Secret Society – Part One

At sixteen years of age Martin was not liked, he was a well known flasher and lived in a large town, there was quite a bit of hostile reactions to him but nobody ever got physically aggressive towards him, there were some residents of the town who seemed to be not bothered by him they spoke with him as they did anybody else. It was the schools six week summer holiday and went to stay with is gran in a small village just outside the town where he lived, it was the first time that he had stayed at the village he had visited the village for the day and found the villagers were very friendly. On his second day in the village Martin went into the village shop and while there the owners daughter Sara who was two years younger than Martin and attended his school bent to pick something up from a low shelve as she did Martin saw down her top and smiled when he saw she was not wearing a bra and he got a clear view of her naked boobs, After taking the bread to his gran Martin went out looking round the village as he walked through the village Sara approached him and asked him if he had seen her tits while he was in the shop, Martin smiled and said ” yes I did a good view” and when Sara said ” oh good” and walked away Martin was surprised, as he walked past the church he saw the vicars sixteen year old daughter Tina she was wearing a white cotton blouse Martin saw that her naked boobs were clearly visible through the thin fabric of the blouse, Tina waved at him Martin waved back and carried on walking as he got to the edge of the village he saw his classmate Colin stood in his back garden naked with a full erection, Martin saw the girl who lived next to Colin was also in the garden but fully clothed, Martin walked on as he crossed the field he saw Tina again and saw her boobs were still visible, Tina approached him and said ” you have been here two days and not had your cock out once” Martin smiled he then saw Sara coming towards them when she got to them Sara smiled and said to Tina ” he saw m tits in the shop” and to Martin’s surprise Sara took her tee shirt off and stood topless and when Sara took her blouse off Martin did not know who to look at first and when both girls took their jeans off and stood naked Martin thought he was dreaming, Tina then said to Martin you are not the only flasher in the village there are quite a few we have our own club where we do what we want in front of who we want, Martin then saw Sharon who was in his class at school who he thought was very cute, when Martin saw that she was naked his eyes went wide he admired her very ample boobs and love tube walking behind Sharon was a still naked Colin and the girl who had been in his garden who like Colin was now naked as well, Martin smiled and took his clothes off, Sara said ” about time your cock was out and got hold of it and started to jerk it while the others stood watching, when Sharon started to rub her love tube Martin thought nice go for it and after a few minutes Martin squirted his cum. After five minutes the others had left but not before inviting Martin to a party that was being held that night, as Martin walked back to his grans he saw Sara’s sister Amy who was four years younger than him in the back yard of the shop Martin admired the developing boobs of the naked girl and when she asked him if he was going to be at the party that night Martin told her that he would be, Amy said “oh great this will be fun” and after a short pause said ” Sharon likes you” Martin thought I am sure going to be there.