Roadside fun

So I’ve always been the type to get naked in daring situations. It really gets me excited so I do crazy things with little regard for what others might think. Recently I decided that getting nude near my car was a good idea, because then I would have a quick getaway if anyone had a problem.
At first I pulled over on the side of a quiet road and took my shorts and undies off in the car. Then I got out of the car and walked around it, pulling my shirt up and having fun touching my dick. Some cars eventually came along the road and for now I jumped back in the car.

The next day I pulled the car up on a quiet side road that ran off a highway. It was just a dead end with no houses there and so completely secure from that side. This gave me the confidence to go a bit crazy and before long I was fully nude, walking up towards the highway.
When I got close I waited for some cars to come by. I stood there and began pumping my dick as cars started to drive past from both ways. I also bent over a few times clearly showing my bare bum in their direction. It felt a bit surreal because the people were inside cars I think.

I wonder what it would be like driving along the highway and out of nowhere spotting a completely nude guy on the side of the road pumping his dick or bending over showing his bum. Probably not what you would be expecting to see I’d imagine.

I got more confident as more cars went by and before I left I walked up even closer to the road and put one leg up on a nearby fence. My dick was so hard at this point and I stood there like that pumping it fast while a few more cars drove past. I was getting right into it, running my hands over my body and stuff. Anyone going past was going to get a good show, I was so horny in the end I just did not care … and I wasn’t even that far from where I live.

Finally yesterday I decided to drag my girlfriend along with me while I did some crazy nude activity. She knows I love to be nude and flash people, but I didn’t quite tell her how crazy I had gotten when I was on my own.

We pulled over on the side of another long quiet road surrounded only by paddocks and before long I stripped off. It was a nice afternoon and I walked out in the middle of the road in the buff, admiring the scenery and starting to play with my dick. It felt great, I didn’t have a care in the world who might see me like that.
This time I popped the hood of my car and waited for a car to come. I could see them coming from a long distance up the road.

When I saw one coming I bent over and pretended I was checking the engine, and then stayed like that as they went past. They would have gotten a nice clear view of my bum that’s for sure. I looked up just as they were going past and I think it was a mum and a daughter in the car. I was very happy Id given them something interesting to see on their drive.

Anyway I did this a few more times to some other passers by, sometimes turning around at the last moment so they could see my dick. All the while my girlfriend waited in the car and giggled. She said she’s keen to try some flashing at some point too but today she was just there for moral support.

Finally before we drove home I had my shorts and undies on the boot and I was just pulling my undies up as another car came along. I decided to delay the process and when they came past I turned to face their direction. I had my undies around my calves and I was pulling one knee up so it kind of opened my legs, exposing my cock more clearly. Again I think it was a couple of women so I’m proud of myself for giving them a very good view.

I went home after that and fucked the hell out of my girlfriend.