Spooge Fairy

I thought he was a man that worked at our school, but not a teacher, because then he’d be in class. Maybe the janitor?

He left a post-it note on the trashcan in the handicap stall. It said [Leave your panties if you want a baby.] The trashcan was full of tampons, and panty liners. Rolled up, or spread out like bloody butterflies.

It was gross, but I went in there to grunt, and poop. Then, I thought to move it, and saw a pair of underwear already behind it. Big girl panties, or at least too big for me to wear, and Code Red. So, I wiped, and got out a pair of gloves from my purse.

My mommy got them for me, just in case I had to touch something infected with Covid, but I forgot all about them. I didn’t want to touch some other girl’s underwear, so I put on rubber gloves, then picked them up. Sure enough, she cut the padding out, so there was just a little bit sticking out the pink piping around the leg holes.

I guess I should explain for the boys that don’t know this stuff, but pantie liners, and even tampons don’t work 100%. You have to get up, and walk around, so sometimes they leak. My mom had special burgundy underwear for that time of the month, so even if they do stain, it’s rust colored, so you can’t see them.

The first bell rang, so I put them back, and went to class. Then, I raised my hand, and said “I have to use the restroom.”

“You should have gone on lunch,” the teacher said, but I told her I didn’t have to go on lunch. Which was a big fat lie, but there was definitely something dirty going on, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. I waited until after 6 grade lunch, because they were such grown up panties, they even had a ribbon laced back and forth through the waistband, and a tiny little bow stitched to the front.

So, I bet she had a bra to match it, which means at least 4th grade, but I was guessing 6th. Sure enough, the panties were gone, but the sticky note was still there, and there was another pair, with peaches all over them. Just like the peach emoji, and if you don’t know what that means, look it up.

This pair was still wet, and I bet that wasn’t mayo, because 1: who puts that in their underwear, and B:

[Leave your panties if you want babies.] So, yeah. He ment puberty girls, with periods, and hairy snatches. I think I saw a curly hair stuck under a really big wad, so I rubbed them together, and sure enough. It was brown, but I couldn’t tell if it was his or her’s. It wasn’t very long, but it curled up a little.

I was just starting to feel hot, and sweaty in mine, for the first time. This isn’t middle school, so it was hard to believe that there was such secret sexy stuff going on here, right under my nose. I stuck the padded crotch in to wipe it, and pulled off my mask when I took them off. “Snh?”

Ew, pee. I usually wipe real good, but it was over an hour ago, so I honestly could remember if I wiped the front, or not. So, I put them back on, and went to class, but when I came back after school. It was really crowded, and smoky too. Can you believe that, the black girls, and latinas were holding cigarettes in 6 grade? Mostly, I saw Shawna, and she’s white, but she tries to act black, and she’s got long fingernails.

Finally, a girl came out of the handicap stall, and looked around. Which is suspicious, no girl looks around to see if someone noticed her coming out of the bathroom, unless she was doing something dirty in there. I checked quick, but the sticky note was gone, and there wasn’t any underwear behind it, but it was really full of gross bloody stuff.

So, I ran out, and looked back and forth until I saw her in the hall. She turned the corner, but then I realized she had on a peach color top. To match her panties, and maybe even her bra, I bet. I finally caught up at the outside door, and I asked her “Can you really get pregnant from your panties?”

She grabbed me, and pushed me back so hard, I thought she was going to hit me, so I put my hands up. “SH!” She practically bumped noses with me, and her eyes looked mad, but then she looked around, and shook her head. ‘i don’t know, but i don’t want to risk it.’

“I knew it, so that was your peaches underwear behind the trashcan.”

“Keep your voice down,” she looked around. “Okay, yeah, but I don’t put them on, or rub them in.” She looked down, “Down there.”

“What do you do with them then?”

She let me go, and sighed. “Huh, I don’t know. I guess I just kinda wanted to know what was going on, but I guess it’s pretty obvious.”

She walked back, muttering to herself, but far enough away from the other kids, so we could talk. Adult stuff, sexy stuff, and I never had an older friend to talk to, about that. Sometimes, I heard them talking outside the toilet stall, when I was in there to do my business. Mostly normal girl stuff, or school stuff, but sometimes.

I guess the older a girl gets, the more interested she is in boys, so the 4th, 5th, and 6 graders started playing FMK, and stuff like that, but we’re all virgins, of course. “Probably fap to it later,” she shrugged.

“I knew it!” She jumped, and turned around. “Don’t hit me!”

“I’m not going to hit you, but why are you following me, you think we’re friends now?”

“No, I just want to find out what’s going on, the same reason you left your panties. Oh.” She lied. Why would she wear the peaches on, and then decide to leave them for the spooge fairy. I giggled.


“He’s like the tooth fairy, only instead of leaving money under your pillow, he leaves a load in your underwear, behind the trashcan.”

She snorted, and shook her head, but she couldn’t keep a straight face. “There’s no such thing as a tooth fairy.”

“I know,” but there was a spooge fairy at our school. So, the next day, I took a pair of mommy’s underwear. The sexiest ones I could find, they were really lacy, and they had shear mesh on the inside, so you could see her hairy muff through them, but the lace isn’t too rough on her sensitive parts. I bet he’d leave a big load in them when he found them.

I wasn’t getting my period yet, so I can’t get pregnant, but that peaches pantie girl gave me an idea. It worked, but it wasn’t that fresh. It was a little cold, but still nice, and slippery. So, I could rub it in, and get my fingers wet to stick it in me, and pretend they’re a dick. I didn’t get off, but I bet if I keep doing it, I’ll get better at it.

That was the dirtiest thing, I’ve ever done, so far…


👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅