Sex slave

Wearing only a black leather skirt and thigh-high heeled black leather boots, charlotte stands in the center of the walk-in refrigerator, her wrists attached to either end of the spreader bar suspended from the ceiling, her nipples throb from the cold and from the pain of the clamps, each pulled upward due to the chains connecting each clamp with the O-ring at the front-center of her heavy leather collar. A tear tickles down her cheek due to the tightness of the clamps.

With no clock inside this refrigerator, the captive has no idea how long she has been here. her feet and legs are tired and ache her, the muscles in her arms still quite stiff despite her repeated attempts to flex them. her throat is dry and she has difficulty swallowing after her repeated calls for someone to come free her.

Here she is, a slave being punished. She had dropped a steak on the floor earlier in the day – it was an accident, as one of the cats had gotten underfoot. But Master Andrew would hear none of charlotte’s explanations. Even though she had given her Master her steak instead and contented herself with just a small salad, she had had a strong feeling that she would be punished.

And so, here she stands, just another piece of meat hanging in this cold, cold refrigerator. she had been placed here so long ago that the overpowering scent of raw meat is now almost sickening to her. she keeps here eyes closed so she no longer has to see all the meat hanging from the many hooks. Idly, she wonders if she will ever eat any kind off meat again after this experience, this punishment.

charlotte shuffles her feet yet again, the three-inch heels keeping her leg muscles in an awkward position. At least she is able to step a few inches in each direction; if Master Andrew had somehow secured her boots to the floor – or worse, to each other – her discomfort would be even greater than it is now.

Tipping her head forward relieves a little pressure on her nipples, but they still hurt, although not nearly as much as they had when the nipple clamps were initially applied.

The refrigeration unit activates once again, and charlotte groans. With one of the coolant vents almost directly above her head, she is blasted once again with nearly-icy air. Since the spreader bar is attached to a single solid bolt in the ceiling, the submissive is at least able to turn so the cold blast from above tumbles down her back, not her front; if her nipples harden any further, she feels she may not be able o handle the pain from the heavy metal clamps. Even now, it is difficult to hold back the tears, and the cold and still-cooling air distracting her greatly, making it much more of a challenge to internalize the pain.

…and the ever-present aroma of the raw meat definitely does not help in this situation.

Yet charlotte refuses to cry, gathering all the willpower she can muster from deep within her being. Even though she is alone in the walk-in refrigerator, she still has her pride. Even though she and Master Andrew have shared a special bond for nearly a decade, she refuses to cry for him.

she refuses to cry for herself.

Thankfully, or perhaps simply mercifully, the cooling unit switches off, and instantly the backside of charlotte’s topless body feels just a little warmer. The slave flexes her hands and slowly turns in circles to try to lessen the strain of being in the same position for such as long, long, long time. For the first time in perhaps an hour, or perhaps even longer, she opens her eyes, looking down at the heavy metal clamps biting at the base of each nipple, wishing she could use “Jedi mind tricks” to at least lessen the clamps’ intensity.

Being able to perform “Jedi mind tricks” would certainly separate from all the raw meat surrounding her.

charlotte looks up at her wrists, the thick leather cuffs encasing them each secured by a heavy Masterlock – her Master’s favorite brand due to the “Master” in the name. Of course, tipping her head back to look up at her wrists results in a tighter pull upon her sensitive nipples, and the slave nearly – but only nearly – cries out from the additional, self-inflicted pain.

With a loud noise, the heavy double-sealed door is unlocked, causing charlotte’s ears to pop. Unable to see the doorway due to all the thick hunks of meat blocking her view, she listens as the heavy door is opened, creaking loudly on its unoiled hinges. Hope fills her – hope that her Master will determine that she has been punished enough, hope that He will free her and lead her from this cold, odorous place. The single tear from earlier hangs on the edge of her chin, and charlotte shakes her head to force it away from her, in the process jostling the chains attached to the metal clamps and thus further torturing herself. Yet she is able to remain silent, breathing deeply through her nose to calm herself.

The footsteps are loud, and finally, she sees Master Andrew stand before her. Even though she wears boots with three-inch heels, she must still look up to meet His gaze, which tugs at her nipples even more. The fact that her Master is dressed like He is about to venture outside during a major blizzard brings a quick feeling off resentment to her tired mind, even as she recognizes the psychological effect of his choice of clothing.

Nothing is said as Master and slave simply look at each other for a long, long time. charlotte sees the care and love in Master Andrew’s eyes, and hopes that her eyes emit the same. Yet she wishes He would touch her, speak to herm simply do something other than just look at her.

The cooling unit activates again, and Master Andrew turns to captive so the cold air blasts down the front of her body. charlotte shudders, somehow holding back a sound of quiet torture, then suddenly screams and struggles violently as the clamps are removed simultaneously. The return of hot blood to the cold nipples is painful, worse than anything else she has experienced recently. The screams further the discomfort of her raw throat, and the tears threaten to cascade from her eyes.

Pressing Himself against her backside, Master Andrew mauls her chest, the rough material of His gloves further torturing charlotte’s pained nipples. Unable to hold back her tears any longer, she cries and cries and cries and cries and cries, even as she draws comfort and solace from her Master’s presence and touches.

Master Andrew at last steps away as the final tears drip to the floor. A few moments later, He reaches up and frees charlotte’s wrists, ready to catch her as she slumps back against Him from her exhaustion. Carefully, He heads her to the fireplace, helping her to kneel before the tall flames and wrapping her in a blanket before He leaves her to close and lock the walk-in refrigerator. When He returns, He brings her a mug of hot chocolate, and kisses her cheek.

All is forgiven. The punishment has ended.

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