Silvia and Megan: Part Twenty-Three


The new year was finally here, and I could relax and return to my routine. Michelle’s exercise and diet program was working for me. I’d lost twelve pounds since October. It doesn’t seem like much, but that was all fat, and some of it had changed into muscle. My face looked thinner, and I’d lost an inch from my waist while dropping a dress size from an eight to a six. Plus, I felt better and had more energy.

Megan also benefited from my diet change. We gradually tossed out all the junk food we’d been snacking on, which made a big difference. I told her about the new exercises Michelle had me doing, and my lovely stepdaughter added some of them to her workouts at school.

My confidence was boosted further by unexpected flirtations from strangers. They were mostly men who would smile and compliment me on something I wore. I always smiled and told them ‘thank you,’ and that’s as far as it went. At work, it was subtle due to the sexual harassment rules, but there were a few nice comments. Out in public, it wasn’t quite so subtle, which at times made me mad. But having someone interested in me felt good. What surprised me the most was being complimented by females. Baristas, servers where I ate lunch, checkout girls at the grocery store, and sales girls at the mall who never said anything to me before complimenting me. Again, it was subtle and mainly compliments with smiles and eye contact, with no obvious flirtations with touching or suggestive words.

I’d finished my school classes and got more hours at work. I was busy, and being active was good for me. Some Saturdays, when Megan went to work out with Mika and her two friends, I’d tag along and run six miles while they practiced. I kept a pleasant ten-minute pace when running. So warming up, running, and cooling down afterward took about an hour and a half, which matched their workout time.

I met Ivy and Isabel and found them funny and very flirtatious. They were also good for my ego, and I welcomed their comments and flirtations. I flirted back but never took anything further despite having the desire to bed the two cuties.

Mika and Noa were frequent visitors to our house. Noa was so cute. I bought him toys, a walker, and a high chair. I found them at thrift stores and on Craigslist, so they weren’t expensive. Mika appreciated it because she didn’t have to lug his toys over when they visited. The more I got to know Mika, the more I could see why Megan had fallen for her; she was a doll.

Michelle and I still tried to spend a night or two at each other’s house each week. Sometimes, that coincided with Mika and Noa visiting, which was nice. Unfortunately, Michelle wasn’t into little children, and I could tell she wasn’t always happy that Noa was there.

So, I tried to schedule Michelle’s visits when I knew Mika and Noa wouldn’t be there. It didn’t always work, but we made the best of it.

It was nice to see Mika and Megan together. Megan confided in me that they didn’t snuggle or show affection at her parent’s house. She said Mika wasn’t sure how they’d react, mainly because of Megan’s age.

So, at our house, they could do whatever they wanted. I even watched Noa, walking him around the block and keeping him occupied so they could have some private time. I suggested to Megan if Mika came over on the Martin Luther King holiday, I would take Noa to the mall for a couple of hours if Mika would allow it. So, Megan asked Mika if I could take him, and she said yes. She helped load all his things in my car, and off we went. It was a good day. I had a nice time with Noa as we wandered around the various stores while Megan and Mika had some private time at home. I could tell they enjoyed it because they were both grinning and had wet hair from showering when we returned.

The only bad thing about that was when Noa got fussy, and I couldn’t figure out the problem. Usually, that was taken care of by holding him and walking around quietly talking to him. Over time, I became like a grandmother to him, changing and feeding him. He was growing and beginning to eat baby food. It was fun to watch his expressions when Mika brought something new over for him to try. It was either love or hate it; in both cases, he would make a mess.

The more I saw Megan and Mika together, the more I thought about Michelle and me. I realized all we did was get together at the gym and then at one of our houses and have sex. I know we’d been to a couple of parties and the soccer game, but we never really had ‘dates’ like going out to dinner, movies, maybe a walk somewhere, something besides having sex. Megan and Mika found the time for those things, so I wondered why Michelle and I couldn’t.

I knew a lot about Michelle from the times we were together, and the sex was good, but it seemed like there should be more. When Lloyd courted me, I remembered we went dancing, to the movies, out to dinner, bowling, and did things we both enjoyed. It wasn’t like that with Michelle.

Towards the end of January, Jen and Caroline, the couple from the New Year’s Eve party, invited us to a charity recital. I considered that a date for Michelle and me.

The recital was being held on a Friday evening in the auditorium at Jen’s school. When we arrived, the parking lot was full of expensive cars. Michelle and I marveled at them as I parked my car at the far end of the lot. I hadn’t realized Jen’s school was private, and it seemed to cater to wealthy people. Thankfully, Michelle had said it was semi-formal, and we’d dressed appropriately.

When Michelle and I entered the auditorium, we were greeted by Jen and Caroline. Caroline was in a black plunging-neck ruched velvet bodycon dress with open-toed stilettos. She looked hot. Jen was more conservatively dressed in a chianti velvet dress with spaghetti straps and black pumps. It showed off her long, toned legs nicely.

Michelle had chosen to wear a stretch viscose belted midi dress in Navy blue with matching pumps. I decided to wear a black sequined lace midi dress with silver stilettos.

When we greeted each other, there were hugs all around as they thanked us for attending. I looked around between hugs, noticing that the auditorium stage had chairs and stands for the string ensemble. I looked over at Caroline, who seemed a little nervous. When I asked, she said that it always happens when she performs for an audience.

As we talked, a server approached us with a tray filled with hors d’oeuvres. Another followed her with flutes of red and white wine. Caroline passed on both while the rest of us sampled the hors d’oeuvres and had a flute of white wine.

With wine glasses in hand, the four of us chatted as we walked around the auditorium. We looked at the tables holding items donated for the silent auction. Everything was expensive: golf lessons, spa days, cases of wine, vacations, private chef-prepared dinners, portrait seatings, season tickets to various sporting venues, symphonies, opera seasons, and other expensive items.

The bids were out of this world, and I wished I had money to bid on something, but I couldn’t afford anything there if I were to win the bid.

As we wandered around the auditorium, Caroline kept glancing at her watch, and just before eight, she excused herself to get ready to perform.

After Caroline departed, the three of us found some empty seats in the middle of the auditorium. Jen sat between Michelle and me as we waited for the recital to begin. Just as I was about to ask Jen what time the music started, the school’s principal came out and thanked everyone for attending. She pointed out some items that only had a few bids on them, suggesting they needed a few more. She made a few jokes and then introduced the quartet. Jen smiled as Caroline was introduced. We applauded and then waited for the music to begin.

I’d been to concerts before, but they were rock concerts back when I was in my twenties. I didn’t remember most of them because I smoked pot or drank before the shows. I wasn’t a classical music fan, but this was very lovely.

The ensemble played for about an hour. The compositions highlighted each instrument with a solo performance. I was in awe, watching Caroline’s long fingers move up and down the neck of the cello. Her eyes were closed as she played, and I could see and feel her passion for the music, and it moved me.

When the concert was over, they received a standing ovation. Jen was nearly overcome with joy and had tears welling in her eyes. Michelle and I were also moved and close to tears. I told Jen she was fortunate to have such a beautiful and talented partner.

She smiled and whispered back, “Thank you. You and Michelle are very lovely also.”

After the ovation, I noticed more bids were entered on the various table items. Caroline rejoined us, obviously relieved her part was over. Caroline was very gracious and thanked each person who walked up and complimented her on the ensemble’s performance. She also thanked them for attending and supporting the school.

Michelle and I briefly left Jen and Caroline as they talked with more admirers and some of Jen’s students’ parents. The servers once again walked around with trays of flutes filled with wine. Michelle and I each grabbed one as we walked around the tables again, looking at the current bids. Both of us were still astonished at the bids people had written in. When we got to one of the private chef-prepared dinners, we gasped at the latest bid, over five thousand dollars. We reminded each other it was all for the school. I quipped that a dinner like that probably only costs a couple hundred dollars.

As I said that, a woman who was looking over an adjoining bid moved towards us. She’d heard my comment, and I suspected she was going to say something to me. I figured she was a trophy wife, young, maybe late twenties, tall brunette, ample cleavage, Latina, and wearing a very expensive outfit.

She looked at us smiling and said, “Oh no. It’s closer to a thousand.”

When she spoke, her accent reminded me of Ines and Triana. I could feel a tingle between my legs as I recalled their voices with each word she spoke.

We gazed at her as Michelle replied, “Must be one hell of a dinner.”

The young woman laughed, “Oh, it can be. It depends on the menu, of course. Hello, I’m Esperanza Avila. I’m the chef, and I donated the dinner.”

Esperanza offered her hand as Michelle and I looked at each other and then at the bid sheet. We each, in turn, shook her hand, introducing ourselves, both a little embarrassed.

Michele smiled, “You’re the celebrity chef, Esperanza Avila?”

Esperanza smiled, “I am. My daughter goes to school here. Her teacher is Jen, whom I assume is your friend. I noticed the three of you sitting together earlier.”

I blushed, “Now I’m really embarrassed.”

Esperanza smiled as she touched my arm, “Don’t be. You had no idea. I certainly don’t look like a chef tonight. Thank you for coming and supporting the school. Do you have children here?”

Michelle replied somewhat tersely, “No, I don’t have any children.”

I smiled, “No, my stepdaughter is a senior in high school. We’re just friends of Caroline and Jen.”

Esperanza looked at me as if I were joking, “Seriously? Close to being an empty nester?”

I blushed, “Maybe. She hasn’t decided on a university yet.”

Jen and Caroline joined us as Esperanza explained what a fine dinner would include. The five of us started talking, sipping our wine, and conversing pleasantly. Jen reminded Esperanza about teacher conferences the following week, and Esperanza checked her phone to confirm the meeting was scheduled.

Esperanza replied, “It’s on my calendar, and I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I have some concerns about Simone that I’d like to discuss.”

Jen smiled, “Oh, Okay. Simone is doing very well, but we still need to talk.”

After about ten minutes of group chatting, Esperanza began asking about Megan. Her daughter, Simone, was eleven, so I did some quick math in my head and figured, at the very least, Esperanza was close to thirty. She certainly didn’t look it, but Simone could be her stepchild. I wasn’t going to pry.

As we chatted, Esperanza wondered if the teen years were as scary as she’d heard. I told her Megan was a doll and, of course, it’s an individual thing. She was into soccer, volleyball, birds, photography, and academics. She didn’t pay much attention to boys and was focused on what she wanted to do after high school.

Esperanza was surprised and said I was fortunate. Her daughter liked to cook and was doing okay in school. She hadn’t discovered boys quite yet. She was playing futbol or soccer as we call it. But she didn’t have anything she was passionate about. I told Esperanza that Megan was enthralled with birds and wanted to make a career with them as her primary focus. I also mentioned that Megan became more focused on birds after our vacation to Costa Rica.

Esperanza was delighted to hear about Megan and asked me how we liked Costa Rica. I told her we fell in love with the country and the people and that we’d love to go back. She was delighted and recalled her childhood, growing up in Argentina with no idea what she wanted to do with her life. I told her I was the same way at that age. We continued talking as Caroline, Jen, and Michelle became lost in their conversation.

Esperanza mentioned Simone was just like her at that age. Enjoying a carefree life without any idea of who or what she wanted to be when she grew up. I smiled and suggested Esperanza shouldn’t worry about it. Simone was only eleven and had plenty of time to find herself. I changed the subject and asked Esperanza when she made up her mind to become a chef. She said it was when she was around twenty and at University. Her grandmother was dying, so she dropped out of school and went home to be with her.

Esperanza had always loved cooking with her and decided to write a cookbook of her grandmother’s recipes before she passed away. She tried the recipes on her family and neighbors to ensure they tasted like her grandmother’s cooking. It took a few tries with most of the dishes, but she had enough for a book and showed it to her grandmother a few weeks before she passed.

Esperanza then published it herself, and it was a huge hit, so she started cooking on her own, married and moved to the United States. About a year after their arrival, she and her ex-husband opened a small restaurant. He became very frustrated with the business and their lack of time together. He left her just before her career took off because she spent too much time at the restaurant.

I’m sure there were more details, but her story saddened me. She told me she was over him, and she and Simone were, for the most part, very happy. There was a brief lull in our conversation, and then Esperanza smiled and said we should visit Argentina. I told her I’d love to, but I’d have to think about it.

It was getting late when she asked if we could get together with our girls. I told her I’d like that, and I think Megan would also. We exchanged numbers, and then Esperanza and I rejoined Michelle, Jen, and Caroline, who were discussing the massage that was up for bidding. I didn’t get what they talked about, but it sounded naughty.

It was approaching ten, and Esperanza had to go because her sitter was only allowed out until eleven. Michelle and I said our goodbyes to her, Jen, and Caroline. On the way to my car, Michelle and I talked about Esperanza. I told her we discussed our daughters and the lack of focus she was worried about with Simone.

Michelle mentioned Jen and Caroline had invited us over for a nightcap, but she sensed I wasn’t interested, and she was right. I’d had enough wine for one evening, and I was tired. I suggested we have them over for dinner some night; she thought it was a good idea.

I dropped Michelle off at her place, kissed her goodbye, and went home. Megan was asleep when I got home. I could tell Mika and Noa had been over because I could smell that unique baby fragrance in the house. I smiled, thinking about cute little Noa and how well Megan and Mika were doing.

For some strange reason, I couldn’t get Esperanza out of my mind, maybe because she reminded me of Ines and Triana a bit. But Esperanza was much more sophisticated and sexy than my first two lovers were. She was tall, like Megan and her dark eyes seemed to glisten in the auditorium light as she talked with me. Her accent was very sexy and a little different, but she still had that yummy Latin touch to it.

I was wound up, and I couldn’t help myself. I decided to get my toy out to help me get to sleep. Before using it, I eased my fingers between my legs and began to rub. I pictured Esperanza with her sultry, seductive voice telling me how much she wanted me as she stood next to my bed. I imagined her as she slowly removed the dress she was wearing at the recital while I continued playing with myself.

When her dress hit the floor, I pictured her in a very skimpy set of pink lingerie, which barely covered her nipples and vagina. My imaginary Esperanza whispered she’d worn it just for me, which made my hand rub with a little more intensity.

When she reached back to unhook her top, I nearly climaxed, so I slowed down and edged for a bit. I pictured her full, firm breasts as her top dropped to the floor. Her nipples were small and dark and looked delicious as she cupped each breast, offering them to me. When she asked if I liked them, I swallowed and then mumbled ‘yes’ out loud.

Next, my imaginary Esperanza joined me on the bed, lowering her face between my legs, and began to lick me. That’s when I took my toy and started focusing on my clit. I pictured Esperanza’s tongue toying with me as I moved the strappy back and forth in me. I grunted, not caring if Megan heard me.

It wasn’t long before I let myself climax. I was ready, and it felt spectacular. I eased the toy from me and lay panting after my orgasm. I had a little guilty feeling about using Esperanza as my inspiration and not Michelle. But that soon passed after setting the strappy off to the side of the bed and then falling asleep with a smile.

I slept until seven, took my toy to the bathroom, and washed it as I showered. I dressed and went to the kitchen for my coffee, and found Megan already up and getting ready to go to her workout with Mika and their friends. While I was making coffee, I asked Megan if she’d ever heard of Esperanza Avila.

She looked at me like I was kidding and said, “Yes, she’s written a couple of cookbooks and owns that fancy upscale restaurant downtown ‘La cocina de mi Abuela.’ Why?”

I replied, “Oh, I met her last night at the recital. She has an eleven-year-old daughter, Simone. We talked about the two of you. Esperanza is slightly worried because she feels Simone lacks focus. She doesn’t really have any hobbies. She asked if the four of us could get together, and maybe you could pick her daughter’s brain a bit. Because sometimes talking to your mother about things is uncomfortable. Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about that, sweetheart.”

Megan laughed, “No, I’ve never felt that way, Mom.”

Then Megan’s eyes widened as she asked, “Is Esperanza as hot in real life as she is online?”

I smiled and nodded, “She is hot, that’s for sure.”


Megan caught herself, “Oh, umm. That’s weird, don’t they talk? Simone and Esperanza? I mean, sure, I’ll talk with her. But I’m a stranger. Why would she tell me anything?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know, but Esperanza wanted to get together. I didn’t feel like saying no. Maybe they don’t have many friends with the schedule she keeps. It couldn’t hurt, could it?”

Megan momentarily thought, “If it were me and you did this when I was eleven, I would have been shy and not said much of anything. But, if we met someone like we did Michelle and Mika at an event or someplace like that. I think I’d be more comfortable. Does that make sense?”

I replied, “It does, and I just got an idea. Esperanza had to leave last night to get her babysitter home by eleven. How do you feel about watching her daughter? That way, you can get to know her, and it might not be so awkward.”

Megan smiled, “Ask Esperanza. I don’t mind; there are no diapers to change, and if she speaks Spanish, that would be cool. But, if she has a regular babysitter, Simone might want to know why I was babysitting her. I mean, I’m happy to meet her; it just needs to be casual, I think.”

I grinned, “I think it’s a good idea, Megan. I’ll text Esperanza later and see what she thinks. Maybe we could meet somewhere like your soccer workout? Esperanza mentioned Simone plays. We could meet there, and Esperanza and I can go for a walk or something during your workout. We’ll see. Thank you, sweetheart.”

Then Megan suggested, “Yep, maybe have them meet us at my Saturday workout. If she plays soccer, we could talk then. If Esperanza runs or wants to sit and talk with you, that would be okay, too. That way, Simone won’t feel abandoned.”

Megan had a good idea. I had no idea what Esperanza’s schedule was, so I waited until after nine, then texted her and asked her to call me. I was after one that afternoon when my cell chimed, and Esperanza’s number showed up.

We discussed the recital and auction before getting to Simone and our meeting. She thought the soccer workout was a great idea. Simone enjoyed that, and working with more experienced girls might help her game. She only wanted Simone to open up a bit because it had been hard since Simone’s dad had left.

Esperanza mentioned she had a home gym and worked out when she wasn’t at her restaurant or testing recipes. She did run, but not too fast and not for long distances. I told her we could go as far as she liked and as fast. The main idea was to let Simone and Megan meet to break the ice. She liked that idea, and we agreed on a date.

I told Megan about the plan when she returned from her workout with the girls. She said she mentioned it to Mika, Ivy, and Isabel, and they were all for it. So, I texted Esperanza with some dates for our meeting and then waited for a reply. It wasn’t long before my cell pinged again with smiley emojis from Esperanza saying Simone thought it was a good idea, and she named a date. I texted back that we’d see them, along with the address and time. I mentioned it to Megan, and she smiled and nodded her head.

Wednesday nights were usually when Michelle and I had sleepovers. Since we didn’t have the nightcaps with Caroline and Jen, Michelle invited them to her house for dinner.

We decided to make grilled green chili chicken tacos. We had all sorts of things to build the tacos with, like tomatoes, cheese, pico de gallo, hot sauces, onions, and cilantro. We also had a couple of tortillas of different styles to add to the mix. Michelle decided to make strawberry margaritas to accompany our meal.

Jen and Caroline arrived around six. Jen looked tired, and Caroline said she’d been having teacher conferences all day, which was frustrating for her. Jen gulped her first two Margaritas rather than sip, and she finished her second before we finished our first.

Jen slowed down with the drinks after Caroline had an aside with her. After Caroline’s talk, Jen slowed her drinking, but it seemed the Tequila was having its effect on her. She was happy and very flirty with Michelle.

Michelle kept giving Caroline and me looks as if to say, ‘I can’t help it if she’s flirting with me,’ but it seemed like Michelle was enjoying it. After watching Jen, Caroline cut Jen off after her third glass just before dinner. Caroline and I hoped she’d sober up a bit as she drank water and ate. But, her flirtations continued with Michelle during dinner.

When dinner was over, Caroline and I cleared the table and put things away in the kitchen. Jen had noticed Caroline’s stern looks during dinner and eased back on her flirting. While we cleaned up, Caroline apologized to me for her girlfriend’s behavior. I told her not to worry about it. Jen was under stress from school, and we all get that way at times.

Caroline paused to check to make sure Michelle and Jen were out of earshot and asked, “How do you feel about Michelle being flirted with?”

I thought for a moment as I stopped putting the dishes in the dishwasher and told her, “I’m not thrilled with it, but like you, I’m dealing with it. You don’t seem too upset; you’re just a little frustrated with Jen. At least that’s what I see, but I could be wrong.”

Caroline sighed, “You’re right. I am a little frustrated with her tonight. But I can see her attraction to Michelle. She has a thing for fit women, just like I do. We find you both very attractive, and it’s something we discussed on our way home from the party after meeting you.”

I had a curious expression on my face when I told her, “I didn’t see any flirting at the recital. Jen was so proud of you. It must be the Tequila and this week’s frustration. I haven’t noticed Michelle flirt with anyone since we’ve been together. I happen to like fit women also, so I understand the attraction.”

Caroline grinned, “In a way, it sort of excites me to see Jen like that. It’s confusing. We’ve never seriously talked about other women until we talked about you two. I hate to say it, but our lovemaking that night was out of this world.”

Caroline blushed, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I should take her home so she can get some sleep. She has another busy day with the ‘entitled ones’ tomorrow.”

I was surprised and a bit excited when she mentioned their talk along with the love making thing. I had thought about them a little bit since we met, but I wasn’t sure about what I was feeling. I told her I had to get home, too. I had a busy day ahead. I thanked her for the compliment and returned it, telling her I found them both very attractive. So, we left our conversation with my mind wandering and went out to the living room to say goodnight.

Jen and Michelle were sitting on the sofa talking when Caroline and I walked in. Caroline told Jen it was time to go, reminding her she had to be up early for conferences. Jen looked disappointed but got up to leave.

We hugged goodnight, with Caroline hugging me tightly and Jen hugging Michelle. After we swapped, Jen promised that next time, she would slow down on the alcohol. She admitted she was stressed and hoped she hadn’t embarrassed herself. Michelle and I both smiled as Michelle told her she was fine.

After they left, Michelle asked if I was alright.

I replied, “I’m fine, why?”

Michelle moved to me, took my hands in hers, and looked me in the eyes, “I thought I saw a spark of jealousy there, lover.”

I blushed, “I have a few things going through my mind. Caroline said a couple of things while we were in the kitchen that I’m wondering about.”

Michelle asked, “What did she say?”

I sighed, “She mentioned that after we first met them, they talked about us. Then she said their lovemaking that night was ‘out of this world.’ Which I think meant we’d inspired them and that they wouldn’t mind getting together with us intimately. You and Jen and me with Caroline. Well, that’s how I interpreted what she said. But she mentioned they’ve never done anything like that before. I think she wanted to see my reaction.”

Michelle briefly kissed me and asked, “Would you want to swap with them? They are very yummy. I did notice you were mesmerized by Caroline’s playing at the recital.”

I replied, “I was watching her fingers and how she played so emotionally, my love. I know they are yummy, but I thought we had an exclusive relationship. That’s why this confuses me. You don’t seem to mind that they would suggest it, and it looks like you enjoyed Jen flirting with you. I know we shared Megan, and that was special. It won’t happen again because she’s with Mika and they are in love. I’m still new to all of this, Michelle. Do many lesbian couples swap partners?”

Michelle said, “I don’t know. It depends on their relationship. There has to be a lot of trust and communication between everyone. I do love you, and I loved our time with Megan. She’s a beautiful young woman. Sex with Caroline and Jen would be just that, sex. It’s entirely up to you if we do it. Caroline was just hinting, right?”

The tone of my voice had some reluctance in it, “Yes, I think she was hinting. She didn’t come right out and say it. I did get that they had never done anything like that before. But the way Jen was flirting with you, I think she’d love to. I think we’re a lot like them because of the way Caroline acted. She’s more like you, taking the lead in their relationship. But I’d need to think about it, Michelle.”

Michelle replied, “So, you think I take the lead? Right now, you’re doing the leading, my love. We can discuss this some more. It’s late, and we both have to get up early. I wish we could talk more, maybe this weekend?”

I smiled, “Yes, Saturday night would be good. I’m meeting Esperanza and her daughter, Simone, on Saturday morning. Simone is going to practice with Megan, Mika, and their two friends. Esperanza has some concerns with Simone and hopes Megan can help.”

Michelle looked at me, “Should I be concerned about you and Esperanza?”

I laughed, “No, it’s a mom helping another mom thing. She is gorgeous, but I’m happy with us.”

Michelle smiled, “I am, too. I’ll see you at the gym Friday, sweetness.”

We kissed goodnight, and I headed home. It had been an interesting evening, and I wondered what, if anything, would happen between our new friends and Michelle and me. Esperanza was a new twist, but that would create drama, and I hate drama.

Michelle and I talked more about Caroline and Jen on Friday at the gym. Jen had texted us and apologized once more. She suggested dinner at their place the following Friday night. I was still unsure about swapping, and Michelle was fine with that. We agreed to see how dinner with them went, and then we could discuss it further. I had no idea how it might unfold, but my best guess was still Jen with Michelle and me with Caroline.

I tried not to think about it at work that Friday, but it kept creeping into my thoughts. So much, in fact, I masturbated imagining Caroline and I making love while Michelle and Jen were doing it also across the room before falling asleep that night.

Saturday morning, Megan rode with me to her workout. I talked with her friends, Isabela and Ivy before Esperanza and Simone showed up. Megan and Mika wandered off to talk to each other and steal a few kisses when they thought no one was looking. Ivy and Isabel were a tiny bit flirtatious, inviting me to join them in their hot tub whenever I felt like it. That made me feel good.

When Esperanza and Simone arrived, everyone was introduced. The girls went to the pitch and started their drills while Esperanza and I stretched before going on our run. I’d mapped out a nice three-mile course, which I showed my new friend. She liked it, so off we went.

We kept a nice pace so we could talk. Our conversation centered on our girls, and from there, we talked about our lives, expanding on our conversation from the recital. I loved hearing her speak, and I kept looking over at her as we ran, thinking I was back in Costa Rica despite being able to see our warm breath in the cold air as we ran.

We briefly talked about dating; she didn’t have time, and I was taken by Michelle. I told her how we met and about our first date. Esperanza congratulated me for being with a mujer muy caliente. I told her I only spoke a little Spanish, but I knew what she said and thanked her.

After that, I mentioned the food we had in Costa Rica, and Esperanza smiled. She asked when Megan and I would like to come over for dinner for some real South American cooking. I said we’re pretty much available most evenings and to text me when she had time. Esperanza smiled and said she’d make time for us since we were helping her out. Once again, she got another thank you as we neared the completion of our run.

We returned to the pitch as the girls were finishing their practice. They were all sweaty and smiling, which was a good thing; there were hugs all around as we said our goodbyes.

On the way home, I asked Megan how it went with Simone. She said Simone was quiet at first, but after a few drills, she started talking about soccer. She answered questions about her mom, her soccer team, school, what music she liked, and a bunch of other things. Everyone liked her, and she seemed to have a good time. She even scored a goal against Ivy when they were practicing penalty kicks.

I told her I was glad she fit in and that Esperanza invited us to dinner. I told her we were free most of the time, so when she had some free time to, let us know. That made Megan smile. She said she’d missed that delicious cuisine and wondered how it would compare to Triana’s cooking.

Megan then asked me how our run went. I told her it was fine. We talked the entire run, getting to know each other better. She said that was cool and that it was a good morning all around. I agreed, and we left it at that.

Saturday night, I had dinner with Michelle. She asked how my day went, and I told her about my run with Esperanza along with Megan’s morning with Simone and the girls. She was glad we had a good time.

After dinner, Michelle and I talked about Caroline and Jen as we snuggled on the sofa, sipping wine. We eventually decided to wait and let them make the first move. Michelle had been in a ménage à trois a couple of times, not including Megan and I. She repeated her warnings and reminded me it was my decision to make.

After our third glass of wine, I suggested we go to bed and have Kimmie join us. Michelle smiled, and off to bed, we went.

Normally, Michelle gives, and I receive when we use Kimmie or Francis. I may lean towards women now, but having that faux penis in me for a lengthy period of time and being able to watch Michelle’s breasts jiggle gives me some spectacular orgasms.

That night, I wanted to give. Michelle smiled and asked how I’d like her. I suggested on her knees, face down on the bed, with her ass in the air. We hadn’t done that position before, so Michelle was delighted I suggested it.

Michelle retrieved Kimmie from her drawer, and before lubing her up, we made out to get warmed up. That led to fingering each other until Michelle whispered she was ready. I was aroused also, and when it was time for me to wear Kimmie, I didn’t need any lube. She felt yummy in me; if Michelle hadn’t been there, I would have used her on myself.

With Kimmie in the perfect spot inside me, I joined Michelle on the bed. Michelle was in position in the middle of the bed, patiently waiting for me, her ass high enough for me to slip Kimmie in. We left the light on so I could see Michelle’s expressions in the full-length mirror on the wall as we played.

Before I started, I bent down to kiss her ass cheeks and rub her labia to be sure she was moist. My kissing and rubbing continued until Michelle told me to start or she’d cum on my hand. I giggled and suggested that wasn’t a bad thing.

But I stopped and slapped Michelle’s ass before getting behind her. I began to tease her with Kimmie, rubbing the strappy up and down her perineum and over her labia before easing it in. Michelle was practically begging me to insert it when I finally did. She thanked me as I pushed it in as deep as I could. When I started moving back and forth, Michelle moaned and closed her eyes, enjoying every inch of our friend.

I placed one hand on her backside to steady myself while I extended the other behind me to help balance as I humped away. It took a few minutes to get into a rhythm with Michelle as she pushed back against me. My angle varied until we hit that sweet spot together. Michelle started talking, calling me all sorts of sweet and dirty names. I called her a few things, too, which made her more excited.

We kept going until Michelle gripped the bed sheets and cried out that her feet were cramping. I could see tears streaming down her cheek when she lifted her head to try to look back at me. We were both panting as I slowed down with the strappy.

Just before I removed it, Michelle pushed back one more time, and that pushed me over the edge. My body shook as I grabbed Michelle’s hips with both hands so I wouldn’t fall over. We could barely complete a sentence as we told each other how amazing we felt.

When I finally withdrew Kimmie, Michelle rolled onto her back. I eased our toy from me, dropping it on the end of the bed, and joined my lover to snuggle.

Michelle looked at me, smiling, “Fuck, Sil. You need to do that more often to me, baby. I’m spent.”

I purred, “I’m glad. Oh, I’ve decided on Caroline and Jen.”

Michelle kissed me before I could tell her, then asked, “Well? What did you decide, my sweet love.”

I blushed as I replied, “If they want to and you want to, I’ll go along. But I want them to initiate things, and I want to go slow.

Michelle looked into my eyes as she told me, “It’s whatever they want, but you’re probably right. I think Caroline likes you, sweetness. Maybe they’ll want to switch at some point. I have no clue what they want to do, so we’ll see. What made you decide?”

I thought for a moment, then told her, “It’s another new thing for me. I trust you. We can talk more about it after we talk to them. The more I think about it, the more excited I become. It’s totally out of character for me.”

Michelle grinned, “I kinda like the naughty you. We’ll see what happens, lover. Let me put Kimmie in the sink, and we can snuggle some more.”

I’d left Kimmie at the end of the bed, so I got up and handed the toy to her. I watched as Michelle got out of bed to take the soaked toy to the sink. Marveling at her tight ass, I smiled, knowing it was all mine. I heard the toilet flush, got out of bed, and passed Michelle on her way back. I used the toilet and thought about my decision. I knew it would be on my mind all week, and that wasn’t a bad thing.

We slept in Sunday morning, and when we finally got out of bed, Michelle and I took a nice long shower. Michelle was very attentive and went down on me while we were rinsing off. She played with my rosebud, which was something she hadn’t done in a long time. I assumed it was my reward for agreeing to swap with Jen and Caroline.

Before I left, Michelle said she’d contact Caroline and Jen. I told her that was great, and I was apprehensive and excited at the same time. She laughed and said she was feeling it, too.