Stay out of her business

My daughter was filmed having sex with a much older guy, and people decided to stick their noses in. Fuck them all.

I despise people, I really do.

My daughter recently had her 11th birthday, she had a party, and she ended up wondering off in to the garage with a 21 year old brother of one of her friends, and they had sex, someone, who we haven’t yet been able to identify, had secretly recorded my daughter having sex with this boy and shared the video online and spread it around locally.

Since then my daughter has been teased, bullied, people look at her differently, giving her very dirty looks, calling her a “Slut” and “Slag” and “Whore”, and it’s not just other kids, no, it’s adults too, and that really enrages me.

I can understand the kids doing it, it’s what they do, it’s cruel, but it’s just the way they are, but adults? – How dare they speak and treat my daughter in such a way, who do they think they are, what my daughter does with her body is her choice and no one else’s.

Well, I gave them all a piece of my mind, told them to mind their own fucking business and stay out of her personal life.

My daughter should not be made to feel ashamed of herself, and what she chooses to do, she’s a human, she’s a person, and she’s doing what everyone does as they grow, who the fuck cares if she’s only 11 years old, if she feels ready to welcome cocks in to her pussy, then she is ready.

We have a nose and we use it to smell with, we have ears and we use them to hear, we have eyes and we use them to see, we have a mouth and we use it to taste, we have arms and we use them to feel, we have legs and we use them to walk, we have an ass and we use it to shit, and girls have a pussy… it is meant to be used for sex, that’s it purpose, that’s why we have one, so why do people get so disgusted when we use them?

A pussy is designed to accommodate a cock, that’s it purpose, my daughter has chosen to use her pussy for that which it was intended, if people have a problem with that, then they can go fuck themselves.

If my daughter wants to have sex, if she wants to screw every boy and man within a 1 mile radius, then I will support her in that, because it is her choice, it’s her body, she decides what to do with it.

Anyone who has a problem with that can kiss my ass.