
Rebecca couldn’t believe she had let herself be talked into this. It felt like she was selling her soul. She had come out west to start college and further her dream of becoming an actress, but the only roles she could get were minor ones with few lines. The lead roles from the school often went to Mary Brooks and her friends. Mary had a charming personality that everybody loved, especially the guys who tended to flock around her. Rebecca couldn’t help liking Mary too and felt a desperate need to be her friend.

Rebecca wasn’t good at meeting men and usually went unnoticed by them. She had already completed her first year of college and hadn’t been on a single date. It wasn’t that she was ugly or unpleasant, but she tended to keep to herself. She never saw herself as beautiful, considering herself an average-looking woman with red hair. She never wore revealing clothes because she wasn’t comfortable showing off her body.

Rebecca spent most of her time studying or reading cheap romance fiction. At times, it was very lonely for her, but she kept herself busy. She had hoped for a dorm roommate she could relate to, but instead got someone who was the complete opposite. Her roommate was far more comfortable with her body than Rebecca wanted her to be. It was common to find the girl stripped down to her panties and eating cherry Twizzlers while studying. Where Rebecca was conservative, her roommate was liberal and far freer with her body than Rebecca would’ve ever felt comfortable being.

One day, Mary came to her crying about being blackmailed and not knowing who else to turn to. Rebecca tried to comfort her by promising that she would do anything to help. She regretted those words when Mary told her how she could help. Now she had been talked into something that made her very uncomfortable. Mary planned to steal the incriminating photos of herself while Rebecca distracted the blackmailer.

The photos were of Mary in different stages of undress, taken without her knowledge. The blackmailer was threatening to post them online, which many of the guys at their college would see. Mary’s reputation would be ruined if those photos ever got out, and she wouldn’t be able to live with the shame of it. The only way she could keep that from happening was to steal the photos before they could be used against her.

The problem that Rebecca had with this plan was that the blackmailer was a lesbian named Ellis, and Rebecca was supposed to use her body as bait. She had never experimented with a woman before or had any interest in doing so. Mary reassured her that she wouldn’t be doing anything sexual with another woman and just needed her to flirt with Ellis. Rebecca was relieved that Mary wasn’t suggesting anything more, or she wouldn’t be doing this.

Somehow, she let Mary talk her into wearing an outfit that made her feel vulnerable and exposed. She had never shown this much of her body before, and it felt wrong. Rebecca didn’t want to be an object of lust for some lesbian to drool over. She tried talking Mary out of this plan, but Mary was adamant that this was the only way it would work.

Mary explained that the outfit was the only thing that would work on Ellis, but Rebecca had her doubts. She had never dressed this slutty before, and it went against her conservative ways. The outfit made her look like she had very loose morals and was more experienced in sex than she actually was. She had only had one sexual experience, with her boyfriend during the summer a year ago when she was eighteen.

He had been pressuring her all year to sleep with him, and she finally broke down one summer night. They were making out on his bed when he advanced things further, and this time she didn’t resist. Closing her eyes, she felt her pants and panties being pulled down. The weight of her boyfriend pushing her legs apart as she felt him entering her was something she would never forget. It was painful, and two minutes later, it was all over.

It wasn’t very pleasurable for her, and they broke up a few days later. It hurt her to be thrown away like that after she let him be with her in such an intimate way. It took her weeks to get over him, and she promised herself that she wouldn’t be that careless with a guy again. Her first experience with sex was bad, and she didn’t feel the need to try it again anytime soon.

The white crop top that she had on hung loosely over her breasts but didn’t completely cover them. It came with a red and black plaid skirt that was too short for her liking. To make matters worse, she wasn’t wearing undergarments beneath her clothes. Mary insisted that this was how it had to be or risk losing Ellis’s attention. Mary had a way of getting her to agree to things she didn’t want to do.

Rebecca was uncomfortable wearing a shirt that let the lower part of her breasts be seen. She had never worn a crop top before because she thought it was tacky to show off her belly. Here she was, showing off way more than that, all to make a lesbian desire her. Rebecca found it weird that she was trying to make a woman want her sexually when she was straight. The whole thing was unsettling to her, and she wished she could get out of it.

“Are you sure this is the only way?”

Rebecca couldn’t keep the fear and anxiety out of her voice. She didn’t want to do this but felt bad for Mary. Her empathy for Mary got her talked into doing something scary that she would never have done on her own. She never liked taking risks and preferred the safe route through life. Rebecca wasn’t comfortable with expressing herself sexually and found what she had to do challenging.

Rebecca felt shameful whenever she felt the need to touch herself and would only do it when she was alone. She rarely got the opportunity, and when she did, she would rush out of fear of getting caught. For the last month, she had been neglecting herself sexually and had been feeling frustrated over it. Her roommate, on the other hand, didn’t have that problem, and on occasion, Rebecca could hear her late at night touching herself.

“Trust me, this is the only way, and nothing bad will happen to you. The worst you have to do is flirt and show a little skin. Just think of it as one of our plays, and you are playing a lesbian character. Walk in there as that character and give the best Tony-worthy performance ever.”

“Okay, I think I can do that. Hello there! I am Bella, and I am a horny southern belle lesbian that needs someone between my milky white thighs eating my very wet pussy. I hear that you are the best pussy eater on this side of the Mississippi River,” Rebecca said with a spot-on Southern belle accent.

Rebecca tried making what she was about to do into a bad joke to make it easier for her to handle. She needed to relieve the tension within her, or she would’ve burst. The idea of her flirting with Ellis was terrifying because she was afraid of taking it too far. She had never done anything like this before and was frightened of what might happen.

“Good God, that was hot! If you play that character, Rebecca, you will have her eating out of your hand. If you are curious, I could wait out in the car for you. I am passing no judgment here and just saying, if you want to get your pussy licked, I won’t hold it against you,” Mary said jokingly before bursting out in laughter.

“I don’t think so! I am a one-man kind of lesbian anyway.”

They went on joking with each other until both of them were laughing. Rebecca needed this and could feel the tension leaving her body. For the first time tonight, Rebecca was happy to be there with Mary. It felt good to finally feel herself starting to relax, but she knew this calmness would not last.

“Rebecca, whatever you have to do to keep her from going into her office, do it. When I find those photos, I’ll come to get you. This should only take a few minutes, tops, but remember, Ellis is a dangerous woman. You’ll never be in any real danger as long as they never find out that you’re straight.”

Rebecca really liked Mary but doing all this seemed too risky. Too many things could go wrong, and Ellis could be more than she could handle. She had never been around a lesbian before but didn’t have any problem with them. She would have felt the same way having to flirt with a man wearing the same outfit.

“Since we are friends now, I wanted to thank you for helping me. I couldn’t do this without you; you are my saving grace. Tomorrow, we will laugh about what we did, and you will be glad that you did this.”

“I hope you’re right about this. Good luck in there, and please don’t get caught.”

“I won’t, and this will be over with very shortly, Rebecca.”

Rebecca took one long, deep breath before exiting the car and started walking slowly toward the house. She heard music playing as she approached the door, and when she grabbed the doorknob, she felt her fear return. She wanted to run away but knew that Mary was counting on her. Finding the strength she needed, Rebecca turned the knob and went inside.


Mary watched as Rebecca entered the house and smiled, satisfied that her plan was working so well. The girl was far easier to trick than she had thought, believing her tale without question. Rebecca was a mediocre actress at best, with a foolish dream of becoming a star. The only way Mary could see Rebecca being a star was in a porn movie on her knees. The girl had a body meant to be fucked, but Rebecca would never use her body like that.

She didn’t hate Rebecca; she was just trying to win a bet. The girl was a prune who needed to lighten up a bit anyway. Getting fucked by a lesbian would do her some good and loosen her up. Mary had bet her friends that she could get Rebecca to go to a lesbian party dressed like a slut. Now that she had won the bet, she felt the need to celebrate her victory by going to a club. Putting Rebecca out of her mind, Mary texted her friends that she had won the bet and drove off, thinking about all the hot guys she would be dancing with.


Rebecca ignored all the looks she got as she walked through the house looking for Ellis. She could feel their eyes on her body and was too afraid to stay still for too long. Avoiding all interaction with people, she moved to the next room and was glad to see it was empty of party guests. The room was a shrine that Ellis set up for herself, displaying all the movies she was in. Rebecca didn’t know that Ellis was an actress or recognize any of the movie posters on the wall. After a moment, she realized that they were from porn films over the last twenty years.

She had never seen porn before but had heard about them from her friends. Rebecca felt a little envious of Ellis for being so free with her sexuality. She never dared to explore her sexuality outside of her fantasies. From her experience with her ex, she didn’t think sex was all that pleasurable, but the pictures she had seen told her otherwise.

In the photo album that she went through, she saw Ellis performing multiple sexual acts on both sexes. Ellis had this look of extreme enjoyment on her face in every picture, and Rebecca wished she could be like that. She put down the album after realizing that she had gotten aroused by what she was seeing. Rebecca saw things she never knew two people could do with each other’s bodies and the pleasure that could come from it.

Rebecca discovered a few things about herself while going through those photos and needed some time to think about it. Even though she experienced sex before, she had never actually seen what a penis looked like until now. She felt conflicted about wanting to do the things Ellis did in those photos while still being the good girl she was raised to be.

Rebecca didn’t want to admit it, not even to herself, that those photos of Ellis with other women had turned her on. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw and all the pleasure on their faces. Seeing two beautiful women in the act of lovemaking was far more thrilling than she ever thought possible. She needed a drink before she could face Ellis or she might end up doing something she would regret.


It didn’t take long for Rebecca to find where the bar was, and she sat down at the first empty seat she found. More than a few girls were mingling around the room, but Rebecca didn’t pay them any mind. She just wanted a glass of wine to calm her nerves and stop thinking about sex. The last thing she wanted was her hormones making her an easy target to be persuaded into doing something more than flirting.

The woman behind the bar was an attractive Asian girl in a grey tank top with her black bra barely visible. She flirted with Rebecca as she poured some red wine, her eyes lingering on Rebecca’s breasts. Rebecca felt a strange desire to kiss the girl but didn’t understand why. It was the first time she had thought of another girl like that, and she tried to convince herself that her hormones were talking.

She had never thought about a woman in a sexual way until now, and it was all because of that photo album. The images she saw woke something up inside her, and now she wished she had never gone into that room. Rebecca wondered if she could be gay and not know it. Pushing such thoughts from her mind, she swallowed half of the wine from her glass in one gulp before closing her eyes.

Rebecca’s eyes shot open when she felt a hand on her knee and saw a beautiful woman in a low-cut dress standing beside her. The woman was in her early thirties with dark hair and eyes like a deep pool, enticing Rebecca to jump into them. The smirk on her face reminded Rebecca of a cat that liked to play with its prey. When the woman bent over to whisper in her ear, Rebecca felt the woman’s soft breasts pressing against her.

“My name may be Candy, but you are the one that is looking all sweet. What is your name, little girl?”

Rebecca felt her body tense up as someone she found attractive stood so close to her. Her heart beat hard against her chest, and she could feel the excitement rising within her. She cursed her hormones for making her want this woman and tried to fight against it, but her strength of resistance was fading. She had never had her body react this way to another person before, feeling such deep arousal.

Rebecca’s mind struggled against her escalating desire, but slowly, even her rational thoughts began to succumb. Heat surged within her, and she grew increasingly sensitive to the woman’s presence and the temptation to kiss her. She desperately wished for the woman to leave, fearing she might lose control if the interaction continued. Staring fixedly at her wine glass, unsure how to handle the situation, Rebecca tried to ignore Candy. Despite her resolve not to engage, her voice betrayed her, uttering her name in a soft, hesitant whisper.

“Rebecca is a nice name for a straight girl,” Candy remarked casually.

To protect Mary and ensure her mission remained covert, Rebecca understood the importance of maintaining appearances. However, her encounter with Candy stirred up doubts about her sexuality. Uncertainty gnawed at her as she anxiously awaited Mary’s arrival, hoping she had succeeded in finding the incriminating photos.

As Rebecca waited, she resolved to continue playing her part, concealing her true feelings and identity. Despite her inner turmoil and confusion, she knew that revealing herself could jeopardize Mary’s efforts and put them both at risk. So, with a deep breath and a steeling of her nerves, Rebecca prepared to stay in character until Mary came to her rescue.

“I am a lesbian!”

The words came out too loud and caused a few heads to turn. The attention she garnered from her outburst embarrassed her, as she didn’t want her coming out to be so noticeable. The hot breath on her neck and Candy playing with her knee made her squirm. Candy slid her hand up to the hem of her skirt and started to caress her thigh softly, letting out a reluctant moan.

“Have you ever had a girl touch you here before, or maybe a little higher?”

“Yes! Yes! I loved being touched there,” Rebecca moaned.

Rebecca didn’t mean to be that honest but found it hard to deal with the sensations. It felt good being caressed this way, and it had been a while since she had last touched herself. Her neglected body was starved for attention, so she didn’t resist when Candy eased her legs apart. She knew where this was going but felt powerless to stop it.

“So, you’ve experienced a loving embrace with another girl, and having your lips kissed tenderly by one. The taste of cherry-flavored balm on her soft lips as your tongue entered her mouth. You know how it feels to have your shirt unbuttoned and her hand sliding in, grabbing your breasts. The sensation of having your nipples played with and pinched between two fingers. The excitement of having your pants unbuckled and pulled down, along with your wet panties. You’re familiar with the feeling of having your legs pushed apart before a girl’s enthusiastic tongue starts licking your pussy, leading to an orgasmic fit of uncontrollable pleasure.”

As Candy whispered into her ear, Rebecca felt the woman’s hand slip underneath her skirt. Candy’s words aroused her, making her wet and her nipples hard. Candy slipped two fingers inside her to the second knuckle and began fingering her. Rebecca let out a long, deep moan, hoping it wasn’t obvious what was happening to her.

Rebecca could feel intense pressure building between her legs, ready to explode. Her ex-boyfriend had never given her this much pleasure, and part of her wished he had. She would have been more willing to explore her sexuality after experiencing this with him. Candy whispered into her ear that it was time to take action elsewhere, pulling away from her. Rebecca whimpered at the sudden cessation of pleasure and longed for those fingers inside her again. She followed Candy out of the room, willing to go anywhere to continue being touched by her.

Outside, Candy pushed Rebecca against the house for a quick kiss. Rebecca eagerly accepted it with a hungry embrace before feeling herself being pulled to another spot behind a tree. They kissed again, this time with more passion. Candy slid her hand underneath Rebecca’s shirt and grabbed her breasts. Rebecca felt her breasts being squeezed with tenderness and the skill of an experienced lover, bringing her immense pleasure. It was as if Candy knew her body perfectly and was touching all the right places.

They made out against the tree for several minutes before Candy removed Rebecca’s shirt and started sucking on her breasts. Rebecca moaned as Candy’s skillful mouth attacked her nipples with an insatiable hunger. Candy’s appetite wasn’t satisfied with Rebecca’s breasts alone, and she left a trail of soft kisses down to Rebecca’s belly. In moments, Candy found the hooks in Rebecca’s skirt and removed it.

There was enough moonlight to make their bodies visible, though they were mostly in the shadows of the trees. Their eyes adjusted to the darkness enough to see each other’s bodies, guiding their touches. Candy eased Rebecca’s legs apart slightly before giving her pussy a long lick. The sensation sent a shockwave of pleasure through Rebecca, making her knees buckle. Candy followed with a series of licks, each one intensifying the pleasure in ways Rebecca had never imagined.

Rebecca never thought she would let something like this happen to her, yet here she was with a woman between her legs. Candy’s skillful mouth surpassed any pleasure she had experienced with her ex-boyfriend, sending intense spasms through her body. Her moans started softly but grew louder as pleasure built within her. When she experienced her first orgasm, it hit her suddenly, and she let out a loud shriek of pleasure.

Rebecca had come to the party intending only to flirt with Ellis, not to have sex with a stranger. She had never considered being with another girl, but now her perspective was shifting. A new world was opening up to her, and she could see herself trying this again. Forgetting about Ellis, she pulled Candy into a passionate embrace and tasted herself when she sucked Candy’s juices from her lips.

She kissed Candy passionately, attempting to remove the woman’s dress in her excitement, but fumbled in the attempt. Candy stopped their kiss and walked out from the shadow of the tree into the moonlight. Rebecca watched as Candy unzipped her dress while walking, letting it fall to the ground before kicking off her shoes. As Candy bent over to slip off her panties, Rebecca couldn’t help but stare at her woman’s body. The moonlight gave Candy a magical glow that not only enhanced her beauty but also heightened her allure.

“Let’s make love in the moonlight, little girl.”

Rebecca kicked off her shoes and joined Candy in the moonlight, sharing another deep, passionate kiss. She let her desires guide her hands to places she once swore she would never go. Candy’s breasts felt soft in her hands, and she delicately squeezed them. Taking one nipple into her mouth, she mimicked everything that had been done to her.

They lay down together on the grass, Rebecca never breaking her intensity as she sucked on Candy’s breasts. She took her time with each breast until she felt ready to kiss down between Candy’s legs. With cheerful enthusiasm, she licked her first pussy, but she knew she wasn’t very good at it. It took some time and a willingness to learn before she started to get the hang of it. Candy ended up guiding her, instructing her where and how to lick her. Rebecca found herself enjoying the taste and the sensations around her tongue.

Hearing the moans she caused made Rebecca burn hotter with lust. When Candy cried out that she was about to cum, Rebecca probed her tongue deeper and sucked up her juices. Candy screamed out in orgasmic delight, holding onto Rebecca’s head and grinding into her face. Rolling onto her back and breathing heavily, she looked up at the night sky, contemplating what had just happened.

“You were great! I hope I helped you figure out who you are sexually. I know how confusing these feelings can be at your age.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your friend Mary is also a friend of my niece, and she texted me about your situation. She explained that you were too afraid to explore your sexuality and needed a little push. I don’t usually do things like this, but tonight I thought, why not.”

Rebecca felt hurt and stunned by what she heard. Mary had tricked her into coming to this party to be intimate with Candy, and she didn’t know why. She felt foolish for being manipulated by Mary. Being betrayed like this hurt her, and she started to cry. Tears streamed down Rebecca’s face as she realized Mary might spread this around campus. Everyone might know she had an intimate encounter with another woman and she feared she’d never live it down.

“What’s wrong, Rebecca? Please tell me!”

It took some deep breaths before she could explain to Candy why she was so upset. Candy was furious upon learning what Mary did to Rebecca and felt tricked into playing a part in it. Candy couldn’t believe she’d been involved in Mary’s prank and begged Rebecca for forgiveness. Rebecca didn’t blame Candy for what happened and was grateful they had met.

“It’s not your fault, but honestly, I’m glad we met.”

“I’m glad we met too, but I wish it were under different circumstances. Don’t worry about Mary; I’ll deal with her. What happened between us tonight will stay between us, and no one else needs to know. Get dressed, and I’ll take you home.”

Rebecca didn’t want to pretend the night never happened but wasn’t ready to share it with the world either. She had explored forbidden pleasures and found she enjoyed them. She realized this experience was something she needed in her life and wasn’t ready for the night to end. Wiping tears from her eyes, Rebecca kissed Candy.

“Are you sure? You don’t have to do this anymore.”

“I know, but I want to. Let’s stay here a little while longer and have a few drinks before we go anywhere else. I know I came here under false pretenses, but I did enjoy being with you.”

Rebecca didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, but tonight she refused to dwell on it. She wanted to see where things would lead and how being with another woman might change her. Giving Candy a long kiss, she came to a realization: she should thank Mary. Despite the cruel joke Mary played on her, it ultimately led Rebecca to discover her true self amidst the pain.