Sister’s Secret

When I was 11, my little brother Davie was 8, my big sister Sandie was 15, and we had another brother Seth, he was 13. I know, it was a pretty big family, but the boys were pretty good to us girls, or at least so I thought.

Then, one night we’re downstairs watching TV, and our parents were upstairs. We weren’t even watching anything sexy, mom, and dad weren’t doing it up in their bedroom. So, it was completely out of the blue when Davy stood up, and turned around with a boner. He waved it back, and forth in his pants, so Seth got up, and said “That’s nothing.”

He pulled his cock out, and it wasn’t even hard yet, but of course it was bigger, since he’s a teenager. So then, Sandie said “Watch this,” and picked it up to put it in her mouth. She didn’t take long to suck it hard, so Davie jumped on the couch with me, and grabbed my breasts.

Not real hard, with his little hands, but I jumped. More surprised than anything, but I’d seen commercials for Girls Gone Wild. Mostly, I mean a lot of ads are sexy in some way, so I knew what sexy looked like, I’d just never felt it before, but when Seth’s cock popped up out of our big sister’s mouth, I giggled, and pulled Davie’s pants down.

His little boner popped up, and he stood on the couch cushions to wave it in my face. I had to shake my head to catch it, so I grabbed his buns, and pulled him dick first into my face. I sucked it, in and out like I saw Sandie do, and I guess I was just copying her? She’d been masturbating for years in the room, and also getting up in the middle of the night, but I hadn’t caught her in the boy’s room before.

It turns out she’d been sucking off Seth for years, ever since he quit shooting blanks, and Davie saw them together. I was oblivious, because they never did it in front of me, or even gave me a clue until Davie got a boner, and showed it off to all 3 of us.

Finally, Sandie sputtered, and shook her head, but slowly, she was grinning, and Seth was beating off right in her face. She sniffed, and licked her lips, then she wiped her eyes, and sucked it off her fingers. I pushed Davie off as soon as I saw Seth cumming, so I could ask “What’s that?”

“Sperm, didn’t they teach you that in sex-ed?” Seth went soft, so he pulled his underwear us so it flopped back in, and the lats drop just fell on his pant leg. Sandie sat back on the coffee table, but she was too busy wiping her face off, and sucking her fingers.

“Mh!” She obviously really loved the taste, so I shook my head.

“They don’t teach that until middle school, is that where she learned to suck dick?”

Sandie grinned, and shook her head.

“No,” Seth pointed, and tapped his chest. “I taught her.” Bragging, but it was a lie. Davie told me later, he started waking up with boners in the morning, and Sandie came in their room to touch him in bed. Not Davie, Seth because he had the bigger cock, and started getting hair on his balls.

I tried sucking Davie off, to taste his sperm, because Sandie hogged all of Seth’s load. Of course, Davie was still shooting blanks, and he could barely get it up in the first place, but he kept it up in my mouth for a good long time.

“Huh, yeah.” Sandie patted the back of my head, “Suck it, suck his dick faster. Faster!” She egged me on, and I bobbed my head up and down as fast as I could, but he kept slipping out. It popped up, and bumped my nose, so it gor wet with spit, and I even tried to stick it up my nose on accident, because Sandie was pushing my head down so fast.

Finally, Seth came back down, when I hadn’t even noticed he left, but he changed into his Pajama bottoms. He was topless, and he asked “Still going at it?” when he saw the 3 of us on the couch. “You better go get ready for bed.”

“Okay,” He keeps trying to be the man in charge, even though he’s not the oldest, but Sandie pulled up Davie’s pants, and took him upstairs. Later, Davie told me she sucked him off for the very first time that night, but Seth stopped me.

“Not you,” he patted my shoulder, “Not yet.” He felt down my back, and pulled out my training bra. “How do you unhook this?”

“Oh,” I pulled off my top, “You don’t it’s a training bra.” I showed him, and he helped me pull it off to feel me up, so he could get hard again. In my mouth, he must have dried it off after Sandie’s blowjob, when he went to put on his pajama bottoms, but he didn’t have on anything else. Not even underwear, or socks, so it was easy for him to just kick them off in the living room.

“Huh, get up here.” He picked me up, and set me down on the couch topless. So, he could help me out of the rest of my clothes, and really squeeze my little breasts. Of course, I wasn’t anywhere near Sandie’s C cups, but I was working on a couple of little handfulls. Seth’s hands weren’t that big, and let’s be honest, neither was his cock. He was just barely a teenager, but it was more than a mouthful for me.

“Huh, that’s good.” he pulled my head up, and his dick down to rub it with his fingers. Wet, and sloppy with my spit, he spit in his hand, and rubbed it in my crotch. Then, his fingers slipped up to spread me wide open, and wiggle one inside me. He stopped when he got to my virginity, and he never broke it. I had to find another boy to do that, but by then, I was a pretty good cock sucker, if I do say so myself.

I learned from the best, but first my big brother beat off all over my chest. So, I had to wipe it up off my breasts to suck it off my fingers, but he really got my nipples good. So, they were wet, and slippery to play with until they got dry, and sticky. So, I went up to take a shower, and put on some night clothes. Sandie was already in bed, playing with herself, so I closed the door.

Got in my bed in the dark, and put my knees up, to stretch the covers over them. Since Seth showed me how, now I had some idea how to do it. So, I held the covers up, and spit in my hand to get it wet again. I didn’t orgasm that night, but with a little practice, Davie learned how to lick me off with his tongue. We 69ed when he started growing as tall as me, and then he got even taller. Bigger, stronger, harrier, and he quit shooting blanks years ago.

We made sure he pulled out, but then his friends started coming over for after school gangbangs, and I’m not even sure how I get pregnant. I mean duh, obviously, but all the boys said “Not me,” and blamed each other. “I pulled out, it must have been Jonny,” or whatever.

So, we never did find out who the father was, but she had brown hair, and green eyes. My daughter, Jade. So, she couldn’t have been Davie’s, or even Seth’s, the had to be one of the Boy’s daughter, but that blew the whole thing wide open. So, mom, anddad found out about my afternoon gangbangs, while they’re away at work.

I didn’t tell on Sandie, Set, or Davie, though. No reason they have to get in trouble too, just because I’m such a slut, and middle school boys can’t control themselves. Oh well, at least I got being a mother out of the way when I was young, and I could work out to get my body back.

So, it all worked out all right, I guess.