Sierra Pt 1

A single man becomes involved with an exhibitionist mother and daughter

The old house on W. Fenton was just what I was looking for. Located near the end of a dead-end street, it was very private and secluded. Fenton was in the Union Hill, Alabama area and around 8 miles off Hwy 231 which runs north to Huntsville about 20 miles away.

Jenny knew I was looking for a fix upper. She was a longtime friend of my mothers and I was happy to help her make a sale, plus get first dibs on the listings she got! I met her there at 2pm on a warm Saturday at the end of April. The old widow that had owned it had finally passed at the nursing home over the winter and the family had come in after and got what they wanted then auctioned off the rest.

The late 1960’s two story with full basement was on 3 acres and sat about 150′ off the road on the south side. There was a single lane driveway on the east side that opened to a large double lane near the house. The right-hand lane going to a single garage door and left-hand lane going around the side of the house to a large detached garage out back. Upon inspection of the house, it was sound having thickly poured concrete basement walls. It had a modern breaker box and copper wiring, thank goodness. The copper plumbing was a bonus too! There was a nice stonework fireplace in the living room on the west wall. The two upper rooms had large windows that looked south to the beautiful Appalachian mountains, but the best view was of the naked blondes in the neighboring back yard to the southwest!

I knew the place would need a lot of work. The lawn, shrubbery and trees were overgrown. The exterior needed patching and painting. Gutter work. Windows repaired. Complete paint job inside with new carpets and flooring just to get started. I asked Jenny how much time she had before she had to lock the place up and head to her next appointment. She only offered me another 25 mins. I told her I was really wanting to take some pictures and measurements on my own for some mods I was thinking about. She showed me how to lock up the key box to the front door and said she’d work in her car until she had to leave, but I needed to leave ASAP afterward as she was really not supposed to leave anyone there on their own.

I thanked Jenny and grabbed the briefcase out of my truck, but not before adding my 8x binoculars! I walked casually to the house and entered before taking the stairs two at a time to make up for it! I held my binoc’s low and steady on the window sill like a sniper to not be seen. One blonde was young with small tits and the other older. Both tan with long straight blonde hair. Most likely a mother and daughter. They were laying on some outdoor loungers all oiled up and shining in the sun like goddesses. They had a large plastic kid’s pool set up to cool off in I assume. I then took out my digital camera to take some pics of them best I could. They were about 65 yards away, but I was able to zoom in for some decent shots. I Had to find out about them.

I called Jenny that evening and told her I was really considering the house. It was the best so far for the money after about a year of looking. I was just wondering about the prices of the other homes along Fenton and what the house I was looking at might bring when it was fixed up. Also, if the other homes were owner occupied or rented. She got back to me on Monday and said the house would easily bring 3x what the AS IS price was. That there are 14 houses along the full length of W. Fenton. 9 owners occupied, 4 rentals and 1 for sale. And that the nudist next door are renting… BUSTED!

I met with the loan officer on Tuesday to formalize the loan on the house. He knew my folks well and we all banked at that bank. My dad was part owner of a dock fabrication business serving Wilson and Wheeler Lakes and my mom and aunt Terry had a nice antique shop in Huntsville. While other kids in my high school had screwed off most the time. I had been buying antiques and collectibles at garage and estate sales then selling the stuff in my mom’s shop or on eBay since I was 14. Plus doing a lot of fabrication and welding work at the Dock Shop over the years for $25.00 and hour too. As long as I was working and saving for a home or business, my folks let me live at home for free! Cheaper than college. And now at 24, I had 34 grand to put down on a house, plus another 50 to use towards getting the house fixed up. The bank sent a guy out to look at the house and he thought it was a worthwhile investment. And with 34 for a down payment, I was not likely to default on the loan.

I got the keys to my new old house on Monday May 5th and started moving in. After making sure all the basic utility services were running smoothly, I arranged to have a dish TV and Internet service set up the following week. I found a decent used Kubota mini tractor with a bunch of attachments on Craigslist then used a trailer from the Dock Shop to haul it all home on Friday. I hadn’t met any neighbors yet, but I figured if I was busy mowing on a Saturday, they couldn’t help, but take notice. I took the rest of the day to fix up the 30 x 45 work shop and double check the tractor and attachments. I hooked up the 60″ mower to the tractor in preparation.

Going out the back door on Saturday morn I could hear a little noise coming from the neighborhood. Still pretty quiet though, but all the houses are rather far spaced from each other. The tractor ran great and it only took a little over an hour and a half to mow. I went to Huntsville to grab a couple burgers and to pick up some used ladders I saw on Craigslist. I also stopped and bought a few chain saws, rope, etc so I could work on the trees at my place. When I got back, blonde daughter was out mowing their front yard on one of those little 34″ Murry riding mowers that had seen better days. I stopped in the drive out front and unloaded the tree gear and gave blondie a smile and wave which I happily got back. I went in and got a thermal cup full of Coke and ice then went to work on trimming up the trees best I could.

I was just coming down from cutting the 5th limb on a Oak tree when I saw the neighbor’s mower in the front yard running, but no one on it. Pee break?? Then out comes daughter and mom with a worried look on her face. Mom gets on the mower and tries to shift it back and forth, but it won’t move then shuts it off.

Time to meet my new neighbors.
(Dominic) Having problems?
(Blondies) YES! both laughing.
(D) Well, hello then. I’m Dominic aka Mr. Fixit.
“Nice to meet you, Dominic. I’m Brenda and this is my daughter Sierra.”
(D) It’s a pleasure to meet both of you.
I think we all stood and looked each other over a little too long.
Brenda and Sierra were both hot. Brenda had that Jessica Simpson vibe and Sierra had a tanned young Christina Aguilera thing going. I’m 6′ 1″, have long dark hair with a short cropped beard and mustache and have been told I look like a young Christopher Lambert. The guy that played Highlander and Tarzan in that movie Greystoke- Legend of Tarzan.
(D) So, what happened Sierra?
“I don’t know? I was just riding along and it stopped moving. It was still running and the blades turning, but, but it just stopped moving!”

I could see Sierra was getting a little upset.
“Probably something simple. I’ll take a look at it.”
“Sure enough, just a broken drive belt”
(B) How do we fix that? Do we have to take it in?
(D) No, nothing that drastic.

I got the broken belt taken off and measured for her. I then advised her to hit a few auto parts stores to see if they had the belt. If they didn’t, they’d have to find a lawn mower shop or home supply place that might have one on hand. I gave Brenda the old belt to take along and she and Sierra headed out while I went back to the trees. About an hour later they showed up all smiles. I had more tree work to do, but was ready to take a break. They parked at home, but came walking over with a couple Domino’s Pizzas and the new belt.

(B) Hi Dominic…. Does bribery work on you? laughing
“Generally, does depending upon the offer!”
Hmmm… How about Pizza?
“That will work.” but I still saw the snicker from both of them.
“We can eat up on the porch if you want?”
That sounds good.
“All I have is Coke though.”

Brenda had Sierra run home and get her a Dr Pepper and Sierra likes Mtn. Dew.
I noticed that Sierra now had on a bra to hide her nice pokies. I can only hope that that was just for going to town and not for me. Thank the Lord I was right. When Sierra had returned, she was free at last and all smiles. She tried to avoid her mom’s gaze, that gave her that look, and sat on the other side of me from Brenda at the top of the stairs.

I ate slowly while I told them my basic story and how I got the house. They were shocked I was so young and buying a house. Then I ate while Brenda let loose. Sierra was 13 and just finishing up her 7th grade year at Union Hill. Brenda was None of my Biz and had a manager’s job at a nice dress shop in Huntsville. Sierra’s father had skipped on her before Sierra was even delivered and probably had a new identity by now. Brenda’s folks helped her out some and she got a little help with food from the state. They were just renting the small ranch style from the Parsons. An older, wealthy couple who lived in Birmingham and kept the rent cost low for her as it was their old starter house and long paid for. The Parsons even provided the Murry mower for the place in hopes the renters would keep up with the mowing.

Brenda offered me all the Pizza that was left, but I didn’t need it all so just took a few pieces for later and gave the rest back to them. We met back out at the stranded mower and I put it in neutral and pushed it over to a shady spot that Sierra had already mowed. I lowered the mower deck and removed its drive belt from the motor. Then it was a simple matter of putting the new belt over the transaxle and motor pulley with the tensioning pulley pulled back. I put the mower belt back in place, raised the deck and offered the seat to Sierra. She jumped on, fired it up, engaged the mower, put it in gear and took off with a big grin. Brenda was jumping too and came over to give me a big hug and thank you. I’m starting to like this place even more!

I went back to work on the trees and Brenda hung around dragging the limbs I cut over to a pile I had started. I was just cutting out the dead limbs and some green ones that were hanging too low, but it was nice to have someone there in case I got hurt. Around 5:00 Brenda told me she needed to get ready to leave as she had to go to the shop tonight to help close up. I thanked her for the help and she left. Sierra was done mowing out the back yard by that time too. Their lot only being about 1 acre.

I heard Brenda take off around 6:00, but was up in a tree just finishing the last of the limbs. Then around 6:30 I got another surprise. I was putting the tools in the back of my truck when someone called out with a Hello. I turned around to see a older couple approaching and they introduced themselves as Martin and Deanna Morris. They lived across the road and wanted to offer me a covered plastic tray of homemade cookies and brownies as a house warming gift. I gladly accepted and we stood and talked awhile. They were excited that I had bought the Taylor’s house and was going to fix it all up. They told me some history about the old neighborhood then left.

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