Saint To Slut In Just Seven Days: Thursday A.M.

Day 4, Thursday:

Before I had even left the bed for the morning I had cum twice. I knew today wasn’t going to be your typical day already, not that any day this week had been ordinary. My day began with two orgasms and a shower, the shower was necessary because my orgasms seemed to be getting wetter and wetter. Not that I minded, it was kind of fun to get all messy but it did require more clean-up effort.

I put on a robe and went outside to get my new short skirt off the line. I should have done it last night and I knew that everything would be a little bit damp from the night air but being the height of summer, I knew it wouldn’t be too bad and it would dry on me quite quickly. Living on one of the hottest, driest continents did occasionally have its perks.

I decided to take a big chance today. I had already tested the waters, and now I was dipping my toes in so to speak. I was going to wear my new short skirt, but I was not going to wear any panties at all. I knew I was taking a huge risk but it was time to show Stefan what I’m sure he wants to see and what I very much want to show him. I did have a contingency plan, of course. If I chickened out, I could put on the G-string I had tucked in my bag.

I put on my outfit and admired again how it looked on me. I stood before the mirror and bent and stretched the way I had the last few mornings, and I was still pretty sure no one would see anything unless I wanted them to. It was so exciting though to be doing this. It was exciting yesterday with a longer skirt on, but this was even more so.

I didn’t believe there was any way I was going to flash someone by mistake wearing this, but you just never know what could happen. Even sitting down, unless I moved to the edge of the seat, spread my legs open a bit and maybe slipped the hem of my skirt up as well, no one would see anything. That wasn’t what I wanted, though. I wanted people to see, and after the thrill I got last night letting that young man see absolutely everything I had to offer, I wanted more. I want people to lust after me and my wanton sexuality, wanted them to want to fuck me, taste me, and cover me with their cum. I want to be wanted. I need to be fucked like the dirty slut I was becoming. Just thinking like that was making me wet and excited again. It was almost becoming a permanent state of affairs lately.

Something big was going to happen soon, I could feel it in my bones, I don’t know what, where, when or with whom, but I just knew something was going to happen.

I took a deep breath of anticipation just before I opened the front door. I stepped outside and looked around while my heart pounded in my chest. It was almost like I expected people to notice the moment I stepped out the door, and I couldn’t say if I was relieved or disappointed that there was nobody around. After locking my front door, I walked down the path then turned onto the street, headed towards the train station.

Once again, I could feel the breeze on my thighs, my bare ass and my naked pussy. I know I could feel the breeze between my legs anytime I wear a skirt but this was different. Now it was tickling the remaining hair I had left on my pussy. It caressed my moist lips gently and my pussy, no longer restrained by panties, seemed to have more freedom to move. My thighs made my lips slide against each other in the most exciting way, lubricated by my cum. By the time I got to the train station I was far more turned on than I had expected to be. Who would have thought that just a small walk would put me in such a high state of arousal?

I walked onto the platform and looked around but my fellow traveller was nowhere to be seen. I found myself feeling a little disappointed. After last night, I was looking forward to teasing him some more. The train pulled up and after another glance around I got on. I found my usual spot and sat down. The doors slid closed and I had another glance up and down the carriage for him. I half expected to see him come into the carriage with a red face and panting as though he had been running late but he was nowhere to be seen. I found myself a little bemused at my irritation that he hadn’t shown up.

A few minutes after the train left, I found myself looking around again, as though I had forgotten how to just be a commuter. I looked down the length of the train again and toward the back of the train, but nothing. I turned to look back towards the front of the train, and the sound of the connecting door opening grabbed my attention. It slid open, and there he was, stepping into the carriage, looking just as red-faced as I had imagined. I smiled as our eyes met and I knew that he had come looking for me.

Although we both smiled at each other in greeting, neither of us said a word. He took the seat opposite me, and for a moment he too looked confused as though he had also forgotten how to just be a commuter, or perhaps he was waiting for some cue from me to let him know how to behave.

The game began again as I started to do the same thing I had done for the last two days and began a slow reveal. I looked around without being too obvious about it, looking over the top of my book that I had once again retrieved from my bag. I felt the breeze increase around my pussy as my thighs began to part, and I was getting more excited by the minute. I realised just how desperately I wanted to show off, how I wanted people to be aroused looking at me. I want them to want to fuck me, feel me, taste me. I remembered him grinding his cock into my ass yesterday and wondered if he would lose all self-control and just fuck me here and now. I doubt whether I would have the ability to say no or even if I would want to stop him.

I still had that ingrained nervousness, though, and I doubted that it would ever go away. I kind of hoped it wouldn’t because it would take with it a large amount of the thrill. The risk is the thrill in a lot of ways but I don’t really want to get arrested. The train is moving steadily along between stations now and the few people who have boarded our carriage are now seated. When I boarded the train there were fewer people in this carriage and that increased my confidence as I slowly parted my legs a little more. Even though this is my shortest skirt, it’s still not a mini skirt and due to the length of it, I can tell he still can’t see what I want him to see. I’m starting to get a little frustrated because I want him to see and react to my naked pussy. Short of standing up and rubbing his face in it, which was tempting, I wasn’t exactly sure how. Eventually, after a glance around, I lifted my right ankle onto my left knee.

This had the desired effect and more. His eyes bulged almost comically as he was confronted with my completely uncovered and freshly landscaped pussy. I felt another twinge inside, and an electric thrill ran through my entire body at his response. My nipples hardened, and I had to fight the desire to just finger myself right there. I felt a fresh surge of moisture as my pussy contracted. Once again, I was on the verge of an orgasm without even touching myself. My breathing had become rapid and heavy and I could feel the heat emanating from my face.

It was an almost slow-motion event because my mind seemed to be running at a thousand miles an hour. His eyes were glued to my pussy and it was such a turn-on that I desperately wanted to be fucked. I felt my pussy, ever so slowly begin to expand. My lips and clit were becoming engorged and I felt myself opening up to him. I knew the moment it happened because I felt a slight cool breeze touch me inside where I was especially wet. I knew I was gaping open for him, that he could see inside me. It was a surreal and intimate thing to allow someone to see me in such a way, yet this man was a total stranger. Only my doctor and a couple of my past lovers had seen me in such a way, all of this just turned me on even more. I could feel my heart thudding in my chest and now my breathing had become rapid and shallow. I was tingling all over and I was closer now to an orgasm without actual physical stimulation than I had ever been.

The pretence of reading had been given up on and I stared openly at the man who was staring at my pussy. I kept going from his wide eyes and open mouth down to his crotch where his cock was straining visibly against the material of his pants. Maybe it was just my overactive imagination, but I was sure I could see it throbbing. I wanted him to take it out so I could move over there and sit astride it. I wanted to feel it separate my lips even more and fill me up. I wanted to feel him swelling inside me the way I felt him swelling against my ass last night and I wanted to feel his cum burst into my unprotected pussy until it leaked out of me.

The train lurched as it began to slow for the next station, and it shook me out of my fantasy enough to bring me back to reality. I realised that this was my stop and I needed to get off (in so many ways). I shook my head as though shaking off water to try and clear my hormone-addled mind. I shoved my book into the bag and made sure I had everything I needed. I reluctantly put my foot back on the floor and stood up, covering the view from his transfixed stare. Standing up I could feel just how wet I had become.

Just as the doors began to open, I looked back at him. He was red in the face and still looking stunned and it made me smile to think I had given this stranger such a thrill. He looked up at me and I smiled, winked and walked off the train. I wanted him to know that it wasn’t an accident, that he wasn’t just getting a sneaky peek but that I was showing him. That I wanted him to see my pussy, to want me, to want to taste me, feel me, be inside me.

I took several steps away from the train and had to stop and lean against a pole. I shivered momentarily as a small but exciting orgasm trembled through me. Here I was, standing on a train platform, surrounded by people I didn’t know and I was coming in my pants… well, definitely not in my pants but you get the drift. Once the shivers subsided and I trusted my feet again, I strode off towards work, albeit with a small wobble in my step.

Less than a block away, and I knew I was going to have an issue. I was so wet that my pussy was leaking, and I could feel my thighs slipping past each other, lubricated by my cum with every step I took. By the time I reached my building, I could feel it running down the inside of my thigh. I was feeling torn because I didn’t want any of the people who worked here to notice, but the thought of someone seeing cum running down my thighs was turning me on even more. I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone could detect the scent that I could smell coming from my crotch.

By some miracle, I made it across the lobby and into the elevator without causing a stir. When I walked into my office, my usual routine went straight out the window, I went directly into the bathroom to deal with the worsening situation. There was no way I could get through the morning without taking care of the sticky, horny mess that I had become.

I hiked my skirt up and over my hips, sat down and shoved my hand straight into my crotch. I was astounded at how wet I was and how easily my finger slipped inside my pussy. I pushed a second finger in and began a circular motion with my palm pressing against my clit. My orgasm, which seemed so imminent when I sat down, seemed to change, as though skipping the climax and ratcheting up to a new level altogether. I wished I was naked so I could play with my breasts as well but this was neither the time nor the place.

My pussy was making all kinds of obscene slurping noises and cum was dripping off the back of my knuckles and down into the toilet. My thighs were tensed and my feet pressed hard against the tile floor, almost pushing my butt off the seat, as my orgasm rose and rose. I could no longer hear the wet sounds, and if I was making any of the usual sounds I made as an orgasm approached, I was completely unaware of them as it reached an incredible crescendo. If Stefan was standing outside the bathroom, he would have had no doubt whatsoever about what was going on.

I was now lost in my fantasy as my fingers simulated the stranger’s cock pounding me in the train in front of passengers going to and from work. In the fantasy, there were eyes everywhere, and they were all pointed at me. Some were shocked, some were appalled but many were smiling and enjoying the show as I rode a stranger’s cock.


It felt so real that in my fantasy I felt him tense up and he began to cum deep inside me, but I kept riding until my own pleasure was found. I imagined these strangers watching my pussy get pounded and leaking both his and my cum all over my thighs, my ass and the floor. I came so hard that my ears were ringing and black spots were swimming before my eyes as I gasped like a fish out of water.

I looked down at my hand as I slid my fingers slowly out of my pussy. My cum was not just dripping but flowing from me, my hand was soaked to the wrist. I gave a small chuckle of bewilderment at what I had just done, then reluctantly began the clean-up process. I wiped my hand, my legs down to my calves, my pussy and my ass. I couldn’t believe the sheer quantity of cum I had produced just this morning.

I have never had any issues getting wet in the past, although I knew that some women did, but I have never produced this much cum in just one go either. Hell, I don’t think I have produced this much in a week before. It took me some time to get thoroughly cleaned up and I was grateful for the small pack of wet wipes I kept in my bag. I certainly didn’t have this particular use in mind when putting them in there, but I was glad they were there nonetheless.

I had to flush twice to get rid of all the paper. I straightened myself up as best I could before stepping out of the cubicle. I stood there for a moment looking at myself in the mirror, making sure there was nothing obvious about what I had just done, I was a bit rosy in the cheeks and there was some indefinable thing about my face that seemed to scream that I had just come, but I couldn’t put a finger on what it was. I hoped it was just me that could see it and Stefan wouldn’t notice. Not that I disliked the idea of him knowing I had cum, in fact, that was pretty exciting, but I didn’t want him to think that I couldn’t even make it through my morning routine without it, regardless of how true that was right now. I washed my hands again before going to begin my day at work.

The one thing that crazy orgasm did was at least take the edge off my arousal for a little while. I went and sat at my desk and even managed to work productively for a couple of hours. Around ten thirty Stefan approached my desk and suddenly I had the desire to be very attentive to him. He was always pleasant to look at and though he was my boss and that should have been the sole consideration behind our relationship, there was something else there now. Yesterday had forced a change somehow.

I know my state of heightened arousal was a part of the reason I was more aware of him than usual and perhaps my enthusiastic display of extra thigh could be blamed for his extra attention towards me. Today, though, there was something quite different. He seemed to be speaking in a slightly lower voice and looking at me with an intensity and a new sense of appreciation that was doing things to me, both physically and mentally. I felt like a giggling schoolgirl, and then that thought made me think of dressing up for him in a schoolgirl outfit and that did nothing at all to help lower my core temperature.

I was used to men looking at me, it was part of the deal of being female really. I could feel the looks every time I went out in public and generally, I didn’t mind, in fact, I quite like it unless it got creepy. I don’t consider myself to be a particularly attractive woman, I’m not model material by any stretch of the imagination. I am definitely taller than average, as I have mentioned earlier, but I only have what I would call a regular build with C-cup breasts that, due to good genetics and little else, have stayed pretty pert. I had no outstanding features either good or bad, except maybe my butt, I am pretty pleased with how my butt looks and I do like my long, dark hair. Some days I get quite critical about myself, as do most people, and on those days, I would consider myself to be quite plain but when I am feeling confident and perhaps dressed nicely, I do feel attractive, especially when I am getting the looks.

I can understand women getting upset if guys get creepy with it, but I also feel that some women think that any man that they don’t find attractive looking at them is automatically creepy. They don’t seem to understand that a lot of men are just not very good at being subtle. Men are very much visual creatures and if something catches their eye they will look until they get their fill. It’s no more malicious than a child staring at a new toy or the way that some men will stare at a nice car. It’s desire in its most pure form, and there is rarely any bad intent.

The reality is that women look just as much as men do, they’re just far more subtle about it. The women who complain about sleazy men looking at them are really saying stop being so creepy and obvious about it. We are a visual-based species and at our core, we are animals looking for a suitable mate. It’s our very nature.

I am very much aware of these things and I am also very aware that “sexy” is far more about attitude than appearance. I have seen girls that by all the measures of society’s standards should be considered hot but are so lacking in self-esteem that they dress down and their body language wards people off. Or women who are so aggressive about their perception of men’s behaviour that any physical attractiveness they have is degraded by their attitude. I have also known girls who don’t fit the conventional mould of attractiveness but are super confident and flaunt their sexuality. I have always thought, alongside all the staring, drooling men around them, that they were straight-up sexy as hell.

Up until the last few days or so, I had never considered myself to be bi-sexual, but after looking in the mirror the other night and getting a new perspective on the female form, I have begun to question that. I have always been attracted to men and I certainly like men far too much to be a lesbian, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t recognise when a woman is attractive and I certainly find some women to be very sexy.

I was becoming more aware that my attitude and confidence had lifted over the last few days. I can’t even say why or what exactly triggered it, other than the overconfident purchase of the skirt I was wearing and that accidental flash on the train, but I liked the way it felt.

I like the feeling of confidence and it seems that Stefan does too. His eyes were on me in a way they never had been before. As though he was seeing me as a completely different person from who I had been before this week, as though I was a delicious meal that was laid out temptingly before him and he was barely able to restrain himself from diving in and eating to his heart’s content. The way he looked at me made me feel delicious. It made me want to be eaten, devoured, and consumed. It wasn’t a matter of being submissive, there is power in being so desired that people can’t control themselves around you. I don’t believe I could ever play the submissive role. I controlled my life, no one else, but damn, there was a power in the way he was looking at me that made me want to hand over the reins for a while and let him control me in whatever way he saw fit.

Right at that moment, he was looking at me with a slightly bemused, questioning look on his face, though, and it didn’t seem to follow the train of thought that had been clattering through my mind. I looked back at him confused and realised he had asked me a question but I had been so deep into my reverie that I had completely missed it. I blushed as I realised that I must look like a simpering half-wit.

“I’m sorry. My mind was somewhere else entirely right then.”

Yeah, it was lying back on your desk with my legs spread while you ate my pussy until your face was covered in my cum. I wished I could have said that out loud. It was, however, only in my imagination said that caused my pussy to clench and tingle.

Thankfully he just laughed, but then his eyes took another long slow tour of my body and lingered on my thighs. My body responded and I felt my thighs begin to separate as I went to give him a better view of what he so obviously wanted to see. I managed to stop them before they went too far but I certainly gave him a glimpse of a lot more thigh than I planned to yet. He subconsciously licked his lips and another tingle went through me as I imagined him licking my lips, both pairs.

“It must be the day for it, I have had the same problem all day.”

He managed to tear his eyes away from my thighs and back to my eyes as he spoke. I could see the flame of desire burning in his eyes and his reaction when his eyes met mine. I did not doubt that he could see the same desire in mine. The sexual tension seemed to ratchet up a notch and the temperature in the room also seemed to go up.

“I.. I, ahh. I. I. I um. Shit. I’ve gotta go, I’ll be back in a while. Ahh, you can hold the fort down while I… Ahh while I’m out?”

I giggled as he stumbled over his words and struggled to keep his eyes on mine instead of letting them slide down over my body. I know I wasn’t helping in that I kept letting my thighs part just enough to give him a glimpse of my inner thighs but not much else. I wanted to show him more though, knowing my pussy was naked and that just a slight shift of my chair would show him my most intimate parts, but I was still reluctant to risk my job. I felt so torn and frustrated. In one of the moments where his eyes were firmly fixed on my thighs, I glanced down at his crotch and I could see his swollen cock, outlined by his form-fitting trousers. It was a battle I wanted to lose but I had to almost physically restrain myself from reaching out and taking it in my hand. I wanted to squeeze it and hear him moan as I felt his cock swell in my hand.

“Oh, God, I’ve really got to go.”

He turned and walked out the door as fast as he could without actually running. I licked my lips as I watched his tight ass as he strode out of the room. It took a moment but I eventually snapped back to reality. It was then that I had that slightly sinking feeling that maybe I had pushed it too far and that there would be terrible consequences for my actions this time.

All the doubt in the world came crashing in. Had I read the whole situation wrong? Was he angry and flustered and that’s why he stormed out the door? As time went on, I felt more and more certain that I had fucked up and I was in deep trouble. By the time Stefan returned about an hour later I had all but convinced myself that I needed to apologise to him. When he walked into the room, he was blushing but he seemed happy to see me nonetheless, which only left me feeling more confused than ever.

The afternoon dragged by but the longer it drew out with no word from Stefan the more I felt myself relax and feel a bit safer. Perhaps I had misread the whole thing. Finally, the never-ending afternoon began to draw to a close and just before the end of my shift, Stefan called me into his office. Instantly, the fear that had begun to abate came roaring back as I packed up my bag, ready for the commute home. I trudged towards his office feeling nauseous with fear and dread, convinced I was about to lose my job. I took a deep breath, steadied myself, and knocked on the door. Normally, I would just knock and enter, but my fear made me wait until he called out.

“Come in.”

I closed the door behind myself, even though I was positive that no one was going to walk into the office. I didn’t want anyone to hear me being rebuked. I looked over to Stefan, and I was surprised to see him smiling. What’s more, he was looking slightly sheepish and nervous himself. Before he could announce whatever doom I was in for though, I was determined to apologise and acknowledge my fault. I wanted to apologise, not just to try and save my job but because if I had misread the whole situation then my behaviour had been terrible.

“I, ahh.”

“Come in and sit down.”

It was a friendly invitation, not a command, and it left me feeling even more confused. I walked over to the chair opposite him and sat down, very demurely and showing as little thigh as possible. I looked back at him, and this time he had a little frown. I tried again.

“I, ah.”

“I need to talk to you about something, Sam, and it’s… Well, this is not going to be an easy conversation for me.”