Sent Off

Twelve year old Mark was stood watching the junior football match, he knew it was the last match of the season and who ever won this game would be the girls league champions, Mark was loving it watching as the mainly sixteen year old girls ran around on the football pitch watching as their boobs bounced around inside their football jumpers. Mark walked away from the pitch and headed to the changing rooms hoping to find something worth stealing in the girls pockets and bags, as he approached the changing rooms Mark heard a commotion coming from the pitch turned and saw the girl were having a fight, he carried on into the changing rooms and was checking through bags when he heard somebody say ” I been sent off go get me a drink ” realising that he was trapped Mark went into the office to hide closed the door leaving the light off and watched through the window, as he watched Mark saw sixteen year old Jane enter the dressing room and turn the showers on, Mark thought this could be interesting and settled back to watching, then after Jane had taken her boots and socks off Mark watched as Jane lifted her jumper over her head and off, Mark smiled thinking cool as he saw that Jane was not wearing a bra and he had a good clear view of her naked boobs and when she took her shorts off Mark thought extra cool as Jane stood naked with her love tube fully visible, when Jane turned and walked to the shower Mark admired her bum thinking I wonder if she wants me to wash her, Mark watched as Jane stood soaping herself in the shower noticing her nipples go erect as he did, Mark then heard the door slam then Jane’s boyfriend Steve walk into view, Mark heard Jane shout ” lock the door we have plenty of time to fuck ” as Steve walked out of view Mark thought a free porno show coming up, then saw Steve walk back into sight and strip naked, Mark saw that Steve had a nine inch erection and thought I hope that mine is as big as that when I get older and watched as Steve walked to the shower and joined Jane, Mark watched as Steve and Jane kissed and cuddled under the shower while playing with each others body, after a few minutes Jane walked out of the showers rubbing her love tube as she went, Mark could see that her nipples were very stiff he saw her lay flat on one of the benches and place one foot on the floor either side of the bench, Steve walked over and joined her sitting either side of the bench at Jane’s feet, then adjusted his position so that he was laying on top of Jane then after snogging for a few minutes Steve raised himself a bit then lowered himself back down pushing his dick into Jane’s love tube as he did, shortly after Steve started to thrust in and out of Jane’s love tube, Mark stood watching through the glass panel of the office door as Steve thrust in and out of his girlfriends love tube, as he watched Mark thought this is a far lot better than a porno film, after ten minutes Mark heard Jane cry out yes oh yes and realised that Jane had cum not long after Mark saw Steve pull his dick from out of Jane’s love tube and squirt his cum over the floor, after ten minutes Steve had dressed and was leaving the changing room while Jane went back into the shower. After another twenty five minutes Jane was leaving the dressing room and went to the trees where Steve was sat waiting,Jane sat beside Steve on the ground and said to him I wonder if he saw everything he wanted to see and laughed when she heard the final whistle sound then added I bet he will be seeing plenty soon.