Sleep over with 7 little girls (part 1/?)

My little sister Bella, she’s eight, has always been attached at my hip. And my mom encouraged it. She always made me drive Bella everywhere since I turned sixteen. The only thing I got in return was some gas money. After the First month though, I realized I actually could get more in return. At least more from Bella. See, Bella was on the swim team, so I had to take her to all of her practices and she insisted I help her shower afterwards. It was always the public shower so there were a lot of naked little girls just like my sister. After the First few times, I realized how much little girls turned me on and made my pussy wet. They had the smallest little boobs and pussies with no hair. My mouth watered looking at all of them. The best part was the moms never noticed me looking at their daughters, but their moms were also the worst part. Their moms never left them alone so I could touch them and get to know them. I had already been touching my sister for the past month, and she loved it. She would even come into my room at night and ask me to touch her. It was heaven. Of course I loved my sister’s pussy, but I wanted more. Then the idea hit me, a sleepover. I could have Bella invite them all over and tell them that in order to swim in our pool at home they had to be naked. The second one was alone with me I could teach her how to feel so good. It was the perfect plan, especially since my mom and dad were going out of town for a week in 8 days. It was just enough time to plan. When we got home I told Bella the plan, and she was skeptical because she thought I wouldn’t touch her after that night. I of course told her I still would, and if everything worked out how I wanted the night to go, she would be touched twice as much as before. She seemed to like that idea. After three days she had gotten 6 girls to agree to come. My mouth watered, six little girls in my house. Six little naked girls perfect for me to touch. Bella told me she came up with a plan to let me see them naked all night, she said we could pretend we never wear clothes in the house and guests can’t either. She was brilliant.

When the day finally rolled around, I was ecstatic. I was so wet just thinking about all of them. They showed up one by one, and the later they showed up the more willing they were to take of their clothes, probably peer pressure. They sat in a circle in the living room, taking about one thing or another. I watched from the doorway, taking in their boobs. I wanted one right now. I just didn’t know how to get her alone. Then, as if being handed to me on a silver platter, a girl came up to me and asked where the bathroom was. As i led her to the farthest bathroom I conversed with her happily.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“April, why are we going upstairs for the bathroom?” She asked.
“Well April, we’ve been having trouble with the downstairs toilets and our parents didn’t want us to mess with them while they were gone.” I lied perfectly. She nodded and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door, but didn’t lock it. I waited until I heard the toilet flush before I came in. She started to panic, asking me a million questions a second. I covered her mouth gently after locking the door. I picked her up and set her on the counter. I started to rub her clit and she seemed to calm down slightly. “Let me make you feel good, if you don’t like it, you can go home.” I promised. She nodded slowly, seeming to like having her clit touched. I smiled and kissed her cheek before sliding my finger inside of her little pussy. She was so tight, I could barely get one finger in. She squeaked softly at first but she was calm. Soon I had two fingers in while I was rubbing her clit. She made soft little moans as she climaxed, squirting just a little bit onto my hand. “That wasn’t so bad was it?” I asked. She shook her head.
“It felt good.” She said softly. I smiled and helped her down.
“I’m so glad you felt good.” I got on my knees and pressed a small kiss to her lips. She giggled and hugged me. “Alice, I want to make all the other girls feel that good, will you help me and Bella convince them?” I asked. She nodded.
“Yes, they should get to feel good to.” She smiled. I now had two pawns in my hand. It was perfect. One down, five to go.

We returned to the girls and April sat next to Bella, smiling at her. Bella smiled back, knowing what had happened. They all decided to go swimming, but one girl was hesitant.
“I can’t swim without my hair braided.” She said, knowing the little girls didn’t know how to braid.
“My sister can braid!” Bella smiled, gesturing to me.
“Of course I do.” I smiled. Thank you Bella. “Come on, I have some hair ties in my room.” The little girl got up and followed me upstairs while everyone else went outside. I sat her down on my bed before sitting behind her with a hairbrush and hair ties. “What’s your name?” I asked, brushing her hair.
“Kim.” She said softly.
“That’s a very pretty name for a very pretty girl.” I complimented.
“T-Thank you.” I started to braid her hair, being very slow as I thought of how I wanted to touch her next. I glanced at my hair brush and smiled as the idea hit me. Once I finished I stood and looked at her from the front.
“Looks good.” I smiled. She grinned and was about to get up but I stopped her.
“I want to swim.” She said with a pout.
“You’ll get to swim.” I promised, grabbing my hair brush. “But I don’t do anything without a price.” I smiled, rubbing her hole with the end of the brush. Her eyes widened and she tried to move away. “Hang on.” I started.
“Don’t Touch me there! Mommy says no one can touch me there!” She said desperately.
“Not even to make you feel good?” I asked. She stopped.
“Feel good?” She asked.
“Very good.” I promised. She nodded reluctantly. I smiled and slid the end in. She moaned softly as I moved it in and out slowly. I started to finger myself while playing with her. Listening to her moans was like heaven on earth. I was growing closer to my orgasm, but she finished before me. I stopped fingering myself and slowly took the hair brush out before licking the end clean. She tasted like sweet candy.
“I want it again.” She said softly. I smiled before licking her clit once.
“Come over for another sleepover or find me later once I’ve touched the other girls.” I told her.
“Jamie’s a heavy sleeper.” She told me. “She only wakes up if you throw water on her.” I smiled and licked her clit again.
“Thank you Kim.” She smiled widely at me. “Know anything about the others?” I asked. She nodded.
“Gabbie likes make overs, and ummm..” she tried.
“It’s okay, you’ve helped me a lot.” I smiled before kissing her sweetly. “You’re such a Good Little Girl. Does your mom leave you alone at practice much?” I asked. She nodded.
“Most of the Time she does.” She confessed.
“Then join Bella in the shower next time, I’ll touch you then.” I promised. “Now go swim Kim, I’ll see you more later.” I smiled. She nodded before running off.

To be continued..