that I gave her one, she was eager to suck my little penis again. This time I let her suck me to orgasm, and since I don’t squirt sperm, I can come in a girl’s mouth and not surprise her with a mouthful of hot sticky cum.

Poor little Holly looked worn out, so I told her to go ahead back to her room and we would do some more training tomorrow. As she was leaving my office, she turned around and very shyly smiled and said I can’t wait till tomorrow. Right away my little penis got hard again.

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